ENTRY            E1906   20051025                             E033E190600000001 
SUBENT        E1906001   20051025                             E033E190600100001 
BIB                  9         36                                 E190600100002 
TITLE      Neutron removal studies on 19C                         E190600100003 
AUTHOR     (M.Chiba, R.Kanungo, B.Abu-Ibrahim, S.Adhikari,        E190600100004 
           D.Q.Fang, N.Iwasa, K.Kimura, K.Maeda, S.Nishimura,     E190600100005 
           T.Ohnishi, A.Ozawa, C.Samanta, T.Suda, T.Suzuki,       E190600100006 
           I.Tanihata, Q.Wang, C.Wu, Y.Yamaguchi, K.Yamada,       E190600100007 
           A.Yoshida, T.Zheng)                                    E190600100008 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNIPC)                                              E190600100009 
           (2JPNTOH) Department of Physics                        E190600100010 
           (3EGYEGY) Department of Physics, Cairo University      E190600100011 
           (2JPNNIA) Department of Electric, Electronics and      E190600100012 
                     Computer Engineering                         E190600100013 
           (1USAUSA) Physics Department, Virginia Commonwealth    E190600100014 
                     University                                   E190600100015 
           (3INDSAH)                                              E190600100016 
           (2JPNTSU) Institute of Physics                         E190600100017 
           (2JPNSUU) Department of Physics                        E190600100018 
           (3CPRBJG) Department of Technical Physics              E190600100019 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,741,29,200409)                                 E190600100020 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E190600100021 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E190600100022 
           - Target-thickness: 2 mm thick                         E190600100023 
           - Backing is unknown.                                  E190600100024 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  E190600100025 
           (EDE)                                                  E190600100026 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) 19C secondary beam was produced by the E190600100027 
                           fragmentation of 22Ne primary beam on  E190600100028 
                           a 2.5 mm thick Be target at the RIKEN  E190600100029 
                           Cyclotron facility.                    E190600100030 
           (PRJFS,2JPNIPC) RIKEN projectile fragment separator    E190600100031 
                           (RIPS).                                E190600100032 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Plastic scintillators: To provide TOF between   E190600100033 
                  two focal planes                                E190600100034 
           (NAICR) To measure total energy                        E190600100035 
           (IOCH) To measure energy loss (Delta-E)                E190600100036 
           (PPAC) To determine beam profile                       E190600100037 
HISTORY    (20050914C) Kc + Sr + On                               E190600100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 E190600100039 
COMMON               1          3                                 E190600100040 
EN                                                                E190600100041 
MEV/A                                                             E190600100042 
 64.0                                                             E190600100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E190600100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E190600199999 
SUBENT        E1906002   20051025                             E033E190600200001 
BIB                  8         16                                 E190600200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(6-C-19,X)6-C-18,LP,DP)                         E190600200003 
PART-DET   (6-C-18)                                               E190600200004 
MOM-SEC    (MOM-SEC,6-C-18)                                       E190600200005 
           Longitudinal momentum of 18C in projectile rest frame  E190600200006 
MISC-COL   (MISC) FWHM derived from best fitted curve (Gaussian   E190600200007 
                  and Lorentzian) to longitudinal momentum        E190600200008 
                  distribution. After unfolding the system        E190600200009 
                  resolution which is a Gaussian shape with       E190600200010 
                  sigma=10 MeV/c the width reduce to 61+-5 MeV/c. E190600200011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and uncertainty        E190600200012 
                   arising from background subtraction            E190600200013 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Glauber approximation                           E190600200014 
COMMENT    Author's comment: Vertical axis of this figure is      E190600200015 
