ENTRY D6211 20130617 D089D621100000001 SUBENT D6211001 20130617 D089D621100100001 BIB 11 30 D621100100002 TITLE Angular distributions and cross-sections of D621100100003 projectile-like fragments in the 19F+159Tb reaction D621100100004 AUTHOR (Amit Kumar, R.Tripathi, S.Sodaye, K.Sudarshan, D621100100005 P.K.Pujari) D621100100006 INSTITUTE (3INDTRM) D621100100007 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,49,3,2013) D621100100008 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2013-13003-2 D621100100009 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTRM) D621100100010 SAMPLE A self supporting Tb-159 foil of thickness 1.39 D621100100011 mg/cm2 having purity 99.9% D621100100012 METHOD (EDE) D621100100013 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) The lab angular distribution of PLFs D621100100014 was measured using two silicon detectors based D621100100015 Delta-E-E telescopes in the angular range of 30 - 100 D621100100016 degrees. The thickness of the Delta-E and E detectors D621100100017 was about 20 and 1000 um, respectively. Elastic D621100100018 scattering measurements were carried out in steps of 2 D621100100019 degree. The telescope detectors were energy calibrated D621100100020 using elastically scattered F-19 and Li-7 ions of D621100100021 different energy on Tb-159 and Nb-93 targets. A D621100100022 monitor detector was kept at 20 degree with respect to D621100100023 the beam direction to detect the elastically scattered D621100100024 beam particles. D621100100025 INC-SOURCE 100 MeV 19F beam. The average lab energy at the centre D621100100026 of the target was 98 MeV due to the energy loss in the D621100100027 target. D621100100028 STATUS (TABLE) D621100100029 HISTORY (20130617R) Numerical data is provided by R.Tripathi. D621100100030 (20130617C) by Abhijit Bhattacharyya, BARC, MUMBAI, D621100100031 INDIA D621100100032 ENDBIB 30 0 D621100100033 COMMON 1 3 D621100100034 EN D621100100035 MEV D621100100036 98. D621100100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D621100100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 D621100199999 SUBENT D6211002 20130617 D089D621100200001 BIB 5 14 D621100200002 REACTION (65-TB-159(9-F-19,EL)65-TB-159,,DA,,RTH) D621100200003 ANALYSIS Data of the monitor detector were used to normalize D621100200004 the count rates of the telescopes for the target D621100200005 thickness and beam intensity to obtain absolute D621100200006 differential cross-sections. The relative cross- D621100200007 section data of the telescopes in the flat region of D621100200008 forward angles was normalized to unity. D621100200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The uncertainty is due to counting statistics D621100200010 only as per the information obtained by authors. D621100200011 ADD-RES Elastic scattering data were fitted using the optical D621100200012 model code SNOOPY which gave grazing angle and total D621100200013 reaction cross-section as 82 degrees and 1066 mb D621100200014 respectively. D621100200015 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.1 of J,EPJ/A,49,3,2013. D621100200016 ENDBIB 14 0 D621100200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 D621100200018 DATA 3 20 D621100200019 ANG-CM DATA ERR-S D621100200020 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D621100200021 33.33931 0.94183 0.011 D621100200022 35.53937 0.96679 0.00984 D621100200023 38.83139 1.00188 0.01023 D621100200024 42.11298 1.00141 0.01159 D621100200025 45.38336 1.03744 0.01126 D621100200026 47.55703 1.04448 0.01151 D621100200027 49.72518 0.99223 0.00966 D621100200028 51.88761 0.99868 0.00783 D621100200029 54.04408 1.03816 0.00822 D621100200030 55.12 0.96627 0.01331 D621100200031 56.19444 1.0816 0.00822 D621100200032 57.26726 0.98644 0.01201 D621100200033 60.47604 0.99392 0.01242 D621100200034 63.66982 1.01942 0.01469 D621100200035 66.84808 1.1818 0.01579 D621100200036 68.95808 1.1228 0.01561 D621100200037 71.06076 0.92175 0.012 D621100200038 73.15606 0.79674 0.00883 D621100200039 75.24385 0.70671 0.00836 D621100200040 77.324 0.50759 0.00662 D621100200041 ENDDATA 22 0 D621100200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 D621100299999 SUBENT D6211003 20130617 D089D621100300001 BIB 4 9 D621100300002 REACTION (65-TB-159(9-F-19,X)ELEM,,DA) D621100300003 ANALYSIS From the particle identifier spectra of Projectile D621100300004 like Fragments (PLF) at different Laboratory angles, D621100300005 their angular distributions were obtained. The lab D621100300006 angular distributions were transformed to CM frame D621100300007 using kinetic energies in CM. D621100300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties, in general, are smaller D621100300009 than data points and mainly due to counting statistics.D621100300010 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.2 of J,EPJ/A,49,3,2013. D621100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 D621100300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 D621100300013 DATA 4 87 D621100300014 ELEMENT ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D621100300015 NO-DIM ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D621100300016 3. 