ENTRY D6438 20230124 D138D643800000001 SUBENT D6438001 20230124 D138D643800100001 BIB 12 29 D643800100002 TITLE Channel coupling effects in interactions of 19F with D643800100003 64,68Zn at energies around the coulomb barrier D643800100004 AUTHOR (S.Noor, S.Kalkal, B.K.Guron, N.Madhavan, S.Nath, D643800100005 J.Gehlot, Gonika, R.Biswas, C.Kumar, A.Rani, D643800100006 A.Parihari) D643800100007 INSTITUTE (3INDNSD,3INDDLH) D643800100008 (3INDIND) Thapar Institute of Engineering and D643800100009 Technology, Patiala D643800100010 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,58,129,2022) D643800100011 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDNSD) 15UD pelletron accelerator D643800100012 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched 64,68Zn targets with thicknesses D643800100013 159 ug/cm2 and 169 ug/cm2, respectively, were D643800100014 fabricated on a 10 ug/cm2 carbon backing. D643800100015 DETECTOR (MAGSP,MWPC) A position-sensitive multiwire D643800100016 proportional counter, with an active area of D643800100017 150 x 50 mm2 was mounted at the HIRA focal plane for D643800100018 detection of evaporation residues. D643800100019 (SIBAR) Two solid state silicon detectors, each with D643800100020 an aperture diameter of 1 mm, were mounted at D643800100021 +/- 15.5 degree in the horizontal plane. D643800100022 METHOD (TOF) D643800100023 (OLMS) Fusion cross-sections were measured using the D643800100024 Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer (HIRA). D643800100025 ANALYSIS (NTRTH) D643800100026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors presented are the statistical D643800100027 errors and the uncertainty in estimating HIRA D643800100028 efficiency assumed to be 10%. D643800100029 STATUS (TABLE) Table I of Eur.Phys.J.A58(2022)129 D643800100030 HISTORY (20230124C) VT+On. D643800100031 ENDBIB 29 0 D643800100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 D643800100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D643800199999 SUBENT D6438002 20230124 D138D643800200001 BIB 1 1 D643800200002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(9-F-19,FUS),,SIG,ER) D643800200003 ENDBIB 1 0 D643800200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 D643800200005 DATA 3 18 D643800200006 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D643800200007 MEV MB MB D643800200008 30.1 0.25 0.04 D643800200009 30.9 0.62 0.07 D643800200010 31.7 2.16 0.23 D643800200011 32.5 4.50 0.46 D643800200012 33.2 10.33 1.04 D643800200013 34.0 17.39 1.76 D643800200014 34.8 35.21 3.54 D643800200015 35.6 54.55 5.50 D643800200016 36.3 92.34 9.24 D643800200017 37.1 116.06 11.70 D643800200018 37.9 179.91 18.71 D643800200019 38.7 185.69 18.72 D643800200020 39.4 253.13 25.52 D643800200021 40.2 285.13 28.53 D643800200022 41.0 349.15 35.03 D643800200023 42.5 469.94 47.06 D643800200024 44.1 485.90 48.66 D643800200025 45.6 560.60 56.19 D643800200026 ENDDATA 20 0 D643800200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D643800299999 SUBENT D6438003 20230124 D138D643800300001 BIB 1 1 D643800300002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(9-F-19,FUS),,SIG,ER) D643800300003 ENDBIB 1 0 D643800300004 NOCOMMON 0 0 D643800300005 DATA 3 18 D643800300006 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR D643800300007 MEV MB MB D643800300008 30.7 0.71 0.08 D643800300009 31.4 1.50 0.16 D643800300010 32.2 3.67 0.37 D643800300011 33.0 12.20 1.23 D643800300012 33.8 25.41 2.55 D643800300013 34.6 46.58 4.69 D643800300014 35.4 77.14 7.75 D643800300015 36.2 120.91 12.13 D643800300016 36.9 151.75 21.94 D643800300017 37.7 220.47 22.10 D643800300018 38.5 274.52 27.57 D643800300019 39.3 316.78 31.84 D643800300020 40.1 377.14 37.79 D643800300021 40.9 416.78 41.69 D643800300022 41.7 453.21 45.52 D643800300023 43.2 495.23 49.64 D643800300024 44.8 550.79 55.10 D643800300025 46.3 631.00 63.16 D643800300026 ENDDATA 20 0 D643800300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 D643800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D643899999999