ENTRY            D6400   20231025                             D139D640000000001 
SUBENT        D6400001   20231025                             D139D640000100001 
BIB                 11         32                                 D640000100002 
TITLE      12C(20Ne,16O)16O alpha-transfer reaction and           D640000100003 
           astrophysical S-factors at 300 keV                     D640000100004 
AUTHOR     (A.K.Mondal, C.Basu, S.Adhikari, C.Bhattacharya,       D640000100005 
            T.K.Rana, S.Kundu, S.Manna, R.Pandey, P.Roy, A.Sen,   D640000100006 
            J.K.Meena, A.K.Saha, J.K.Sahoo, D.Basak, T.Bar, H.Pai,D640000100007 
            A.Bisoi, A.K.Mitra, P.Biswas)                         D640000100008 
INSTITUTE  (3INDVEC,3INDSAH)                                      D640000100009 
           (3INDIND) Techno India University, Kolkata             D640000100010 
           (3INDIND) Homi Bhabha National Institute, Training     D640000100011 
            School Complex Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai                D640000100012 
           (3INDIND) Indian Institute of Engineering Science and  D640000100013 
           Technology, Shibpur, Howrah                            D640000100014 
REFERENCE  (J,IMP/E,30,2150039,2021)                              D640000100015 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3INDVEC) K130 room temperature Cyclotron        D640000100016 
SAMPLE     Self-supporting 12C foils of thickness 600 ug/cm2.     D640000100017 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SISD,SISD) The telescopes consisted of          D640000100018 
           deltaE - E setup with (50 mm X 50 mm) silicon strip    D640000100019 
           detectors (DE ~ 50 um and E ~ 500 um).                 D640000100020 
           The detector used to measure the cross section from    D640000100021 
           15 to 34 degrees.                                      D640000100022 
           (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) The other two telescopes were      D640000100023 
           DE ~ 15 um and E ~ 1000 um surface barrier detector.   D640000100024 
           The detector used to measure the cross section from    D640000100025 
           30 to 52 degrees.                                      D640000100026 
           The calibration of the telescope was done using        D640000100027 
           elastically scattered beam from the Au target of       D640000100028 
           thickness 230 ug/cm2 at higher energy, as well as a    D640000100029 
           229Th-alpha source at low energy.                      D640000100030 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  D640000100031 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D640000100032 
STATUS     Request sent to C.Basu from G.Mohanto (2021-11-26)     D640000100033 
HISTORY    (20231025C) VT+LV+On.                                  D640000100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 D640000100035 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D640000100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 D640000199999 
SUBENT        D6400002   20231024                             D139D640000200001 
BIB                  4         12                                 D640000200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(10-NE-20,8-O-16)8-O-16,PAR,DA)                 D640000200003 
LEVEL-PROP (8-O-16,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=0.0,PARITY=+1.)                 D640000200004 
           (8-O-16,E-LVL=6.1,SPIN=0.0,PARITY=+1.)                 D640000200005 
           (8-O-16,E-LVL=6.1,SPIN=3.0,PARITY=-1.)                 D640000200006 
           (8-O-16,E-LVL=7.0,SPIN=2.0,PARITY=+1.)                 D640000200007 
           (8-O-16,E-LVL=7.0,SPIN=1.0,PARITY=-1.)                 D640000200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error estimated to be 15%         D640000200009 
            - The energy uncertainty of the beam and detector     D640000200010 
            energy resolution.                                    D640000200011 
            - Target thickness uncertainty.                       D640000200012 
            - Beam current fluctuation and solid angle uncertaintyD640000200013 
STATUS     (CURVE,,A.K.Mondal+,J,IMP/E,30,2150039,2021) Fig.4     D640000200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 D640000200015 
COMMON               2          3                                 D640000200016 
EN         ERR-SYS                                                D640000200017 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               D640000200018 
       150.        15.                                            D640000200019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D640000200020 
DATA                 4         41                                 D640000200021 
E-LVL      ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         D640000200022 
MEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          D640000200023 
         0.     33.662  8.846E+00  2.146E+00                      D640000200024 
         0.     35.782  1.061E+00  6.327E-01                      D640000200025 
         0.     37.955  1.874E+00  4.160E-01                      D640000200026 
         0.     42.306  3.482E+00  8.824E-01                      D640000200027 
         0.     44.633  1.699E+00  3.089E-01                      D640000200028 
         0.     47.368  9.132E-01  2.836E-01                      D640000200029 
