ENTRY D5167 20240216 D140D516700000001 SUBENT D5167001 20240216 D140D516700100001 BIB 11 20 D516700100002 TITLE Elastic scattering of deuterons by strontium and tin D516700100003 isotopes D516700100004 AUTHOR (O.F.Nemets, F.Picard, L.I.Slyusarenko, D516700100005 V.V.Tokarevskii) D516700100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIFU) D516700100007 (2FR PAR) Joliot-Curie Laboratory, Orsay D516700100008 REFERENCE (J,JET,19,1279,1964) D516700100009 (J,ZET,46,1900,1964) Russ. original of JET,19,1279,1964D516700100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,4UKRIFU) D516700100011 SAMPLE . Polystyrene films impregnated with SrC03. D516700100012 . Free-standing Sn foils 3-4 mg/cm2 thick with 90% D516700100013 enrichment. D516700100014 METHOD (EXTB) D516700100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) D516700100016 ADD-RES Two Rutherford ratio datasets on Fig.1 for which D516700100017 the target nuclides are not specified and cannot D516700100018 be compiled in EXFOR D516700100019 ERR-ANALYS No information D516700100020 HISTORY (20190131C) UkrNDC D516700100021 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE: Eng. and Rus. ref. swapped. D516700100022 ENDBIB 20 0 D516700100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 D516700100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 D516700199999 ENDENTRY 1 0 D516799999999