ENTRY E1877 20240622 E146E187700000001 SUBENT E1877001 20240622 E146E187700100001 BIB 12 32 E187700100002 TITLE Excitation functions for proton-induced reactions of E187700100003 140Ce and 142Ce up to Ep=15 MeV E187700100004 AUTHOR (M.Furukawa) E187700100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOK) E187700100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,90,253,1967) E187700100007 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is about 0.5 uA. E187700100008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E187700100009 - Chemical-form of target: Ceric oxide or cerous E187700100010 fluoride E187700100011 - Physical-form of target is solid. E187700100012 - Target-thickness is about 5 mg/cm2. E187700100013 - Backing is aluminium. Deposited on aluminium foil E187700100014 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiated between 0.5 min and 2 h E187700100015 (EDEG) Degraded by aluminium placed between targets. E187700100016 The stopping power was taken from the E187700100017 compilation of Sternheimer [R.M. Sternheimer, E187700100018 Phys. Rev. 115(1959)137]. E187700100019 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNTOK) Institute for Nuclear Study E187700100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties in target thickness, beam E187700100021 currents and disintegration rates of E187700100022 residual nuclei E187700100023 ADD-RES (TRCS) The sum of measured cross sections for 140Ce is E187700100024 compared with the calculation on the basis of E187700100025 the continuum theory [M.M. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. E187700100026 90(1953)171]. E187700100027 (COMP) Statistical model E187700100028 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Furukawa,J,NP/A,90,253,1967) Table 2 E187700100029 HISTORY (20040226C) Kc + On E187700100030 (20170922A) In 003, changed 59-PR-139 -> 58-CE-139 and E187700100031 Added (58-CE-139,DG) by JS E187700100032 (20240517A) MA: modified DECAY-DATA in 002, REL-REF in E187700100033 004, STATUS and ERR-ANALYS in 001. E187700100034 ENDBIB 32 0 E187700100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 E187700100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 E187700199999 SUBENT E1877002 20240622 E146E187700200001 BIB 6 8 E187700200002 REACTION (58-CE-140(P,N)59-PR-140,,SIG) E187700200003 DECAY-DATA (59-PR-140,3.4MIN,AR,510.,1.08) E187700200004 METHOD (COINC) Detect annihilation radiation and annihilation E187700200005 radiation in coincidence. E187700200006 DETECTOR (NAICR) To detect 0.51 MeV gamma from positron E187700200007 annihilation E187700200008 REL-REF (D,P0033001,J.P.Blaser+,J,HPA,24,441,1951) E187700200009 HISTORY (20240517A) MA: DECAY-DATA: 0.51 -> 510. E187700200010 ENDBIB 8 0 E187700200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 E187700200012 DATA 3 14 E187700200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR E187700200014 MEV MB MB E187700200015 5.57 7.6 2.0 E187700200016 6.64 41. E187700200017 7.18 86. E187700200018 7.50 91. E187700200019 8.19 160. 25. E187700200020 8.68 225. E187700200021 9.72 426. E187700200022 10.05 563. E187700200023 11.31 807. 130. E187700200024 11.83 950. E187700200025 12.68 946. E187700200026 13.33 815. 145. E187700200027 13.87 772. E187700200028 14.59 558. 100. E187700200029 ENDDATA 16 0 E187700200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 E187700299999 SUBENT E1877003 20180223 E111E187700300001 BIB 6 9 E187700300002 REACTION (58-CE-140(P,2N)59-PR-139,,SIG) E187700300003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-139-G,140.D,DG,166.,0.82) E187700300004 Conversion electron emission is taken into account for E187700300005 given abundance. E187700300006 RAD-DET (58-CE-139-G,DG) E187700300007 METHOD (CHSEP) E187700300008 DETECTOR (NAICR) To detect 166 keV decay gamma from 139Ce E187700300009 HISTORY (20170922A) In 003, changed 59-PR-139 -> 58-CE-139 and E187700300010 Added (58-CE-139,DG) by JS E187700300011 ENDBIB 9 0 E187700300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E187700300013 DATA 3 3 E187700300014 EN DATA DATA-ERR E187700300015 MEV MB MB E187700300016 13.28 91. 15. E187700300017 14.04 281. 42. E187700300018 14.58 447. 67. E187700300019 ENDDATA 5 0 E187700300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E187700399999 SUBENT E1877004 20240622 E146E187700400001 BIB 6 7 E187700400002 REACTION (58-CE-142(P,N)59-PR-142,,SIG) E187700400003 DECAY-DATA (59-PR-142-G,19.2HR,B-,,1.00) E187700400004 METHOD (CHSEP) E187700400005 ANALYSIS (DECAY) E187700400006 DETECTOR (GEMUC) To detect negatons from 142Pr E187700400007 REL-REF (D,P0033001,J.P.Blaser+,J,HPA,24,441,1951) E187700400008 (D,B0052019,H.G.Blosser+,J,PR,100,1340,1955) E187700400009 ENDBIB 7 0 E187700400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 E187700400011 DATA 3 15 E187700400012 EN DATA DATA-ERR E187700400013 MEV MB MB E187700400014 5.76 6.9 1.4 E187700400015 6.47 21.8 E187700400016 7.09 58.6 E187700400017 7.97 114.5 16.0 E187700400018 8.67 108.0 E187700400019 9.21 87.0 E187700400020 9.37 95.5 13.5 E187700400021 9.74 80.7 E187700400022 10.04 83.5 E187700400023 11.00 51.3 7.3 E187700400024 11.66 48.6 E187700400025 12.49 33.0 E187700400026 13.28 34.2 E187700400027 14.04 29.4 5.0 E187700400028 14.58 29.5 E187700400029 ENDDATA 17 0 E187700400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 E187700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 E187799999999