ENTRY D6160 20120323 D082D616000000001 SUBENT D6160001 20120323 D082D616000100001 BIB 12 58 D616000100002 TITLE Fusion cross sections for the 9Be+124Sn reaction at D616000100003 energies near the Coulomb barrier D616000100004 AUTHOR (V.V.Parkar, R.Palit, Sushil K.Sharma, B.S.Naidu, D616000100005 S.Santra, P.K.Joshi, P.K.Rath, K.Mahata, D616000100006 K.Ramachandran, T.Trivedi, A.Raghav) D616000100007 INSTITUTE (3INDTAT) Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics; D616000100008 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education D616000100009 (3INDTRM) Nuclear Physics Division D616000100010 (3INDBDA) Department of Physics D616000100011 (3INDALU) Department of Physics D616000100012 (3INDIND) Department of Physics, University of Mumbai, D616000100013 Mumbai D616000100014 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,82,054601,2010) D616000100015 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.82.054601 D616000100016 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTRM) 14UD BARC-TIFR Pelletron accelerator D616000100017 SAMPLE 124Sn target of thickness 2.47 +/- 0.04 mg/cm2, which D616000100018 was measured using the Rutherford backscattering D616000100019 method. D616000100020 DETECTOR (GE) Two Compton suppressed clover detectors were D616000100021 placed outside the scattering chamber in the D616000100022 horizontal plane at a distance of 25 cm from the D616000100023 target center: one at 125 deg, for absolute cross- D616000100024 section estimation of various reaction channels, D616000100025 and the other at 90 deg, for identification of D616000100026 unshifted gamma lines. D616000100027 (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) Two charged-particle detector D616000100028 telescopes (DE = 20-30 um, E = 1000 um) were placed D616000100029 at angles 65 deg and 160 deg respectively. D616000100030 (SI) A monitor detector (=500 um) was placed at 30 deg.D616000100031 The solid angles of the telescopes and monitor detectorD616000100032 were deduced accurately by measuring elastic D616000100033 (Rutherford) scattering from a 209Bi target of known D616000100034 thickness (~300 ug/cm2) at Ebeam = 26 MeV. D616000100035 METHOD (COINC,GSPEC,EDE) Online gamma-ray measurement D616000100036 technique. D616000100037 The coincidence between the 125 deg clover detector D616000100038 and the particle telescopes (TAC1,TAC2) was recorded D616000100039 in the ADC. D616000100040 The FERA-based data acquisition system was used for D616000100041 high count rates. D616000100042 ANALYSIS For Xe-126,128,130 production, gamma-ray production D616000100043 cross sections were measured for various transitions D616000100044 in the ground-state rotational band, and then D616000100045 extrapolation to J=0 to get the corresponding ER D616000100046 cross sections. D616000100047 For Xe-129, cross sections were obtained using the D616000100048 measured intensities of the 11/2- state at 587 keV D616000100049 and normalizing them with the results of the channel D616000100050 from the statistical model PACE. D616000100051 Fusion cross section was derived from the sum of 3n, D616000100052 4n, 5n, a+2n cross sections normalized by the ratio D616000100053 of the sum to the fusion cross section obtained by D616000100054 the statistical model PACE. D616000100055 MONITOR (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,EL)50-SN-124,,DA,,RTH) D616000100056 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error D616000100057 HISTORY (20110405C) compiled by Megha Bhike D616000100058 (20110406R) Data were received from Dr.V.Parkar. D616000100059 (20120323U) On. Finalized D616000100060 ENDBIB 58 0 D616000100061 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 D616000199999 SUBENT D6160002 20120323 D082D616000200001 BIB 2 3 D616000200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,3N)54-XE-130,PAR,SIG,G) D616000200003 emission cross section for gamma transitions D616000200004 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.3 of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 D616000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000200007 DATA 4 8 D616000200008 EN E DATA ERR-S D616000200009 MEV MEV MB MB D616000200010 26.04 536.2 15.54 0.64 D616000200011 26.04 668.6 10.67 0.60 D616000200012 26.04 739.6 4.33 0.76 D616000200013 26.04 752.8 3.73 0.76 D616000200014 34.19 536.2 