ENTRY            E1517   20051219                             E034E151700000001 
SUBENT        E1517001   20051219                             E034E151700100001 
BIB                 12         19                                 E151700100002 
TITLE      Measurements of proton-proton differential cross       E151700100003 
           sections at 5, 7 and 8 MeV                             E151700100004 
AUTHOR     (K.Imai, K.Nisimura, N.Tamura, H.Sato)                 E151700100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNKTO) Department of Physics                        E151700100006 
           (2JPNLEP)                                              E151700100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,246,(1),76,197507)                             E151700100008 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E151700100009 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E151700100010 
           - Physical-form of target is gas.                      E151700100011 
           - Target-thickness: About 0.1 atm                      E151700100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,2JPNKTO)                                         E151700100013 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) To detect scattered protons                    E151700100014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in target number                   E151700100015 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in charge collection               E151700100016 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in G-factor                        E151700100017 
           (DATA-ERR) Relative error only                         E151700100018 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Phase shift analysis                            E151700100019 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1, p86 in reference      E151700100020 
HISTORY    (20050919T) Kc + Sr + On. Converted from NRDF D1517    E151700100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 E151700100022 
COMMON               6          3                                 E151700100023 
EN-ERR     EN-RSL     ERR-SYS    ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      E151700100024 
 0.1        0.25       0.20       0.11       0.12       0.10      E151700100026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E151700100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 E151700199999 
SUBENT        E1517002   20051219                             E034E151700200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 E151700200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,SCT)1-H-1,,DA)                                E151700200003 
           C.M. angular distribution as a function of lab. angle  E151700200004 
EN-SEC     ANG is polar angle between beam and proton in          E151700200005 
           laboratory system                                      E151700200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E151700200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 E151700200008 
EN                                                                E151700200009 
MEV                                                               E151700200010 
 4.978                                                            E151700200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E151700200012 
DATA                 3         17                                 E151700200013 
ANG        DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E151700200014 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E151700200015 
 8.0        461.92     2.92                                       E151700200016 
 9.0        301.90     1.36                                       E151700200017 
 10.0       212.93     0.75                                       E151700200018 
 11.0       161.84     0.58                                       E151700200019 
 12.0       132.87     0.40                                       E151700200020 
 13.0       115.76     0.42                                       E151700200021 
 14.0       105.70     0.38                                       E151700200022 
 15.0       99.86      0.38                                       E151700200023 
 16.0       96.24      0.38                                       E151700200024 
 18.0       93.33      0.39                                       E151700200025 
 20.0       93.11      0.31                                       E151700200026 
 22.5       93.81      0.36                                       E151700200027 
 25.0       94.98      0.38                                       E151700200028 
 30.0       97.46      0.37                                       E151700200029 
 35.0       98.68      0.32                                       E151700200030 
 40.0       98.90      0.41                                       E151700200031 
 45.0       100.00     0.35                                       E151700200032 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 E151700200033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 E151700299999 
SUBENT        E1517003   20051219                             E034E151700300001 
BIB                  2          4                                 E151700300002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,SCT)1-H-1,,DA)                                E151700300003 
           C.M. angular distribution as a function of lab. angle  E151700300004 
EN-SEC     ANG is polar angle between beam and proton in          E151700300005 
           laboratory system                                      E151700300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E151700300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 E151700300008 
EN                                                                E151700300009 
MEV                                                               E151700300010 
 6.968                                                            E151700300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E151700300012 
DATA                 3         17                                 E151700300013 
ANG        DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E151700300014 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E151700300015 
 8.0        248.14     1.49                                       E151700300016 
 9.0        165.58     0.68                                       E151700300017 
 10.0       123.20     0.42                                       E151700300018 
 11.0       99.52      0.38                                       E151700300019 
 12.0       85.80      0.23                                       E151700300020 
 13.0       78.41      0.21                                       E151700300021 
 14.0       74.02      0.18                                       E151700300022 
 15.0       71.31      0.23                                       E151700300023 
 16.0       69.74      0.22                                       E151700300024 
 18.0       69.38      0.24                                       E151700300025 
 20.0       69.38      0.24                                       E151700300026 
 22.5       70.16      0.22                                       E151700300027 
 25.0       71.08      0.21                                       E151700300028 
 30.0       72.71      0.23                                       E151700300029 
 35.0       73.90      0.26                                       E151700300030 
 40.0       73.43      0.26                                       E151700300031 
 45.0       74.09      0.26                                       E151700300032 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 E151700300033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 E151700399999 
SUBENT        E1517004   20051219                             E034E151700400001 
BIB                  2          4                                 E151700400002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,SCT)1-H-1,,DA)                                E151700400003 
           C.M. angular distribution as a function of lab. angle  E151700400004 
EN-SEC     ANG is polar angle between beam and proton in          E151700400005 
           laboratory system                                      E151700400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E151700400007 
COMMON               1          3                                 E151700400008 
EN                                                                E151700400009 
MEV                                                               E151700400010 
 8.030                                                            E151700400011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E151700400012 
DATA                 3         17                                 E151700400013 
ANG        DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E151700400014 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E151700400015 
 8.0        189.82     0.95                                       E151700400016 
 9.0        130.22     0.54                                       E151700400017 
 10.0       98.95      0.34                                       E151700400018 
 11.0       81.27      0.26                                       E151700400019 
 12.0       71.95      0.23                                       E151700400020 
 13.0       66.39      0.17                                       E151700400021 
 14.0       63.25      0.20                                       E151700400022 
 15.0       61.80      0.20                                       E151700400023 
 16.0       60.65      0.21                                       E151700400024 
 18.0       60.35      0.18                                       E151700400025 
 20.0       61.09      0.20                                       E151700400026 
 22.5       61.64      0.20                                       E151700400027 
 25.0       62.26      0.22                                       E151700400028 
 30.0       63.68      0.21                                       E151700400029 
 35.0       64.22      0.22                                       E151700400030 
 40.0       64.24      0.21                                       E151700400031 
 45.0       64.85      0.22                                       E151700400032 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 E151700400033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 E151700499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 E151799999999