ENTRY            D6444   20231115                             D141D644400000001 
SUBENT        D6444001   20231115                             D141D644400100001 
BIB                 10         32                                 D644400100002 
TITLE      Examining the correlation between multi-neutron        D644400100003 
           transfer and inelastic excitations in sub-barrier      D644400100004 
           fusion enhancement                                     D644400100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Rani, S.Mandal, K.Chakraborty, R.Gupta, C.V.Ahmad,  D644400100006 
           A.Parihari, D.Vishwakarma, P.Khandelwal, P.S.Rawat,    D644400100007 
           P.Sherpa, S.Kumar, N.Madhavan, S.Nath, J.Gehlot,       D644400100008 
           R.Biswas, Gonika, C.Kumar, S.Noor, A.Vinayak)          D644400100009 
INSTITUTE  (3INDDLH,3INDNSD,3INDKUD)                              D644400100010 
           (3INDIND) Thapar Institute of Engg. and Tech., Patiala,D644400100011 
           Punjab                                                 D644400100012 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,106,064606,2022)                               D644400100013 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDNSD) pelletron accelerator                   D644400100014 
DETECTOR   (MWPC,SISD) A multiwire proportional counter, with an  D644400100015 
           active area of 150 x 50 mm2, operated at a pressure    D644400100016 
           of 5 mbar of isobutane gas, was placed at the focal    D644400100017 
           plane of Hybrid Recoil mass Analyzer (HIRA) to detect  D644400100018 
           the evaporation residue.                               D644400100019 
           (SIBAR) Two Silicon detectors were placed at           D644400100020 
           15.5 degree, with respect to the beam direction in the D644400100021 
           horizontal plane, for absolute normalization of ER     D644400100022 
           cross sections. A carbon foil with a thickness of      D644400100023 
           10 ug/cm2 was placed 10 cm downstream from the target  D644400100024 
           for equilibration.                                     D644400100025 
METHOD     (OLMS) The ERs were separated from the background      D644400100026 
           events using Hybrid Recoil mass Analyzer (HYRA)        D644400100027 
           (TOFDE) Delta E-TOF for evaporation residue selection. D644400100028 
ANALYSIS   (NTRTH)                                                D644400100029 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors presented are the statistical    D644400100030 
           errors and the uncertainty in estimating HIRA          D644400100031 
           efficiency assumed to be 10%.                          D644400100032 
HISTORY    (20230405R) Data received from A.Rani                  D644400100033 
           (20231115C) Nithu Ashok                                D644400100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 D644400100035 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D644400100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 D644400199999 
SUBENT        D6444002   20231115                             D141D644400200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D644400200002 
REACTION   (50-SN-116(14-SI-28,FUS),,SIG,ER)                      D644400200003 
SAMPLE     116Sn target (~230 ug/cm2 thick), on carbon backing    D644400200004 
           of thickness ~20 ug/cm2.                               D644400200005 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.Rani,J,PR/C,106,064606,2022) Fig.3(a)        D644400200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D644400200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D644400200008 
DATA                 3         18                                 D644400200009 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D644400200010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D644400200011 
      96.65     434.13       40.6                                 D644400200012 
      95.04     375.64      35.12                                 D644400200013 
      93.42     353.72      33.04                                 D644400200014 
      91.80     292.28      27.26                                 D644400200015 
      90.59     252.43      23.54                                 D644400200016 
      89.38     211.74      19.75                                 D644400200017 
      88.16     172.51       16.1                                 D644400200018 
      86.95     143.91      13.66                                 D644400200019 
      86.14     117.92      11.05                                 D644400200020 
      85.74     105.72       9.87                                 D644400200021 
      84.52      71.51       7.35                                 D644400200022 
      83.31       34.8       3.45                                 D644400200023 
      82.09      14.29       1.46                                 D644400200024 
      80.88       3.55       0.36                                 D644400200025 
      79.67      0.585      0.066                                 D644400200026 
      78.05     0.0706     0.0098                                 D644400200027 
      76.43     0.0164     0.0036                                 D644400200028 
      74.81     0.0038     0.0014                                 D644400200029 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 D644400200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 D644400299999 
SUBENT        D6444003   20231115                             D141D644400300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D644400300002 
REACTION   (50-SN-120(14-SI-28,FUS),,SIG,ER)                      D644400300003 
SAMPLE     120Sn target (~215 ug/cm2 thick), on carbon backing    D644400300004 
           of thickness ~20 ug/cm2.                               D644400300005 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.Rani,J,PR/C,106,064606,2022) Fig.3(b)        D644400300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D644400300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D644400300008 
DATA                 3         18                                 D644400300009 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D644400300010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D644400300011 
      97.43     488.39      32.69                                 D644400300012 
      95.81     438.03      23.25                                 D644400300013 
      94.18     396.41      21.73                                 D644400300014 
      92.55     324.47       18.4                                 D644400300015 
      91.33     268.25      15.62                                 D644400300016 
      90.11     262.44      15.69                                 D644400300017 
      88.89     202.76      12.46                                 D644400300018 
      87.67     155.69       9.83                                 D644400300019 
      86.86     147.38       9.49                                 D644400300020 
      86.45     126.69       8.23                                 D644400300021 
      85.23      89.62       6.18                                 D644400300022 
      84.01       54.5        5.9                                 D644400300023 
      82.79      27.86       3.78                                 D644400300024 
      81.57       9.68       1.06                                 D644400300025 
      80.35        3.5        0.4                                 D644400300026 
      78.72     0.3956     0.0475                                 D644400300027 
      77.09     0.0517     0.0084                                 D644400300028 
      75.47     0.0167     0.0034                                 D644400300029 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 D644400300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 D644400399999 
SUBENT        D6444004   20231115                             D141D644400400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 D644400400002 
REACTION   (50-SN-124(14-SI-28,FUS),,SIG,ER)                      D644400400003 
SAMPLE     124Sn target (~100 ug/cm2 thick), on carbon backing    D644400400004 
           of thickness ~20 ug/cm2.                               D644400400005 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.Rani,J,PR/C,106,064606,2022) Fig.3(c)        D644400400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 D644400400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D644400400008 
DATA                 3         19                                 D644400400009 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    D644400400010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          D644400400011 
      98.21      550.7      51.05                                 D644400400012 
      96.57     511.36      47.44                                 D644400400013 
      94.93     454.23      42.15                                 D644400400014 
      93.29     392.34      36.26                                 D644400400015 
      92.07     334.39       30.9                                 D644400400016 
      90.84     304.98      28.18                                 D644400400017 
      89.62     238.99      22.08                                 D644400400018 
      88.39     203.77      18.83                                 D644400400019 
      87.57     174.02      16.08                                 D644400400020 
      87.16     145.07      13.43                                 D644400400021 
      85.94     112.59      11.31                                 D644400400022 
      84.71      73.85       7.38                                 D644400400023 
      83.49      48.86       4.97                                 D644400400024 
      82.25       29.9       3.01                                 D644400400025 
      81.03      14.77       1.52                                 D644400400026 
      79.39       6.49       0.68                                 D644400400027 
      77.75     0.8555     0.1047                                 D644400400028 
      76.12     0.0731     0.0099                                 D644400400029 
      74.48      0.041     0.0029                                 D644400400030 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 D644400400031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 D644400499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D644499999999