ENTRY            E1644   20070514                             E043E164400000001 
SUBENT        E1644001   20070514                             E043E164400100001 
BIB                 12         36                                 E164400100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction cross      E164400100003 
           section at energies of astrophysical interest          E164400100004 
AUTHOR     (R.N.Boyd, I.Tanihata, N.Inabe, T.Kubo, T.Nakagawa,    E164400100005 
           T.Suzuki, M.Yonokura, X.X.Bai, K.Kimura, S.Kubono,     E164400100006 
           S.Shimoura, H.S.Xu, D.Hirata)                          E164400100007 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNIPC)                                              E164400100008 
           (1USAOSU) Department of Physics and Department of      E164400100009 
                     Astronomy                                    E164400100010 
           (3CPRAEP)                                              E164400100011 
           (2JPNKYU) Faculty of Science                           E164400100012 
           (2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study                  E164400100013 
           (2JPNTOK) Faculty of Science                           E164400100014 
           (3CPRIMP)                                              E164400100015 
           (3BZLBZL) Instituto de Estudos Avancados - Centro      E164400100016 
                     Tecnico Aeroespacial, Sao Jose das Campos,   E164400100017 
                     Sao Paulo                                    E164400100018 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,68,(9),1283,199203)                             E164400100019 
PART-DET   (5-B-11)                                               E164400100020 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1000 PPS.                            E164400100021 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element. with a 3%        E164400100022 
             admixture of butane (to speed up the signals)        E164400100023 
           - Physical-form of target is gas.                      E164400100024 
FACILITY   (PRJFS,2JPNIPC) RIKEN projectile fragment separator    E164400100025 
                           (RIPS) [T. Kubo et al., in Proceedings E164400100026 
                           of the First International Conference  E164400100027 
                           on Radioactive Nuclear Beams, edited   E164400100028 
                           by W.D. Myers, J.M. Nitschke, and E.B. E164400100029 
                           Norman (World Scientific, Singapore,   E164400100030 
                           1990), p563].                          E164400100031 
ANALYSIS   8Li beam and alpha gas target were used in             E164400100032 
           experimental set up.                                   E164400100033 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) MUltiple Sampling Ionization Chamber (MUSIC)    E164400100034 
                  [K. Kimura et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. E164400100035 
                  Res., A297(1990)190].                           E164400100036 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        E164400100037 
HISTORY    (20030820T) Am + On. Data converted from NRDF D1644    E164400100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 E164400100039 
COMMON               1          3                                 E164400100040 
ERR-S                                                             E164400100041 
PER-CENT                                                          E164400100042 
 15.                                                              E164400100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E164400100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E164400199999 
SUBENT        E1644002   20070514                             E043E164400200001 
BIB                  5         10                                 E164400200002 
REL-REF    (D,F0076002,T.Paradellis+,J,ZP/A,337,(2),211,1990)     E164400200003 
           8Li(alpha,n)11B(g.s) cross section was obtained by     E164400200004 
           using inverse reaction. The reaction cross section to  E164400200005 
           all allowed 11B states (present work) was found to be  E164400200006 
           larger than that to just the 11B ground states (this   E164400200007 
           related reference) by about a factor of 5.             E164400200008 
REACTION   (2-HE-4(3-LI-8,N)5-B-11,,SIG)                          E164400200009 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E164400200010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.2, p1286 in reference    E164400200011 
HISTORY    (20061127A) At. Re-digitized                           E164400200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E164400200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E164400200014 
DATA                 3         19                                 E164400200015 
EN-CM      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    E164400200016 
MEV        MB         MB                                          E164400200017 
  1.599E+00  3.818E+02  1.022E+02                                 E164400200018 
  1.962E+00  5.125E+02  1.259E+02                                 E164400200019 
  2.200E+00  5.184E+02  1.259E+02                                 E164400200020 
  2.427E+00  5.315E+02  1.057E+02                                 E164400200021 
  2.733E+00  4.638E+02  9.504E+01                                 E164400200022 
  2.949E+00  4.139E+02  1.022E+02                                 E164400200023 
  3.244E+00  4.792E+02  9.623E+01                                 E164400200024 
  3.527E+00  3.747E+02  8.554E+01                                 E164400200025 
  3.777E+00  2.784E+02  7.128E+01                                 E164400200026 
  4.049E+00  4.246E+02  8.792E+01                                 E164400200027 
  4.314E+00  4.161E+02  8.453E+01                                 E164400200028 
  4.593E+00  2.749E+02  7.128E+01                                 E164400200029 
  4.832E+00  3.367E+02  7.722E+01                                 E164400200030 
  5.127E+00  3.046E+02  7.485E+01                                 E164400200031 
  5.376E+00  1.311E+02  5.465E+01                                 E164400200032 
  5.626E+00  1.929E+02  5.227E+01                                 E164400200033 
  5.898E+00  9.666E+01  4.039E+01                                 E164400200034 
  6.193E+00  1.858E+02  7.722E+01                                 E164400200035 
  6.436E+00  1.625E+02  6.817E+01                                 E164400200036 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 E164400200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 E164400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 E164499999999