ENTRY D6447 20231115 D141D644700000001 SUBENT D6447001 20231115 D141D644700100001 BIB 11 27 D644700100002 TITLE 105Rh yield from the proton induced fission of uranium D644700100003 AUTHOR (T.Najumunnisa, M.M.Musthafa, C.V.Midhun, M.Aslam, D644700100004 K.K.Rajesh, P.Surendran, J.P.Nair, A.Shanbhag, D644700100005 S.Ghugre) D644700100006 INSTITUTE (3INDCCT,3INDTRM) D644700100007 (3INDIND) AKNM Government Polytechnic College, D644700100008 Tirurangadi, Kerala D644700100009 (3INDIND) Government Arts and Science College, D644700100010 Kozhikode, Kerala D644700100011 (3INDIND) UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, D644700100012 Kolkata D644700100013 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,1032,122611,2023) D644700100014 #doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2023.122611 D644700100015 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDTAT) BARC-TIFR pelletron linac facility. D644700100016 SAMPLE Natural Uranium samples of thickness 8.6 mg/cm2 were D644700100017 prepared by rolling. D644700100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) 100 cc detector. D644700100019 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) D644700100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty D644700100021 The errors in measurement are due to: D644700100022 - Statistical error of gamma counting D644700100023 - Foil thickness D644700100024 - Fluctuation of beam current D644700100025 - Detector efficiency D644700100026 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by M.Maiti (2024-01-11) D644700100027 (TABLE,,T.Najumunnisa+,J,NP/A,1032,122611,2023) Table 2D644700100028 HISTORY (20231116C) Swapna Balakrishnan, karthika.P D644700100029 ENDBIB 27 0 D644700100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 D644700100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 D644700199999 SUBENT D6447002 20231115 D141D644700200001 BIB 2 4 D644700200002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)44-RU-105,CUM,SIG) D644700200003 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-105,4.44HR,DG,724.3,0.473, D644700200004 DG,469.37,0.175, D644700200005 DG,676.36,0.157) D644700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 D644700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 D644700200008 DATA 4 3 D644700200009 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D644700200010 MEV MEV MB MB D644700200011 12.12 0.57 1.41 0.29 D644700200012 17.24 0.75 3.38 0.29 D644700200013 21.44 0.91 5.09 0.27 D644700200014 ENDDATA 5 0 D644700200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 D644700299999 SUBENT D6447003 20231115 D141D644700300001 BIB 2 5 D644700300002 REACTION (92-U-238(P,F)45-RH-105,,SIG) D644700300003 105Rh cross section is corrected for 105Ru, c.f. Eq.2.,D644700300004 hence it is independent. D644700300005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-105-G,35.36HR,DG,318.9,0.191, D644700300006 DG,306.1,0.051) D644700300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D644700300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D644700300009 DATA 4 3 D644700300010 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR D644700300011 MEV MEV MB MB D644700300012 12.12 0.57 0.52 0.19 D644700300013 17.24 0.75 2.18 0.56 D644700300014 21.44 0.91 2.17 0.36 D644700300015 ENDDATA 5 0 D644700300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 D644700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D644799999999