ENTRY            D6007   20091104                             D070D600700000001 
SUBENT        D6007001   20091104                             D070D600700100001 
BIB                  7         17                                 D600700100002 
TITLE      Elastic scattering and fusion cross sections for       D600700100003 
           7Be,7Li+27Al systems.                                  D600700100004 
AUTHOR     (K.Kalita,S.Verma,R.Singh,J.J.Das,A.Jhingan,           D600700100005 
           N.Madhavan,S.Nath,T.Varughese,P.Sugathan,V.V.Parkar,   D600700100006 
           K.Mahata,K.Ramachandran,A.Shrivastava,A.Chatterjee,    D600700100007 
           S.Kailas,S.Barua,P.Basu,H.Majumdar,M.Sinha,            D600700100008 
           R.Bhattacharya,A.K.Sinha)                              D600700100009 
INSTITUTE  (3INDNSD,3INDTRM,3INDGUJ,3INDSAH)                      D600700100010 
           (3INDIND) Gurudas College, Kolkata ;                   D600700100011 
           UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata    D600700100012 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,73,(2),024609,2006)                            D600700100013 
METHOD     (EDE,BCINT) Beam current was measured by an electron-  D600700100014 
           suppressed Faraday cup at a distance of 1m from the    D600700100015 
           target position.                                       D600700100016 
STATUS     (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. S.Verma              D600700100017 
HISTORY    (20091104C) Compiled by Balbir Kaur, Jaspreet kaur and D600700100018 
           Babita Sharma from NIT Jalandhar 144011.               D600700100019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 D600700100020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700100021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 D600700199999 
SUBENT        D6007002   20091104                             D070D600700200001 
BIB                  8         31                                 D600700200002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(4-BE-7,SCT)13-AL-27,PAR,DA,,RTH)             D600700200003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDNSD) radioactive ion beam facility using 15  D600700200004 
           UD tandem accelerator                                  D600700200005 
INC-SOURCE The 7Be (T1/2 =53 days) beams produced through the     D600700200006 
           p(7Li,7Be)n reaction by bombarding a 12-mu-m           D600700200007 
           polypropylene [(CH2)n] foil mounted on a rotating      D600700200008 
           target system, with 7Li (3+) beams of Elab =21.5, 23,  D600700200009 
           and 25 MeV from a 15-UD Pelletron accelerator          D600700200010 
SAMPLE     High-purity (>99.99%) 27Al target, rolled down to      D600700200011 
           1-mg/cm2 thickness, was used for the measurements. The D600700200012 
           target was mounted on a target frame of 15-mm          D600700200013 
           diameter to avoid scattering from the frame.           D600700200014 
DETECTOR   (TELES,IOCH,PS) The large area telescopic detector     D600700200015 
           setup consisted of a delta E gas ionization chamber(IC)D600700200016 
           with axial field geometry and two E two-dimensional(2D)D600700200017 
           position-sensitive silicon detectors 50 mm x 50 mm     D600700200018 
           each were used.                                        D600700200019 
           (CSICR) The solid angles covered by the CsI (Tl)       D600700200020 
           detectors placed at 120, 130, 140, and 150 degrees     D600700200021 
           were 13.96, 12.26, 9.69, and 7.85 msr, respectively.   D600700200022 
           (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) Delta E - E Si telescope           D600700200023 
            (delta E = 300 mu-m, E = 2 mm) was mounted in the     D600700200024 
           7-Be production chamber at an angle of 30 degree with  D600700200025 
           respect to the beam direction to detect the elastic    D600700200026 
           recoil protons for the purpose of normalization.       D600700200027 
           (SI) Si-SB (500 mu-m) detector for counting 7Be        D600700200028 
           particles for the purpose of normalization checks.     D600700200029 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL1,4-BE-7)                                        D600700200030 
           (E-LVL2,13-AL-27)                                      D600700200031 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from Dr. K.Kalita           D600700200032 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S)   Statistical uncertainty                      D600700200033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 D600700200034 
COMMON               4          3                                 D600700200035 
E-LVL1     E-LVL1     E-LVL2     E-LVL2                           D600700200036 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV                              D600700200037 
 0.0         0.430      0.0        0.840                          D600700200038 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D600700200039 
DATA                 4         21                                 D600700200040 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                            D600700200041 
MEV        ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           D600700200042 
        17.      12.13     1.1629     0.1660                      D600700200043 
        17.      17.28     1.1863     0.1726                      D600700200044 
        17.      22.41     1.1311     0.1771                      D600700200045 
        17.      27.51     0.9833     0.1866                      D600700200046 
        17.      32.58     1.1063     0.1983                      D600700200047 
