ENTRY E1813 20240622 E146E181300000001 SUBENT E1813001 20240622 E146E181300100001 BIB 12 30 E181300100002 TITLE Fragment mass distribution of the 239Pu(d,pf) reaction E181300100003 via the superdeformed beta-vibrational resonance E181300100004 AUTHOR (K.Nishio, H.Ikezoe, Y.Nagame, S.Mitsuoka, I.Nishinaka,E181300100005 L.Duan, K.Satou, S.Goto, M.Asai, H.Haba, K.Tsukada, E181300100006 N.Shinohara, S.Ichikawa, T.Ohsawa) E181300100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE,3CPRIMP,2JPNNII,2JPNKNK) E181300100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,67,014604,2003) E181300100009 PART-DET (P,FF) E181300100010 ANG-SEC (ANG,P) E181300100011 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 5 nA. E181300100012 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is PuO2(NO3)2. E181300100013 - Physical-form of target is solid. E181300100014 - Target-thickness is 0.035 mg/cm2. E181300100015 - Backing: Nickel foil E181300100016 - Backing-thickness is 0.09 mg/cm2. E181300100017 METHOD (COINC) Detect proton and fission fragment in E181300100018 coincidence. E181300100019 FACILITY (VDGT,2JPNJAE) JAERI-tandem accelerator E181300100020 DETECTOR (SI) Used as DeltaE-E telescope to distinguish and E181300100021 detect proton. Solid angle is 45 msr. Its E181300100022 resolution is 55 keV. 198Pt target was also used E181300100023 to produce elastically scattered deuterons and to E181300100024 calibrate the proton detectors. E181300100025 (SIBAR) Silicon PIN diodes to determine mass of the E181300100026 fission fragment. Solid angle is 1.25 sr. The E181300100027 energy calibration of the silicon PIN diodes E181300100028 was made by using the Schmitt formula. E181300100029 HISTORY (20040726C) E181300100030 (20240517A) MA: modified REACTION, STATUS in 002-004; E181300100031 add ANALYSIS in 002-003. E181300100032 ENDBIB 30 0 E181300100033 COMMON 2 3 E181300100034 EN ANG E181300100035 MEV ADEG E181300100036 13.5 135. E181300100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E181300100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 E181300199999 SUBENT E1813002 20240622 E146E181300200001 BIB 6 11 E181300200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(D,P+F)MASS,ISP/SEC,FY) E181300200003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,94-PU-240) E181300200004 ANALYSIS The yield is normalized so that the sum of the yields E181300200005 becomes 200%. E181300200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E181300200007 STATUS (TABLE,,K.Nishio+,J,PR/C,67,014604,2003) Fig. 4(A), E181300200008 received by E181300200009 e-mail from E181300200010 K.Nishio E181300200011 (2003.8.11) E181300200012 HISTORY (20240517A) MA: SF5: PAR/CHN -> ISP/SEC E181300200013 ENDBIB 11 0 E181300200014 COMMON 2 3 E181300200015 E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX E181300200016 MEV MEV E181300200017 5.30 6.00 E181300200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E181300200019 DATA 5 26 E181300200020 MASS-MIN MASS-MAX DATA +ERR-S -ERR-S E181300200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS E181300200022 1.195E+02 1.215E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 E181300200023 1.215E+02 1.235E+02 1.667E-01 1.666E-01 1.667E-01 E181300200024 1.235E+02 1.255E+02 2.500E-01 2.041E-01 2.041E-01 E181300200025 1.255E+02 1.275E+02 6.667E-01 3.333E-01 3.334E-01 E181300200026 1.275E+02 1.295E+02 1.583E+00 5.140E-01 5.130E-01 E181300200027 1.295E+02 1.315E+02 4.500E+00 8.660E-01 8.660E-01 E181300200028 1.315E+02 1.335E+02 4.083E+00 8.250E-01 8.250E-01 E181300200029 1.335E+02 1.355E+02 4.833E+00 8.980E-01 8.970E-01 E181300200030 1.355E+02 1.375E+02 6.