ENTRY D5178 20191218 D125D517800000001 SUBENT D5178001 20191118 D125D517800100001 BIB 11 38 D517800100002 TITLE Energy distribution of deuterons from the breakup of D517800100003 3He nuclei by an alpha beam D517800100004 AUTHOR (O.F.Nemets,A.M.Yasnogorodskii,V.V.Ostashko, D517800100005 O.M.Povoroznik, V.N.Urin) D517800100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) D517800100007 REFERENCE (J,JEL,35,666,1982) English transl. of ZEP,35,537,1982 D517800100008 (J,ZEP,35,537,1982) in Russian D517800100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,4UKRIJD) D517800100010 SAMPLE (2-HE-3,ENR=0.98) A cylindrical gaseous target 50 mm D517800100011 in diameter, with an entrance section 100 mm long, D517800100012 was placed in a vacuum chamber. Entrance and exit D517800100013 windows for the beam and for the reaction products D517800100014 were fabricated from 2-mu-m nickel foil or 8-mu-m D517800100015 aluminum foil. The target was filled with gaseous 3He D517800100016 (98% enrichment) to a pressure of 200 Torr. D517800100017 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) Silicon semiconductor telescopes (the D517800100018 thickness of the deltaE spectrometer was 50 mu-m, and D517800100019 that of the E spectrometer could be varied to 4 mm). D517800100020 Collimation for the telescopes was provided by a D517800100021 system of rectangular slits, which set the aperture D517800100022 angle at +-0.4 degree. The energy resolution of the D517800100023 telescope for the deuterons was about 140 keV. D517800100024 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties D517800100025 ANALYSIS For determining the positions of the 5Li levels, the D517800100026 energy of the beam alpha particles at the center of D517800100027 the gaseous target was found experimentally within l% D517800100028 by comparing the kinematic curves Ep(theta) for the D517800100029 reactions 3He(alpha,p)6Li and 1H(alpha,p) , which D517800100030 were detected simultaneously with deuterons in the D517800100031 experiment. D517800100032 ADD-RES (STRUC) The 5Li ground state lies at E=1.93+-0.21 MeV D517800100033 and has a half-width 1.9+-0.25 MeV in the c.m. frame D517800100034 of the 4He+p pair; the first excited state of the D517800100035 nucleus 5Li lies at E=4.74+-0.22 MeV in the c.m. D517800100036 frame of the 4He+p pair. This position corresponds to D517800100037 an excitation energy E=2.82+-0.35 MeV in the 5Li D517800100038 nucleus with a half-width 1.64+-0.25 MeV. D517800100039 HISTORY (20191118C) UkrNDC D517800100040 ENDBIB 38 0 D517800100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 D517800100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 D517800199999 SUBENT D5178002 20191118 D125D517800200001 BIB 2 3 D517800200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(A,X)1-H-2,,DA/DE) D517800200003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from JETP Letters,35,666,1982 D517800200004 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. D517800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 D517800200006 COMMON 2 3 D517800200007 EN ANG D517800200008 MEV ADEG D517800200009 13.6 15. D517800200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D517800200011 DATA 2 90 D517800200012 E DATA D517800200013 MEV MB/SR/MEV D517800200014 3.8970 15.4674 D517800200015 4.1372 16.0738 D517800200016 4.1850 17.3194 D517800200017 4.3885 17.3273 D517800200018 4.4482 18.8719 D517800200019 4.5710 20.6180 D517800200020 4.6693 22.0148 D517800200021 4.8853 22.1228 D517800200022 5.1187 25.4154 D517800200023 5.2379 23.5793 D517800200024 5.3612 25.1263 D517800200025 5.4590 26.7222 D517800200026 5.6409 25.2367 D517800200027 5.7105 27.8763 D517800200028 5.8704 30.0715 D517800200029 5.9993 29.4298 D517800200030 6.1118 30.2302 D517800200031 6.2496 31.0813 D517800200032 6.3554 29.4934 D517800200033 6.5057 30.4445 D517800200034 6.6222 29.6530 D517800200035 6.7743 29.9077 D517800200036 6.8724 31.3543 D517800200037 7.0374 31.5100 D517800200038 7.1498 32.3601 D517800200039 7.2852 29.1315 D517800200040 7.4225 30.1817 D517800200041 7.6264 30.0901 D517800200042 7.7256 31.0890 D517800200043 7.8545 30.4472 D517800200044 7.9935 30.8506 D517800200045 8.1095 30.2581 D517800200046 8.2357 30.6611 D517800200047 8.4261 30.8675 D517800200048 8.4587 28.0329 D517800200049 8.6378 27.6916 D517800200050 8.7914 27.2996 D517800200051 8.9591 26.4106 D517800200052 9.0899 25.0226 D517800200053 9.1683 24.2297 D517800200054 9.3281 21.4498 D517800200055 9.4933 16.5309 D517800200056 9.5880 14.2958 D517800200057 9.7307 13.2565 D517800200058 9.8962 13.2132 D517800200059 10.0244 12.8202 D517800200060 10.0266 11.9745 D517800200061 10.1196 10.4358 D517800200062 10.3068 11.8859 D517800200063 10.4056 13.0340 D517800200064 10.5485 11.8953 D517800200065 10.6846 13.4429 D517800200066 10.8088 14.6418 D517800200067 10.9515 13.5528 D517800200068 11.0898 14.2049 D517800200069 11.2154 14.8566 D517800200070 11.3147 15.8555 D517800200071 11.4142 16.7549 D517800200072 11.6052 16.7125 D517800200073 11.7696 17.1169 D517800200074 11.8567 17.8666 D517800200075 11.9822 18.5680 D517800200076 12.1459 19.2211 D517800200077 12.2302 21.1150 D517800200078 12.3840 20.6732 D517800200079 12.5758 20.3324 D517800200080 12.6753 21.2318 D517800200081 12.7729 22.8774 D517800200082 12.9145 22.2361 D517800200083 13.0575 21.0476 D517800200084 13.1996 20.2074 D517800200085 13.3301 18.9189 D517800200086 13.4636 16.4863 D517800200087 13.6075 14.9496 D517800200088 13.7272 12.9145 D517800200089 13.9090 11.4788 D517800200090 14.0413 9.4939 D517800200091 14.1466 8.1049 D517800200092 14.2008 6.8135 D517800200093 14.2536 6.0693 D517800200094 14.4446 6.0270 D517800200095 14.4985 4.8350 D517800200096 14.6915 3.9968 D517800200097 14.7960 2.9561 D517800200098 14.9508 2.1163 D517800200099 15.1420 1.9745 D517800200100 15.3338 1.6337 D517800200101 15.5004 1.1427 D517800200102 15.6918 0.9511 D517800200103 15.8329 0.5088 D517800200104 ENDDATA 92 0 D517800200105 ENDSUBENT 104 0 D517800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D517899999999