ENTRY D4429 20240124 D142D442900000001 SUBENT D4429001 20240124 D142D442900100001 BIB 14 31 D442900100002 TITLE Deuteron and a-particle-induced nuclear reactions on D442900100003 45Sc: activation cross section measurement and thick D442900100004 target yield evaluation D442900100005 AUTHOR (M.Al-abiad,H.R.Hassan,A.H.M.Solieman,F.Ditroi, D442900100006 Z.A.Saleh) D442900100007 INSTITUTE (3EGYCAI,3HUNDEB) D442900100008 REFERENCE (J,IJP,97,2787,2023) D442900100009 #doi:10.1007/s12648-022-02574-y D442900100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) D442900100011 SAMPLE High purity natural Sc metalic foil. D442900100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) D442900100013 METHOD (ACTIV) Cross sections were measured by using charged D442900100014 particle activation method. D442900100015 (GSPEC) Activity measurement of the reaction products D442900100016 was done by Gamma-spectrometry based on HPGe detectors.D442900100017 (STTA) Stacked foil targets were irradiated with D442900100018 beam of 100 nA for 1 h. Primary energy was deduced D442900100019 from set-parameters of the cyclotron. D442900100020 (EDEG)Energy degradation was calculated by using the D442900100021 polynomial approximation of Andersen ad Ziegler. D442900100022 The activities of the produced radionuclides were D442900100023 measured nondestructively without chemical separation. D442900100024 MONITOR (22-TI-0(D,X)23-V-48,,SIG) D442900100025 (29-CU-0(A,X)31-GA-66,,SIG) D442900100026 MONIT-REF (,A.Hermanne+,J,NDS,148,338,2018) D442900100027 ADD-RES (THEO) The experimental results were compared to the D442900100028 result calculated by the TENDL and EMPIRE theoretical D442900100029 model codes. D442900100030 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty D442900100031 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Al-abiad+,J,IJP,97,2787,2023) Table 2 D442900100032 HISTORY (20240124C) ts D442900100033 ENDBIB 31 0 D442900100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 D442900100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 D442900199999 SUBENT D4429002 20240124 D142D442900200001 BIB 2 3 D442900200002 REACTION (21-SC-45(D,P)21-SC-46,,SIG) D442900200003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-G,83.79D,DG,889.277,0.99984, D442900200004 DG,1120.545,0.99987) D442900200005 ENDBIB 3 0 D442900200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D442900200007 DATA 3 8 D442900200008 EN DATA DATA-ERR D442900200009 MEV MB MB D442900200010 2.4 10.1 1.8 D442900200011 3.5 200.4 28.5 D442900200012 4.5 343.1 36.5 D442900200013 4.8 402.6 42.4 D442900200014 6.4 368.2 39.4 D442900200015 6.9 310.4 33.2 D442900200016 7.8 279.5 29.9 D442900200017 8.5 236.2 26.4 D442900200018 ENDDATA 10 0 D442900200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 D442900299999 SUBENT D4429003 20240124 D142D442900300001 BIB 2 4 D442900300002 REACTION (21-SC-45(A,N)23-V-48,,SIG) D442900300003 DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,15.974D,DG,944.129,0.0787, D442900300004 DG,983.525,0.9998, D442900300005 DG,1312.105,0.982) D442900300006 ENDBIB 4 0 D442900300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D442900300008 DATA 3 8 D442900300009 EN DATA DATA-ERR D442900300010 MEV MB MB D442900300011 7.5 150.1 18.3 D442900300012 9.4 351.0 39.6 D442900300013 14.8 391.2 44.2 D442900300014 16.3 272.1 30.8 D442900300015 16.7 267.8 30.2 D442900300016 17.7 179.8 20.5 D442900300017 18.1 184.1 20.8 D442900300018 19.4 119.1 13.5 D442900300019 ENDDATA 10 0 D442900300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 D442900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D442999999999