ENTRY            D8040   20211027                             D135D804000000001 
SUBENT        D8040001   20211027                             D135D804000100001 
BIB                 11         31                                 D804000100002 
TITLE      One-proton transfer reaction for the 18O+48Ti system   D804000100003 
           at 275 MeV                                             D804000100004 
AUTHOR     (O.Sgouros, M.Cavallaro, F.Cappuzzello, D.Carbone,     D804000100005 
            C.Agodi, A.Gargano, G.De Gregorio, C.Altana,          D804000100006 
            G.A.Brischetto, S.Burrello, S.Calabrese, D.Calvo,     D804000100007 
            V.Capirossi, E.R.Chavez Lomeli, I.Ciraldo, M.Cutuli,  D804000100008 
            F.Delaunay, H.Djapo, C.Eke, P.Finocchiaro,            D804000100009 
            M.Fisichella, A.Foti, A.Hacisalihoglu, F.Iazzi,       D804000100010 
            L.La Fauci, R.Linares, J.Lubian, N.H.Medina,          D804000100011 
            M.Moralles, J.R.B.Oliveira, A.Pakou, L.Pandola,       D804000100012 
            F.Pinna, G.Russo, M.A.Guazzelli, V.Soukeras,          D804000100013 
            G.Souliotis, A.Spatafora, D.Torresi, A.Yildirim,      D804000100014 
            V.A.B.Zagatto)                                        D804000100015 
            2ITYTUR,2ITYTUP,3MEXUMX,2FR CAE,2TUKANK,3BZLUFF,      D804000100017 
            3BZLUSP,3BZLIPE,2GRCIOA)                              D804000100018 
           (2TUKTUK) Akdeniz University, Antalya;                 D804000100019 
                     Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi, Trabzon       D804000100020 
           (3BZLBZL) Centro Universitario FEI, Sao Bernardo do    D804000100021 
                     Campo                                        D804000100022 
           (2GRCGRC) University of Athens and Hellenic Institute  D804000100023 
                     of Nuclear Physics, Athens                   D804000100024 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,104,034617,2021)                               D804000100025 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2ITYLNS) K800 Superconducting Cyclotron         D804000100026 
PART-DET   (9-F-19)                                               D804000100027 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  D804000100028 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,IOCH,SOLST) MAGNEX scattering chamber           D804000100029 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Target thickness and beam charge integration D804000100030 
STATUS     (APRVD) Proof-read by Onoufrios Sgouros                D804000100031 
HISTORY    (20211002R) Received by e-mail from Onoufrios Sgouros  D804000100032 
           (20211026C) M.Odsuren, N.Otsuka                        D804000100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 D804000100034 
COMMON               2          3                                 D804000100035 
EN         ERR-SYS                                                D804000100036 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               D804000100037 
 275.       10.                                                   D804000100038 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D804000100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 D804000199999 
SUBENT        D8040002   20211027                             D135D804000200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 D804000200002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(8-O-18,9-F-19)12-MG-26,PAR,DA)               D804000200003 
SAMPLE     Al foil (226 ug/cm2 thick)                             D804000200004 
ANALYSIS   (INTED) Integration of Gaussians centred at 3 peaks    D804000200005 
            covering approximately                                D804000200006 
            peak 1:  -1.0<Ex<1.0 MeV (-1.3<Q< 0.7 MeV),           D804000200007 
            peak 2:   1.0<Ex<3.0 MeV (-3.3<Q<-1.3 MeV), and       D804000200008 
            peak 3:   3.5<Ex<5.5 MeV (-5.8<Q<-3.8 MeV)            D804000200009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistics and solid angle determination    D804000200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.3 of Phys.Rev.C104(2021)034617  D804000200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 D804000200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D804000200013 
DATA                 5         39                                 D804000200014 
Q-VAL-MIN  Q-VAL-MAX  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              D804000200015 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 D804000200016 
-1.3        0.7         6.37      2.8586     2.0557               D804000200017 
-1.3        0.7         7.22      2.4510     0.7875               D804000200018 
-1.3        0.7         8.07      1.3562     0.1465               D804000200019 
-1.3        0.7         8.92      0.9254     0.1190               D804000200020 