           labelled as                                            E190600200016 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4 (a), p35 in reference) received    E190600200017 
                   from R. Kanungo by e-mail (2005.04.21)         E190600200018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 E190600200019 
COMMON               2          3                                 E190600200020 
MISC       MISC-ERR                                               E190600200021 
MEV/C      MEV/C                                                  E190600200022 
 66.0       5.0                                                   E190600200023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E190600200024 
DATA                 3        198                                 E190600200025 
MOM-SEC    DATA       ERR-T                                       E190600200026 
MEV/C      MB/MEV/C   MB/MEV/C                                    E190600200027 
 -483.48940 0.00565869 0.00400126                                 E190600200028 
 -480.07945 0.00282954 0.00282954                                 E190600200029 
 -476.66975 0.00848925 0.00490141                                 E190600200030 
 -473.26029 0.01697971 0.00693196                                 E190600200031 
 -469.85107 0.00566030 0.00400240                                 E190600200032 
 -466.44210 0.00849106 0.00490245                                 E190600200033 
 -463.03337 0.01132222 0.00566111                                 E190600200034 
 -459.62488 0.00566151 0.00400325                                 E190600200035 
 -456.21663 0.01132384 0.00566192                                 E190600200036 
 -452.80863 0.02264929 0.00800765                                 E190600200037 
 -449.40087 0.01415681 0.00633121                                 E190600200038 
 -445.99335 0.03681034 0.01020949                                 E190600200039 
 -442.58608 0.01982236 0.00749228                                 E190600200040 
 -439.17904 0.03398362 0.00981022                                 E190600200041 
 -435.77225 0.02265736 0.00801051                                 E190600200042 
 -432.36571 0.01982660 0.00749388                                 E190600200043 
 -428.95940 0.03115830 0.00939451                                 E190600200044 
 -425.55334 0.03116052 0.00939518                                 E190600200045 
 -422.14752 0.02266381 0.00801279                                 E190600200046 
 -418.74194 0.01983224 0.00749602                                 E190600200047 
 -415.33660 0.03400055 0.00981510                                 E190600200048 
 -411.93151 0.01133432 0.00566716                                 E190600200049 
 -408.52666 0.01133512 0.00566756                                 E190600200050 
 -405.12205 0.01133593 0.00566796                                 E190600200051 
 -401.71768 0.01417092 0.00633752                                 E190600200052 
 -398.31355 0.00566877 0.00400839                                 E190600200053 
 -394.90967 0.00850376 0.00490979                                 E190600200054 
 -391.50603 0.02267831 0.00801791                                 E190600200055 
 -388.10263 0.01417495 0.00633932                                 E190600200056 
 -384.69947 0.00283519 0.00283519                                 E190600200057 
 -381.29655 0.01134157 0.00567078                                 E190600200058 
 -377.89388 0.00850678 0.00491153                                 E190600200059 
 -374.49145 0.00567159 0.00401038                                 E190600200060 
 -371.08925 0.02552398 0.00850799                                 E190600200061 
 -367.68730 0.01134479 0.00567239                                 E190600200062 
 -364.28560 0.01134560 0.00567280                                 E190600200063 
 -360.88413 0.02269281 0.00802304                                 E190600200064 
 -357.48290 0.03120483 0.00940854                                 E190600200065 
 -354.08192 0.03120704 0.00940920                                 E190600200066 
 -350.68118 0.01134882 0.00567441                                 E190600200067 
 -347.28067 0.02837407 0.00897273                                 E190600200068 
 -343.88041 0.03688890 0.01023128                                 E190600200069 
 -340.48039 0.04540495 0.01135123                                 E190600200070 
 -337.08062 0.03405613 0.00983115                                 E190600200071 
 -333.68108 0.02838212 0.00897527                                 E190600200072 
 -330.28178 0.03406096 0.00983254                                 E190600200073 
 -326.88273 0.03406337 0.00983324                                 E190600200074 
 -323.48391 0.02838815 0.00897718                                 E190600200075 
 -320.08534 0.02555115 0.00851705                                 E190600200076 
 -316.68701 0.04826670 0.01170638                                 E190600200077 
 -313.28892 0.03407303 0.00983603                                 E190600200078 
 -309.89107 0.03975468 0.01062500                                 E190600200079 
 -306.49346 0.03407785 0.00983742                                 E190600200080 
