ENTRY            E0108   20091023                             E060E010800000001 
SUBENT        E0108001   20091023                             E060E010800100001 
BIB                 10         17                                 E010800100002 
TITLE      6+ and 11- states excited by the (p,t) reaction on     E010800100003 
           lead isotopes                                          E010800100004 
AUTHOR     (H.Orihara, Y.Ishizaki, G.F.Trentelman, M.Kanazawa,    E010800100005 
           K.Abe, H.Yamaguchi)                                    E010800100006 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study                  E010800100007 
           (2JPNTOH) Department of Physics, Faculty of Science    E010800100008 
           (2JPNTKS) Faculty of General Education                 E010800100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,9,(1),266,197401)                              E010800100010 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E010800100011 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E010800100012 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E010800100013 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study            E010800100014 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,PROPC)                                          E010800100015 
ADD-RES    (COMP) 1. DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation)     E010800100016 
                  (DWUCK code)                                    E010800100017 
                  2. Optical model                                E010800100018 
HISTORY    (20090812C) Nh                                         E010800100019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 E010800100020 
COMMON               2          3                                 E010800100021 
EN         E-RSL                                                  E010800100022 
MEV        KEV                                                    E010800100023 
 51.9       100.                                                  E010800100024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E010800100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 E010800199999 
SUBENT        E0108002   20091023                             E060E010800200001 
BIB                  5          8                                 E010800200002 
REACTION   (82-PB-204(P,T)82-PB-202,PAR,DA)                       E010800200003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle (c.m.) between beam and triton   E010800200004 
           (E-LVL,82-PB-202)                                      E010800200005 
LEVEL-PROP (82-PB-202,E-LVL=2.760,SPIN=6.,PARITY=+1.)             E010800200006 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 65%.                            E010800200007 
           - Target-thickness is 0.5 mg/cm**2.                    E010800200008 
           - Backing is mylar film.                               E010800200009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p268 of reference          E010800200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 E010800200011 
COMMON               2          3                                 E010800200012 
E-LVL      E-LVL-ERR                                              E010800200013 
MEV        MEV                                                    E010800200014 
 2.760      0.010                                                 E010800200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E010800200016 
DATA                 2         15                                 E010800200017 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                E010800200018 
ADEG       MB/SR                                                  E010800200019 
  6.125E+00  2.562E+02                                            E010800200020 
  8.785E+00  2.889E+02                                            E010800200021 
  1.128E+01  2.449E+02                                            E010800200022 
  1.404E+01  2.234E+02                                            E010800200023 
  1.645E+01  1.807E+02                                            E010800200024 
  1.887E+01  1.264E+02                                            E010800200025 
  2.128E+01  1.160E+02                                            E010800200026 
  2.361E+01  8.328E+01                                            E010800200027 
  2.877E+01  7.402E+01                                            E010800200028 
  3.367E+01  6.363E+01                                            E010800200029 
  3.884E+01  4.139E+01                                            E010800200030 
  4.402E+01  2.839E+01                                            E010800200031 
  4.874E+01  2.314E+01                                            E010800200032 
  5.365E+01  1.485E+01                                            E010800200033 
  5.875E+01  9.161E+00                                            E010800200034 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E010800200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 E010800299999 
SUBENT        E0108003   20091023                             E060E010800300001 
BIB                  6          9                                 E010800300002 
REACTION   (82-PB-206(P,T)82-PB-204,PAR,DA)                       E010800300003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle (c.m.) between beam and triton   E010800300004 
           (E-LVL,82-PB-204)                                      E010800300005 
LEVEL-PROP ((1.)82-PB-204,E-LVL=2.813,SPIN=6.,PARITY=+1.)         E010800300006 
           ((2.)82-PB-204,E-LVL=4.853,SPIN=11.,PARITY=-1.)        E010800300007 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 14.0 mg/cm**2.                   E010800300008 
           - Target is self supported.                            E010800300009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E010800300010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p268 of reference          E010800300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 E010800300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E010800300013 
DATA                 6         38                                 E010800300014 
E-LVL      E-LVL-ERR  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR   LVL-FLAG   E010800300015 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      NO-DIM     E010800300016 
 2.813      0.10        6.146E+00  4.305E+02            1.        E010800300017 
 2.813      0.10        8.661E+00  4.389E+02            1.        E010800300018 
 2.813      0.10        1.118E+01  4.250E+02            1.        E010800300019 
 2.813      0.10        1.369E+01  3.572E+02            1.        E010800300020 
 2.813      0.10        1.621E+01  2.743E+02            1.        E010800300021 
