ENTRY            E1873   20091026                             E059E187300000001 
SUBENT        E1873001   20091026                             E059E187300100001 
BIB                 12         32                                 E187300100002 
TITLE      27Al(d,a)25Mg reaction at 14.7 MeV                     E187300100003 
AUTHOR     (T.Yanabu, S.Yamashita, T.Nakamura, K.Takamatsu,       E187300100004 
           A.Masaike, S.Kakigi, D.C.Nguyen, K.Takimoto)           E187300100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNKTO) Institute for Chemical Research              E187300100006 
           (2JPNKTO) Department of Physics, Faculty of Science    E187300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,JPJ,17,(6),914,196206)                              E187300100008 
PART-DET   (A)                                                    E187300100009 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is about 0.2 micro-Ampere.              E187300100010 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E187300100011 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E187300100012 
           - Target-thickness is 0.216 mg/cm**2.                  E187300100013 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNKTO)                                        E187300100014 
DETECTOR   E-RSL: Better than 1.2%                                E187300100015 
           (SI) To detect alpha particles from target, solid      E187300100016 
                angle was 1.06msr.                                E187300100017 
COMMENT    Comment by compiler: Spin-parity assignments shown in  E187300100018 
           figures and this compilation are taken from [P.M. Endt E187300100019 
           and C.M. Braams, Rev. Mod. Phys. 29(1957)683]. However E187300100020 
           author's comparison between their experimental result  E187300100021 
           and prediction based on the two-nucleon pick-up theory E187300100022 
           suggests that the 3.40 MeV level of 25Mg is considered E187300100023 
           to come from the transition to the 9/2+ state rather   E187300100024 
           than to the 3/2- state. ENSDF also recoomends 9/2+ for E187300100025 
           the 3.405 MeV state.                                   E187300100026 
REL-REF    (N,,T.Yanabu+,J,JPJ,16,2118,1961)                      E187300100027 
           Details of beam handling and the methods of            E187300100028 
           measurements of beam current and its energy            E187300100029 
           (N,,K.Kimura+,J,JPJ,17,9,1962)                         E187300100030 
           Details of beam handling and the methods of            E187300100031 
           measurements of beam current and its energy            E187300100032 
HISTORY    (20040224C) Ic + On                                    E187300100033 
           (20090826U) Nf. AUTHOR (S.Yamashita) corrected         E187300100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 E187300100035 
COMMON               2          3                                 E187300100036 
EN         E-RSL                                                  E187300100037 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               E187300100038 
 14.7       1.2                                                   E187300100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 E187300199999 
SUBENT        E1873002   20061121                             E040E187300200001 
BIB                  7         12                                 E187300200002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300200003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300200004 
           of mass system                                         E187300200005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300200006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.)               E187300200007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300200008 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300200009 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300200010 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Two-nucleon pick-up theory [M. el Nadi, Phys.   E187300200011 
                  Rev. 119(1960)242]                              E187300200012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.5, p917 in reference     E187300200013 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 E187300200015 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300200016 
E-LVL                                                             E187300200017 
MEV                                                               E187300200018 
 0.0                                                              E187300200019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300200020 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300200021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300200022 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300200023 
  2.151E+01  2.758E+02  2.475E+01                                 E187300200024 
  3.247E+01  1.773E+02  1.468E+01                                 E187300200025 
  4.362E+01  1.077E+02  5.454E+00                                 E187300200026 
  5.424E+01  9.230E+01  3.776E+00                                 E187300200027 
  6.454E+01  7.643E+01  2.937E+00                                 E187300200028 
  7.487E+01  5.679E+01                                            E187300200029 
  8.540E+01  6.149E+01                                            E187300200030 
  9.535E+01  5.779E+01                                            E187300200031 
  1.051E+02  3.520E+01                                            E187300200032 
  1.147E+02  3.737E+01                                            E187300200033 
  1.246E+02  2.990E+01                                            E187300200034 
  1.336E+02  3.122E+01                                            E187300200035 
  1.435E+02  3.759E+01                                            E187300200036 
  1.528E+02  5.109E+01                                            E187300200037 
  1.621E+02  4.780E+01                                            E187300200038 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E187300299999 
SUBENT        E1873003   20061121                             E040E187300300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 E187300300002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300300003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300300004 
           of mass system                                         E187300300005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300300006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.58,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.)              E187300300007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.4, p917 in reference     E187300300008 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E187300300010 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300300011 
E-LVL                                                             E187300300012 
MEV                                                               E187300300013 
 0.58                                                             E187300300014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300300015 