 -303.09609 0.03124024 0.00941921                                 E190600200081 
 -299.69896 0.04828380 0.01171052                                 E190600200082 
 -296.30207 0.04260637 0.01100096                                 E190600200083 
 -292.90542 0.02556563 0.00852187                                 E190600200084 
 -289.50901 0.02840827 0.00898354                                 E190600200085 
 -286.11284 0.03693336 0.01024361                                 E190600200086 
 -282.71692 0.03693597 0.01024433                                 E190600200087 
 -279.32123 0.04262145 0.01100485                                 E190600200088 
 -275.92578 0.05114936 0.01205590                                 E190600200089 
 -272.53058 0.04546931 0.01136732                                 E190600200090 
 -269.13561 0.02557829 0.0085261                                  E190600200091 
 -265.74089 0.07105585 0.01421117                                 E190600200092 
 -262.34640 0.03979409 0.01063554                                 E190600200093 
 -258.95215 0.03411163 0.00984717                                 E190600200094 
 -255.55815 0.04264255 0.01101030                                 E190600200095 
 -252.16438 0.03980253 0.01063779                                 E190600200096 
 -248.77086 0.05970801 0.01302942                                 E190600200097 
 -245.37757 0.05118191 0.01206357                                 E190600200098 
 -241.98452 0.03696733 0.01025303                                 E190600200099 
 -238.59172 0.10522214 0.01729852                                 E190600200100 
 -235.19915 0.06256893 0.01333969                                 E190600200101 
 -231.80682 0.04550789 0.01137697                                 E190600200102 
 -228.41473 0.07111110 0.01422222                                 E190600200103 
 -225.02288 0.06827148 0.01393591                                 E190600200104 
 -221.63127 0.07965568 0.01505350                                 E190600200105 
 -218.23991 0.05690093 0.01272333                                 E190600200106 
 -214.84877 0.06828594 0.01393886                                 E190600200107 
 -211.45788 0.08251800 0.01532330                                 E190600200108 
 -208.06723 0.09959772 0.01683514                                 E190600200109 
 -204.67682 0.06545455 0.01364812                                 E190600200110 
 -201.28665 0.09391967 0.01634942                                 E190600200111 
 -197.89671 0.10531130 0.01731317                                 E190600200112 
 -194.50702 0.10247228 0.01707871                                 E190600200113 
 -191.11756 0.07685962 0.01479177                                 E190600200114 
 -187.72834 0.08255875 0.01533087                                 E190600200115 
 -184.33936 0.09395279 0.01635518                                 E190600200116 
 -180.95063 0.09395941 0.01635634                                 E190600200117 
 -177.56212 0.10820331 0.01755285                                 E190600200118 
 -174.17386 0.13099219 0.01931366                                 E190600200119 
 -170.78584 0.10252285 0.01708714                                 E190600200120 
 -167.39806 0.13101065 0.01931638                                 E190600200121 
 -164.01051 0.11108207 0.01778737                                 E190600200122 
 -160.62320 0.12818064 0.01910803                                 E190600200123 
 -157.23613 0.11964369 0.01846130                                 E190600200124 
 -153.84930 0.12819869 0.01911072                                 E190600200125 
 -150.46271 0.18803799 0.02314576                                 E190600200126 
 -147.07636 0.16525714 0.02169940                                 E190600200127 
 -143.69024 0.14532254 0.02034914                                 E190600200128 
 -140.30437 0.20517567 0.02418023                                 E190600200129 
 -136.91873 0.14819285 0.02055064                                 E190600200130 
 -133.53333 0.19950442 0.02384533                                 E190600200131 
 -130.14817 0.20236871 0.02401660                                 E190600200132 
 -126.76324 0.19953248 0.02384869                                 E190600200133 
 -123.37856 0.23945582 0.02612691                                 E190600200134 
 -119.99411 0.22521833 0.02533905                                 E190600200135 
 -116.60990 0.25659589 0.02704748                                 E190600200136 
 -113.22593 0.23950633 0.02613242                                 E190600200137 
 -109.84219 0.19675117 0.02368599                                 E190600200138 
 -106.45869 0.23383666 0.02582298                                 E190600200139 
 -103.07544 0.25951990 0.02720510                                 E190600200140 
 -99.692419 0.28520674 0.02852067                                 E190600200141 
 -96.309636 0.30234038 0.02936580                                 E190600200142 
 -92.927090 0.32803383 0.03058929                                 E190600200143 
