ENTRY D6408 20230224 D138D640800000001 SUBENT D6408001 20230224 D138D640800100001 BIB 10 34 D640800100002 TITLE Measurement of fission excitation function for D640800100003 19F + 194,196,198Pt reactions D640800100004 AUTHOR (V.Singh, B R.Behera, M.Kaur, A.Jhingan, R.Kaur, D640800100005 P.Sugathan, D.Siwal, S.Goyal, K.P.Singh, S.Pal, D640800100006 A.Saxena, S.Kailas) D640800100007 INSTITUTE (3INDPUC,3INDNSD,3INDDLH,3INDTRM) D640800100008 (3INDIND) IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala D640800100009 (3INDIND) University of Mumbai, Mumbai D640800100010 REFERENCE (J,JP/G,48,075104,2021) D640800100011 REL-REF (M,,V.E.Viola+,J,PR/C,31,1550,1985) D640800100012 Measured fission fragment angular distributions were D640800100013 transformed to center of mass using Viola's systematicsD640800100014 for symmetric fission. D640800100015 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDNSD) 15UD Pelletron D640800100016 SAMPLE 194Pt, 196Pt and 198Pt rolled foils (enrichment > 95%) D640800100017 and thicknesses 1.75, 1.75 and 2.15 mg/cm2, D640800100018 respectively. D640800100019 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) The fission fragments were D640800100020 detected using three hybrid telescope detectors D640800100021 (delta E) followed by a silicon surface barrier D640800100022 detector (E). D640800100023 These detectors were positioned 28 cm away from the D640800100024 target on a moveable arm of the scattering chamber, D640800100025 with a collimator diameter of 10 mm and an angular D640800100026 separation of 12 degrees between two adjacent detectorsD640800100027 (SIBAR) Two Si surface barrier detectors were used to D640800100028 detect elastically scattered beam particles at D640800100029 +/- 10 degree with respect to the beam direction for D640800100030 monitoring and normalization purpose. D640800100031 ANALYSIS The measured fission fragment angular distributions D640800100032 were transformed to the center-of-mass system assuming D640800100033 Viola's systematics for symmetric fission. D640800100034 HISTORY (20220915R) Data received from Author D640800100035 (20230224C) VT+On. D640800100036 ENDBIB 34 0 D640800100037 NOCOMMON 0 0 D640800100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 D640800199999 SUBENT D6408002 20230224 D138D640800200001 BIB 3 3 D640800200002 REACTION (78-PT-196(9-F-19,F),,DA,FF,RSD) D640800200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty D640800200004 STATUS (TABLE) Fig.4 of J.Phys.G48(2021)075104 D640800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 D640800200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 D640800200007 DATA 4 42 D640800200008 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D640800200009 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM D640800200010 88.7 90.6 0.92936 0.01475 D640800200011 88.7 100.9 1.03694 0.01686 D640800200012 88.7 102.9 0.98259 0.01564 D640800200013 88.7 112.7 1.12011 0.02617 D640800200014 88.7 114.6 1.09017 0.01675 D640800200015 88.7 123.9 1.17557 0.01575 D640800200016 88.7 134.7 1.31974 0.01819 D640800200017 88.7 144.9 1.56372 0.01963 D640800200018 88.7 151.5 1.79662 0.02817 D640800200019 88.7 161.2 2.08496 0.03017 D640800200020 88.7 170.7 2.29568 0.03216 D640800200021 94.6 91. 1.00147 0.01347 D640800200022 94.6 103.3 1.07273 0.01402 D640800200023 94.6 113.1 1.14791 0.01063 D640800200024 94.6 115. 1.17297 0.01496 D640800200025 94.6 124.3 1.28391 0.01232 D640800200026 94.6 135. 1.51388 0.01541 D640800200027 94.6 145.2 1.71069 0.01746 D640800200028 94.6 151.8 1.93808 0.02057 D640800200029 94.6 161.4 2.21855 0.02217 D640800200030 94.6 170.7 2.4769 0.02418 D640800200031 105.9 91.8 1.02674 0.01857 D640800200032 105.9 102.1 1.00535 0.01009 D640800200033 105.9 104.1 1.06595 0.02018 D640800200034 105.9 113.9 1.07665 0.01469 D640800200035 105.9 115.8 1.13369 0.02128 D640800200036 105.9 125.1 1.21569 0.01857 D640800200037 105.9 135.7 1.39394 0.01815 D640800200038 105.9 145.7 1.65062 0.01939 D640800200039 105.9 152.2 1.8467 0.02185 D640800200040 105.9 161.7 2.33868 0.02538 D640800200041 105.9 170.9 2.62745 0.02681 D640800200042 117.1 92.5 0.99554 0.01622 D640800200043 117.1 104.9 1.0562 0.02872 D640800200044 117.1 116.5 1.14005 0.0314 D640800200045 117.1 125.8 1.21855 0.02569 D640800200046 117.1 136.3 1.44157 0.03051 D640800200047 117.1 146.3 1.80196 0.03211 D640800200048 117.1 152.7 1.98037 0.04746 D640800200049 117.1 155.8 2.23015 0.03443 D640800200050 117.1 162. 2.62266 0.05674 D640800200051 117.1 171.1 2.92596 0.0562 D640800200052 ENDDATA 44 0 D640800200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 D640800299999 SUBENT D6408003 20230224 D138D640800300001 BIB 3 4 D640800300002 REACTION (78-PT-194(9-F-19,F),,SIG) D640800300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty including statistical and D640800300004 fitting errors. D640800300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Phys.G48(2021)075104 D640800300006 ENDBIB 4 0 D640800300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D640800300008 DATA 3 6 D640800300009 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D640800300010 MEV MB MB D640800300011 88.1 204.3 9.5 D640800300012 94.4 498.0 D640800300013 94.7 473.3 20.5 D640800300014 100.3 609.3 31.9 D640800300015 103.0 711.4 49.8 D640800300016 106.7 771.4 61.3 D640800300017 ENDDATA 8 0 D640800300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 D640800399999 SUBENT D6408004 20230224 D138D640800400001 BIB 3 4 D640800400002 REACTION (78-PT-196(9-F-19,F),,SIG) D640800400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty including statistical and D640800400004 fitting errors. D640800400005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Phys.G48(2021)075104 D640800400006 ENDBIB 4 0 D640800400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D640800400008 DATA 3 10 D640800400009 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D640800400010 MEV MB MB D640800400011 80.9 20.1 1.4 D640800400012 82.6 47.2 3.0 D640800400013 84.4 80.9 4.7 D640800400014 86.2 129.6 6.8 D640800400015 88.2 160.5 9.5 D640800400016 92.7 323.1 20.5 D640800400017 96.5 415.1 29.6 D640800400018 100.4 565.1 32.3 D640800400019 103.1 647.2 48.4 D640800400020 106.8 763.1 59.6 D640800400021 ENDDATA 12 0 D640800400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 D640800499999 SUBENT D6408005 20230224 D138D640800500001 BIB 3 4 D640800500002 REACTION (78-PT-198(9-F-19,F),,SIG) D640800500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty including statistical and D640800500004 fitting errors. D640800500005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Phys.G48(2021)075104 D640800500006 ENDBIB 4 0 D640800500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D640800500008 DATA 3 3 D640800500009 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D640800500010 MEV MB MB D640800500011 97.5 365.4 23.2 D640800500012 102.8 504.6 33.0 D640800500013 106.6 684.8 57.7 D640800500014 ENDDATA 5 0 D640800500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 D640800599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 D640899999999