DATA                 2         15                                 E187300300016 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                E187300300017 
ADEG       MU-B/SR                                                E187300300018 
  2.224E+01  3.558E+01                                            E187300300019 
  3.379E+01  1.689E+01                                            E187300300020 
  4.334E+01  1.523E+01                                            E187300300021 
  5.450E+01  7.793E+00                                            E187300300022 
  6.547E+01  9.092E+00                                            E187300300023 
  7.521E+01  9.092E+00                                            E187300300024 
  8.618E+01  6.494E+00                                            E187300300025 
  9.593E+01  4.546E+00                                            E187300300026 
  1.063E+02  9.092E+00                                            E187300300027 
  1.154E+02  6.494E+00                                            E187300300028 
  1.262E+02  8.655E+00                                            E187300300029 
  1.355E+02  9.742E+00                                            E187300300030 
  1.447E+02  1.169E+01                                            E187300300031 
  1.544E+02  1.559E+01                                            E187300300032 
  1.642E+02  2.208E+01                                            E187300300033 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300300034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 E187300399999 
SUBENT        E1873004   20061121                             E040E187300400001 
BIB                  5          7                                 E187300400002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300400003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300400004 
           of mass system                                         E187300400005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300400006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.98,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.)              E187300400007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.4, p917 in reference     E187300400008 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E187300400010 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300400011 
E-LVL                                                             E187300400012 
MEV                                                               E187300400013 
 0.98                                                             E187300400014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300400015 
DATA                 2         15                                 E187300400016 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                E187300400017 
ADEG       MU-B/SR                                                E187300400018 
  2.313E+01  4.435E+01                                            E187300400019 
  3.329E+01  2.365E+01                                            E187300400020 
  4.345E+01  2.042E+01                                            E187300400021 
  5.480E+01  2.106E+01                                            E187300400022 
  6.610E+01  1.478E+01                                            E187300400023 
  7.631E+01  1.071E+01                                            E187300400024 
  8.527E+01  1.071E+01                                            E187300400025 
  9.522E+01  1.056E+01                                            E187300400026 
  1.049E+02  1.338E+01                                            E187300400027 
  1.153E+02  1.056E+01                                            E187300400028 
  1.253E+02  1.201E+01                                            E187300400029 
  1.337E+02  1.912E+01                                            E187300400030 
  1.432E+02  2.171E+01                                            E187300400031 
  1.534E+02  2.171E+01                                            E187300400032 
  1.624E+02  2.495E+01                                            E187300400033 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300400034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 E187300499999 
SUBENT        E1873005   20061121                             E040E187300500001 
BIB                  7         12                                 E187300500002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300500003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300500004 
           of mass system                                         E187300500005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300500006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=1.61,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=+1.)              E187300500007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300500008 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300500009 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300500010 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Two-nucleon pick-up theory [M. el Nadi, Phys.   E187300500011 
                  Rev. 119(1960)242]                              E187300500012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.6, p917 in reference     E187300500013 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 E187300500015 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300500016 
E-LVL                                                             E187300500017 
MEV                                                               E187300500018 
 1.61                                                             E187300500019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300500020 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300500021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300500022 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300500023 
  2.266E+01  2.687E+02  8.785E+00                                 E187300500024 
  3.324E+01  1.731E+02  6.934E+00                                 E187300500025 
  4.400E+01  1.178E+02  6.009E+00                                 E187300500026 
  5.433E+01  8.501E+01  4.163E+00                                 E187300500027 
  6.483E+01  8.091E+01  3.257E+00                                 E187300500028 
  7.508E+01  7.685E+01  2.773E+00                                 E187300500029 
  8.565E+01  6.491E+01  2.311E+00                                 E187300500030 
  9.584E+01  6.638E+01  2.773E+00                                 E187300500031 
  1.054E+02  5.073E+01  3.236E+00                                 E187300500032 
  1.153E+02  4.295E+01  2.773E+00                                 E187300500033 
  1.251E+02  5.505E+01  3.698E+00                                 E187300500034 
  1.346E+02  4.356E+01  3.698E+00                                 E187300500035 
  1.438E+02  5.011E+01  3.236E+00                                 E187300500036 
  1.530E+02  5.064E+01  3.236E+00                                 E187300500037 
  1.622E+02  8.876E+01  4.560E+00                                 E187300500038 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300500039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E187300599999 
SUBENT        E1873006   20061121                             E040E187300600001 