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 E181300200031 1.375E+02 1.395E+02 6.250E+00 1.021E+00 1.021E+00 E181300200032 1.395E+02 1.415E+02 4.833E+00 8.980E-01 8.970E-01 E181300200033 1.415E+02 1.435E+02 4.833E+00 8.980E-01 8.970E-01 E181300200034 1.435E+02 1.455E+02 2.917E+00 6.970E-01 6.980E-01 E181300200035 1.455E+02 1.475E+02 3.167E+00 7.260E-01 7.270E-01 E181300200036 1.475E+02 1.495E+02 1.667E+00 5.270E-01 5.270E-01 E181300200037 1.495E+02 1.515E+02 1.417E+00 4.860E-01 4.862E-01 E181300200038 1.515E+02 1.535E+02 1.000E+00 4.080E-01 4.082E-01 E181300200039 1.535E+02 1.555E+02 5.833E-01 3.118E-01 3.118E-01 E181300200040 1.555E+02 1.575E+02 5.833E-01 3.118E-01 3.118E-01 E181300200041 1.575E+02 1.595E+02 1.667E-01 1.666E-01 1.667E-01 E181300200042 1.595E+02 1.615E+02 1.667E-01 1.666E-01 1.667E-01 E181300200043 1.615E+02 1.635E+02 1.667E-01 1.666E-01 1.667E-01 E181300200044 1.635E+02 1.655E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 E181300200045 1.655E+02 1.675E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 E181300200046 1.675E+02 1.695E+02 1.667E-01 1.666E-01 1.667E-01 E181300200047 1.695E+02 1.715E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 E181300200048 ENDDATA 28 0 E181300200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E181300299999 SUBENT E1813003 20240622 E146E181300300001 BIB 6 11 E181300300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(D,P+F)MASS,ISP/SEC,FY) E181300300003 EN-SEC (E-EXC,94-PU-240) E181300300004 ANALYSIS The yield is normalized such that the sum of the E181300300005 yields becomes 200%. E181300300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E181300300007 STATUS (TABLE,,K.Nishio+,J,PR/C,67,014604,2003) Fig. 4(B), E181300300008 received by E181300300009 e-mail from E181300300010 K.Nishio E181300300011 (2003.8.11) E181300300012 HISTORY (20240517A) MA: SF5: PAR/CHN -> ISP/SEC E181300300013 ENDBIB 11 0 E181300300014 COMMON 2 3 E181300300015 E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX E181300300016 MEV MEV E181300300017 4.78 5.30 E181300300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E181300300019 DATA 5 11 E181300300020 MASS-MIN MASS-MAX DATA +ERR-S -ERR-S E181300300021 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS E181300300022 1.195E+02 1.245E+02 2.597E-01 2.598E-01 2.597E-01 E181300300023 1.245E+02 1.295E+02 1.558E+00 6.370E-01 6.358E-01 E181300300024 1.295E+02 1.345E+02 2.727E+00 8.420E-01 8.410E-01 E181300300025 1.345E+02 1.395E+02 6.753E+00 1.325E+00 1.324E+00 E181300300026 1.395E+02 1.445E+02 3.896E+00 1.006E+00 1.006E+00 E181300300027 1.445E+02 1.495E+02 2.597E+00 8.220E-01 8.210E-01 E181300300028 1.495E+02 1.545E+02 1.429E+00 6.090E-01 6.096E-01 E181300300029 1.545E+02 1.595E+02 5.195E-01 3.673E-01 3.673E-01 E181300300030 1.595E+02 1.645E+02 1.299E-01 1.836E-01 1.837E-01 E181300300031 1.645E+02 1.695E+02 1.299E-01 1.836E-01 1.837E-01 E181300300032 1.695E+02 1.745E+02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 E181300300033 ENDDATA 13 0 E181300300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E181300399999 SUBENT E1813004 20240622 E146E181300400001 BIB 5 9 E181300400002 REACTION (94-PU-239(D,P+F),ISP/SEC,AP,HF) E181300400003 The average value of the heavy fragment mass (atomic E181300400004 mass unit) E181300400005 EN-SEC (E-EXC,94-PU-240) E181300400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E181300400007 STATUS (TABLE,,K.Nishio+,J,PR/C,67,014604,2003) Captions in E181300400008 Fig. 4(A) and E181300400009 (B) E181300400010 HISTORY (20240520A) MA: SF5: PAR -> ISP/SEC E181300400011 ENDBIB 9 0 E181300400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E181300400013 DATA 4 2 E181300400014 E-EXC-MIN E-EXC-MAX DATA DATA-ERR E181300400015 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E181300400016 5.30 6.00 139.8 1.1 E181300400017 4.78 5.30 140.2 2.5 E181300400018 ENDDATA 4 0 E181300400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 E181300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 E181399999999