ENTRY D5196 20240312 D142D519600000001 SUBENT D5196001 20240312 D142D519600100001 BIB 9 27 D519600100002 TITLE The studies of the excitation functions of reactions D519600100003 with emission of gamma-quanta induced by protons with D519600100004 energy 200...1800 keV on nuclei of 10B and 11B D519600100005 AUTHOR (V.V.Levenets,O.P.Omelnik,A.O.Shchur) D519600100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) D519600100007 REFERENCE (J,VAT/I,3/139,7,2022) D519600100008 #doi:10.46813/2022-139-007 D519600100009 FACILITY (VDG,4UKRKFT)2 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator "Sokol" D519600100010 DETECTOR (GELI) The Ge(Li) detector, located in the horizontal D519600100011 plane at an angle of 0 deg. to the beam axis was used D519600100012 to register gamma-radiation with energies of D519600100013 400...5000 keV. The resolution of the Ge(Li) detector D519600100014 was 2.5 keV for gamma-quanta with an energy of D519600100015 1332 keV, and its efficiency was equivalent to 19%, D519600100016 relative to a 7.5 by 7.5 cm NaI(Tl) detector. D519600100017 (NAICR) The NaI(Tl) scintillation detector with a D519600100018 crystal volume of 160 cm3. NaI(Tl) , a large-volume D519600100019 detector, was also used to detect the high-energy D519600100020 gamma-radiation with energies of 4000...17000 keV D519600100021 NaI(Tl) detector was installed vertically above the D519600100022 target at an angle of 90 deg. relative to the D519600100023 direction of the proton beam. D519600100024 SAMPLE The target was prepared in the form of tablet from D519600100025 powder of boron of natural isotopic composition of D519600100026 9 mm in diameter and 2 mm of thickness. D519600100027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties D519600100028 HISTORY (20240312C) UkrNDC D519600100029 ENDBIB 27 0 D519600100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 D519600100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 D519600199999 SUBENT D5196002 20240312 D142D519600200001 BIB 2 2 D519600200002 REACTION (5-B-10(P,X)4-BE-7,PAR,MLT,G,TT/REL) D519600200003 STATUS (TABLE,,V.V.Levenets+,J,VAT/I,3/139,7,2022) Tab.2 D519600200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D519600200005 COMMON 1 3 D519600200006 E D519600200007 KEV D519600200008 429. D519600200009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D519600200010 DATA 3 33 D519600200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR D519600200012 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D519600200013 200. 0.3 0.03 D519600200014 250. 1.2 0.00 D519600200015 300. 3.4 0.09 D519600200016 350. 8.2 0.23 D519600200017 400. 15.5 0.54 D519600200018 450. 28.3 1.11 D519600200019 500. 51.7 1.66 D519600200020 550. 76.8 2.22 D519600200021 600. 126.0 4.72 D519600200022 650. 199.6 7.46 D519600200023 700. 314.2 12.33 D519600200024 750. 469.1 20.59 D519600200025 800. 661.1 28.58 D519600200026 850. 1310.0 58.08 D519600200027 900. 1514.0 60.90 D519600200028 950. 2008.1 91.59 D519600200029 1000. 3008.5 137.39 D519600200030 1050. 3799.5 174.75 D519600200031 1100. 5834.9 270.35 D519600200032 1150. 8166.7 378.57 D519600200033 1200. 11072.1 487.52 D519600200034 1250. 15163.9 668.86 D519600200035 1300. 20231.3 792.22 D519600200036 1350. 29431.0 1302.45 D519600200037 1400. 43102.9 1881.38 D519600200038 1450. 66864.5 2634.82 D519600200039 1500. 105665.0 4465.24 D519600200040 1550. 141004.1 6376.54 D519600200041 1600. 178549.8 7912.23 D519600200042 1650. 201771.3 9390.30 D519600200043 1700. 223961.7 10277.81 D519600200044 1750. 236773.3 11940.91 D519600200045 1800. 