BIB                  7         12                                 E187300600002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300600003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300600004 
           of mass system                                         E187300600005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300600006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=1.96,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.)              E187300600007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300600008 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300600009 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300600010 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Two-nucleon pick-up theory [M. el Nadi, Phys.   E187300600011 
                  Rev. 119(1960)242]                              E187300600012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.7, p918 in reference     E187300600013 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300600014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 E187300600015 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300600016 
E-LVL                                                             E187300600017 
MEV                                                               E187300600018 
 1.96                                                             E187300600019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300600020 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300600021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300600022 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300600023 
  2.227E+01  8.366E+01  5.242E+00                                 E187300600024 
  3.272E+01  5.528E+01  4.077E+00                                 E187300600025 
  4.334E+01  5.720E+01  4.077E+00                                 E187300600026 
  5.407E+01  4.630E+01  2.912E+00                                 E187300600027 
  6.440E+01  3.307E+01  2.330E+00                                 E187300600028 
  7.514E+01  2.042E+01                                            E187300600029 
  8.531E+01  2.583E+01                                            E187300600030 
  9.593E+01  2.774E+01                                            E187300600031 
  1.054E+02  1.741E+01                                            E187300600032 
  1.156E+02  1.466E+01                                            E187300600033 
  1.248E+02  3.053E+01  3.495E+00                                 E187300600034 
  1.346E+02  3.302E+01  3.495E+00                                 E187300600035 
  1.435E+02  3.316E+01  2.912E+00                                 E187300600036 
  1.525E+02  3.564E+01  2.912E+00                                 E187300600037 
  1.618E+02  3.345E+01  2.912E+00                                 E187300600038 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300600039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E187300699999 
SUBENT        E1873007   20061121                             E040E187300700001 
BIB                  5         11                                 E187300700002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300700003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300700004 
           of mass system                                         E187300700005 
           (E-LVL-MEAN,12-MG-25) Sum for fifth to sixth levels    E187300700006 
                                 which are not resolved in the    E187300700007 
                                 present measurement.             E187300700008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300700009 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300700010 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300700011 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.4, p917 in reference     E187300700012 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300700013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E187300700014 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300700015 
E-LVL-MEAN                                                        E187300700016 
MEV                                                               E187300700017 
 2.7                                                              E187300700018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300700019 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300700020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300700021 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300700022 
  2.303E+01  1.677E+02  7.135E+00                                 E187300700023 
  3.333E+01  8.470E+01  4.540E+00                                 E187300700024 
  4.485E+01  7.756E+01  5.189E+00                                 E187300700025 
  5.455E+01  8.794E+01  4.540E+00                                 E187300700026 
  6.667E+01  7.691E+01  3.892E+00                                 E187300700027 
  7.576E+01  5.745E+01                                            E187300700028 
  8.606E+01  5.097E+01                                            E187300700029 
  9.576E+01  5.032E+01                                            E187300700030 
  1.055E+02  5.745E+01                                            E187300700031 
  1.164E+02  6.070E+01                                            E187300700032 
  1.261E+02  5.032E+01                                            E187300700033 
  1.352E+02  6.135E+01                                            E187300700034 
  1.455E+02  6.589E+01                                            E187300700035 
  1.533E+02  7.886E+01  3.892E+00                                 E187300700036 
  1.630E+02  8.340E+01                                            E187300700037 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300700038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E187300799999 
SUBENT        E1873008   20061121                             E040E187300800001 
BIB                  7         12                                 E187300800002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300800003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300800004 
           of mass system                                         E187300800005 
           (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187300800006 
LEVEL-PROP (12-MG-25,E-LVL=3.40,SPIN=1.5/4.5)                     E187300800007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300800008 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300800009 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300800010 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Two-nucleon pick-up theory [M. el Nadi, Phys.   E187300800011 
                  Rev. 119(1960)242]                              E187300800012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.8, p918 in reference     E187300800013 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300800014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 E187300800015 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300800016 
E-LVL                                                             E187300800017 
MEV                                                               E187300800018 
 3.40                                                             E187300800019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300800020 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300800021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300800022 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300800023 
