ENTRY D4329 20230622 D139D432900000001 SUBENT D4329001 20230622 D139D432900100001 BIB 10 37 D432900100002 TITLE Measurements of 152Gd(p,g)153Tb and 152Gd(p,n)152Tb D432900100003 reaction cross sections for astrophysical g process D432900100004 AUTHOR (R.T.Gueray, N.Oezkan, C.Yalcin, T.Rauscher, D432900100005 Gy.Gyuerky, J.Farkas, Zs.Fueloep, Z.Halasz, E.Somorjai)D432900100006 INSTITUTE (2TUKKOC,2UK HFS,2SWTBAS,3HUNDEB) D432900100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,91,055809,2015) D432900100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) D432900100009 SAMPLE (64-GD-152,ENR=0.306) D432900100010 Isotopically enriched 152Gd targets were produced by D432900100011 vacuum evaporation onto high purity thin Al backings D432900100012 (2.5 um thick) using Gd2O3 powder. D432900100013 The thickness of the targets varied between D432900100014 0.220 mg/cm2 and 0.310 mg/cm2 determined by weight D432900100015 measurement. D432900100016 Targets with thickness of 0.310 mg/cm2 were also D432900100017 examined by Rutherford back scattering method. D432900100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) 100% relative efficiency HPGe detector equipped D432900100019 with 4pi, 10 cm thick Pb shielding. D432900100020 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC,EDEG,SITA,EXTB) D432900100021 During the irradiation the target stability was D432900100022 monitored by an ion-implanted Si detector at 165 deg D432900100023 relative to the beam direction. D432900100024 Typical beam current was 2 uA. D432900100025 After each irradiation the target was transported to a D432900100026 low-background counting setup. D432900100027 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Uncertainties in the effective center-of-mass D432900100028 energies calculated with the SRIM code based on the D432900100029 proton energy loss in the targets (0.08-0.4%) D432900100030 (ERR-T) Quadratic sums of the following errors: D432900100031 (ERR-1) gamma-detection efficiency (5%) D432900100032 (ERR-2) target thickness (~7%) D432900100033 (ERR-3,,3.) beam current integration (<3%) D432900100034 (ERR-4,0.4,9.) decay parameters (0.4-9%) D432900100035 (ERR-S,0.2,21.) counting statistics (0.2-21%) D432900100036 HISTORY (20150722C) MPT D432900100037 (20180523A) ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) corrected. D432900100038 (20230622A) VT+On. Revision in 003 D432900100039 ENDBIB 37 0 D432900100040 COMMON 2 3 D432900100041 ERR-1 ERR-2 D432900100042 PER-CENT PER-CENT D432900100043 5. 7. D432900100044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D432900100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 D432900199999 SUBENT D4329002 20180523 D117D432900200001 BIB 6 9 D432900200002 REACTION (64-GD-152(P,G)65-TB-153,,SIG) D432900200003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.34D,DG,212.0,0.310) D432900200004 MISC-COL (MISC) Beam energy in laboratory system D432900200005 INC-SPECT The EN-CM represents here effective center-of-mass D432900200006 energies, which are defined as the center-of-mass D432900200007 energies at which one-half of the reaction yield for D432900200008 the entire target thickness is obtained D432900200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Rev.C91(2015)055809 D432900200010 HISTORY (20180523A) On. EN -> MISC D432900200011 ENDBIB 9 0 D432900200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D432900200013 DATA 5 9 D432900200014 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MISC D432900200015 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MEV D432900200016 3.471 0.014 7.6 0.8 3.5 D432900200017 3.968 0.012 43.2 4.4 4.0 D432900200018 4.466 0.010 235. 26. 4.5 D432900200019 4.962 0.011 692. 65. 5.0 D432900200020 5.460 0.009 1277. 133. 5.5 D432900200021 5.956 0.009 1850. 178. 6.0 D432900200022 6.951 0.007 2796. 298. 6.5 D432900200023 7.447 0.006 3013. 356. 7.0 D432900200024 7.943 0.008 3875. 887. 7.5 D432900200025 ENDDATA 11 0 D432900200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 D432900299999 SUBENT D4329003 20230622 D139D432900300001 BIB 7 13 D432900300002 REACTION (64-GD-152(P,N)65-TB-152-G,,SIG) D432900300003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,271.08,0.086, D432900300004 DG,344.28,0.650) D432900300005 COMMENT By author: TALYS predicts the 152mTb decay contributionD432900300006 is less than 0.9%. D432900300007 MISC-COL (MISC) Beam energy in laboratory system D432900300008 INC-SPECT The EN-CM represents here effective center-of-mass D432900300009 energies, which are defined as the center-of-mass D432900300010 energies at which one-half of the reaction yield for D432900300011 the entire target thickness is obtained D432900300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Phys.Rev.C91(2015)055809 D432900300013 HISTORY (20180523A) On. EN -> MISC D432900300014 (20230622A) VT+On. COMMENT added. D432900300015 ENDBIB 13 0 D432900300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 D432900300017 DATA 5 6 D432900300018 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MISC D432900300019 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MEV D432900300020 4.962 0.011 60. 6. 5.0 D432900300021 5.460 0.009 875. 81. 5.5 D432900300022 5.956 0.009 4530. 413. 6.0 D432900300023 6.951 0.007 25915. 2365. 7.0 D432900300024 7.447 0.006 45739. 4174. 7.5 D432900300025 7.943 0.008 101314. 9241. 8.0 D432900300026 ENDDATA 8 0 D432900300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D432900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D432999999999