ENTRY D8053 20230116 D138D805300000001 SUBENT D8053001 20230116 D138D805300100001 BIB 11 25 D805300100002 TITLE Asymptotic normalization coefficients for the D805300100003 17F->16O+p configuration from the 16O(10B,9Be)17F D805300100004 reaction and estimation of the 16O(p,g)17F D805300100005 astrophysical S-factor D805300100006 AUTHOR (F.Kh.Ergashev, S.V.Artemov, O.R.Tojiboev, D805300100007 A.A.Karakhodzhaev, K.Rusek, A.Trzcinska, D805300100008 M.Wolinska-Cichocka, E.Piasecki, N.Burtebayev, D805300100009 S.B.Sakuta, Maulen Nassurlla, Marzhan Nassurlla, D805300100010 R.F.Rumi) D805300100011 INSTITUTE (4UZ UZB,3POLWWA,4KASKAZ,4UZ NUU) D805300100012 REFERENCE (J,APP/B,53,9-A5,2022) D805300100013 EXP-YEAR (2018) D805300100014 INC-SPECT (EN-RSL) Determined by the energy spread of the D805300100015 primary beam and by the target thickness D805300100016 SAMPLE Self-supporting Al2O3 films (~0.15 mg/cm2) D805300100017 METHOD (EDE) D805300100018 FACILITY (CYCLO,3POLWWA) D805300100019 U-200P cyclotron at Heavy Ion Laboratory D805300100020 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,IOCH) D805300100021 Four dE-E telescopes consisting of Si detectors (E) D805300100022 about 500 um thick and ionization chambers (dE) D805300100023 filled with isobutane at the pressure of ~55 Torr D805300100024 (SI) To measure and control beam energy and target D805300100025 state at 15 deg and outside the telescope D805300100026 HISTORY (20230114C) Feruzjon Ergashev D805300100027 ENDBIB 25 0 D805300100028 COMMON 2 3 D805300100029 EN EN-RSL D805300100030 MEV KEV D805300100031 41.3 500. D805300100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D805300100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 D805300199999 SUBENT D8053002 20230116 D138D805300200001 BIB 2 2 D805300200002 REACTION (8-O-16(5-B-10,EL)8-O-16,,DA) D805300200003 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.4 of Acta.Phys.Pol.B53(2022)9-A5D805300200004 ENDBIB 2 0 D805300200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 D805300200006 DATA 2 26 D805300200007 ANG-CM DATA-CM D805300200008 ADEG MB/SR D805300200009 13.0 20602.1500 D805300200010 14.6 7988.86978 D805300200011 17.9 3501.70964 D805300200012 21.1 1555.41394 D805300200013 24.3 525.17083 D805300200014 32.3 109.2916 D805300200015 35.5 52.84698 D805300200016 37.1 66.88284 D805300200017 38.7 36.24431 D805300200018 40.3 33.29637 D805300200019 41.9 17.68754 D805300200020 43.5 13.86903 D805300200021 45.1 7.27933 D805300200022 46.6 8.16572 D805300200023 48.2 6.10117 D805300200024 49.8 8.38420 D805300200025 51.3 5.50253 D805300200026 52.9 4.98755 D805300200027 54.4 2.58124 D805300200028 56.0 2.04173 D805300200029 57.5 1.25159 D805300200030 59.1 1.84028 D805300200031 62.2 1.88790 D805300200032 65.2 1.04837 D805300200033 68.2 0.65337 D805300200034 71.2 0.55389 D805300200035 ENDDATA 28 0 D805300200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 D805300299999 SUBENT D8053003 20230116 D138D805300300001 BIB 5 15 D805300300002 REACTION (8-O-16(5-B-10,4-BE-9)9-F-17,PAR,DA,,,DERIV) D805300300003 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,4-BE-9) D805300300004 (E-LVL2,9-F-17) D805300300005 ANALYSIS An artificial separation of the total number of events D805300300006 in each unresolved peak (normalized to the integral D805300300007 of the 10B ion beam at each angle of measurement) can D805300300008 be carried out in proportion to the calculated D805300300009 (within the DWBA approach) single-particle DCS values