ENTRY            E1285   20080131                             E051E128500000001 
SUBENT        E1285001   20080131                             E051E128500100001 
BIB                 12         28                                 E128500100002 
TITLE      Determination of 193Au and 193Hg atomic masses by the  E128500100003 
           197Au(alpha,8He) 193Au reaction                        E128500100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Kato, S.Kubono, M.H.Tanaka, M.Yasue, T.Nomura,      E128500100005 
           Y.Fuchi, S.Ohkawa, T.Miyachi, K.Iwata, T.Suehiro,      E128500100006 
           Y.Yoshida)                                             E128500100007 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNYMG) Department of Physics                        E128500100008 
           (2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study                  E128500100009 
           (2JPNTOI)                                              E128500100010 
           (2JPNJPN) Sagami Women's University, Sagamihara,       E128500100011 
                     Kanagawa                                     E128500100012 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,39,(3),818,198903)                             E128500100013 
PART-DET   (2-HE-8)                                               E128500100014 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,79-AU-193)                                      E128500100015 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E128500100016 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E128500100017 
           - Target-thickness is 1.0 mg/cm**2.                    E128500100018 
           - Target is self supported.                            E128500100019 
METHOD     (TOF,EDE)                                              E128500100020 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study            E128500100021 
DETECTOR   - Solid angle of detector is 5 msr.                    E128500100022 
           - E-RSL: FWHM at the peak of ground state              E128500100023 
           (MAGSP) To analyze reaction product                    E128500100024 
           (PROPC) To measure position of particles and           E128500100025 
                   energy-loss                                    E128500100026 
           (SI) To measure energy and get TOF signal              E128500100027 
ADD-RES    (STRUC) Mass excess: -33.419+-0.011 MeV for 193Au and  E128500100028 
                   -31.080+-0.032 MeV for 193Hg                   E128500100029 
HISTORY    (20070117T) On. Converted from NRDF D1285              E128500100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 E128500100031 
COMMON               4          3                                 E128500100032 
EN         EN-ERR     E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                            E128500100033 
MEV        KEV        KEV        KEV                              E128500100034 
 65.119     23.        60.        0.0                             E128500100035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E128500100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 E128500199999 
SUBENT        E1285002   20080131                             E051E128500200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 E128500200002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,2-HE-8)79-AU-193,PAR,DA)                  E128500200003 
EN-SEC     ANG is polar angle between beam and 8He in laboratory  E128500200004 
           system                                                 E128500200005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Taken from text, pp820 in reference            E128500200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E128500200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E128500200008 
DATA                 2          1                                 E128500200009 
ANG        DATA                                                   E128500200010 
ADEG       NB/SR                                                  E128500200011 
 8.         16.                                                   E128500200012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 E128500200013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 E128500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 E128599999999