  2.250E+01  2.218E+02  7.004E+00                                 E187300800024 
  3.375E+01  1.652E+02  6.420E+00                                 E187300800025 
  4.413E+01  1.226E+02  5.253E+00                                 E187300800026 
  5.495E+01  1.056E+02  4.669E+00                                 E187300800027 
  6.490E+01  7.237E+01  3.502E+00                                 E187300800028 
  7.572E+01  6.070E+01  4.086E+00                                 E187300800029 
  8.567E+01  6.362E+01  2.918E+00                                 E187300800030 
  9.606E+01  6.012E+01  2.335E+00                                 E187300800031 
  1.060E+02  6.479E+01  3.502E+00                                 E187300800032 
  1.155E+02  6.304E+01  2.918E+00                                 E187300800033 
  1.250E+02  6.070E+01  3.502E+00                                 E187300800034 
  1.346E+02  7.471E+01  4.086E+00                                 E187300800035 
  1.441E+02  8.054E+01  3.502E+00                                 E187300800036 
  1.532E+02  8.988E+01  3.502E+00                                 E187300800037 
  1.623E+02  9.514E+01  4.086E+00                                 E187300800038 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300800039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E187300899999 
SUBENT        E1873009   20061121                             E040E187300900001 
BIB                  5         11                                 E187300900002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,DA)                         E187300900003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and alpha in center E187300900004 
           of mass system                                         E187300900005 
           (E-LVL-MEAN,12-MG-25) Sum for nineth to tenth levels   E187300900006 
                                 which are not resolved in the    E187300900007 
                                 present measurement.             E187300900008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty due to the counting statistics and E187300900009 
                   the separation of the neighbouring peaks of    E187300900010 
                   the alpha groups in energy spectrum.           E187300900011 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data scanned from Fig.4, p917 in reference     E187300900012 
HISTORY    (20061005A) Is. Re-digitized                           E187300900013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E187300900014 
COMMON               1          3                                 E187300900015 
E-LVL-MEAN                                                        E187300900016 
MEV                                                               E187300900017 
 4.                                                               E187300900018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E187300900019 
DATA                 3         15                                 E187300900020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E187300900021 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     E187300900022 
  2.247E+01  2.181E+02  8.401E+00                                 E187300900023 
  3.273E+01  1.205E+02  6.463E+00                                 E187300900024 
  4.359E+01  9.915E+01  5.816E+00                                 E187300900025 
  5.385E+01  9.657E+01  5.816E+00                                 E187300900026 
  6.471E+01  1.043E+02  3.878E+00                                 E187300900027 
  7.497E+01  8.752E+01  5.170E+00                                 E187300900028 
  8.523E+01  6.426E+01                                            E187300900029 
  9.549E+01  7.201E+01                                            E187300900030 
  1.051E+02  7.136E+01                                            E187300900031 
  1.148E+02  6.878E+01                                            E187300900032 
  1.251E+02  8.364E+01  5.170E+00                                 E187300900033 
  1.341E+02  8.752E+01  4.524E+00                                 E187300900034 
  1.438E+02  1.076E+02  5.170E+00                                 E187300900035 
  1.534E+02  1.076E+02  5.170E+00                                 E187300900036 
  1.631E+02  1.328E+02  5.170E+00                                 E187300900037 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 E187300900038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E187300999999 
SUBENT        E1873010   20050224                             0000E187301000001 
BIB                  4         12                                 E187301000002 
REACTION   (13-AL-27(D,A)12-MG-25,PAR,SIG)                        E187301000003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,12-MG-25)                                       E187301000004 
LEVEL-PROP The fifth to seventh excited levels and the nineth to  E187301000005 
           eleventh excited levels are not resolved in this       E187301000006 
           measurement.                                           E187301000007 
           ((1.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.00,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.)         E187301000008 
           ((2.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.58,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.)         E187301000009 
           ((3.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=0.98,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.)         E187301000010 
           ((4.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=1.61,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=+1.)         E187301000011 
           ((5.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=1.96,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.)         E187301000012 
           ((6.) 12-MG-25,E-LVL=3.40,SPIN=1.5/4.5)                E187301000013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1, p919 in reference     E187301000014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 E187301000015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E187301000016 
DATA                 3          8                                 E187301000017 
E-LVL      LVL-FLAG   DATA                                        E187301000018 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB                                          E187301000019 
 0.00       1.         0.96                                       E187301000020 
 0.58       2.         0.14                                       E187301000021 
 0.98       3.         0.22                                       E187301000022 
 1.61       4.         1.04                                       E187301000023 
 1.96       5.         0.61                                       E187301000024 
 2.7                   0.89                                       E187301000025 
 3.40       6.         1.07                                       E187301000026 
 4.0                   1.22                                       E187301000027 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E187301000028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E187301099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 E187399999999