 -89.544782 0.37084689 0.03252555                                 E190600200144 
 -86.162711 0.34804998 0.03151107                                 E190600200145 
 -82.780878 0.45363797 0.03597577                                 E190600200146 
 -79.399282 0.41372405 0.03435792                                 E190600200147 
 -76.017923 0.43372738 0.03517985                                 E190600200148 
 -72.636802 0.44231882 0.03552790                                 E190600200149 
 -69.255918 0.59931272 0.04135657                                 E190600200150 
 -65.875271 0.63645768 0.04262040                                 E190600200151 
 -62.494861 0.58512489 0.04086687                                 E190600200152 
 -59.114689 0.73930478 0.04593842                                 E190600200153 
 -55.734753 0.70223278 0.04477380                                 E190600200154 
 -52.355055 0.91062623 0.05098971                                 E190600200155 
 -48.975593 0.98180990 0.05295357                                 E190600200156 
 -45.596369 1.00374383 0.05356974                                 E190600200157 
 -42.217381 1.17177474 0.05795979                                 E190600200158 
 -38.838630 1.45833870 0.06486858                                 E190600200159 
 -35.460116 1.59156650 0.06836385                                 E190600200160 
 -32.081839 1.80736627 0.0742136                                  E190600200161 
 -28.703798 1.79060947 0.07723416                                 E190600200162 
 -25.325994 2.06458515 0.08840295                                 E190600200163 
 -21.948426 2.18340133 0.10106791                                 E190600200164 
 -18.571095 2.22741749 0.11825250                                 E190600200165 
 -15.194000 2.13501574 0.14000110                                 E190600200166 
 -11.817142 2.30784016 0.16919337                                 E190600200167 
 -8.4405208 2.35188304 0.19884148                                 E190600200168 
 -5.0641352 1.94764874 0.22280326                                 E190600200169 
 -1.6879860 2.20755274 0.24304144                                 E190600200170 
 1.68792699 2.27070882 0.24966888                                 E190600200171 
 5.06360386 2.39746369 0.24286308                                 E190600200172 
 8.43904461 1.66521283 0.21866138                                 E190600200173 
 11.8142492 1.44924543 0.18938329                                 E190600200174 
 15.1892179 1.09523605 0.15567042                                 E190600200175 
 18.5639506 1.27264683 0.12831399                                 E190600200176 
 21.9384474 1.08920174 0.10148784                                 E190600200177 
 25.3127083 1.18242715 0.08428520                                 E190600200178 
 28.6867334 1.05863369 0.06934302                                 E190600200179 
 32.0605227 0.91851708 0.05839971                                 E190600200180 
 35.4340763 0.80813590 0.05125533                                 E190600200181 
 38.8073942 0.74316067 0.04734777                                 E190600200182 
 42.1804765 0.54418333 0.03994446                                 E190600200183 
 45.5533232 0.50504474 0.03816620                                 E190600200184 
 48.9259344 0.49091556 0.03752002                                 E190600200185 
 52.2983101 0.48036817 0.03708375                                 E190600200186 
 55.6704504 0.41195584 0.03433523                                 E190600200187 
 59.0423554 0.41776047 0.03457513                                 E190600200188 
 62.4140250 0.36629103 0.03237606                                 E190600200189 
 65.7854593 0.37204233 0.03263045                                 E190600200190 
 69.1566584 0.33772405 0.03109007                                 E190600200191 
 72.5276224 0.31484946 0.03001975                                 E190600200192 
 75.8983512 0.25475960 0.02700451                                 E190600200193 
 79.2688449 0.29199204 0.02891150                                 E190600200194 
 82.6391036 0.26910947 0.02775663                                 E190600200195 
 86.0091274 0.24622370 0.02655093                                 E190600200196 
 89.3789162 0.16893269 0.02199303                                 E190600200197 
 92.7484701 0.25771189 0.02716512                                 E190600200198 
 96.1177892 0.22622954 0.02545282                                 E190600200199 
 99.4868736 0.20333438 0.02413121                                 E190600200200 
 102.855723 0.16897978 0.02199916                                 E190600200201 
 106.224338 0.17185581 0.02218658                                 E190600200202 
 109.592718 0.17186778 0.02218813                                 E190600200203 
 112.960864 0.13463914 0.01963926                                 E190600200204 
 116.328775 0.14324310 0.02025772                                 E190600200205 
 119.696452 0.14611813 0.02046055                                 E190600200206 
