ENTRY D6449 20231115 D141D644900000001 SUBENT D6449001 20231115 D141D644900100001 BIB 12 40 D644900100002 TITLE Determination of 1p- and 2p-stripping excitation D644900100003 functions for 16O+142Ce using a recoil mass D644900100004 spectrometer D644900100005 AUTHOR (R.Biswas, S.Nath, J.Gehlot, Gonika, C.Kumar, D644900100006 A.Parihari, N.Madhavan, A.Vinayak, A.Mahato, S.Noor, D644900100007 P.Sherpa, K.Sekizawa) D644900100008 INSTITUTE (3INDNSD,3INDDLH,3INDKUD,2JPNTIT,2JPNTSU) D644900100009 (3INDIND) Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi D644900100010 (3INDIND) Thapar Institute of Engineering and D644900100011 Technology, Patiala D644900100012 (2UK UK) Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, D644900100013 Didcot, Oxfordshire D644900100014 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,59,60,2023) D644900100015 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00975-z D644900100016 FACILITY (VDGT,3INDNSD) 15 UD Pelletron accelerator D644900100017 SAMPLE Enriched 142Ce target of thickness 122 ug/cm2 D644900100018 sandwiched between two layers (~20 ug/cm2 backing and D644900100019 ~5 ug/cm2 capping) of graphite films have been used D644900100020 as the target. D644900100021 DETECTOR (MAGSP,MWPC) A position-sensitive multiwire D644900100022 proportional counter, with an active area of D644900100023 150 x 50 mm2 has been placed at the focal plane of the D644900100024 HIRA recoil mass separator. D644900100025 (SIBAR) Two solid state silicon detectors, each with D644900100026 an aperture diameter of 1 mm, were mounted at D644900100027 +/- 15 degree in the horizontal plane. D644900100028 METHOD (TOFDE) Delta E-TOF for particle identification D644900100029 ANALYSIS (NTRTH) D644900100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty are due to: D644900100031 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the angle of normalization D644900100032 detector (12.8%) D644900100033 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in the solid angle of normalizationD644900100034 detector (4.0%) D644900100035 (ERR-3) Estimation of the HIRA transmission efficiency D644900100036 (10.0%) D644900100037 (ERR-4) Uncertainty in the effective solid angle of theD644900100038 recoil separator (17.1%) D644900100039 STATUS (APRVD) Proof-read by S.Nath (2024-02-07) D644900100040 HISTORY (20231001R) Data received from S.Nath D644900100041 (20231115C) Harshit Sharma D644900100042 ENDBIB 40 0 D644900100043 COMMON 5 3 D644900100044 ANG-CM ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 D644900100045 ADEG PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT D644900100046 180. 12.8 4.0 10.0 17.1 D644900100047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D644900100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 D644900199999 SUBENT D6449002 20231115 D141D644900200001 BIB 2 2 D644900200002 REACTION (58-CE-142(8-O-16,7-N-15)59-PR-143,,DA) D644900200003 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Biswas+,J,EPJ/A,59,30,2023) Fig.3 D644900200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D644900200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D644900200006 DATA 3 13 D644900200007 EN-CM DATA-CM ERR-T D644900200008 MEV MB/SR MB/SR D644900200009 51.01 0.274 0.194 D644900200010 51.92 0.687 0.312 D644900200011 52.81 1.177 0.448 D644900200012 53.71 2.07 0.723 D644900200013 54.61 2.625 0.905 D644900200014 55.52 3.175 0.915 D644900200015 56.38 3.192 0.919 D644900200016 57.32 2.12 0.745 D644900200017 58.22 1.512 0.509 D644900200018 59.12 0.775 0.345 D644900200019 60.01 0.434 0.157 D644900200020 60.92 0.336 0.176 D644900200021 61.82 0.141 0.057 D644900200022 ENDDATA 15 0 D644900200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 D644900299999 SUBENT D6449003 20231115 D141D644900300001 BIB 2 2 D644900300002 REACTION (58-CE-142(8-O-16,6-C-14)60-ND-144,,DA) D644900300003 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Biswas+,J,EPJ/A,59,30,2023) Fig.4 D644900300004 ENDBIB 2 0 D644900300005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D644900300006 DATA 3 3 D644900300007 EN-CM DATA-CM ERR-T D644900300008 MEV MB/SR MB/SR D644900300009 56.42 0.8477 0.2628 D644900300010 57.32 0.3774 0.2469 D644900300011 58.21 0.2242 0.1674 D644900300012 ENDDATA 5 0 D644900300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 D644900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D644999999999