ENTRY D4426 20230424 D139D442600000001 SUBENT D4426001 20230424 D139D442600100001 BIB 10 30 D442600100002 TITLE Cross section measurement of the 12C(p,g)13N reaction D442600100003 with activation in a wide energy range D442600100004 AUTHOR (Gy.Gyurky,L.Csedreki,T.Szucs,G.G.Kiss,Z.Halasz, D442600100005 Zs.Fulop) D442600100006 INSTITUTE (3HUNDEB) D442600100007 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,59,59,2023) D442600100008 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00974-0 D442600100009 FACILITY (VDGT,3HUNDEB) D442600100010 SAMPLE Carbon targets were prepared by electron beam D442600100011 evaporation of graphite onto 0.5mm thick tantalum D442600100012 backings. Target thicknesses were measured with NuclearD442600100013 Resonant Reaction Analysis (NRRA) utilizing the narrow D442600100014 resonance in the 13C(p,g)14N reaction at D442600100015 Ep=1747.6+-0.9 keV. Thickness of 1.03E+18 and 1.52E+18 D442600100016 atoms/cm2 were obtained. D442600100017 DETECTOR (HPGE) D442600100018 METHOD (ACTIV) D442600100019 Proton stopping power in carbon was taken from the D442600100020 SRIM code. D442600100021 The maximum collected proton beam charge on one target D442600100022 was about 0.2C. D442600100023 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR)The energy of the primary beam vas determined D442600100024 to a precision of better than 1 keV. D442600100025 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty D442600100026 (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty D442600100027 (ERR-1) stopping power, (2.3%) D442600100028 (ERR-2) target thickness (5%) D442600100029 (ERR-3,,1.0) background correction (<<1%) D442600100030 (ERR-4) detector efficiency (5%) D442600100031 HISTORY (20230424C) st D442600100032 ENDBIB 30 0 D442600100033 COMMON 3 3 D442600100034 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-4 D442600100035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D442600100036 2.3 5.0 5.0 D442600100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D442600100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 D442600199999 SUBENT D4426002 20230424 D139D442600200001 BIB 4 5 D442600200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,G)7-N-13,,SIG) D442600200003 DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.965MIN,DG,511.,2.0) D442600200004 STATUS (TABLE,, Gy.Gyurky+,J,EPJ/A,59,59,2023) Table 1 D442600200005 MISC-COL (MISC1) Energy loss of protons in the C target. D442600200006 (MISC2) Effective bombarding energy. D442600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 D442600200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D442600200009 DATA 6 34 D442600200010 EN MISC1 MISC2 DATA ERR-S ERR-T D442600200011 KEV KEV KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B D442600200012 300.0 11.8 294.6 0.380 0.014 0.032 D442600200013 350.0 10.4 345.2 1.102 0.027 0.089 D442600200014 399.8 10.0 395.3 5.126 0.041 0.396 D442600200015 449.8 11.5 445.1 57.600 0.300 4.430 D442600200016 468.5 9.7 463.4 94.670 0.290 7.280 D442600200017 468.5 7.6 464.5 92.250 0.540 7.110 D442600200018 468.5 9.0 463.8 95.620 0.420 7.360 D442600200019 468.5 11.2 462.6 90.560 0.680 6.990 D442600200020 468.5 8.7 464.0 95.950 0.820 7.420 D442600200021 500.0 9.3 494.9 25.000 0.120 1.920 D442600200022 549.9 7.8 545.8 5.963 0.070 0.463 D442600200023 590.0 8.3 585.8 3.378 0.022 0.260 D442600200024 650.0 7.8 646.0 1.855 0.018 0.144 D442600200025 700.0 5.8 697.1 1.225 0.037 0.101 D442600200026 750.0 6.6 746.7 0.911 0.015 0.072 D442600200027 800.0 5.4 797.3 0.722 0.022 0.060 D442600200028 850.0 6.1 846.9 0.633 0.016 0.051 D442600200029 899.9 5.7 897.0 0.514 0.022 0.045 D442600200030 900.0 6.4 896.8 0.550 0.016 0.045 D442600200031 999.9 5.4 997.2 0.421 0.015 0.035 D442600200032 1000.0 4.7 997.6 0.467 0.018 0.040 D442600200033 1099.9 4.5 1097.7 0.417 0.019 0.038 D442600200034 1099.9 6.7 1096.6 0.442 0.013 0.036 D442600200035 1200.0 6.3 1196.8 0.444 0.018 0.039 D442600200036 1300.0 6.0 1297.0 0.555 0.017 0.046 D442600200037 1400.0 4.4 1397.8 0.797 0.036 0.071 D442600200038 1500.0 3.6 1498.1 1.567 0.055 0.132 D442600200039 1600.0 3.9 1598.1 4.156 0.088 0.331 D442600200040 1650.0 4.8 1647.7 12.430 0.100 0.960 D442600200041 1700.0 3.6 1698.2 35.590 0.420 2.770 D442600200042 1750.0 4.6 1747.6 7.262 0.079 0.563 D442600200043 1800.0 4.5 1797.7 2.985 0.097 0.249 D442600200044 1850.0 4.4 1847.8 1.847 0.041 0.148 D442600200045 1899.8 3.4 1898.0 1.535 0.040 0.125 D442600200046 ENDDATA 36 0 D442600200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D442600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D442699999999