ENTRY D5016 20240216 D140D501600000001 SUBENT D5016001 20240216 D140D501600100001 BIB 10 28 D501600100002 TITLE Resonance-like structure observed in 22Ne(p,g)23Na D501600100003 reaction D501600100004 AUTHOR (A.S.Kachan, I.S.Kovtunenko, I.V.Kurguz, D501600100005 V.M.Mishchenko, R.P.Slabospitsky) D501600100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) D501600100007 REFERENCE (J,BAS,70,860,2006) D501600100008 (J,IZV,70,751,2006) Russ. original of BAS,70,860,2006 D501600100009 FACILITY (VDG,4UKRKFT) Electrostatic accelerator ESA-5 D501600100010 SAMPLE Enriched 22Ne produced by hammering of 22Ne+ ions in D501600100011 Ta backing in electromagnetic separator. D501600100012 The target thickness corresponds to an energy loss of D501600100013 about 2 keV for protons at Ep=2 MeV. D501600100014 The target was placed in centre of rotation at angle D501600100015 45 degrees concerning proton beam direction. D501600100016 METHOD (GSPEC) D501600100017 DETECTOR (NAICR) for excitation function measurements and as D501600100018 monitor of gamma radiation. D501600100019 Located at the 2 cm distance from target at angle D501600100020 55 deg with respect to proton beam direction. D501600100021 The dimensions of the crystal was diameter 150x100 mm. D501600100022 (GELI) 60 cm3 and resolution of 4.0 keV at 1.33 MeV D501600100023 at angles of 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 deg. D501600100024 Located at the 7 cm distance from target. D501600100025 ERR-ANALYS No information D501600100026 HISTORY (20061023C) UKRNDC D501600100027 (20080821A) On. SF8: FCT -> RG in subent 002. D501600100028 (20140925U) On. REFERENCE: J,BAS,70,860,2006 added D501600100029 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE: Eng. and Rus. ref. swapped. D501600100030 ENDBIB 28 0 D501600100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 D501600100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 D501600199999 SUBENT D5016002 20080821 D063D501600200001 BIB 6 9 D501600200002 REACTION 1(10-NE-22(P,G),,WID/STR,,RG) D501600200003 2(10-NE-22(P,0),,J) D501600200004 3(10-NE-22(P,0),,PTY) D501600200005 MONITOR (10-NE-22(P,G),,WID/STR,,RG) D501600200006 MONIT-REF (,P.M.Endt,J,NP/A,521,1,1990) D501600200007 (,J.Keinonen+,J,PR/C,15,579,1977) D501600200008 ADD-RES (STRUC) D501600200009 STATUS (TABLE) tbl.2 D501600200010 HISTORY (20080821A) On. SF8: FCT -> RG D501600200011 ENDBIB 9 0 D501600200012 COMMON 3 3 D501600200013 EN-RES-NRM MONIT MONIT-ERR D501600200014 KEV EV EV D501600200015 1278. 21. 2. D501600200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D501600200017 DATA 5 6 D501600200018 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3 D501600200019 KEV EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM D501600200020 851. 13.6 0.8 1.5 1. D501600200021 948. 8.1 0.1 1.5 1. D501600200022 1593. 7.3 0.2 1.5 -1. D501600200023 1721. 6.9 0.1 2.5 1. D501600200024 1835. 10.5 0.2 2.5 1. D501600200025 1906. 7.5 1.9 2.5 1. D501600200026 ENDDATA 8 0 D501600200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D501600299999 SUBENT D5016003 20061120 D050D501600300001 BIB 2 2 D501600300002 REACTION (10-NE-22(P,G)11-NA-23,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS) D501600300003 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl.1 D501600300004 ENDBIB 2 0 D501600300005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D501600300006 DATA 6 87 D501600300007 EN E-LVL-INI E-LVL-FIN NUMBER DATA DATA-ERR D501600300008 KEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM D501600300009 851. 9.608 0.0000 2.0000 0.430 0.055 D501600300010 851. 9.608 0.0000 4.0000 0.059 0.049 D501600300011 851. 9.608 0.0000 6.0000 -0.055 0.051 D501600300012 851. 9.608 0.440 2.0000 -0.242 0.025 D501600300013 851. 9.608 0.440 4.0000 0.095 0.025 D501600300014 851. 9.608 0.440 6.0000 -0.056 0.026 D501600300015 851. 9.608 3.915 2.0000 -0.138 0.032 D501600300016 851. 9.608 3.915 4.0000 0.085 0.037 D501600300017 851. 9.608 3.915 6.0000 -0.050 0.034 D501600300018 851. 9.608 5.741 2.0000 -0.108 0.118 D501600300019 851. 9.608 5.741 4.0000 -0.033 0.119 D501600300020 851. 