 123.063894 0.13753252 0.01985110                                 E190600200207 
 126.431102 0.1375421  0.01985248                                 E190600200208 
 129.798076 0.08596979 0.01569579                                 E190600200209 
 133.164815 0.12896366 0.01922475                                 E190600200210 
 136.531320 0.13470475 0.01964883                                 E190600200211 
 139.897591 0.10318528 0.01719754                                 E190600200212 
 143.263628 0.10892537 0.01766998                                 E190600200213 
 146.629430 0.09459966 0.01646779                                 E190600200214 
 149.994999 0.13474223 0.01965430                                 E190600200215 
 153.360334 0.07741049 0.01489779                                 E190600200216 
 156.725435 0.12329194 0.01880173                                 E190600200217 
 160.090302 0.06881889 0.01404765                                 E190600200218 
 163.454935 0.06308836 0.01345044                                 E190600200219 
 166.819334 0.05735704 0.01282532                                 E190600200220 
 170.183500 0.03728467 0.01034104                                 E190600200221 
 173.547432 0.04589201 0.01147300                                 E190600200222 
 176.911130 0.02581605 0.00860535                                 E190600200223 
 180.274595 0.02294919 0.00811368                                 E190600200224 
 183.637826 0.02581963 0.00860654                                 E190600200225 
ENDDATA            200          0                                 E190600200226 
ENDSUBENT          225          0                                 E190600299999 
SUBENT        E1906003   20051025                             E033E190600300001 
BIB                  7         16                                 E190600300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(6-C-19,X)6-C-17,LP,DP)                         E190600300003 
PART-DET   (6-C-17)                                               E190600300004 
MOM-SEC    (MOM-SEC,6-C-17)                                       E190600300005 
           Longitudinal momentum of 17C in projectile rest frame  E190600300006 
MISC-COL   (MISC) FWHM derived from best fitted curve (Gaussian   E190600300007 
                  and Lorentzian) to longitudinal momentum        E190600300008 
                  distribution. After unfolding the system        E190600300009 
                  resolution which is a Gaussian shape with       E190600300010 
                  sigma=10 MeV/c the width reduce to 201+-10      E190600300011 
                  MeV/c.                                          E190600300012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and uncertainty        E190600300013 
                   arising from background subtraction.           E190600300014 
COMMENT    Author's comment: Vertical axis of this figure is      E190600300015 
           labelled as                                            E190600300016 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4 (b), p35 in reference) received    E190600300017 
                   from R. Kanungo by e-mail (2005.04.21)         E190600300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 E190600300019 
COMMON               2          3                                 E190600300020 
MISC       MISC-ERR                                               E190600300021 
MEV/C      MEV/C                                                  E190600300022 
 203.0      10.0                                                  E190600300023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E190600300024 
DATA                 3         45                                 E190600300025 
MOM-SEC    DATA       ERR-T                                       E190600300026 
MEV/C      MB/MEV/C   MB/MEV/C                                    E190600300027 
 -469.51319 0.00188164 0.00133050                                 E190600300028 
 -453.40837 0.00282346 0.00163017                                 E190600300029 
 -437.30929 0.00941491 0.00297727                                 E190600300030 
 -421.21594 0.01977836 0.00431601                                 E190600300031 
 -405.12832 0.01601675 0.00388462                                 E190600300032 
 -389.04642 0.01225246 0.00339826                                 E190600300033 
 -372.97024 0.01979947 0.00432062                                 E190600300034 
 -356.89977 0.01226117 0.00340068                                 E190600300035 
 -340.83501 0.02358755 0.00471751                                 E190600300036 
 -324.77595 0.02831510 0.00516958                                 E190600300037 
 -308.72258 0.03021348 0.00534108                                 E190600300038 
 -292.67489 0.03400222 0.00566703                                 E190600300039 
 -276.63290 0.04535234 0.00654604                                 E190600300040 
 -260.59657 0.03875217 0.00605205                                 E190600300041 
 -244.56592 0.04632995 0.00661856                                 E190600300042 
 -228.54094 0.05485891 0.00720335                                 E190600300043 