        17.      37.58     0.8124     0.2047                      D600700200048 
        17.      42.70     0.1250     0.0652                      D600700200049 
        19.      12.13     1.0100     0.1525                      D600700200050 
        19.      17.28     1.2116     0.1886                      D600700200051 
        19.      22.41     1.0121     0.1620                      D600700200052 
        19.      27.51     0.8491     0.1503                      D600700200053 
        19.      32.58     0.8345     0.1643                      D600700200054 
        19.      37.58     0.4277     0.0881                      D600700200055 
        19.      42.70     0.1526     0.0627                      D600700200056 
        21.      12.13     1.0150     0.1788                      D600700200057 
        21.      17.28     1.2266     0.2183                      D600700200058 
        21.      22.41     0.9781     0.2106                      D600700200059 
        21.      27.51     0.9434     0.2926                      D600700200060 
        21.      32.58     0.6126     0.2396                      D600700200061 
        21.      37.58     0.3969     0.2183                      D600700200062 
        21.      42.70     0.0735     0.0643                      D600700200063 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 D600700200064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 D600700299999 
SUBENT        D6007003   20091104                             D070D600700300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D600700300002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(4-BE-7,NON),,SIG,,,DERIV)                    D600700300003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDNSD) radioactive ion beam facility using 15  D600700300004 
           UD tandem accelerator                                  D600700300005 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The reaction cross sections obtained from the  D600700300006 
           Opt.Model analysis of the quasi-elastic data on        D600700300007 
           7Be + 27Al system                                      D600700300008 
STATUS     (TABLE)Data has been taken from Table 1.               D600700300009 
           (DEP,D6007002)                                         D600700300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D600700300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700300012 
DATA                 2          3                                 D600700300013 
EN         DATA                                                   D600700300014 
MEV        MB                                                     D600700300015 
        17.       772.                                            D600700300016 
        19.      1010.                                            D600700300017 
        21.      1105.                                            D600700300018 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D600700300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 D600700399999 
SUBENT        D6007004   20091104                             D070D600700400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 D600700400002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(4-BE-7,FUS),,SIG)                            D600700400003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDNSD) radioactive ion beam facility using 15  D600700400004 
           UD tandem accelerator                                  D600700400005 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The fusion cross sections obtained by          D600700400006 
           subtraction of the integrated one-proton (stripping)   D600700400007 
           transfer cross sections from the reaction cross        D600700400008 
           sections                                               D600700400009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1                                        D600700400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D600700400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700400012 
DATA                 3          3                                 D600700400013 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       D600700400014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D600700400015 
        17.       635.        76.                                 D600700400016 
        19.       858.        94.                                 D600700400017 
        21.       922.        92.                                 D600700400018 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 D600700400019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 D600700499999 
SUBENT        D6007005   20091104                             D070D600700500001 
BIB                  7         19                                 D600700500002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(3-LI-7,EL)13-AL-27,,DA,,RTH)                 D600700500003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)BARC-TIFR Pelletron, Mumbai.             D600700500004 
SAMPLE     Two self supported 27Al (99.99 % pure) targets of      D600700500005 
           thicknesses 86 and 691 mu-g/cm2 were used for elastic- D600700500006 
           scattering and fusion cross-section measurements,      D600700500007 
           respectively.                                          D600700500008 
           A 12C target of thickness 50 mu-g/cm2 was used for     D600700500009 
           energy calibration by use of the discrete alpha-peaks  D600700500010 
           from the 12C(7Li,4He)15N reaction.                     D600700500011 
INC-SOURCE 7Li beam (From BARC-Pelletron) at lab energy=10, 13,   D600700500012 
                                             16, 19 and 24 MeV    D600700500013 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SI,SI) A set of three deltaE - E Si detector    D600700500014 
