ENTRY D5009 20240216 D140D500900000001 SUBENT D5009001 20240216 D140D500900100001 BIB 10 23 D500900100002 TITLE Isobaric analog resonances in 22Ne(p,g)23Na reaction D500900100003 AUTHOR (A.N.Vodin, A.S.Kachan, L.P.Korda, V.M.Mishchenko, D500900100004 R.P.Slabospitsky, I.V.Ushakov, G.K.Khomyakov) D500900100005 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) D500900100006 REFERENCE (J,BAS,68,210,2004) D500900100007 (J,IZV,68,188,2004) Russ. original of BAS,68,210,2004 D500900100008 FACILITY (VDG,4UKRKFT) Electrostatic accelerator ESA-4, D500900100009 energy spread in beam 400 eV and proton current on D500900100010 target 10-15 uA D500900100011 SAMPLE Enriched 22Ne produced by hammering of 22Ne+ ions in D500900100012 Ta backing in electromagnetic separator. D500900100013 The target thickness of ~5 keV for 1.3 MeV protons. D500900100014 METHOD (GSPEC) D500900100015 DETECTOR (GELI) 63 cm3 and a resolution of 3.0 keV at 1.33 MeV, D500900100016 55 deg with respect to proton beam direction, D500900100017 shielded with Pb and Cu. D500900100018 The detector was calibrated using 27Al(p,gamma)28Si D500900100019 gamma rays at Ep=991.86(3) keV. D500900100020 (NAICR) 15 x 10 cm, for excitation function D500900100021 measurements and as monitor of gamma radiation D500900100022 ERR-ANALYS No information D500900100023 HISTORY (20061023C) UKRNDC D500900100024 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE: Eng. and Rus. ref. swapped. D500900100025 ENDBIB 23 0 D500900100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 D500900100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D500900199999 SUBENT D5009002 20061023 D054D500900200001 BIB 5 8 D500900200002 REACTION 1(10-NE-22(P,0),,WID/STR) D500900200003 2(10-NE-22(P,G),,WID) D500900200004 3(10-NE-22(P,0),,J) D500900200005 4(10-NE-22(P,0),,PTY) D500900200006 MONITOR (10-NE-22(P,0),,WID/STR) D500900200007 MONIT-REF (,J.Keinonen+,J,PR/C,15,579,1977) D500900200008 ADD-RES (STRUC) D500900200009 STATUS (TABLE) tbl.1 D500900200010 ENDBIB 8 0 D500900200011 COMMON 4 3 D500900200012 EN-RES-ERR EN-RES-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D500900200013 KEV KEV EV EV D500900200014 1. 1278. 21. 3. D500900200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D500900200016 DATA 8 25 D500900200017 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-MIN 2DATA 2DATA-ERR 2D500900200018 DATA 3DATA 4 D500900200019 KEV EV EV EV EV EV D500900200020 NO-DIM NO-DIM D500900200021 851. 14.0 0.5 3.5 3.0 D500900200022 1.5 1. D500900200023 920. 1.6 0.5 0.4 D500900200024 D500900200025 929. 1.3 0.4 0.3 D500900200026 1.5 1. D500900200027 948. 11.6 4.0 3.2 1.1 D500900200028 1.5 1. D500900200029 981. 0.7 0.4 0.1 D500900200030 3.5 D500900200031 1174. 1.1 0.3 D500900200032 D500900200033 1264. 2.0 0.6 1.0 0.3 D500900200034 0.5 -1. D500900200035 1278. 21. 2. 3.5 0.3 D500900200036 2.5 1.0 D500900200037 1312. 0.4 0.1 D500900200038 D500900200039 1438. 4.9 1.8 0.8 0.2 D500900200040 2.5 1.0 D500900200041 1503. 9. 3. 2.4 0.5 D500900200042 2.5 1.0 D500900200043 1593. 10. 3. 2.5 0.8 D500900200044 1.5 -1. D500900200045 1615. 2.1 0.5 1.1 0.3 D500900200046 0.5 -1. D500900200047 1623. 9. 2. 1.8 0.4 D500900200048 2.5 1.0 D500900200049 1631. 6.0 1.5 1.5 0.4 D500900200050 1.5 1. D500900200051 1721. 11.8 3.6 2.2 0.6 D500900200052 2.5 1.0 D500900200053 1835. 11. 3. 1.8 0.5 D500900200054 2.5 1.0 D500900200055 1906. 7.5 1.9 1.9 D500900200056 1. D500900200057 1967. 24. 3. 6.0 0.8 D500900200058 1.5 -1. D500900200059 1997. 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.1 D500900200060 1.5 -1. D500900200061 2066. 2.5 0.5 0.4 0.1 D500900200062 2.5 1.0 D500900200063 2120. 9.6 1.0 2.4 0.3 D500900200064 1.5 1. D500900200065 2122. 9.6 1.0 2.4 0.3 D500900200066 1.5 -1. D500900200067 2174. 12. 2. 3.0 0.6 D500900200068 1.5 -1. D500900200069 2209. 56. 6. 14. 4. D500900200070 1.5 1. D500900200071 ENDDATA 54 0 D500900200072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 D500900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D500999999999