ENTRY D5006 20240216 D140D500600000001 SUBENT D5006001 20240216 D140D500600100001 BIB 11 22 D500600100002 TITLE Study of population of 116Sn states in (p,gamma) D500600100003 reaction D500600100004 AUTHOR (I.M.Vishnevsky, O.I.Davidovskaya, V.A.Zheltonozhsky, D500600100005 M.V.Strilchuk, P.N.Trifonov) D500600100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) D500600100007 REFERENCE (J,BAS,69,84,2005) D500600100008 (J,IZV,69,81,2005) Russ. original of BAS,69,84,2005 D500600100009 FACILITY (VDGT,4UKRIJD) D500600100010 SAMPLE Natural In (30 to 40 um thick) D500600100011 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB,GSPEC) D500600100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Two Ge detectors with efficiencies of 40 and D500600100013 30% relative to 3"x3" NaI(Tl) detector and energy D500600100014 resolution 2 keV for 60Co gamma rays. D500600100015 Detectors were placed under 100 degrees from one to D500600100016 other. D500600100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Mainly due to "thick" targets used D500600100018 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by V.A.Zheltonozhskyy D500600100019 HISTORY (20060609C) NK and MV D500600100020 (20070308U) SD: ref. added D500600100021 (20100623U) SD: in Subent 003 at line STATUS the D500600100022 opening parenthesis were moved to column 12 D500600100023 (20240216U) LV. TITLE corrected. D500600100024 ENDBIB 22 0 D500600100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 D500600100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 D500600199999 SUBENT D5006002 20060609 D047D500600200001 BIB 3 3 D500600200002 REACTION (49-IN-115(P,G)50-SN-116,,SIG) D500600200003 MONITOR (49-IN-115(P,G+N)50-SN-115,,SIG) D500600200004 MONIT-REF (C0529004,R.L.HERSHBERGER+,J,PR/C,21,896,198003) D500600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 D500600200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D500600200007 DATA 4 2 D500600200008 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT D500600200009 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MB D500600200010 3.5 0.5 0.1 D500600200011 4.0 0.9 0.1 2.39 D500600200012 ENDDATA 4 0 D500600200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D500600299999 SUBENT D5006003 20100623 D074D500600300001 BIB 5 11 D500600300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(P,G)50-SN-116,,SPC,,REL) D500600300003 FLAG (1.)Data were taken only from the spectrum of gg D500600300004 coincidences. D500600300005 (2.)Data were taken from a single g spectrum only. D500600300006 (3.)Data were taken both from the spectrum of gg D500600300007 coincidences and single g spectrum. D500600300008 ERR-ANALYS Accuracy for data (1.) about 10-15% D500600300009 Accuracy for data (2.) and (3.) less than 5-7%. D500600300010 STATUS (TABLE) Tab 1. D500600300011 HISTORY (20100623A) SD: at line STATUS the opening D500600300012 parenthesis were moved to column 12 D500600300013 ENDBIB 11 0 D500600300014 COMMON 1 3 D500600300015 EN D500600300016 MEV D500600300017 4.0 D500600300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D500600300019 DATA 3 22 D500600300020 E DATA FLAG D500600300021 KEV ARB-UNITS NO-DIM D500600300022 100. 14. 3. D500600300023 135. 3.4 3. D500600300024 407. 14.7 3. D500600300025 417. 13.1 3. D500600300026 503. 4.4 1. D500600300027 542. 6.0 3. D500600300028 641. 7.4 3. D500600300029 818. 10.8 3. D500600300030 930. 10. 3. D500600300031 972. 48. 3. D500600300032 1072. 12. 1. D500600300033 1097. 35. 3. D500600300034 1293. 100. 3. D500600300035 1416. 9. 3. D500600300036 1483. 10. 3. D500600300037 1633. 4. 1. D500600300038 1695. 14. 2. D500600300039 2027. 3.7 2. D500600300040 2112. 14.4 3. D500600300041 2455. 4.3 2. D500600300042 3321. 1.6 2. D500600300043 3899. 0.6 2. D500600300044 ENDDATA 24 0 D500600300045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 D500600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D500699999999