ENTRY D6427 20231115 D141D642700000001 SUBENT D6427001 20231115 D141D642700100001 BIB 13 38 D642700100002 TITLE Evaporation residue cross section measurements for D642700100003 the 30Si + 176Yb reaction D642700100004 AUTHOR (K.Hajara, M.M.Musthafa, C.V.Midhun, S.Akbar, D642700100005 P.T.M.Shan, N.Madhavan, S.Nath, J.Gehlot, Gonika, D642700100006 R.Biswas, F.S.Shana, A.Kaur, P.N.Patil) D642700100007 INSTITUTE (3INDCCT,3INDNSD,3INDPUC) D642700100008 (3INDIND) Government Arts and Science College, D642700100009 Calicut, Kerala D642700100010 (3INDIND) B.V.B.C.E.T Campus, Hubballi, Karnataka D642700100011 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,044619,2022) D642700100012 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.105.044619 D642700100013 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDNSD) 15 UD Pelletron + SC-LINAC accelerator D642700100014 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched 176Yb target (~170 ug/cm2 thick) D642700100015 on a carbon backing (~ 35 ug/cm2 thick). D642700100016 DETECTOR (MAGSP,MWPC) Position-sensitive multiwire D642700100017 proportional counter of area 15 cm X 5 cm detect the D642700100018 ER cross section. The gas detector was operated with D642700100019 isobutane gas of about 2.5 mbar pressure. D642700100020 The detection efficiency of HYRA spectrometer is D642700100021 4.5+/-0.6% D642700100022 (SIBAR) Two silicon detectors were placed inside the D642700100023 target at angle of +/-26 degree are used to detect D642700100024 elastically scattered particles from the target. D642700100025 METHOD (TOF) D642700100026 (OLMS) The heavy ERs are separated from the enormous D642700100027 beam background using hybrid recoil mass analyzer D642700100028 (HYRA). D642700100029 CORRECTION The incident energies were corrected for the energy D642700100030 loss of the beam particles in 650 ug/cm2, pressure D642700100031 window foil, 0.14 Torr of He gas between pressure D642700100032 window foil and target (35 cm), 35 ug/cm2 carbon D642700100033 backing and 65 ug/cm2 half thickness of 176Yb. D642700100034 ANALYSIS (NTRTH) D642700100035 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D642700100036 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by M.M.Musthafa (2023-12-21) D642700100037 (TABLE,,K.Hajara+,J,PR/C,105,044619,2022) Fig.2 D642700100038 HISTORY (20231204R) Data received from K.Hajara D642700100039 (20231115C) Fathima Shirin Shana, Arshikasri D642700100040 ENDBIB 38 0 D642700100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 D642700100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 D642700199999 SUBENT D6427002 20231115 D141D642700200001 BIB 1 1 D642700200002 REACTION (70-YB-176(14-SI-30,FUS),,SIG,ER) D642700200003 ENDBIB 1 0 D642700200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 D642700200005 DATA 3 13 D642700200006 EN DATA DATA-ERR D642700200007 MEV MB MB D642700200008 126. 1.7 0.4 D642700200009 128. 5.5 0.9 D642700200010 132. 15. 2.6 D642700200011 133. 46. 7.6 D642700200012 136. 65. 11. D642700200013 140. 97. 16. D642700200014 144. 151. 25. D642700200015 150. 155. 26. D642700200016 160. 154. 25. D642700200017 170. 114. 19. D642700200018 180.45 88. 15. D642700200019 190.73 76. 12.3 D642700200020 203.03 69. 11. D642700200021 ENDDATA 15 0 D642700200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 D642700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D642799999999