 -212.52161 0.06812477 0.00802859                                 E190600300044 
 -196.50794 0.07950695 0.00867496                                 E190600300045 
 -180.49992 0.10983404 0.01019780                                 E190600300046 
 -164.49754 0.10324251 0.00988883                                 E190600300047 
 -148.50079 0.14212689 0.01160456                                 E190600300048 
 -132.50968 0.14786400 0.01183859                                 E190600300049 
 -116.52419 0.17825776 0.01300077                                 E190600300050 
 -100.54432 0.21720945 0.01435356                                 E190600300051 
 -84.570072 0.25903498 0.0156775                                  E190600300052 
 -68.601424 0.24488804 0.01524609                                 E190600300053 
 -52.638378 0.32912722 0.01768741                                 E190600300054 
 -36.680929 0.34853671 0.02016549                                 E190600300055 
 -20.729069 0.31980001 0.05470449                                 E190600300056 
 -4.7827944 0.41860327 0.12502491                                 E190600300057 
 11.1579021 0.19771866 0.07463594                                 E190600300058 
 27.0930259 0.31426329 0.02307808                                 E190600300059 
 43.0225830 0.23030043 0.01486302                                 E190600300060 
 58.9465791 0.19226973 0.01352821                                 E190600300061 
 74.8650202 0.16948658 0.01270359                                 E190600300062 
 90.7779120 0.12858801 0.01106704                                 E190600300063 
 106.685260 0.10957609 0.01021801                                 E190600300064 
 122.587071 0.06195587 0.00768472                                 E190600300065 
 138.483351 0.05625643 0.00732392                                 E190600300066 
 154.374105 0.03338405 0.00564295                                 E190600300067 
 170.259339 0.01335826 0.00357018                                 E190600300068 
 186.139060 0.00763594 0.00269968                                 E190600300069 
 202.013272 0.00763859 0.00270062                                 E190600300070 
 217.881983 0.00191030 0.00135078                                 E190600300071 
 233.745198 0.00191097 0.00135124                                 E190600300072 
ENDDATA             47          0                                 E190600300073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 E190600399999 
SUBENT        E1906004   20051025                             E033E190600400001 
BIB                  5          7                                 E190600400002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(6-C-19,X)6-C-18,,SIG)                          E190600400003 
PART-DET   (6-C-18)                                               E190600400004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mainly arises due to uncertainties in the   E190600400005 
                      estimation of transmission and acceptance   E190600400006 
                      effects                                     E190600400007 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Glauber approximation                           E190600400008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from p38 in reference               E190600400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E190600400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E190600400011 
DATA                 2          1                                 E190600400012 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               E190600400013 
MB         MB                                                     E190600400014 
 226.0      65.0                                                  E190600400015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 E190600400016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 E190600499999 
SUBENT        E1906005   20051025                             E033E190600500001 
BIB                  4          4                                 E190600500002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(6-C-19,X)6-C-17,,SIG)                          E190600500003 
PART-DET   (6-C-17)                                               E190600500004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E190600500005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from p38 in reference               E190600500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E190600500007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E190600500008 
DATA                 2          1                                 E190600500009 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               E190600500010 
MB         MB                                                     E190600500011 
 78.0       19.0                                                  E190600500012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 E190600500013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 E190600599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 E190699999999