-1.3        0.7         9.77      0.5707     0.0925               D804000200021 
-1.3        0.7        10.62      0.3681     0.0722               D804000200022 
-1.3        0.7        11.46      0.3202     0.0720               D804000200023 
-1.3        0.7        12.31      0.1556     0.0493               D804000200024 
-1.3        0.7        13.16      0.0986     0.0388               D804000200025 
-1.3        0.7        14.01      0.0887     0.0377               D804000200026 
-1.3        0.7        14.86      0.0580     0.0283               D804000200027 
-1.3        0.7        16.13      0.0294     0.0151               D804000200028 
-1.3        0.7        20.36      0.0077     0.0043               D804000200029 
-3.3       -1.3         6.38      8.0852     5.7144               D804000200030 
-3.3       -1.3         7.24      7.5200     2.3562               D804000200031 
-3.3       -1.3         8.09      4.6950     0.2890               D804000200032 
-3.3       -1.3         8.94      3.1757     0.2169               D804000200033 
-3.3       -1.3         9.79      2.1842     0.1879               D804000200034 
-3.3       -1.3        10.64      1.1654     0.1327               D804000200035 
-3.3       -1.3        11.49      0.6641     0.0944               D804000200036 
-3.3       -1.3        12.34      0.5310     0.0875               D804000200037 
-3.3       -1.3        13.19      0.3531     0.0715               D804000200038 
-3.3       -1.3        14.04      0.2856     0.0651               D804000200039 
-3.3       -1.3        14.89      0.1514     0.0448               D804000200040 
-3.3       -1.3        16.16      0.1025     0.0295               D804000200041 
-3.3       -1.3        20.40      0.0254     0.0085               D804000200042 
-5.8       -3.8         6.41     11.7419     8.2676               D804000200043 
-5.8       -3.8         7.26      9.3361     2.9115               D804000200044 
-5.8       -3.8         8.11      7.4404     0.3227               D804000200045 
-5.8       -3.8         8.97      6.1808     0.2892               D804000200046 
-5.8       -3.8         9.82      3.9732     0.2518               D804000200047 
-5.8       -3.8        10.67      2.2198     0.1692               D804000200048 
-5.8       -3.8        11.53      2.3484     0.1822               D804000200049 
-5.8       -3.8        12.38      1.2629     0.1296               D804000200050 
-5.8       -3.8        13.23      0.8879     0.1100               D804000200051 
-5.8       -3.8        14.08      0.6384     0.0943               D804000200052 
-5.8       -3.8        14.94      0.3766     0.0678               D804000200053 
-5.8       -3.8        16.21      0.2668     0.0436               D804000200054 
-5.8       -3.8        20.47      0.0509     0.0101               D804000200055 
ENDDATA             41          0                                 D804000200056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 D804000299999 
SUBENT        D8040003   20211027                             D135D804000300001 
BIB                  5         10                                 D804000300002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(8-O-18,7-N-15)9-F-19,PAR,DA,RSD)               D804000300003 
SAMPLE     WO3 (284 ug/cm2 thick) evaporated on Al foil           D804000300004 
ANALYSIS   (INTED) Integration of Gaussians centred at 3 peaks    D804000300005 
            covering approximately                                D804000300006 
            peak 1:  -0.9<Ex<0.8 MeV ( -4.9<Q<-3.2 MeV),          D804000300007 
            peak 2:   0.8<Ex<2.5 MeV ( -6.6<Q<-4.9 MeV), and      D804000300008 
            peak 3:   5.5<Ex<7.5 MeV (-11.6<Q<-9.6 MeV)           D804000300009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistics, solid angle determination, and  D804000300010 
            background subtraction                                D804000300011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Phys.Rev.C104(2021)034617  D804000300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 D804000300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D804000300014 
DATA                 5         36                                 D804000300015 
Q-VAL-MIN  Q-VAL-MAX  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              D804000300016 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 D804000300017 
 -4.9       -3.2        9.41      6.0979     1.8678               D804000300018 
 -4.9       -3.2       10.52      3.5034     0.5643               D804000300019 
 -4.9       -3.2       11.63      3.4274     0.5467               D804000300020 
 -4.9       -3.2       12.74      2.1624     0.3886               D804000300021 
 -4.9       -3.2       13.84      0.9984     0.1975               D804000300022 
 -4.9       -3.2       14.95      0.5321     0.1092               D804000300023 
 -4.9       -3.2       16.06      0.5971     0.1477               D804000300024 
 -4.9       -3.2       17.17      0.2789     0.0924               D804000300025 
