ENTRY            D8077   20241025                             D144D807700000001 
SUBENT        D8077001   20241025                             D144D807700100001 
BIB                  9         19                                 D807700100002 
TITLE      Transfer reactions and sequential decays of the        D807700100003 
            projectile-like fragments in the 60 MeV/nucleon       D807700100004 
           40Ar+natAg, 197Au reactions                            D807700100005 
AUTHOR     (J.C.Steckmeyer, G.Bizard, R.Brou, P.Eudes,            D807700100006 
            J.L.Laville, J.B.Natowitz, J.P.Patry, B.Tamain,       D807700100007 
            A.Thiphagne, H.Doubre, A.Peghaire, J.Peter, E.Rosato, D807700100008 
            J.C.Adloff, A.Kamili, G.Rudolf, F.Scheibling,         D807700100009 
            F.Guilbault, C.Lebrun, F.Hanappe)                     D807700100010 
INSTITUTE  (2FR CAE,2FR GAN,2FR STR,2FR NTE,2BLGBRU)              D807700100011 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,500,372,1989)                                  D807700100012 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,2FR GAN)                                        D807700100013 
DETECTOR   (TELES) telescope consisting of four solid-state       D807700100014 
            detectors for detection of projectile-like fragments  D807700100015 
           (SCIN) plastic wall for detection of light charged nuclD807700100016 
METHOD     (EDE)                                                  D807700100017 
           (COINC) Light charged nuclei (1<=Z<=8) detected in     D807700100018 
            coincidence with projectile-like fragments (5<=Z<=19).D807700100019 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   D807700100020 
HISTORY    (20241021C) M.Odsuren, L.Vrapcenjak                    D807700100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 D807700100022 
COMMON               1          3                                 D807700100023 
EN                                                                D807700100024 
MEV/A                                                             D807700100025 
 60.                                                              D807700100026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 D807700100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 D807700199999 
SUBENT        D8077002   20241025                             D144D807700200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 D807700200002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(18-AR-40,X)ELEM,,DA)                          D807700200003 
STATUS     (CURVE,,J.C.Steckmeyer,J,NP/A,500,372,1989) Figure 3   D807700200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 D807700200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 D807700200006 
DATA                 4         51                                 D807700200007 
ELEMENT    ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         D807700200008 
NO-DIM     ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            D807700200009 
  3.         4.72        3.82E+03                                 D807700200010 
  3.         7.74        2.83E+03                                 D807700200011 
  3.        15.34        1.25E+03                                 D807700200012 
  3.        20.46        7.64E+02                                 D807700200013 
  3.        30.56        3.30E+02                                 D807700200014 
  3.        50.62        8.56E+01                                 D807700200015 
  3.        70.56        3.29E+01                                 D807700200016 
  4.         4.85        2.21E+03                                 D807700200017 
  4.         7.74        1.63E+03                                 D807700200018 
  4.        15.48        5.36E+02                                 D807700200019 
  4.        20.46        2.89E+02                                 D807700200020 
  4.        30.56        1.16E+02                                 D807700200021 
  4.        50.36        2.96E+01                                 D807700200022 
  4.        70.30        8.82E+00   1.76E+00                      D807700200023 
  6.         4.33        5.90E+03                                 D807700200024 
  6.         4.59        3.92E+03                                 D807700200025 
  6.         7.61        2.53E+03                                 D807700200026 
  6.        15.74        4.25E+02                                 D807700200027 
  6.        20.46        2.26E+02                                 D807700200028 
  6.        30.30        9.28E+01                                 D807700200029 
  6.        50.36        2.03E+01                                 D807700200030 
  6.        70.30        4.87E+00   1.24E+00                      D807700200031 
  8.         8.00        1.23E+03                                 D807700200032 
  8.        15.48        1.46E+02                                 D807700200033 
  8.        20.46        7.64E+01                                 D807700200034 
  8.        30.30        2.75E+01                                 D807700200035 
  8.        50.23        4.46E+00   1.05E+00                      D807700200036 
  8.        70.30        7.25E-01   2.13E-01                      D807700200037 
 10.         7.61        8.25E+02                                 D807700200038 
 10.        15.21        5.59E+01                                 D807700200039 
 10.        20.33        3.67E+01                                 D807700200040 
 10.        30.43        1.51E+01                                 D807700200041 
 10.        49.97        1.87E+00   5.12E-01                      D807700200042 
 12.         7.61        6.06E+02                                 D807700200043 
 12.        13.77        3.36E+01                                 D807700200044 
 12.        20.33        1.92E+01                                 D807700200045 
 12.        30.16        7.43E+00                                 D807700200046 
 12.        49.97        3.51E-01   1.47E-01                      D807700200047 
 14.         7.34        2.48E+02                                 D807700200048 
 14.        15.21        1.48E+01                                 D807700200049 
 14.        20.07        8.48E+00                                 D807700200050 
 14.        30.03        2.99E+00   5.98E-01                      D807700200051 
 16.         7.21        4.96E+01                                 D807700200052 
 16.        15.08        5.37E+00                                 D807700200053 
 16.        20.20        3.22E+00                                 D807700200054 
 16.        30.02        7.73E-01   2.39E-01                      D807700200055 
 18.         4.67        2.67E+03                                 D807700200056 
 18.         6.88        5.64E+00   1.55E+00                      D807700200057 
 18.        15.09        1.90E+00   4.36E-01                      D807700200058 
 18.        19.98        9.93E-01   2.34E-01                      D807700200059 
 18.        29.71        7.17E-02   6.06E-02                      D807700200060 
ENDDATA             53          0                                 D807700200061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 D807700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 D807799999999