ENTRY            E1847   20040311                             0000E184700000001 
SUBENT        E1847001   20040311                             0000E184700100001 
BIB                 10         26                                 E184700100002 
TITLE      Production of 7Be from proton bombardment of light     E184700100003 
           elements                                               E184700100004 
AUTHOR     (T.Inoue, S.Tanaka)                                    E184700100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOK)Institute for Nuclear Study                   E184700100006 
REFERENCE  (J,JIN,38,1425,1976)                                   E184700100007 
RAD-DET    (4-BE-7,DG)                                            E184700100008 
SAMPLE     Target is self supported.                              E184700100009 
METHOD     (BCINT)Beam current was measured by a 100% feed-back   E184700100010 
                  type current integrator. The uncertainty in the E184700100011 
                  beam current integration was estimated to be    E184700100012 
                  3-10%.                                          E184700100013 
           (GSPEC)The activity of 7Be was measured more than two  E184700100014 
                  weeks after irradiation, when the short-lived   E184700100015 
                  activities had been decayed out. No radioactive E184700100016 
                  impurities were observed in the gamma-spectra.  E184700100017 
           (CHSEP)Chemical separation of beryllium was applied to E184700100018 
                  a few targets in each run to eliminate a        E184700100019 
                  possible interference of other activities and   E184700100020 
                  obtain the absolute cross sections.             E184700100021 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 E184700100022 
           (NAICR)Used for measurement after chemical separation  E184700100023 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1)Low limit of the uncertainty in the beam        E184700100024 
                  current interagtion.                            E184700100025 
           (ERR-2)High limit of the uncertainty in the beam       E184700100026 
                  current integration,                            E184700100027 
HISTORY    (20031031T)Data converted from EXFOR O0565             E184700100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 E184700100029 
COMMON               2          3                                 E184700100030 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  E184700100031 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               E184700100032 
 3.0        10.0                                                  E184700100033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E184700100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 E184700199999 
SUBENT        E1847002   20040311                             0000E184700200001 
BIB                  7         17                                 E184700200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                               E184700200003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,478.,0.103)                           E184700200004 
RAD-DET    (4-BE-7,DG)                                            E184700200005 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E184700200006 
           - Physical-form of target is solid. Plate              E184700200007 
           - Target-thickness is 176 to 189 mg/cm**2. Target was  E184700200008 
             thick enough to be able to neglect the recoil loss   E184700200009 
             of 7Be from the target. Cross section below 22 MeV   E184700200010 
             may actually be attributed only the (p,t) reaction.  E184700200011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOK)INSJ cyclotron operating in the FM      E184700200012 
                          mode. The energy of the incident        E184700200013 
                          protons was 51.8+-0.2 MeV.              E184700200014 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty              E184700200015 
           (ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty                 E184700200016 
           (DATA-ERR)Uncertainty reported by authors              E184700200017 
STATUS     (CURVE)Data scanned from Fig.1, p1425 in reference by  E184700200018 
                  CAJaD                                           E184700200019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 E184700200020 
COMMON               1          3                                 E184700200021 
ERR-DIG                                                           E184700200022 
PER-CENT                                                          E184700200023 
 2.0                                                              E184700200024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E184700200025 
DATA                 4         13                                 E184700200026 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         E184700200027 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         E184700200028 
 14.8       1.3        4.88       4.0                             E184700200029 
 18.9       2.3        6.6        21.0                            E184700200030 
 23.0       1.4        6.39                                       E184700200031 
 24.9       1.5        8.2                                        E184700200032 
 27.7                  11.05                                      E184700200033 
 30.8       1.1        13.0       19.0                            E184700200034 
 33.52                 13.28                                      E184700200035 
 36.08                 14.29                                      E184700200036 
 38.3                  15.0                                       E184700200037 
 40.86                 15.0       17.0                            E184700200038 
 42.39                 14.59                                      E184700200039 
 44.61                 14.75                                      E184700200040 
 47.5                  14.0                                       E184700200041 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 E184700200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 E184700299999 
SUBENT        E1847003   20040311                             0000E184700300001 
BIB                  8         25                                 E184700300002 
REACTION   (5-B-0(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                                E184700300003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,478.,0.103)                           E184700300004 
RAD-DET    (4-BE-7,DG)                                            E184700300005 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.5%.                          E184700300006 
           - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E184700300007 
           - Physical-form of target is solid. Powder             E184700300008 
           - Target-thickness: 41-64 mg/cm2 for 51.8 MeV proton,  E184700300009 
             23-31 mg/cm2 for 16.0 MeV proton, 0.17-0.57 mg/cm2   E184700300010 
             for 5.00 MeV proton, 0.17-0.52 mg/cm2 for 4.00 MeV   E184700300011 