           telescopes (10 mu-m + 300 mu-m, 35 mu-m + 2 mm,        D600700500015 
           25 mu-m + 2 mm) were used                              D600700500016 
           (SI) A Si detector of 2-mm thickness was kept at 30    D600700500017 
           degrees on another movable arm to monitor elastic      D600700500018 
           scattering.                                            D600700500019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S)   Statistical uncertainty                      D600700500020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from Dr. K.Kalita           D600700500021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 D600700500022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700500023 
DATA                 4         48                                 D600700500024 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                            D600700500025 
MEV        ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           D600700500026 
        10.      15.09     1.0056       0.16                      D600700500027 
        10.      21.35     1.0364       0.11                      D600700500028 
        10.      27.57     1.0426       0.10                      D600700500029 
        10.      39.90     1.0020       0.09                      D600700500030 
        10.      45.98     0.9100       0.06                      D600700500031 
        10.      51.99     0.8084       0.04                      D600700500032 
        10.      63.79     0.6570       0.03                      D600700500033 
        10.      69.56     0.5645       0.02                      D600700500034 
        13.      21.35     1.0715       0.13                      D600700500035 
        13.      27.57     0.9412       0.12                      D600700500036 
        13.      33.76     0.9813       0.11                      D600700500037 
        13.      33.90     0.7424       0.08                      D600700500038 
        13.      45.89     0.5228       0.04                      D600700500039 
        13.      51.99     0.3843       0.04                      D600700500040 
        13.      57.93     0.3100       0.03                      D600700500041 
        13.      63.79     0.2509       0.02                      D600700500042 
        16.      15.09     0.9410       0.11                      D600700500043 
        16.      21.35     0.8491       0.08                      D600700500044 
        16.      27.57     0.7618       0.07                      D600700500045 
        16.      32.53     0.5862       0.04                      D600700500046 
        16.      37.45     0.4218       0.04                      D600700500047 
        16.      42.34     0.3396       0.03                      D600700500048 
        16.      45.98     0.2228       0.03                      D600700500049 
        16.      51.99     0.1678       0.02                      D600700500050 
        16.      56.75     0.1473       0.02                      D600700500051 
        16.      61.46     0.1112       0.03                      D600700500052 
        16.      66.11     0.0889       0.01                      D600700500053 
        19.      15.09     1.0826       0.14                      D600700500054 
        19.      21.35     0.7806       0.11                      D600700500055 
        19.      27.57     0.5532       0.08                      D600700500056 
        19.      32.53     0.2802       0.05                      D600700500057 
        19.      37.45     0.2334       0.05                      D600700500058 
        19.      42.34     0.1448       0.04                      D600700500059 
        19.      45.98     0.1106       0.05                      D600700500060 
        19.      51.99     0.0884       0.04                      D600700500061 
        19.      56.75     0.0616       0.03                      D600700500062 
        19.      61.46     0.0418       0.02                      D600700500063 
        19.      66.11     0.0338       0.01                      D600700500064 
        24.      15.09     0.8000       0.11                      D600700500065 
        24.      21.35     0.5818       0.07                      D600700500066 
        24.      27.57     0.3099       0.06                      D600700500067 
        24.      33.76     0.2507       0.05                      D600700500068 
        24.      39.90     0.1514       0.03                      D600700500069 
        24.      45.98     0.0900       0.02                      D600700500070 
        24.      51.99     0.0514       0.02                      D600700500071 
        24.      57.93     0.0341       0.01                      D600700500072 
        24.      63.79     0.0242       0.01                      D600700500073 
        24.      69.56     0.0149       0.01                      D600700500074 
ENDDATA             50          0                                 D600700500075 
ENDSUBENT           74          0                                 D600700599999 
SUBENT        D6007006   20091104                             D070D600700600001 
BIB                  7         17                                 D600700600002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(3-LI-7,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)   fig.7              D600700600003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)BARC-TIFR Pelletron, Mumbai.             D600700600004 
SAMPLE     Two self supported 27Al (99.99 % pure) targets of      D600700600005 
           thicknesses 86 and 691 mu-g/cm2 were used for elastic- D600700600006 
           scattering and fusion cross-section measurements,      D600700600007 
           respectively.                                          D600700600008 
INC-SOURCE A 12C target of thickness 50 mu-g/cm2 was used for     D600700600009 
