ENTRY E1152 20231007 E140E115200000001 SUBENT E1152001 20231007 E140E115200100001 BIB 15 25 E115200100002 TITLE g9/2 single particle state in 28Si E115200100003 AUTHOR (S.Kubono, K.Morita, M.H.Tanaka, A.Sakaguchi, E115200100004 M.Sugitani, S.Kato) E115200100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOK,2JPNYMG) E115200100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,33,1524,1986) E115200100007 PART-DET (A) E115200100008 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,12-MG-24) E115200100009 (E-LVL2,14-SI-28) E115200100010 INC-SOURCE Charge of incident ion is 4+. E115200100011 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E115200100012 - Chemical-form of target is element. E115200100013 - Physical-form of target is solid. E115200100014 - Target-thickness is 0.02 to 0.03 mg/cm2. E115200100015 - Target is self supported. E115200100016 METHOD (COINC) Detect alpha and alpha in coincidence. E115200100017 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study E115200100018 DETECTOR (MAGSP,PROPC) To detect alpha particles at 0 deg E115200100019 (SCIN) To detect alpha particles in coincidence E115200100020 measurement E115200100021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E115200100022 ADD-RES (COMP) Legendre polynomials analysis E115200100023 STATUS (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.2, p1525 in reference E115200100024 HISTORY (20070405T) On. Converted from NRDF D1152 E115200100025 (20231007A) MA: modified REACTION in 002; added E115200100026 ANG-SEC in 002. E115200100027 ENDBIB 25 0 E115200100028 COMMON 3 3 E115200100029 EN E-LVL1 E-LVL2 E115200100030 MEV MEV MEV E115200100031 51.93 0. 12.80 E115200100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E115200100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 E115200199999 SUBENT E1152002 20231007 E140E115200200001 BIB 3 5 E115200200002 REACTION (6-C-12(10-NE-20,2A)12-MG-24,PAR,DA/DA,A/A,REL) E115200200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1-CM,A) E115200200004 (ANG2-CM,A) E115200200005 HISTORY (20070417A) At. Re-digitized E115200200006 (20231007A) MA: SF3: A+A -> 2A; ANG-SEC added. E115200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 E115200200008 COMMON 1 3 E115200200009 ANG1-CM E115200200010 ADEG E115200200011 0. E115200200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E115200200013 DATA 3 20 E115200200014 ANG2-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR E115200200015 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS E115200200016 3.828E+01 2.568E+00 1.043E+00 E115200200017 4.242E+01 9.368E-01 6.951E-01 E115200200018 4.654E+01 3.831E-01 4.169E-01 E115200200019 5.082E+01 1.150E+00 6.602E-01 E115200200020 5.548E+01 2.230E+00 9.383E-01 E115200200021 6.052E+01 2.581E+00 1.008E+00 E115200200022 6.521E+01 1.367E+00 6.950E-01 E115200200023 6.989E+01 1.057E+00 6.602E-01 E115200200024 7.475E+01 1.060E+00 6.601E-01 E115200200025 7.943E+01 6.800E-01 5.213E-01 E115200200026 8.407E+01 2.246E+00 9.383E-01 E115200200027 8.874E+01 2.353E+00 1.008E+00 E115200200028 9.322E+01 2.564E+00 1.043E+00 E115200200029 9.792E+01 9.338E-01 6.950E-01 E115200200030 1.024E+02 5.194E-01 5.561E-01 E115200200031 1.069E+02 1.217E+00 7.646E-01 E115200200032 1.116E+02 1.289E+00 9.035E-01 E115200200033 1.157E+02 2.195E+00 1.321E+00 E115200200034 1.193E+02 7.584E+00 2.537E+00 E115200200035 1.233E+02 9.831E-01 9.383E-01 E115200200036 ENDDATA 22 0 E115200200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 E115200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 E115299999999