ENTRY D4271 20221002 D138D427100000001 SUBENT D4271001 20221002 D138D427100100001 BIB 12 51 D427100100002 TITLE Investigation of alpha-induced reactions on 130Ba and D427100100003 132Ba and their importance for the synthesis of heavy D427100100004 p nuclei D427100100005 AUTHOR (Z.Halasz, Gy.Gyurky, J.Farkas, Zs.Fulop, T.Szucs, D427100100006 E.Somorjai) D427100100007 INSTITUTE (3HUNDEB) D427100100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,85,025804,2012) D427100100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.85.025804 D427100100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) D427100100011 SAMPLE Enriched 130Ba in BaCO3 form D427100100012 (56-BA-130,ENR=0.118) D427100100013 (56-BA-132,ENR=0.007) D427100100014 DETECTOR (HPGE) D427100100015 METHOD (ACTIV,SITA,GSPEC) D427100100016 The irradiation was done in vacuum at different D427100100017 bombarding energies. D427100100018 The time dependence of the beam current was recorded D427100100019 for long irradiations. D427100100020 The beam current was kept below 1 uA. D427100100021 The gamma measurements took place in a low background D427100100022 laboratory. D427100100023 The spectra were stored regularly, every 10 min in the D427100100024 first five hours and every hour afterward. D427100100025 The decay of the different isotopes was followed in D427100100026 this way and a half-life analysis guaranteed that no D427100100027 short- or long-lived isotopes gave contributions to D427100100028 the studied peaks. D427100100029 The target stability was continuously monitored by D427100100030 detecting the backscattered alpha particles with a D427100100031 particle detector built into the chamber. D427100100032 MONITOR No monitor reaction was applied. D427100100033 ANALYSIS (DECAY) D427100100034 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Quadratic sum of half of the target thickness D427100100035 and the uncertainty of the beam energy. The latter D427100100036 one being 0.3%. D427100100037 (ERR-T) The uncertainty of the cross-section values hasD427100100038 been calculated by using error propagation based on D427100100039 the following components: D427100100040 and D427100100041 The uncertainty of the 132Ba(a,n)135Ce cross section isD427100100042 somewhat higher owing to the large uncertainty (14%) D427100100043 of the 132Ba isotopic abundance in the enriched 130Ba D427100100044 material. D427100100045 (ERR-1) number of target atoms (8%) D427100100046 (ERR-2) detector efficiency (5%) D427100100047 (ERR-3) beam current integration (3%) D427100100048 (ERR-5,,5.) summing correction factor (<=5%) D427100100049 (ERR-4,,15.) decay parameters (<=15%) D427100100050 (ERR-S,,15.) counting statistics (<=15%) D427100100051 HISTORY (20121126C) TS D427100100052 (20221002A) On. Major revision in 005. D427100100053 ENDBIB 51 0 D427100100054 COMMON 3 3 D427100100055 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 D427100100056 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D427100100057 8. 5. 3. D427100100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D427100100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 D427100199999 SUBENT D4271002 20221002 D138D427100200001 BIB 4 5 D427100200002 REACTION (56-BA-130(A,G)58-CE-134,,SIG) D427100200003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-134,75.9HR) D427100200004 (57-LA-134,6.67MIN,DG,604.7,0.0504) D427100200005 RAD-DET (57-LA-134,DG) D427100200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Rev.C85(2012)025804 D427100200007 ENDBIB 5 0 D427100200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D427100200009 DATA 4 10 D427100200010 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D427100200011 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B D427100200012 11.613 0.045 65.5 9.8 D427100200013 12.133 0.052 118.8 12.7 D427100200014 12.596 0.041 328. 48. D427100200015 13.080 0.042 410. 48. D427100200016 13.559 0.046 940. 67. D427100200017 14.024 0.060 1453. 108. D427100200018 14.509 0.061 2051. 187. D427100200019 14.995 0.061 2051. 146. D427100200020 15.509 0.048 1937. 142. D427100200021 15.998 0.049 1567. 