ENTRY D5019 20240216 D140D501900000001 SUBENT D5019001 20240216 D140D501900100001 BIB 10 16 D501900100002 TITLE Investigation of the ground and first exited states of D501900100003 the 5Li nucleus in the alpha+d system D501900100004 AUTHOR (O.K.Gorpinich, Vit.M.Pirnak, O.M.Povoroznyk, D501900100005 Yu.S.Roznyuk, B.G.Struzhko) D501900100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) D501900100007 REFERENCE (J,BAS,65,742,2001) D501900100008 (J,IZV,65,692,2001) Russ. original of BAS,65,742,2001 D501900100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,4UKRIJD) U-120 D501900100010 SAMPLE Deuterium-polyethylene (CD2)n, 400 ug/cm2 D501900100011 METHOD (EXTB,EDE) D501900100012 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SI) Two telescopes, each consisting of Si D501900100013 surface barrier dE detector (50 um) and E-detector D501900100014 (1200 um) D501900100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error D501900100016 HISTORY (20061123C) UKRNDC D501900100017 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE: Eng. and Rus. ref. swapped. D501900100018 ENDBIB 16 0 D501900100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 D501900100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 D501900199999 SUBENT D5019002 20061123 D050D501900200001 BIB 4 10 D501900200002 REACTION (1-H-2(A,N+P)2-HE-4,,DA/DA/DE,P/A/P,REL) D501900200003 ANG1 is angle between incident beam and alpha particle,D501900200004 ANG2 is angle between incident beam and proton. D501900200005 EN-SEC (E,P) D501900200006 ADD-RES (STRUC)Energy and width of the ground and first excitedD501900200007 states of 5Li were obtained with the spectra shape D501900200008 analysis by using the Breit-Wigner formula: D501900200009 E0=2.1(0.5)MeV,Wid0=1.3(0.5)MeV, J0=1.5;PTY=-1; D501900200010 E1=4.8(0.5)MeV,Wid1=2.0(0.5)MeV, J0=0.5;PTY=-1. D501900200011 STATUS (APRVD,TABLE) Correspond to figure 2. D501900200012 ENDBIB 10 0 D501900200013 COMMON 3 3 D501900200014 EN ANG1 ANG2 D501900200015 MEV ADEG ADEG D501900200016 27.2 22.25 18.9 D501900200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D501900200018 DATA 3 121 D501900200019 E DATA ERR-S D501900200020 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D501900200021 0.9 3. 2. D501900200022 1. 7. 3. D501900200023 1.1 21. 5. D501900200024 1.2 11. 3. D501900200025 1.3 16. 4. D501900200026 1.4 20. 4. D501900200027 1.5 21. 5. D501900200028 1.6 20. 4. D501900200029 1.7 26. 5. D501900200030 1.8 21. 5. D501900200031 1.9 36. 6. D501900200032 2. 14. 4. D501900200033 2.1 12. 3. D501900200034 2.2 25. 5. D501900200035 2.3 29. 5. D501900200036 2.4 22. 5. D501900200037 2.5 27. 5. D501900200038 2.6 39. 6. D501900200039 2.7 30. 5. D501900200040 2.8 57. 8. D501900200041 2.9 53. 7. D501900200042 3. 19. 4. D501900200043 3.1 34. 6. D501900200044 3.2 26. 5. D501900200045 3.3 12. 3. D501900200046 3.4 27. 5. D501900200047 3.5 37. 6. D501900200048 3.6 43. 7. D501900200049 3.7 52. 7. D501900200050 3.8 64. 8. D501900200051 3.9 62. 8. D501900200052 4. 56. 7. D501900200053 4.1 66. 8. D501900200054 4.2 66. 8. D501900200055 4.3 60. 8. D501900200056 4.4 84. 9. D501900200057 4.5 108. 10. D501900200058 4.6 82. 9. D501900200059 4.7 82. 9. D501900200060 4.8 93. 10. D501900200061 4.9 84. 9. D501900200062 5. 113. 11. D501900200063 5.1 108. 10. D501900200064 5.2 110. 10. D501900200065 5.3 121. 11. D501900200066 5.4 96. 10. D501900200067 5.5 119. 11. D501900200068 5.6 98. 10. D501900200069 5.7 153. 12. D501900200070 5.8 126. 11. D501900200071 5.9 157. 13. D501900200072 6. 127. 11. D501900200073 6.1 134. 12. D501900200074 6.2 157. 13. D501900200075 6.3 111. 11. D501900200076 6.4 145. 12. D501900200077 6.5 106. 10. D501900200078 6.6 134. 12. D501900200079 6.7 176. 13. D501900200080 6.8 110. 10. D501900200081 6.9 166. 13. D501900200082 7. 75. 9. D501900200083 7.1 151. 12. D501900200084 7.2 130. 11. D501900200085 7.3 97. 10. D501900200086 7.4 124. 11. D501900200087 7.5 89. 9. D501900200088 7.6 117. 11. D501900200089 7.7 107. 10. D501900200090 7.8 95. 10. D501900200091 7.9 107. 10. D501900200092 8. 98. 10. D501900200093 8.1 95. 10. D501900200094 8.2 105. 10. D501900200095 8.3 101. 10. D501900200096 8.4 95. 10. D501900200097 8.5 71. 8. D501900200098 8.6 103. 10. D501900200099 8.7 84. 9. D501900200100 8.8 124. 11. D501900200101 8.9 69. 8. D501900200102 9. 86. 9. D501900200103 9.1 58. 8. D501900200104 9.2 78. 9. D501900200105 9.3 145. 12. D501900200106 9.4 57. 8. D501900200107 9.5 106. 10. D501900200108 9.6 68. 8. D501900200109 9.7 79. 9. D501900200110 9.8 84. 9. D501900200111 9.9 61. 8. D501900200112 10. 118. 11. D501900200113 10.1 78. 9. D501900200114 10.2 80. 9. D501900200115 10.3 66. 8. D501900200116 10.4 77. 9. D501900200117 10.5 150. 12. D501900200118 10.6 47. 7. D501900200119 10.7 104. 10. D501900200120 10.8 78. 9. D501900200121 10.9 79. 9. D501900200122 11. 106. 10. D501900200123 11.1 83. 9. D501900200124 11.2 118. 11. D501900200125 11.3 82. 9. D501900200126 11.4 110. 10. D501900200127 11.5 98. 10. D501900200128 11.6 111. 11. D501900200129 11.7 117. 11. D501900200130 11.8 104. 10. D501900200131 11.9 144. 12. D501900200132 12. 89. 9. D501900200133 12.1 134. 12. D501900200134 12.2 132. 11. D501900200135 12.3 117. 11. D501900200136 12.4 109. 10. D501900200137 12.5 72. 8. D501900200138 12.6 63. 8. D501900200139 12.7 53. 7. D501900200140 12.8 23. 5. D501900200141 12.9 11. 3. D501900200142 ENDDATA 123 0 D501900200143 ENDSUBENT 142 0 D501900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D501999999999