D805300300010 of proton transfer to the considered states of 17F. D805300300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Determined by D805300300012 - statistical error of the total number of events for D805300300013 each state of 17F D805300300014 - ambiguities of optical potentials D805300300015 - error of the chi-square fitting. D805300300016 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Acta.Phys.Pol.B53(2022)9-A5D805300300017 ENDBIB 15 0 D805300300018 COMMON 1 3 D805300300019 E-LVL1 D805300300020 MEV D805300300021 0. D805300300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D805300300023 DATA 4 66 D805300300024 E-LVL2 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR D805300300025 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR D805300300026 0. 11.6 11.0255 0.96145 D805300300027 0. 13.3 9.03440 0.80413 D805300300028 0. 16.6 5.36452 0.44009 D805300300029 0. 18.3 4.23365 0.34313 D805300300030 0. 19.9 4.08255 0.33129 D805300300031 0. 21.6 4.17375 0.33351 D805300300032 0. 23.2 3.52409 0.28236 D805300300033 0. 24.9 3.11934 0.24963 D805300300034 0. 26.5 2.58358 0.20745 D805300300035 0. 28.2 2.05617 0.16481 D805300300036 0. 29.8 1.92315 0.15435 D805300300037 0. 31.4 1.42940 0.11326 D805300300038 0. 33.1 1.53486 0.12157 D805300300039 0. 34.7 1.22692 0.09734 D805300300040 0. 36.4 1.18897 0.09435 D805300300041 0. 38.0 0.94026 0.14166 D805300300042 0. 39.6 0.77598 0.06186 D805300300043 0. 41.2 0.41485 0.04740 D805300300044 0. 42.9 0.40533 0.04314 D805300300045 0. 44.5 0.36732 0.03770 D805300300046 0. 46.1 0.33579 0.02724 D805300300047 0. 47.7 0.29024 0.02744 D805300300048 0. 49.3 0.27936 0.02745 D805300300049 0. 50.9 0.18983 0.01868 D805300300050 0. 52.5 0.12148 0.01240 D805300300051 0. 54.1 0.13188 0.01311 D805300300052 0. 55.7 0.12628 0.01071 D805300300053 0. 57.3 0.14532 0.01218 D805300300054 0. 58.9 0.08680 0.00762 D805300300055 0. 60.5 0.09258 0.00803 D805300300056 0. 63.6 0.06342 0.00575 D805300300057 0. 69.8 0.02976 0.00311 D805300300058 0. 72.9 0.01712 0.00211 D805300300059 0.495 11.6 0.24802 0.06497 D805300300060 0.495 13.3 0.35687 0.07964 D805300300061 0.495 16.6 0.59606 0.06243 D805300300062 0.495 18.3 0.47041 0.04590 D805300300063 0.495 19.9 0.40377 0.04056 D805300300064 0.495 21.6 0.31415 0.02924 D805300300065 0.495 23.2 0.34854 0.03199 D805300300066 0.495 24.9 0.40534 0.03573 D805300300067 0.495 26.5 0.42058 0.03695 D805300300068 0.495 28.2 0.33472 0.02915 D805300300069 0.495 29.8 0.26225 0.02342 D805300300070 0.495 31.4 0.23269 0.01902 D805300300071 0.495 33.1 0.24986 0.02038 D805300300072 0.495 34.7 0.23370 0.01912 D805300300073 0.495 36.4 0.22647 0.01855 D805300300074 0.495 38.0 0.17910 0.05456 D805300300075 0.495 39.6 0.14781 0.01238 D805300300076 0.495 41.2 0.12392 0.02116 D805300300077 0.495 42.9 0.12107 0.01850 D805300300078 0.495 44.5 0.09764 0.01465 D805300300079 0.495 46.1 0.09471 0.00823 D805300300080 0.495 47.7 0.07256 0.00950 D805300300081 0.495 49.3 0.05722 0.00869 D805300300082 0.495 50.9 0.04167 0.00619 D805300300083 0.495 52.5 0.03836 0.00537 D805300300084 0.495 54.1 0.03720 0.00516 D805300300085 0.495 55.7 0.02962 0.00303 D805300300086 0.495 57.3 0.02565 0.00267 D805300300087 0.495 58.9 0.01592 0.00191 D805300300088 0.495 60.5 0.01634 0.00192 D805300300089 0.495 63.6 0.02228 0.00244 D805300300090 0.495 69.8 0.01674 0.00202 D805300300091 0.495 72.9 0.01712 0.00211 D805300300092 ENDDATA 68 0 D805300300093 ENDSUBENT 92 0 D805300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D805399999999