114. D427100200022 ENDDATA 12 0 D427100200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D427100299999 SUBENT D4271003 20221002 D138D427100300001 BIB 3 5 D427100300002 REACTION (56-BA-130(A,N)58-CE-133-G,,SIG) D427100300003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-133-G,97.MIN,DG,79.9,0.159, D427100300004 DG,97.3,0.455, D427100300005 DG,557.3,0.114) D427100300006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Rev.C85(2012)025804 D427100300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D427100300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D427100300009 DATA 4 9 D427100300010 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D427100300011 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B D427100300012 12.051 0.083 411. 82. D427100300013 12.596 0.041 983. 145. D427100300014 13.080 0.042 2104. 310. D427100300015 13.559 0.046 6960. 1013. D427100300016 14.024 0.060 14502. 2111. D427100300017 14.509 0.061 23762. 3459. D427100300018 14.995 0.061 34611. 5041. D427100300019 15.509 0.048 37830. 5511. D427100300020 15.998 0.049 37941. 5524. D427100300021 ENDDATA 11 0 D427100300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 D427100399999 SUBENT D4271004 20221002 D138D427100400001 BIB 3 8 D427100400002 REACTION (56-BA-130(A,N)58-CE-133-M,,SIG) D427100400003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-133-M,5.326HR,DG,58.4,0.193, D427100400004 DG,130.8,0.180, D427100400005 DG,346.4,0.0417, D427100400006 DG,477.2,0.393, D427100400007 DG,689.5,0.0413, D427100400008 DG,784.5,0.0967) D427100400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Rev.C85(2012)025804 D427100400010 ENDBIB 8 0 D427100400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D427100400012 DATA 4 9 D427100400013 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D427100400014 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B D427100400015 12.051 0.083 249. 36. D427100400016 12.596 0.041 611. 68. D427100400017 13.080 0.042 1620. 181. D427100400018 13.559 0.046 5519. 613. D427100400019 14.024 0.060 10905. 1212. D427100400020 14.509 0.061 22563. 2506. D427100400021 14.995 0.061 36151. 4016. D427100400022 15.509 0.048 43548. 4837. D427100400023 15.998 0.049 44203. 4911. D427100400024 ENDDATA 11 0 D427100400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 D427100499999 SUBENT D4271005 20221002 D138D427100500001 BIB 4 8 D427100500002 REACTION (56-BA-130(A,N)58-CE-133,,SIG) D427100500003 COMMENT By Gy.Gyurkey (2022-08-31): D427100500004 Typo in Table III. 42651+/-5211 ub -> D427100500005 46325+/-5660 ub at Ec.m.=14.509 MeV D427100500006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Rev.C85(2012)025804 D427100500007 (DEP,D4271003) ground state production D427100500008 (DEP,D4271004) metastable state production D427100500009 HISTORY (20221002A) On. DATA(-ERR) corrected at 005. D427100500010 ENDBIB 8 0 D427100500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D427100500012 DATA 4 9 D427100500013 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D427100500014 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B D427100500015 12.051 0.083 660. 116. D427100500016 12.596 0.041 1594. 206. D427100500017 13.080 0.042 3724. 469. D427100500018 13.559 0.046 12479. 1549. D427100500019 14.024 0.060 25408. 3164. D427100500020 14.509 0.061 46325. 5660. D427100500021 14.995 0.061 70762. 8584. D427100500022 15.509 0.048 81378. 9803. D427100500023 15.998 0.049 82144. 9892. D427100500024 ENDDATA 11 0 D427100500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 D427100599999 SUBENT D4271006 20221002 D138D427100600001 BIB 3 4 D427100600002 REACTION (56-BA-132(A,N)58-CE-135,,SIG) D427100600003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-135-G,17.7HR,DG,265.6,0.418, D427100600004 DG,300.1,0.235) D427100600005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 4 of Phys.Rev.C85(2012)025804 D427100600006 ENDBIB 4 0 D427100600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D427100600008 DATA 4 9 D427100600009 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T D427100600010 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B D427100600011 12.051 0.083 815. 159. D427100600012 12.596 0.041 1800. 435. D427100600013 13.080 0.042 4520. 923. D427100600014 13.559 0.046 11900. 2194. D427100600015 14.024 0.060 21500. 3959. D427100600016 14.509 0.061 55100. 10115. D427100600017 14.995 0.061 82000. 15053. D427100600018 15.509 0.048 95400. 17513. D427100600019 15.998 0.049 111000. 20180. D427100600020 ENDDATA 11 0 D427100600021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 D427100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 D427199999999