ENTRY D6248 20170307 D110D624800000001 SUBENT D6248001 20170307 D110D624800100001 BIB 11 23 D624800100002 TITLE Fission cross section and fragment angular D624800100003 distribution in gold fission induced by 55 MeV alpha D624800100004 particles using solid state nuclear track detectors D624800100005 AUTHOR (R.K.Jain, J.Rama Rao, S.K.Bose) D624800100006 INSTITUTE (3INDBHU) D624800100007 REFERENCE (J,PRM,39,85,1992) D624800100008 SAMPLE A self-supporting gold foil, 197Au of thickness D624800100009 3 mg/cm2 of 100% purity. D624800100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,3INDVEC) D624800100011 DETECTOR (SOLST,TRD) The detector foils (Lexan) were arranged D624800100012 at various angles from 10 t0 170 degree in a step of D624800100013 10 degree. The area over which fission tracks D624800100014 registered in each foil was 1.65 cm X 0.2 cm = 0.33 D624800100015 cm2, while Lexan foils were located at a distance 4.9 D624800100016 cm from the fissionable target. D624800100017 INC-SPECT Diameter of the alpha beam at the target is less than D624800100018 2 mm, and beam current is of the order of 50 nA. D624800100019 METHOD (BCINT,SITA) D624800100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in cross section is estimated to be D624800100021 about +/-20%. This error arises primarily due to D624800100022 target thickness. D624800100023 HISTORY (20170307C) Dr.E.M.L. Buam, St. Mary's College, D624800100024 Shillong, Meghalaya,India+BL. D624800100025 ENDBIB 23 0 D624800100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 D624800100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D624800199999 SUBENT D6248002 20170307 D110D624800200001 BIB 2 2 D624800200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(A,F),,SIG) D624800200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Pramana,39(1992)85 D624800200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D624800200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D624800200006 DATA 3 1 D624800200007 EN DATA DATA-ERR D624800200008 MEV MB MB D624800200009 55. 5.2 1.2 D624800200010 ENDDATA 3 0 D624800200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 D624800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D624899999999