             proton                                               E184700300012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOK)INSJ cyclotron operating in the FM      E184700300013 
                          mode. The energy of the incident        E184700300014 
                          protons was 51.8+-0.2 MeV. Cyclotron in E184700300015 
                          Institute for Physical and Chemical     E184700300016 
                          Research was also used for 16 MeV beam. E184700300017 
           (VDGT,2JPNTOK)For 4 and 5 MeV beams at Atomic Energy   E184700300018 
                         Research Center                          E184700300019 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty              E184700300020 
           (ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertanity                 E184700300021 
           (DATA-ERR)Uncertainty reported by authors              E184700300022 
FLAG       (1.) The data were measured at Tandem Van de Graaf of  E184700300023 
                Atomic Energy Research Center, University of      E184700300024 
                Tokyo                                             E184700300025 
STATUS     (CURVE)Data scanned from Fig.2 and 3, p1426 in         E184700300026 
                  reference by CAJaD                              E184700300027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 E184700300028 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E184700300029 
DATA                 6         55                                 E184700300030 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       ERR-DIG    DATA-ERR   FLAG       E184700300031 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB         MB         NO-DIM     E184700300032 
 0.17       0.019      34.6       0.4                   1.0       E184700300033 
 0.56       0.019      14.7       0.4                   1.0       E184700300034 
 0.78       0.019      24.8       0.4                   1.0       E184700300035 
 0.95       0.019      38.8       0.4                   1.0       E184700300036 
 1.12       0.019      40.3       0.4                   1.0       E184700300037 
 1.47       0.019      41.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300038 
 1.5        0.019      38.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300039 
 1.6        0.019      35.2       0.4                   1.0       E184700300040 
 1.63       0.019      30.1       0.4                   1.0       E184700300041 
 1.78       0.019      20.4       0.4                   1.0       E184700300042 
 2.07       0.019      47.2       0.4                   1.0       E184700300043 
 2.16       0.019      45.8       0.4                   1.0       E184700300044 
 2.26       0.019      42.0       0.4                   1.0       E184700300045 
 2.55       0.019      22.2       0.4                   1.0       E184700300046 
 2.6        0.019      22.7       0.4                   1.0       E184700300047 
 2.74       0.019      31.0       0.4                   1.0       E184700300048 
 2.91       0.019      22.4       0.4                   1.0       E184700300049 
 3.01       0.019      19.1       0.4                   1.0       E184700300050 
 3.04       0.019      24.8       0.4                   1.0       E184700300051 
 3.08       0.019      20.7       0.4                   1.0       E184700300052 
 3.14       0.019      29.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300053 
 3.3        0.019      16.7       0.4                   1.0       E184700300054 
 3.39       0.019      19.4       0.4                   1.0       E184700300055 
 3.49       0.19       31.0       0.43       5.89                 E184700300056 
 3.56       0.019      26.6       0.4                   1.0       E184700300057 
 3.66       0.019      22.0       0.4                   1.0       E184700300058 
 3.69       0.019      23.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300059 
 3.78       0.019      22.2       0.4                   1.0       E184700300060 
 3.83       0.019      24.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300061 
 4.0        0.019      50.9       0.4                   1.0       E184700300062 
 4.18       0.019      55.2       0.4                   1.0       E184700300063 
 4.24       0.019      60.3       0.4                   1.0       E184700300064 
 4.37       0.019      67.0       0.4                   1.0       E184700300065 
 4.53       0.019      29.6       0.4                   1.0       E184700300066 
 4.73       0.019      20.5       0.4                   1.0       E184700300067 
 4.79       0.019      36.0       0.4                   1.0       E184700300068 
 6.23       0.19       16.38      0.23                            E184700300069 
 7.36       0.19       9.22       0.13                            E184700300070 
 9.33       0.19       5.33       0.07                            E184700300071 
 10.8       0.19       5.02       0.07                            E184700300072 
 12.62      0.19       16.72      0.23                            E184700300073 
 15.47      0.19       24.0       0.34                            E184700300074 
 17.67      0.19       25.8       0.36                            E184700300075 
 19.77      0.19       21.0       0.29       3.99                 E184700300076 
 21.58      0.19       24.2       0.34                            E184700300077 
 23.4       0.19       19.78      0.28                            E184700300078 
 25.09      0.19       16.31      0.23                            E184700300079 
 27.12      0.19       15.8       0.22                            E184700300080 
 31.14      0.19       13.89      0.19                            E184700300081 
 33.26      0.19       12.23      0.17                            E184700300082 
 36.75      0.19       11.17      0.16                            E184700300083 
 40.39      0.19       10.4       0.15       1.872                E184700300084 
 43.22      0.19       9.98       0.14                            E184700300085 
 45.92      0.19       9.48       0.13                            E184700300086 
 48.63      0.19       9.45       0.13                            E184700300087 
ENDDATA             57          0                                 E184700300088 
ENDSUBENT           87          0                                 E184700399999 
SUBENT        E1847004   20040311                             0000E184700400001 
BIB                  8         17                                 E184700400002 
REACTION   (7-N-0(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                                E184700400003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,478.,0.103)                           E184700400004 
RAD-DET    (4-BE-7,DG)                                            E184700400005 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target: VN (vanadium nitride)       E184700400006 
           - Physical-form of target is solid. Powder             E184700400007 
           - Target-thickness is 81 to 124 mg/cm**2.              E184700400008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOK)INSJ cyclotron operating in the FM      E184700400009 
                          mode. The energy of the incident        E184700400010 
                          protons was 51.8+-0.2 MeV. at Institute E184700400011 
                          for Nuclear Study                       E184700400012 