           energy calibration by use of the discrete alpha-peaks  D600700600010 
           from the 12C(7Li,4He)15N reaction.                     D600700600011 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SI,SI) A set of three deltaE - E Si detector    D600700600012 
           telescopes (10 mu-m + 300 mu-m, 35 mu-m + 2 mm,        D600700600013 
           25 mu-m + 2 mm) were used                              D600700600014 
           (SI) A Si detector of 2-mm thickness was kept at 30    D600700600015 
           degrees on another movable arm to monitor elastic      D600700600016 
           scattering.                                            D600700600017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from Dr.S.Verma             D600700600018 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S)  Statistical uncertainty                       D600700600019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 D600700600020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700600021 
DATA                 5        183                                 D600700600022 
EN         ANG        E          DATA       ERR-S                 D600700600023 
MEV        ADEG       MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV             D600700600024 
        10.        52.        3.5      0.307      0.052           D600700600025 
        10.        52.        4.5      2.333      0.246           D600700600026 
        10.        52.        5.5      4.137      0.400           D600700600027 
        10.        52.        6.5      5.496      0.513           D600700600028 
        10.        52.        7.5      5.209      0.489           D600700600029 
        10.        52.        8.5      3.948      0.384           D600700600030 
        10.        52.        9.5      2.593      0.269           D600700600031 
        10.        52.       10.5      1.648      0.185           D600700600032 
        10.        52.       11.5      0.954      0.120           D600700600033 
        10.        52.       12.5      0.591      0.083           D600700600034 
        10.        52.       13.5      0.369      0.059           D600700600035 
        10.        52.       14.5      0.227      0.042           D600700600036 
        10.        52.       15.5      0.106      0.025           D600700600037 
        10.        52.       16.5      0.079      0.021           D600700600038 
        10.        52.       17.5      0.044      0.015           D600700600039 
        10.        52.       18.5      0.015      0.008           D600700600040 
        10.        52.       19.5      0.012      0.007           D600700600041 
        10.        52.       20.5      0.006      0.005           D600700600042 
        10.        52.       21.5      0.003      0.002           D600700600043 
        10.       142.        5.5      0.906      0.105           D600700600044 
        10.       142.        6.5      0.836      0.098           D600700600045 
        10.       142.        7.5      0.590      0.074           D600700600046 
        10.       142.        8.5      0.372      0.052           D600700600047 
        10.       142.        9.5      0.242      0.052           D600700600048 
        10.       142.       10.5      0.177      0.031           D600700600049 
        10.       142.       11.5      0.123      0.024           D600700600050 
        10.       142.       12.5      0.071      0.016           D600700600051 
        10.       142.       13.5      0.047      0.013           D600700600052 
        10.       142.       14.5      0.021      0.008           D600700600053 
        10.       142.       15.5      0.013      0.006           D600700600054 
        10.       142.       16.5      0.004      0.003           D600700600055 
        10.       142.       17.5      0.002      0.002           D600700600056 
        13.        52.        3.5      0.794      0.098           D600700600057 
        13.        52.        4.5      2.328      0.235           D600700600058 
        13.        52.        5.5      4.152      0.387           D600700600059 
        13.        52.        6.5      5.941      0.529           D600700600060 
        13.        52.        7.5      6.145      0.548           D600700600061 
        13.        52.        8.5      5.261      0.477           D600700600062 
        13.        52.        9.5      4.058      0.380           D600700600063 
        13.        52.       10.5      2.889      0.283           D600700600064 
        13.        52.       11.5      1.910      0.199           D600700600065 
        13.        52.       12.5      1.232      0.139           D600700600066 
        13.        52.       13.5      0.780      0.096           D600700600067 
        13.        52.       14.5      0.499      0.068           D600700600068 
        13.        52.       15.5      0.309      0.048           D600700600069 
        13.        52.       16.5      0.167      0.031           D600700600070 
        13.        52.       17.5      0.110      0.023           D600700600071 
        13.        52.       18.5      0.049      0.014           D600700600072 
        13.        52.       19.5      0.027      0.009           D600700600073 
        13.        52.       20.5      0.013      0.006           D600700600074 
        13.        52.       21.5      0.011      0.006           D600700600075 
        13.        52.       22.5      0.007      0.004           D600700600076 
        13.       132.        6.5      1.648      0.170           D600700600077 
        13.       132.        7.5      1.911      0.192           D600700600078 
        13.       132.        8.5      1.405      0.148           D600700600079 
        13.       132.        9.5      0.959      0.109           D600700600080 
        13.       132.       10.5      1.681      0.083           D600700600081 