125.01 6.56 D616000200015 34.19 668.6 96.56 3.24 D616000200016 34.19 739.6 47.77 4.78 D616000200017 34.19 752.8 2.19 0.86 D616000200018 ENDDATA 10 0 D616000200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 D616000299999 SUBENT D6160003 20120323 D082D616000300001 BIB 2 3 D616000300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,3N)54-XE-130,,SIG,,,DERIV) D616000300003 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4 of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000300004 (DEP,D6160002) gamma production cross section D616000300005 ENDBIB 3 0 D616000300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000300007 DATA 3 13 D616000300008 EN-CM DATA ERR-S D616000300009 MEV MB MB D616000300010 23.33 6.71 0.46 D616000300011 24.28 18.54 0.64 D616000300012 25.23 35.05 0.99 D616000300013 26.18 63.67 1.69 D616000300014 27.13 87.38 4.38 D616000300015 28.08 122.29 2.83 D616000300016 29.03 123.58 2.89 D616000300017 29.98 130.00 3.27 D616000300018 30.93 129.64 3.25 D616000300019 31.88 130.34 6.56 D616000300020 32.82 119.99 1.69 D616000300021 33.77 107.00 4.38 D616000300022 34.71 99.44 2.83 D616000300023 ENDDATA 15 0 D616000300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 D616000399999 SUBENT D6160004 20120323 D082D616000400001 BIB 2 2 D616000400002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,4N)54-XE-129,,SIG,,,DERIV) D616000400003 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4 of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000400004 ENDBIB 2 0 D616000400005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000400006 DATA 3 13 D616000400007 EN-CM DATA ERR-S D616000400008 MEV MB MB D616000400009 23.33 2.86 0.65 D616000400010 24.28 4.92 0.80 D616000400011 25.23 11.02 0.64 D616000400012 26.18 24.14 2.42 D616000400013 27.13 39.68 2.73 D616000400014 28.08 74.84 1.21 D616000400015 29.03 116.44 6.69 D616000400016 29.98 175.00 13.76 D616000400017 30.93 233.02 20.20 D616000400018 31.88 300.00 4.54 D616000400019 32.82 390.00 9.93 D616000400020 33.77 461.00 33.15 D616000400021 34.71 526.82 42.41 D616000400022 ENDDATA 15 0 D616000400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D616000499999 SUBENT D6160005 20120323 D082D616000500001 BIB 2 2 D616000500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,X)52-TE-126,,SIG,,,DERIV) D616000500003 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4 of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000500004 ENDBIB 2 0 D616000500005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000500006 DATA 3 4 D616000500007 EN-CM DATA ERR-S D616000500008 MEV MB MB D616000500009 31.88 21.48 3.58 D616000500010 32.82 25.20 3.50 D616000500011 33.77 38.25 4.80 D616000500012 34.71 43.68 6.06 D616000500013 ENDDATA 6 0 D616000500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 D616000599999 SUBENT D6160006 20120323 D082D616000600001 BIB 2 2 D616000600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,5N)54-XE-128,,SIG,,,DERIV) D616000600003 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4 of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000600004 ENDBIB 2 0 D616000600005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000600006 DATA 3 3 D616000600007 EN-CM DATA ERR-S D616000600008 MEV MB MB D616000600009 32.82 3. 1.59 D616000600010 33.77 10.05 1.33 D616000600011 34.71 17.11 2.21 D616000600012 ENDDATA 5 0 D616000600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D616000699999 SUBENT D6160007 20120323 D082D616000700001 BIB 2 2 D616000700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(4-BE-9,FUS),,SIG,,,DERIV) D616000700003 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C82(2010)054601 D616000700004 ENDBIB 2 0 D616000700005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D616000700006 DATA 3 13 D616000700007 EN DATA ERR-S D616000700008 MEV MB MB D616000700009 25.02 10.1 0.8 D616000700010 26.04 24.3 1.1 D616000700011 27.06 47.3 1.2 D616000700012 28.08 89.6 3.0 D616000700013 29.10 129.3 5.3 D616000700014 30.12 200. 3. D616000700015 31.14 244. 7. D616000700016 32.16 322. 15. D616000700017 33.17 369. 21. D616000700018 34.19 437. 23. D616000700019 35.20 517. 11. D616000700020 36.22 584. 34. D616000700021 37.23 656. 43. D616000700022 ENDDATA 15 0 D616000700023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D616000799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 D616099999999