         0.     49.139  7.259E-01  4.265E-01                      D640000200030 
         0.     51.187  9.353E-01  4.264E-01                      D640000200031 
         0.     53.856  8.174E-01  1.257E-01                      D640000200032 
         0.     60.179  2.420E-01  1.616E-01                      D640000200033 
         0.     60.685  3.614E-01  1.029E-01                      D640000200034 
         0.     65.194  4.177E-01  1.292E-01                      D640000200035 
         0.     67.437  2.509E-01  8.239E-02                      D640000200036 
        6.1     33.586  6.549E+01  1.315E+01                      D640000200037 
        6.1     35.855  5.984E+01  1.075E+01                      D640000200038 
        6.1     38.059  3.909E+01  7.849E+00                      D640000200039 
        6.1     42.400  2.229E+01  4.070E+00                      D640000200040 
        6.1     44.735  1.916E+01  3.498E+00                      D640000200041 
        6.1     47.406  1.311E+01  2.630E+00                      D640000200042 
        6.1     49.209  9.971E+00  1.792E+00                      D640000200043 
        6.1     51.347  6.716E+00  2.393E+00                      D640000200044 
        6.1     54.152  4.594E+00  1.007E+00                      D640000200045 
        6.1     60.893  2.583E+00  9.205E-01                      D640000200046 
        6.1     65.501  1.227E+00  5.418E-01                      D640000200047 
        6.1     67.841  6.675E-01  2.638E-01                      D640000200048 
         7.     33.833  1.189E+02  3.123E+01                      D640000200049 
         7.     36.031  8.913E+01  1.546E+01                      D640000200050 
         7.     38.155  8.562E+01  1.796E+01                      D640000200051 
         7.     40.352  6.420E+01  1.348E+01                      D640000200052 
         7.     42.629  4.906E+01  1.219E+01                      D640000200053 
         7.     44.829  4.203E+01  7.860E+00                      D640000200054 
         7.     47.495  2.459E+01  3.876E+00                      D640000200055 
         7.     49.299  1.776E+01  3.895E+00                      D640000200056 
         7.     51.495  1.211E+01  3.009E+00                      D640000200057 
         7.     53.775  1.141E+01  6.270E+00                      D640000200058 
         7.     55.973  8.718E+00  4.289E+00                      D640000200059 
         7.     58.089  5.301E+00  2.312E+00                      D640000200060 
         7.     60.442  3.478E+00  2.281E+00                      D640000200061 
         7.     63.272  3.094E+00  1.020E+00                      D640000200062 
         7.     65.624  1.917E+00  1.111E+00                      D640000200063 
         7.     67.829  2.228E+00  1.160E+00                      D640000200064 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 D640000200065 
ENDSUBENT           64          0                                 D640000299999 
SUBENT        D6400003   20231025                             D139D640000300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 D640000300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,EP,SIG,,SFC,DERIV)                  D640000300003 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD)                                                D640000300004 
           (ANC)                                                  D640000300005 
ERR-ANALYS The uncertainties include both statistical and         D640000300006 
           systematic errors:                                     D640000300007 
            -Statistical error is about 10%                       D640000300008 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.K.Mondal+,J,IMP/E,30,2150039,2021) Table 5   D640000300009 
           (DEP,D6400002) 12C(20Ne,16O)16O angular differential   D640000300010 
            cross section                                         D640000300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D640000300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D640000300013 
DATA                 4          2                                 D640000300014 
EN         POLAR      DATA       DATA-ERR                         D640000300015 
KEV        NO-DIM     B*KEV      B*KEV                            D640000300016 
       300.         1.      79.18       26.6                      D640000300017 
       300.         2.      52.51       24.1                      D640000300018 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 D640000300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 D640000399999 
SUBENT        D6400004   20231025                             D139D640000400001 
BIB                  2          5                                 D640000400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(10-NE-20,X)8-O-16,,DA/DE)                      D640000400003 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Data request sent to C.Basu by G.Mohanto on    D640000400004 
            (2021-11-26) but without success.                     D640000400005 
           The digitalization of the spectrum shown in Fig.3 is   D640000400006 
           not feasible.                                          D640000400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 D640000400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D640000400009 
NODATA               0          0                                 D640000400010 
ENDSUBENT            9          0                                 D640000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D640099999999