        13.       132.       11.5      0.432      0.058           D600700600082 
        13.       132.       12.5      0.292      0.043           D600700600083 
        13.       132.       13.5      0.205      0.034           D600700600084 
        13.       132.       14.5      0.111      0.022           D600700600085 
        13.       132.       15.5      0.037      0.011           D600700600086 
        13.       132.       16.5      0.029      0.009           D600700600087 
        13.       132.       17.5      0.014      0.006           D600700600088 
        13.       132.       18.5      0.011      0.005           D600700600089 
        13.       132.       19.5      0.001     3.E-04           D600700600090 
        16.        52.        3.5      0.868      0.101           D600700600091 
        16.        52.        4.5      1.908      0.193           D600700600092 
        16.        52.        5.5      4.259      0.387           D600700600093 
        16.        52.        6.5      6.621      0.575           D600700600094 
        16.        52.        7.5      7.538      0.646           D600700600095 
        16.        52.        8.5      7.046      0.608           D600700600096 
        16.        52.        9.5      5.494      0.486           D600700600097 
        16.        52.       10.5      4.522      0.408           D600700600098 
        16.        52.       11.5      3.346      0.313           D600700600099 
        16.        52.       12.5      2.489      0.242           D600700600100 
        16.        52.       13.5      1.714      0.177           D600700600101 
        16.        52.       14.5      1.176      0.129           D600700600102 
        16.        52.       15.5      0.792      0.094           D600700600103 
        16.        52.       16.5      0.425      0.058           D600700600104 
        16.        52.       17.5      0.298      0.044           D600700600105 
        16.        52.       18.5      0.177      0.031           D600700600106 
        16.        52.       19.5      0.142      0.026           D600700600107 
        16.        52.       20.5      0.063      0.015           D600700600108 
        16.        52.       21.5      0.054      0.014           D600700600109 
        16.        52.       22.5      0.023      0.008           D600700600110 
        16.        52.       23.5      0.020      0.008           D600700600111 
        16.        52.       24.5      0.006      0.004           D600700600112 
        16.       132.        7.5      2.392      0.231           D600700600113 
        16.       132.        8.5      1.873      0.188           D600700600114 
        16.       132.        9.5      1.317      0.139           D600700600115 
        16.       132.       10.5      0.881      0.100           D600700600116 
        16.       132.       11.5      0.682      0.082           D600700600117 
        16.       132.       12.5      0.427      0.057           D600700600118 
        16.       132.       13.5      0.274      0.041           D600700600119 
        16.       132.       14.5      0.187      0.031           D600700600120 
        16.       132.       15.5      0.104      0.021           D600700600121 
        16.       132.       16.5      0.053      0.013           D600700600122 
        16.       132.       17.5      0.031      0.010           D600700600123 
        16.       132.       18.5      0.015      0.006           D600700600124 
        16.       132.       19.5      0.007      0.004           D600700600125 
        16.       132.       20.5      0.005      0.003           D600700600126 
        16.       132.       21.5      0.003      0.003           D600700600127 
        19.        52.        3.5      0.397      0.052           D600700600128 
        19.        52.        4.5      2.054      0.200           D600700600129 
        19.        52.        5.5      3.910      0.351           D600700600130 
        19.        52.        6.5      5.820      0.502           D600700600131 
        19.        52.        7.5      6.693      0.570           D600700600132 
        19.        52.        8.5      6.498      0.554           D600700600133 
        19.        52.        9.5      5.204      0.453           D600700600134 
        19.        52.       10.5      4.345      0.385           D600700600135 
        19.        52.       11.5      3.353      0.306           D600700600136 
        19.        52.       12.5      2.350      0.224           D600700600137 
        19.        52.       13.5      1.837      0.182           D600700600138 
        19.        52.       14.5      1.343      0.139           D600700600139 
        19.        52.       15.5      0.783      0.089           D600700600140 
        19.        52.       16.5      0.591      0.071           D600700600141 
        19.        52.       17.5      0.412      0.054           D600700600142 
        19.        52.       18.5      0.243      0.036           D600700600143 
        19.        52.       19.5      0.174      0.029           D600700600144 
        19.        52.       20.5      0.133      0.024           D600700600145 
        19.        52.       21.5      0.060      0.014           D600700600146 
        19.        52.       22.5      0.046      0.012           D600700600147 
        19.        52.       23.5      0.015      0.006           D600700600148 
        19.        52.       24.5      0.012      0.005           D600700600149 
        19.        52.       25.5      0.006      0.004           D600700600150 
        19.        52.       26.5      0.002      0.001           D600700600151 
        19.       132.        6.5      2.384      0.225           D600700600152 
        19.       132.        7.5      3.014      0.276           D600700600153 
        19.       132.        8.5      2.287      0.216           D600700600154 