 -4.9       -3.2       18.28      0.3164     0.0776               D804000300026 
 -4.9       -3.2       19.39      0.3008     0.1005               D804000300027 
 -4.9       -3.2       21.06      0.1712     0.0517               D804000300028 
 -4.9       -3.2       26.62      0.0272     0.0121               D804000300029 
 -6.6       -4.9        9.44      2.1892     0.7318               D804000300030 
 -6.6       -4.9       10.55      1.6895     0.3468               D804000300031 
 -6.6       -4.9       11.66      1.1171     0.2670               D804000300032 
 -6.6       -4.9       12.78      0.6558     0.1865               D804000300033 
 -6.6       -4.9       13.89      0.7199     0.1642               D804000300034 
 -6.6       -4.9       15.00      0.4634     0.1542               D804000300035 
 -6.6       -4.9       16.11      0.1786     0.1055               D804000300036 
 -6.6       -4.9       17.23      0.2402     0.1113               D804000300037 
 -6.6       -4.9       18.34      0.2393     0.0962               D804000300038 
 -6.6       -4.9       19.45      0.1792     0.0880               D804000300039 
 -6.6       -4.9       21.12      0.0737     0.0503               D804000300040 
 -6.6       -4.9       26.70      0.0142     0.0112               D804000300041 
-11.6       -9.6        9.55      6.3770     1.7520               D804000300042 
-11.6       -9.6       10.67      4.6277     0.3430               D804000300043 
-11.6       -9.6       11.80      3.9880     0.3195               D804000300044 
-11.6       -9.6       12.92      2.7356     0.2824               D804000300045 
-11.6       -9.6       14.05      1.5309     0.1848               D804000300046 
-11.6       -9.6       15.18      1.5080     0.1881               D804000300047 
-11.6       -9.6       16.30      0.8596     0.1361               D804000300048 
-11.6       -9.6       17.43      0.5035     0.1071               D804000300049 
-11.6       -9.6       18.55      0.5226     0.0995               D804000300050 
-11.6       -9.6       19.68      0.3358     0.0745               D804000300051 
-11.6       -9.6       21.37      0.2006     0.0471               D804000300052 
-11.6       -9.6       27.02      0.0628     0.0138               D804000300053 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 D804000300054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 D804000399999 
SUBENT        D8040004   20211027                             D135D804000400001 
BIB                  5          8                                 D804000400002 
REACTION   (22-TI-48(8-O-18,9-F-19)21-SC-47,PAR,DA)               D804000400003 
SAMPLE     TiO2 (510 ug/cm2 thick) evaporated on a Al foil        D804000400004 
            (216 ug/cm2 thick)                                    D804000400005 
ANALYSIS   (INTED) Direct integration of spectrum in 0<Ex<3.5 MeV D804000400006 
            (-7.0<Q<-3.5 MeV)                                     D804000400007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistics, solid angle determination, and  D804000400008 
            background subtraction                                D804000400009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Phys.Rev.C104(2021)034617  D804000400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 D804000400011 
COMMON               2          3                                 D804000400012 
Q-VAL-MIN  Q-VAL-MAX                                              D804000400013 
MEV        MEV                                                    D804000400014 
-7.0       -3.5                                                   D804000400015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D804000400016 
DATA                 3         11                                 D804000400017 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    D804000400018 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       D804000400019 
  5.93      53.5217    15.9829                                    D804000400020 
  6.63      58.7431     4.9843                                    D804000400021 
  7.32      48.3506     3.9094                                    D804000400022 
  8.02      29.0987     2.5859                                    D804000400023 
  8.72      22.1987     1.6232                                    D804000400024 
  9.41      19.2056     1.3864                                    D804000400025 
 10.11      12.9536     0.9946                                    D804000400026 
 10.80       8.9502     0.7225                                    D804000400027 
 11.50       4.3325     0.5557                                    D804000400028 
 12.20       2.7333     0.4229                                    D804000400029 
 13.24       1.4145     0.2187                                    D804000400030 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 D804000400031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 D804000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 D804099999999