34.14 0.5421 0.06302 D621100300017 3. 39.75 0.3956 0.04124 D621100300018 3. 45.33 0.3579 0.03615 D621100300019 3. 56.36 0.1472 0.00826 D621100300020 3. 56.36 0.1654 0.01697 D621100300021 3. 61.80 0.209 0.01062 D621100300022 3. 67.19 0.1089 0.00365 D621100300023 3. 72.53 0.09634 0.02337 D621100300024 3. 77.8 0.08976 0.01385 D621100300025 3. 77.8 0.09575 0.00203 D621100300026 3. 83.02 0.0536 0.00979 D621100300027 3. 88.18 0.04792 0.00999 D621100300028 3. 93.28 0.0201 0.000344 D621100300029 3. 98.31 0.03855 0.000549 D621100300030 3. 103.3 0.03225 0.00038 D621100300031 4. 33.8 0.34 0.05013 D621100300032 4. 39.36 0.2731 0.03441 D621100300033 4. 44.89 0.2214 0.02858 D621100300034 4. 55.83 0.1226 0.01465 D621100300035 4. 55.83 0.2091 0.01395 D621100300036 4. 61.23 0.205 0.01029 D621100300037 4. 66.59 0.09623 0.00303 D621100300038 4. 71.9 0.06824 0.0197 D621100300039 4. 77.16 0.05571 0.01093 D621100300040 4. 77.16 0.08347 0.00165 D621100300041 4. 82.36 0.06621 0.01088 D621100300042 4. 87.5 0.07921 0.01285 D621100300043 4. 92.59 0.07397 0.00242 D621100300044 4. 97.62 0.05389 0.000909 D621100300045 4. 102.6 0.0193 0.000176 D621100300046 5. 33.63 0.6978 0.07197 D621100300047 5. 39.17 0.7488 0.0571 D621100300048 5. 44.67 0.7482 0.05264 D621100300049 5. 55.57 0.4201 0.02717 D621100300050 5. 66.3 0.3551 0.03946 D621100300051 5. 71.59 0.3133 0.04225 D621100300052 5. 76.84 0.2486 0.02079 D621100300053 5. 76.84 0.3368 0.03402 D621100300054 5. 82.03 0.2561 0.02142 D621100300055 5. 87.17 0.2043 0.02064 D621100300056 5. 92.25 0.128 0.02937 D621100300057 5. 97.28 0.1256 0.01794 D621100300058 5. 102.2 0.1221 0.01617 D621100300059 6. 33.4 5.064 0.19448 D621100300060 6. 38.9 5.806 0.15944 D621100300061 6. 44.37 6.181 0.15171 D621100300062 6. 55.21 6.634 0.21445 D621100300063 6. 55.21 8.398 0.13699 D621100300064 6. 60.57 7.866 0.20143 D621100300065 6. 65.89 7.379 0.18014 D621100300066 6. 71.17 4.489 0.16012 D621100300067 6. 76.4 3.592 0.08671 D621100300068 6. 76.4 4.133 0.09425 D621100300069 6. 81.58 3.095 0.0745 D621100300070 6. 86.71 2.04 0.06523 D621100300071 6. 91.78 1.904 0.11338 D621100300072 6. 96.81 1.422 0.06036 D621100300073 6. 101.8 0.853 0.0427 D621100300074 7. 33.35 2.363 0.13293 D621100300075 7. 38.84 2.898 0.11272 D621100300076 7. 44.31 3.873 0.12015 D621100300077 7. 55.14 10.11 0.13365 D621100300078 7. 55.14 11.05 0.31155 D621100300079 7. 60.5 13.63 0.26522 D621100300080 7. 65.81 16.13 0.2664 D621100300081 7. 71.08 12.15 0.26351 D621100300082 7. 76.31 10.36 0.14733 D621100300083 7. 76.31 11.57 0.15773 D621100300084 7. 81.48 8.608 0.12425 D621100300085 7. 86.61 6.305 0.11469 D621100300086 7. 91.69 5.174 0.18694 D621100300087 7. 96.71 3.593 0.09592 D621100300088 7. 101.7 2.267 0.0696 D621100300089 8. 38.82 4.592 0.14192 D621100300090 8. 44.28 6.396 0.15445 D621100300091 8. 55.11 18.44 0.4025 D621100300092 8. 55.11 25.45 0.2121 D621100300093 8. 60.46 30.99 0.4 D621100300094 8. 65.78 40.98 0.4245 D621100300095 8. 71.05 34.38 0.44329 D621100300096 8. 76.27 24.47 0.22636 D621100300097 8. 76.27 29.89 0.25352 D621100300098 8. 81.44 21.38 0.19581 D621100300099 8. 86.57 14.37 0.17313 D621100300100 8. 91.65 9.202 0.24934 D621100300101 8. 96.67 5.915 0.12307 D621100300102 8. 101.6 3.496 0.08643 D621100300103 ENDDATA 89 0 D621100300104 ENDSUBENT 103 0 D621100399999 SUBENT D6211004 20130617 D089D621100400001 BIB 4 13 D621100400002 REACTION (65-TB-159(9-F-19,X)ELEM,,SIG) D621100400003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) In order to determine the cross-sections of D621100400004 PLFs, the plots of 2*pi*sin(thetaCM)*(d(sigma)/ D621100400005 d(omega))CM vs thetaCM were approximated as Gaussian D621100400006 distributions. The fitted Gaussian curves were D621100400007 integrated from 0 - 180 degree to obtain cross-sectionsD621100400008 of PLFs which is plotted in Fig. 3 against Z=3-8. D621100400009 GAUSSIAN function used for fitting is:(Area/(2*pi*sigmaD621100400010 *sigma))*exp(((x-x0)*(x- x0))/(2*pi*sigma*sigma)) D621100400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty on the cross-section data D621100400012 is due to the fitting error. D621100400013 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.3 of J,EPJ/A,49,3,2013. D621100400014 (DEP,D6211003) Angular distribution given. D621100400015 ENDBIB 13 0 D621100400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 D621100400017 DATA 3 6 D621100400018 ELEMENT DATA DATA-ERR D621100400019 NO-DIM MB MB D621100400020 3. 1.7884 1.72 D621100400021 4. 1.169 0.09 D621100400022 5. 4.62 1.16 D621100400023 6. 33.705 1.44 D621100400024 7. 54.44 2.057 D621100400025 8. 123. 6. D621100400026 ENDDATA 8 0 D621100400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D621100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 D621199999999