 2.813      0.10        1.864E+01  1.913E+02            1.        E010800300022 
 2.813      0.10        2.125E+01  1.715E+02            1.        E010800300023 
 2.813      0.10        2.394E+01  1.360E+02            1.        E010800300024 
 2.813      0.10        2.637E+01  1.203E+02            1.        E010800300025 
 2.813      0.10        2.914E+01  1.143E+02            1.        E010800300026 
 2.813      0.10        3.409E+01  9.731E+01            1.        E010800300027 
 2.813      0.10        3.912E+01  6.874E+01            1.        E010800300028 
 2.813      0.10        4.147E+01  4.702E+01            1.        E010800300029 
 2.813      0.10        4.398E+01  4.269E+01            1.        E010800300030 
 2.813      0.10        4.919E+01  3.155E+01            1.        E010800300031 
 2.813      0.10        5.414E+01  1.897E+01            1.        E010800300032 
 2.813      0.10        5.926E+01  1.358E+01            1.        E010800300033 
 2.813      0.10        6.403E+01  1.148E+01            1.        E010800300034 
 2.813      0.10        6.941E+01  6.517E+00            1.        E010800300035 
 4.853      0.010       6.234E+00  1.865E+01            2.        E010800300036 
 4.853      0.010       8.956E+00  2.110E+01            2.        E010800300037 
 4.853      0.010       1.131E+01  1.473E+01            2.        E010800300038 
 4.853      0.010       1.380E+01  1.541E+01            2.        E010800300039 
 4.853      0.010       1.645E+01  1.113E+01            2.        E010800300040 
 4.853      0.010       1.887E+01  1.295E+01            2.        E010800300041 
 4.853      0.010       2.122E+01  1.023E+01            2.        E010800300042 
 4.853      0.010       2.380E+01  8.079E+00            2.        E010800300043 
 4.853      0.010       2.629E+01  1.023E+01            2.        E010800300044 
 4.853      0.010       2.848E+01  1.295E+01            2.        E010800300045 
 4.853      0.010       3.377E+01  1.743E+01            2.        E010800300046 
 4.853      0.010       3.877E+01  1.734E+01            2.        E010800300047 
 4.853      0.010       4.096E+01  1.783E+01            2.        E010800300048 
 4.853      0.010       4.369E+01  1.449E+01            2.        E010800300049 
 4.853      0.010       4.876E+01  9.944E+00            2.        E010800300050 
 4.853      0.010       5.353E+01  5.866E+00            2.        E010800300051 
 4.853      0.010       5.868E+01  3.893E+00  4.118E-01 2.        E010800300052 
 4.853      0.010       6.375E+01  3.480E+00  3.569E-01 2.        E010800300053 
 4.853      0.010       6.966E+01  1.996E+00  4.032E-01 2.        E010800300054 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 E010800300055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 E010800399999 
SUBENT        E0108004   20091023                             E060E010800400001 
BIB                  6          9                                 E010800400002 
REACTION   (82-PB-208(P,T)82-PB-206,PAR,DA)                       E010800400003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle (c.m.) between beam and triton   E010800400004 
           (E-LVL,82-PB-206)                                      E010800400005 
LEVEL-PROP ((1.)82-PB-206,E-LVL=3.264,SPIN=6.,PARITY=+1.)         E010800400006 
           ((2.)82-PB-206,E-LVL=5.414,SPIN=11.,PARITY=-1.)        E010800400007 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 3.9 mg/cm**2.                    E010800400008 
           - Target is self supported.                            E010800400009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E010800400010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p268 of reference          E010800400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 E010800400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E010800400013 
DATA                 6         30                                 E010800400014 
E-LVL      E-LVL-ERR  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR   LVL-FLAG   E010800400015 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      NO-DIM     E010800400016 
 3.264      0.007       5.941E+00  5.339E+02            1.        E010800400017 
 3.264      0.007       8.341E+00  6.357E+02            1.        E010800400018 
 3.264      0.007       1.103E+01  5.399E+02            1.        E010800400019 
 3.264      0.007       1.337E+01  4.632E+02            1.        E010800400020 
 3.264      0.007       1.592E+01  3.643E+02            1.        E010800400021 
 3.264      0.007       1.861E+01  2.764E+02            1.        E010800400022 
 3.264      0.007       2.109E+01  2.034E+02            1.        E010800400023 
 3.264      0.007       2.350E+01  1.710E+02            1.        E010800400024 
 3.264      0.007       2.584E+01  1.528E+02            1.        E010800400025 
 3.264      0.007       2.832E+01  1.318E+02            1.        E010800400026 
 3.264      0.007       3.368E+01  1.209E+02            1.        E010800400027 
 3.264      0.007       3.919E+01  8.858E+01            1.        E010800400028 
 3.264      0.007       4.416E+01  4.604E+01            1.        E010800400029 
 3.264      0.007       4.884E+01  3.697E+01            1.        E010800400030 
 3.264      0.007       5.366E+01  2.287E+01            1.        E010800400031 
 3.264      0.007       5.917E+01  1.444E+01            1.        E010800400032 
 3.264      0.007       6.426E+01  1.184E+01            1.        E010800400033 
 5.414      0.010       6.106E+00  2.861E+01            2.        E010800400034 
 5.414      0.010       8.530E+00  3.269E+01            2.        E010800400035 
 5.414      0.010       1.839E+01  2.470E+01            2.        E010800400036 
 5.414      0.010       2.125E+01  2.187E+01            2.        E010800400037 
 5.414      0.010       2.375E+01  2.332E+01            2.        E010800400038 
 5.414      0.010       2.860E+01  2.680E+01            2.        E010800400039 
 5.414      0.010       3.381E+01  2.952E+01            2.        E010800400040 
 5.414      0.010       3.895E+01  2.772E+01            2.        E010800400041 
 5.414      0.010       4.425E+01  1.813E+01            2.        E010800400042 
 5.414      0.010       4.919E+01  1.054E+01            2.        E010800400043 
 5.414      0.010       5.427E+01  7.005E+00  7.837E-01 2.        E010800400044 
 5.414      0.010       5.920E+01  6.270E+00  6.293E-01 2.        E010800400045 
 5.414      0.010       6.443E+01  4.417E+00  5.066E-01 2.        E010800400046 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 E010800400047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E010800499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 E010899999999