ENTRY D5015 20240216 D140D501500000001 SUBENT D5015001 20240216 D140D501500100001 BIB 10 21 D501500100002 TITLE Structure of highly excited states of 5He nucleus D501500100003 AUTHOR (O.K.Gorpinich, O.M.Povoroznyk, A.A.Yachmenev) D501500100004 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) D501500100005 REFERENCE (J,BAS,69,841,2005) D501500100006 (J,IZV,69,745,2005) Russ. original of BAS,69,841,2005 D501500100007 FACILITY (ISOCY,4UKRIJD) U-240 D501500100008 SAMPLE Solid TiT target thick (2.7 mg/cm2) saturated by D501500100009 tritium in ratio 1:1 D501500100010 METHOD (EXTB,EDE) D501500100011 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,NAICR) Si surface barrier dE detector D501500100012 (400 um) and NaI(Tl) E detector (20 mm diameter and D501500100013 20 mm height) for single-charge product registration D501500100014 (TELES,SI) Si dE detectors (100 um) and E detectors D501500100015 (3 mm) for double-charge particle registration D501500100016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error D501500100017 HISTORY (20061106C) UKRNDC D501500100018 (20210927A) VS. SF3: D+D -> 2D in 002. D501500100019 SF7: the places of the first and second particles D501500100020 interchanged c.f. Memo CP-D/1014 in 003. ANG-SEC addedD501500100021 in subentries 002-003. D501500100022 (20240216U) LV. AUTHOR corrected. D501500100023 ENDBIB 21 0 D501500100024 COMMON 2 3 D501500100025 EN EN-ERR D501500100026 MEV MEV D501500100027 67.2 0.4 D501500100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D501500100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 D501500199999 SUBENT D5015002 20210929 D132D501500200001 BIB 6 15 D501500200002 REACTION (1-H-3(A,2D)1-H-3,,DA/DA/DE,D/D/D,REL) D501500200003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,2-HE-5) D501500200004 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) D501500200005 (ANG2,D) D501500200006 ADD-RES (STRUC)Energy and width of the hight excited D501500200007 states of 5He were obtained from deuteron-deuteron D501500200008 coincidence matrix and with the spectra shape analysis D501500200009 by using the Breit-Wigner formula: D501500200010 energy = (16.89+-0.10) MeV,width = (1.2+-0.70)MeV, D501500200011 energy = (19.05+-0.14) MeV,width = (0.69+-0.54)MeV, D501500200012 energy = (19.76+-0.16) MeV,width = (0.56+-0.81)MeV, D501500200013 energy = (20.00+-0.06) MeV,width = (0.16+-0.20)MeV. D501500200014 STATUS (APRVD,TABLE) Correspond to figure 3. D501500200015 HISTORY (20210927U) VS. SF3: D+D -> 2D c.f. Memo CP-D/1014 D501500200016 ANG-SEC added. D501500200017 ENDBIB 15 0 D501500200018 COMMON 2 3 D501500200019 ANG1 ANG2 D501500200020 ADEG ADEG D501500200021 15.0 15.0 D501500200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D501500200023 DATA 3 26 D501500200024 E-EXC DATA ERR-S D501500200025 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D501500200026 17.04 0.00949 0.00316 D501500200027 17.28 0.00876 0.00264 D501500200028 17.51 0.00735 0.00278 D501500200029 17.73 0.00713 0.00291 D501500200030 17.95 0.00386 0.00223 D501500200031 18.16 0.00136 0.00136 D501500200032 18.37 0.00714 0.00319 D501500200033 18.57 0.00444 0.00256 D501500200034 18.76 0.00611 0.00305 D501500200035 18.95 0.00627 0.00314 D501500200036 19.13 0.00963 0.00393 D501500200037 19.3 0.00656 0.00328 D501500200038 19.47 0.00501 0.00289 D501500200039 19.63 0.0102 0.00416 D501500200040 19.78 0.00864 0.00386 D501500200041 19.92 0.01052 0.0043 D501500200042 20.05 0.0089 0.00398 D501500200043 20.17 0.00722 0.00361 D501500200044 20.29 0.01645 0.00548 D501500200045 20.39 0.01111 0.00454 D501500200046 20.48 0.00563 0.00325 D501500200047 20.56 0.0057 0.00329 D501500200048 20.63 0.00576 0.00333 D501500200049 20.69 0.00778 0.00389 D501500200050 20.73 0.00197 0.00197 D501500200051 20.77 0.00201 0.00201 D501500200052 ENDDATA 28 0 D501500200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 D501500299999 SUBENT D5015003 20210929 D132D501500300001 BIB 6 16 D501500300002 REACTION (1-H-3(A,N+D)2-HE-4,,DA/DA/DE,D/A/D,REL) D501500300003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,2-HE-5) D501500300004 ANG-SEC (ANG1,D) D501500300005 (ANG2,A) D501500300006 ADD-RES (STRUC)Energy and width of the hight excited D501500300007 states of 5He were obtained from alpha-deuteron D501500300008 coincidence matrix and with the spectra shape analysis D501500300009 by using the Breit-Wigner formula: D501500300010 energy = (16.09+-0.34) MeV, width = (0.41+-0.37)MeV, D501500300011 energy = (18.94+-0.11) MeV, width = (0.75+-0.29)MeV, D501500300012 energy = (19.95+-0.10) MeV, width = (0.42+-0.37)MeV, D501500300013 energy = (20.73+-0.34) MeV, width = (0.15+-0.08)MeV. D501500300014 STATUS (APRVD,TABLE) Correspond to figure 2. D501500300015 HISTORY (20210927U) VS. The places of the first and second D501500300016 particles interchanged c.f. Memo CP-D/1014. D501500300017 ANG-SEC added D501500300018 ENDBIB 16 0 D501500300019 COMMON 2 3 D501500300020 ANG1 ANG2 D501500300021 ADEG ADEG D501500300022 15.0 27.5 D501500300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D501500300024 DATA 3 20 D501500300025 E-EXC DATA ERR-S D501500300026 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D501500300027 15.23 0.00351 0.00203 D501500300028 15.71 0.00235 0.00166 D501500300029 16.17 0.00592 0.00265 D501500300030 16.62 0.00119 0.00119 D501500300031 17.06 0.0012 0.0012 D501500300032 17.47 0.0012 0.0012 D501500300033 17.88 0.00121 0.00121 D501500300034 18.26 0.00606 0.00271 D501500300035 18.62 0.00733 0.00299 D501500300036 18.97 0.01472 0.00425 D501500300037 19.29 0.00738 0.00301 D501500300038 19.58 0.00863 0.00326 D501500300039 19.85 0.01112 0.00371 D501500300040 20.1 0.00866 0.00327 D501500300041 20.31 0.00741 0.00303 D501500300042 20.49 0.00123 0.00123 D501500300043 20.63 0.00857 0.00324 D501500300044 20.74 0.00969 0.00342 D501500300045 20.79 0.01545 0.00429 D501500300046 20.8 0.00461 0.00231 D501500300047 ENDDATA 22 0 D501500300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 D501500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D501599999999