9.608 5.741 6.0000 -0.080 0.133 D501600300021 948. 9.701 0.0000 2.0000 0.312 0.037 D501600300022 948. 9.701 0.0000 4.0000 -0.070 0.037 D501600300023 948. 9.701 0.0000 6.0000 0.020 0.039 D501600300024 948. 9.701 0.440 2.0000 -0.005 0.034 D501600300025 948. 9.701 0.440 4.0000 -0.009 0.035 D501600300026 948. 9.701 0.440 6.0000 0.020 0.030 D501600300027 948. 9.701 2.640 2.0000 -0.702 0.001 D501600300028 948. 9.701 2.640 4.0000 -0.046 0.072 D501600300029 948. 9.701 2.640 6.0000 0.045 0.070 D501600300030 948. 9.701 2.982 2.0000 0.008 0.073 D501600300031 948. 9.701 2.982 4.0000 -0.097 0.0006 D501600300032 948. 9.701 2.982 6.0000 -0.068 0.084 D501600300033 948. 9.701 3.678 2.0000 0.423 0.052 D501600300034 948. 9.701 3.678 4.0000 -0.033 0.040 D501600300035 948. 9.701 3.678 6.0000 -0.015 0.053 D501600300036 948. 9.701 3.915 2.0000 -0.105 0.104 D501600300037 948. 9.701 3.915 4.0000 0.049 0.109 D501600300038 948. 9.701 3.915 6.0000 0.031 0.105 D501600300039 1593. 10.318 0.0000 2.0000 0.441 0.005 D501600300040 1593. 10.318 0.0000 4.0000 -0.061 0.074 D501600300041 1593. 10.318 0.0000 6.0000 0.025 0.001 D501600300042 1593. 10.318 0.440 2.0000 -0.116 0.046 D501600300043 1593. 10.318 0.440 4.0000 0.013 0.040 D501600300044 1593. 10.318 0.440 6.0000 -0.019 0.053 D501600300045 1593. 10.318 2.640 2.0000 -0.730 0.175 D501600300046 1593. 10.318 2.640 4.0000 0.159 0.152 D501600300047 1593. 10.318 2.640 6.0000 -0.125 0.145 D501600300048 1593. 10.318 2.982 2.0000 0.425 0.139 D501600300049 1593. 10.318 2.982 4.0000 0.004 0.122 D501600300050 1593. 10.318 2.982 6.0000 -0.072 0.136 D501600300051 1593. 10.318 3.848 2.0000 -0.267 0.157 D501600300052 1593. 10.318 3.848 4.0000 0.001 0.152 D501600300053 1593. 10.318 3.848 6.0000 -0.052 0.159 D501600300054 1593. 10.318 4.432 2.0000 -0.541 0.151 D501600300055 1593. 10.318 4.432 4.0000 0.102 0.140 D501600300056 1593. 10.318 4.432 6.0000 -0.079 0.125 D501600300057 1721. 10.440 0.0000 2.0000 0.250 0.132 D501600300058 1721. 10.440 0.0000 4.0000 -0.095 0.146 D501600300059 1721. 10.440 0.0000 6.0000 -0.092 0.130 D501600300060 1721. 10.440 0.440 2.0000 0.114 0.109 D501600300061 1721. 10.440 0.440 4.0000 -0.030 0.110 D501600300062 1721. 10.440 0.440 6.0000 -0.043 0.124 D501600300063 1721. 10.440 2.076 2.0000 -0.128 0.100 D501600300064 1721. 10.440 2.076 4.0000 -0.069 0.113 D501600300065 1721. 10.440 2.076 6.0000 0.056 0.117 D501600300066 1721. 10.440 2.982 2.0000 -0.302 0.044 D501600300067 1721. 10.440 2.982 4.0000 0.019 0.044 D501600300068 1721. 10.440 2.982 6.0000 -0.013 0.040 D501600300069 1835. 10.549 0.0000 2.0000 0.041 0.109 D501600300070 1835. 10.549 0.0000 4.0000 -0.011 0.117 D501600300071 1835. 10.549 0.0000 6.0000 -0.040 0.123 D501600300072 1835. 10.549 0.440 2.0000 -0.552 0.136 D501600300073 1835. 10.549 0.440 4.0000 0.054 0.123 D501600300074 1835. 10.549 0.440 6.0000 0.058 0.110 D501600300075 1835. 10.549 2.391 2.0000 -0.592 0.127 D501600300076 1835. 10.549 2.391 4.0000 0.109 0.119 D501600300077 1835. 10.549 2.391 6.0000 -0.077 0.001 D501600300078 1835. 10.549 2.982 2.0000 -0.091 0.105 D501600300079 1835. 10.549 2.982 4.0000 -0.079 0.117 D501600300080 1835. 10.549 2.982 6.0000 0.018 0.114 D501600300081 1835. 10.549 3.915 2.0000 -0.254 0.001 D501600300082 1835. 10.549 3.915 4.0000 0.026 0.001 D501600300083 1835. 10.549 3.915 6.0000 0.021 0.001 D501600300084 1835. 10.549 4.432 2.0000 -0.205 0.009 D501600300085 1835. 10.549 4.432 4.0000 0.103 0.092 D501600300086 1835. 10.549 4.432 6.0000 -0.087 0.095 D501600300087 1906. 10.617 0.440 2.0000 0.564 0.119 D501600300088 1906. 10.617 0.440 4.0000 -0.070 0.106 D501600300089 1906. 10.617 0.440 6.0000 -0.002 0.106 D501600300090 1906. 10.617 3.678 2.0000 -0.614 0.136 D501600300091 1906. 10.617 3.678 4.0000 -0.053 0.123 D501600300092 1906. 10.617 3.678 6.0000 0.109 0.111 D501600300093 1906. 10.617 3.915 2.0000 0.614 0.136 D501600300094 1906. 10.617 3.915 4.0000 0.091 0.110 D501600300095 1906. 10.617 3.915 6.0000 0.126 0.140 D501600300096 ENDDATA 89 0 D501600300097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 D501600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D501699999999