        19.       132.        9.5      1.670      0.165           D600700600155 
        19.       132.       10.5      1.219      0.127           D600700600156 
        19.       132.       11.5      0.914      0.099           D600700600157 
        19.       132.       12.5      0.635      0.074           D600700600158 
        19.       132.       13.5      0.389      0.050           D600700600159 
        19.       132.       14.5      0.272      0.039           D600700600160 
        19.       132.       15.5      0.117      0.021           D600700600161 
        19.       132.       16.5      0.100      0.019           D600700600162 
        19.       132.       17.5      0.049      0.009           D600700600163 
        19.       132.       18.5      0.022      0.009           D600700600164 
        19.       132.       19.5      0.008      0.004           D600700600165 
        19.       132.       20.5      0.006      0.003           D600700600166 
        19.       132.       21.5      0.003      0.002           D600700600167 
        24.        52.        4.5      1.737      0.190           D600700600168 
        24.        52.        5.5      3.387      0.333           D600700600169 
        24.        52.        6.5      5.229      0.485           D600700600170 
        24.        52.        7.5      6.654      0.599           D600700600171 
        24.        52.        8.5      6.605      0.596           D600700600172 
        24.        52.        9.5      5.906      0.599           D600700600173 
        24.        52.       10.5      5.572      0.513           D600700600174 
        24.        52.       11.5      4.652      0.438           D600700600175 
        24.        52.       12.5      3.935      0.378           D600700600176 
        24.        52.       13.5      3.083      0.307           D600700600177 
        24.        52.       14.5      2.538      0.260           D600700600178 
        24.        52.       15.5      1.812      0.197           D600700600179 
        24.        52.       16.5      1.260      0.146           D600700600180 
        24.        52.       17.5      1.098      0.131           D600700600181 
        24.        52.       18.5      0.674      0.090           D600700600182 
        24.        52.       19.5      0.488      0.070           D600700600183 
        24.        52.       20.5      0.361      0.057           D600700600184 
        24.        52.       21.5      0.345      0.055           D600700600185 
        24.        52.       22.5      0.251      0.044           D600700600186 
        24.        52.       23.5      0.175      0.034           D600700600187 
        24.        52.       24.5      0.121      0.026           D600700600188 
        24.        52.       25.5      0.099      0.023           D600700600189 
        24.        52.       26.5      0.059      0.017           D600700600190 
        24.        52.       27.5      0.019      0.008           D600700600191 
        24.       132.        5.5      3.197      0.329           D600700600192 
        24.       132.        6.5      3.142      0.324           D600700600193 
        24.       132.        7.5      2.467      0.265           D600700600194 
        24.       132.        8.5      1.920      0.216           D600700600195 
        24.       132.        9.5      1.411      0.161           D600700600196 
        24.       132.       10.5      1.146      0.143           D600700600197 
        24.       132.       11.5      0.853      0.114           D600700600198 
        24.       132.       12.5      0.578      0.085           D600700600199 
        24.       132.       13.5      0.379      0.063           D600700600200 
        24.       132.       14.5      0.224      0.043           D600700600201 
        24.       132.       15.5      0.110      0.027           D600700600202 
        24.       132.       16.5      0.072      0.021           D600700600203 
        24.       132.       17.5      0.031      0.013           D600700600204 
        24.       132.       18.5      0.017      0.009           D600700600205 
        24.       132.       19.5      0.007      0.005           D600700600206 
        24.       132.       20.5      0.003      0.002           D600700600207 
ENDDATA            185          0                                 D600700600208 
ENDSUBENT          207          0                                 D600700699999 
SUBENT        D6007007   20091104                             D070D600700700001 
BIB                  4         13                                 D600700700002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(3-LI-7,NON),,SIG,,,DERIV)                    D600700700003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)BARC-TIFR Pelletron, Mumbai.             D600700700004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The elastic-scattering angular distributions   D600700700005 
           were subjected to Optical Model (OM) analysis. The     D600700700006 
           alpha-evaporation spectra were reproduced with the     D600700700007 
           statistical model calculations, and the fusion cross   D600700700008 
           sections were extracted from them. The fusion cross    D600700700009 
           sections were also extracted by subtraction of the     D600700700010 
           integrated inelastic-scattering cross sections from    D600700700011 
           the reaction cross sections obtained from the OM fits  D600700700012 
           to the elastic-scattering data.                        D600700700013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3                                        D600700700014 
           (DEP,D6007005)                                         D600700700015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 D600700700016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700700017 