CORRECTION Possible contribution of 7Be production from the       E184700400013 
           Vanadium was estimated to be less than 0.3%.           E184700400014 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty              E184700400015 
           (ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty                 E184700400016 
           (DATA-ERR)Uncertainty reported by authors              E184700400017 
STATUS     (CURVE)Data scanned from Fig.4, p1426 in reference by  E184700400018 
                  CAJaD                                           E184700400019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 E184700400020 
COMMON               1          3                                 E184700400021 
ERR-DIG                                                           E184700400022 
PER-CENT                                                          E184700400023 
 2.0                                                              E184700400024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E184700400025 
DATA                 4         10                                 E184700400026 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         E184700400027 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         E184700400028 
 12.18      0.5        0.267                                      E184700400029 
 14.7       0.5        9.9        16.0                            E184700400030 
 17.92                 24.0                                       E184700400031 
 20.63                 33.0       15.0                            E184700400032 
 22.62                 29.9                                       E184700400033 
 24.94                 23.0                                       E184700400034 
 28.86                 12.37                                      E184700400035 
 33.92                 7.4        14.0                            E184700400036 
 39.0                  5.9                                        E184700400037 
 51.0                  8.2                                        E184700400038 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 E184700400039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E184700499999 
SUBENT        E1847005   20040311                             0000E184700500001 
BIB                 10         31                                 E184700500002 
REL-REF    (A,P0016003,M.Furukawa+,J,NP,69,362,1965)              E184700500003 
           Data for 27Al(p,X)7Be reaction                         E184700500004 
           (D,C0401002,M.S.Lafleur+,J,CJC,44,2749,1966)           E184700500005 
REACTION   (8-O-16(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                               E184700500006 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,478.,0.103)                           E184700500007 
RAD-DET    (4-BE-7,DG)                                            E184700500008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.9%.                          E184700500009 
           - Chemical-form of target: SiO2 and CuO are used       E184700500010 
           - Physical-form of target is solid. Plate for SiO2 and E184700500011 
             powder for CuO                                       E184700500012 
           - Target-thickness: 196-227 mg/cm2 for SiO2 and 86-168 E184700500013 
             mg/cm2 for CuO                                       E184700500014 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNTOK)INSJ cyclotron operating in the FM      E184700500015 
                          mode. The energy of the incident        E184700500016 
                          protons was 51.8+-0.2 MeV. at Institute E184700500017 
                          for Nuclaer Study                       E184700500018 
CORRECTION Possible contribution from the heavier elements in the E184700500019 
           target compounds of copper oxide and quartz were       E184700500020 
           expected to be less than 0.1% and 3%, repectively. The E184700500021 
           value for quartz was calculated using cross sections   E184700500022 
           from [M.Furukawa et al., Nucl. Phys. 69(1965)362]. The E184700500023 
           value for copper oxide was estimated from reaction     E184700500024 
           systematics.                                           E184700500025 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty              E184700500026 
           (EN-ERR)Uncertainty reported by authors                E184700500027 
           (ERR-DIG)Data-point reader uncertainty                 E184700500028 
           (DATA-ERR)Uncertainty reported by authors              E184700500029 
FLAG       (1.) Measurement with SiO2 target                      E184700500030 
           (2.) Measurement with CuO target                       E184700500031 
STATUS     (CURVE)Data scanned from Fig.5, p1427 in reference by  E184700500032 
                  CAJaD                                           E184700500033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 E184700500034 
COMMON               2          3                                 E184700500035 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                E184700500036 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               E184700500037 
 0.25       2.0                                                   E184700500038 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E184700500039 
DATA                 5         18                                 E184700500040 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                  E184700500041 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT   NO-DIM                E184700500042 
 27.79                 0.035      20.0       2.0                  E184700500043 
 29.4       1.7        0.0151                1.0                  E184700500044 
 30.12                 0.1142                2.0                  E184700500045 
 32.55                 0.45                  2.0                  E184700500046 
 33.0       1.8        0.34       21.0       1.0                  E184700500047 
 35.06                 0.69                  2.0                  E184700500048 
 35.8       1.1        0.595                 1.0                  E184700500049 
 38.26                 1.143                 2.0                  E184700500050 
 38.97                 1.0        16.0       1.0                  E184700500051 
 41.99                 1.585                 1.0                  E184700500052 
 42.4                  1.74                  2.0                  E184700500053 
 43.99                 2.16                  1.0                  E184700500054 
 46.57                 2.72                  1.0                  E184700500055 
 47.45                 3.8        16.0       2.0                  E184700500056 
 48.55                 3.96                  1.0                  E184700500057 
 50.11                 4.32                  2.0                  E184700500058 
 51.0                  4.49                  1.0                  E184700500059 
 51.66                 4.99                  2.0                  E184700500060 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 E184700500061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 E184700599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 E184799999999