256097.2 7255.18 D519600200046 ENDDATA 35 0 D519600200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 D519600299999 SUBENT D5196003 20240312 D142D519600300001 BIB 2 3 D519600300002 REACTION (5-B-10(P,X)5-B-10,PAR,MLT,G,TT/REL) D519600300003 STATUS (TABLE,,V.V.Levenets+,J,VAT/I,3/139,7,2022) A part of D519600300004 Tab.3, correspoded to Fig.6 D519600300005 ENDBIB 3 0 D519600300006 COMMON 1 3 D519600300007 E D519600300008 KEV D519600300009 718. D519600300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D519600300011 DATA 3 13 D519600300012 EN DATA DATA-ERR D519600300013 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D519600300014 1200. 10. 3. D519600300015 1250. 13. 3. D519600300016 1300. 24. 3. D519600300017 1350. 46. 4. D519600300018 1400. 61. 8. D519600300019 1450. 115. 6. D519600300020 1500. 183. 9. D519600300021 1550. 245. 14. D519600300022 1600. 348. 15. D519600300023 1650. 533. 17. D519600300024 1700. 669. 23. D519600300025 1750. 919. 40. D519600300026 1800. 1196. 17. D519600300027 ENDDATA 15 0 D519600300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 D519600399999 SUBENT D5196004 20240312 D142D519600400001 BIB 2 2 D519600400002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,MLT,G,TT/REL) D519600400003 STATUS (TABLE,,V.V.Levenets+,J,VAT/I,3/139,7,2022) Tab.4 D519600400004 ENDBIB 2 0 D519600400005 COMMON 1 3 D519600400006 E D519600400007 KEV D519600400008 4439. D519600400009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D519600400010 DATA 3 20 D519600400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR D519600400012 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D519600400013 200. 44.06 0.19 D519600400014 250. 42.35 0.19 D519600400015 300. 42.11 0.19 D519600400016 350. 51.87 0.21 D519600400017 400. 58.21 0.22 D519600400018 400. 58.85 0.47 D519600400019 450. 73.95 0.52 D519600400020 500. 100.72 0.61 D519600400021 550. 137.11 0.71 D519600400022 600. 192.31 0.84 D519600400023 650. 337.24 2.05 D519600400024 700. 411.74 2.91 D519600400025 750. 493.27 3.18 D519600400026 800. 568.72 3.43 D519600400027 850. 633.68 3.62 D519600400028 900. 700.74 3.80 D519600400029 950. 765.64 3.97 D519600400030 1000. 810.88 4.09 D519600400031 1050. 868.83 4.24 D519600400032 1100. 920.00 4.36 D519600400033 ENDDATA 22 0 D519600400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 D519600499999 SUBENT D5196005 20240312 D142D519600500001 BIB 2 2 D519600500002 REACTION (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,MLT,G,TT/REL) D519600500003 STATUS (TABLE,,V.V.Levenets+,J,VAT/I,3/139,7,2022) Tab.5 D519600500004 ENDBIB 2 0 D519600500005 COMMON 1 3 D519600500006 E D519600500007 KEV D519600500008 16106. D519600500009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D519600500010 DATA 3 28 D519600500011 EN DATA DATA-ERR D519600500012 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS D519600500013 200. 0.83 0.03 D519600500014 250. 0.90 0.03 D519600500015 300. 1.27 0.03 D519600500016 350. 1.92 0.04 D519600500017 400. 3.43 0.03 D519600500018 450. 5.69 0.06 D519600500019 500. 9.22 0.08 D519600500020 550. 14.93 0.26 D519600500021 600. 21.71 0.32 D519600500022 650. 30.72 0.69 D519600500023 700. 43.03 1.07 D519600500024 750. 55.75 1.20 D519600500025 800. 78.75 1.49 D519600500026 850. 92.67 1.57 D519600500027 900. 112.72 1.72 D519600500028 950. 136.12 1.88 D519600500029 1000. 172.02 2.12 D519600500030 1050. 200.72 2.30 D519600500031 1350. 500.03 3.60 D519600500032 1400. 564.81 3.84 D519600500033 1450. 601.46 2.86 D519600500034 1500. 666.55 7.90 D519600500035 1550. 726.53 8.27 D519600500036 1600. 802.69 5.55 D519600500037 1650. 850.04 8.93 D519600500038 1700. 908.79 9.21 D519600500039 1750. 947.81 3.87 D519600500040 1800. 1024.19 6.63 D519600500041 ENDDATA 30 0 D519600500042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 D519600599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 D519699999999