DATA                 2          5                                 D600700700018 
EN         DATA                                                   D600700700019 
MEV        MB                                                     D600700700020 
        10.       698.                                            D600700700021 
        13.  1.093E+03                                            D600700700022 
        16.  1.336E+03                                            D600700700023 
        19.  1.495E+03                                            D600700700024 
        24.  1.745E+03                                            D600700700025 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 D600700700026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 D600700799999 
SUBENT        D6007008   20091104                             D070D600700800001 
BIB                  5         19                                 D600700800002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(3-LI-7,FUS),,SIG)                            D600700800003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)BARC-TIFR Pelletron, Mumbai.             D600700800004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The fusion cross-sections were extracted       D600700800005 
           by subtraction of the integrated inelastic-scattering  D600700800006 
           cross sections from the reaction cross sections        D600700800007 
           obtained from the OM fits to the elastic-scattering    D600700800008 
           data.                                                  D600700800009 
FLAG       (1.) the fusion cross sections for 7Li + 27Al system   D600700800010 
                from the alpha-evaporation spectra in conjunction D600700800011 
                with the statistical model calculations by using  D600700800012 
                 the computer code PACE                           D600700800013 
           (2.) the fusion cross sections for 7Li + 27Al system   D600700800014 
                from quasi elastic                                D600700800015 
           (3.) The fusion cross-sections were extracted by       D600700800016 
                subtraction of the integrated inelastic-scatteringD600700800017 
                cross sections from the reaction cross sections   D600700800018 
                obtained from the OM fits to the elastic-         D600700800019 
                scattering  data.                                 D600700800020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3                                        D600700800021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 D600700800022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700800023 
DATA                 4         15                                 D600700800024 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             D600700800025 
MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM                           D600700800026 
       10.0      408.0       50.0        1.0                      D600700800027 
       10.0      352.0                   2.0                      D600700800028 
       10.0      486.0                   3.0                      D600700800029 
       13.0      736.0       88.0        1.0                      D600700800030 
       13.0      681.0                   2.0                      D600700800031 
       13.0      707.0                   3.0                      D600700800032 
       16.0      912.0      105.0        1.0                      D600700800033 
       16.0      842.0                   2.0                      D600700800034 
       16.0      858.0                   3.0                      D600700800035 
       19.0     1015.0      117.0        1.0                      D600700800036 
       19.0      953.0                   2.0                      D600700800037 
       19.0      924.0                   3.0                      D600700800038 
       24.0     1101.0      132.0        1.0                      D600700800039 
       24.0      996.0                   2.0                      D600700800040 
       24.0     1126.0                   3.0                      D600700800041 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 D600700800042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 D600700899999 
SUBENT        D6007009   20091104                             D070D600700900001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D600700900002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(3-LI-7,FUS),,SIG)                            D600700900003 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)BARC-TIFR Pelletron, Mumbai.             D600700900004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3                                        D600700900005 
           (DEP,D6007008)                                         D600700900006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D600700900007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D600700900008 
DATA                 3          5                                 D600700900009 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D600700900010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D600700900011 
       10.0      415.0       67.0                                 D600700900012 
       13.0      708.0       28.0                                 D600700900013 
       16.0      871.0       37.0                                 D600700900014 
       19.0      964.0       46.0                                 D600700900015 
       24.0     1074.0       69.0                                 D600700900016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 D600700900017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 D600700999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 D600799999999