ENTRY            E1912   20051025                             E033E191200000001 
SUBENT        E1912001   20051025                             E033E191200100001 
BIB                 10         47                                 E191200100002 
TITLE      Isovector and isoscalar spin-flip M1 strengths in 11B  E191200100003 
AUTHOR     (T.Kawabata, H.Akimune, H.Fujimura, H.Fujita, Y.Fujita,E191200100004 
           M.Fujiwara, K.Hara, K.Y.Hara, K.Hatanaka, T.Ishikawa,  E191200100005 
           M.Itoh, J.Kamiya, S.Kishi, M.Nakamura, K.Nakanishi,    E191200100006 
           T.Noro, H.Sakaguchi, Y.Shimbara, H.Takeda, A.Tamii,    E191200100007 
           S.Terashima, H.Toyokawa, M.Uchida, H.Ueno, T.Wakasa,   E191200100008 
           Y.Yasuda, H.P.Yoshida, M.Yosoi)                        E191200100009 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOK) Center for Nuclear Study (CNS)               E191200100010 
           (2JPNKON) Department of Physics                        E191200100011 
           (2JPNKTO) Department of Physics                        E191200100012 
           (3SAFWIT) School of Physics                            E191200100013 
           (2JPNOSA) Department of Physics                        E191200100014 
           (2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics          E191200100015 
           (2JPNJAE) Advanced Photon Research Center              E191200100016 
           (2JPNKEK)                                              E191200100017 
           (2JPNTOH) Laboratory of Nuclear Science                E191200100018 
           (2JPNJAE)                                              E191200100019 
           (2JPNJPN) Wakayama Medical University, Wakayama        E191200100020 
           (2JPNKYU) Department of Physics                        E191200100021 
           (2JPNIPC)                                              E191200100022 
           (2JPNJSR)                                              E191200100023 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,70,(3),034318,200409)                          E191200100024 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1 to 10 particle-nA.                 E191200100025 
           (POLIS) POL-BM: 200-MeV polarized deuteron and 392-MeV E191200100026 
                   polarized proton beams were used. Both beams   E191200100027 
                   were obtaned from the high-intensity polarized E191200100028 
                   ion source [ K.Hatanaka et al., Nucl. Instrum. E191200100029 
                   Methods Phs, Res. A 384(1997)575].             E191200100030 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment: Contamining impurities in the 11B E191200100031 
             target were identified by the kinematic energy shift E191200100032 
             in the elastic scattering at backward angles, and    E191200100033 
             those contributions were estimated to be less than   E191200100034 
             1, 0.8 and 0.08 % for 10B, 12C and 16O,              E191200100035 
             respectively.                                        E191200100036 
           - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E191200100037 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E191200100038 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E191200100039 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,MWDC,SCIN) Grand Raiden [M.Fujiwara et al.,     E191200100040 
                             Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A  E191200100041 
                             422(1999)484] for momentum analisis  E191200100042 
ADD-RES    E1912.039:5-B-11(D,EL)5-B-11                           E191200100043 
                     6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12                           E191200100044 
                     Optical potential parameter                  E191200100045 
                     See NRDF D1912 DATA,38 for detail.           E191200100046 
           (COMP) DWIA (Distorted wave impulse approximation)     E191200100047 
                  (Using a computer code DWBA98)                  E191200100048 
HISTORY    (20050310C) Kc + On                                    E191200100049 
ENDBIB              47          0                                 E191200100050 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E191200100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 E191200199999 
SUBENT        E1912002   20051025                             E033E191200200001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200200003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200200004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200200005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200200006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200200007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=0.00,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200200009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(a), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200200011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200200012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200200014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200200015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200200016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200200017 
 450.0      300.0      0.00                                       E191200200018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200200019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200200020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200200021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200200022 
 0.537      14.081     0.546                                      E191200200023 
 1.073      12.961     0.502                                      E191200200024 
 2.016      10.228     0.397                                      E191200200025 
 3.298      5.866      0.228                                      E191200200026 
 3.952      3.930      0.153                                      E191200200027 
 5.247      2.000      0.078                                      E191200200028 
 7.209      1.056      0.041                                      E191200200029 
 8.516      0.951      0.037                                      E191200200030 
 9.822      0.770      0.030                                      E191200200031 
 11.128     0.525      0.021                                      E191200200032 
 12.433     0.281      0.011                                      E191200200033 
 13.737     0.144      0.006                                      E191200200034 
 15.027     0.064      0.003                                      E191200200035 
 16.329     0.031      0.001                                      E191200200036 
 17.629     0.015      0.001                                      E191200200037 
 18.929     0.009      0.001                                      E191200200038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200299999 
SUBENT        E1912003   20051025                             E033E191200300001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200300003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200300004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200300005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200300006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200300007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=2.00,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200300008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200300009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200300010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(b), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200300011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200300012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200300014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200300015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200300016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200300017 
 450.0      300.0      2.00                                       E191200300018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200300019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200300020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200300021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200300022 
 0.537      11.678     0.453                                      E191200300023 
 1.074      10.827     0.420                                      E191200300024 
 2.017      8.107      0.315                                      E191200300025 
 3.300      4.417      0.172                                      E191200300026 
 3.954      2.897      0.113                                      E191200300027 
 5.250      1.378      0.054                                      E191200300028 
 7.213      0.467      0.018                                      E191200300029 
 8.521      0.282      0.011                                      E191200300030 
 9.828      0.161      0.006                                      E191200300031 
 11.134     0.097      0.004                                      E191200300032 
 12.440     0.047      0.002                                      E191200300033 
 13.745     0.024      0.001                                      E191200300034 
 15.035     0.012      0.001                                      E191200300035 
 16.338     0.007      0.0004                                     E191200300036 
 17.639     0.004      0.0004                                     E191200300037 
 18.939     0.003      0.0004                                     E191200300038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200300039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200399999 
SUBENT        E1912004   20051025                             E033E191200400001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200400003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200400004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200400005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200400006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200400007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=4.32,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200400008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200400009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200400010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(c), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200400011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200400012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200400014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200400015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200400016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200400017 
 450.0      300.0      4.32                                       E191200400018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200400019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200400020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200400021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200400022 
 0.537      13.472     0.522                                      E191200400023 
 1.075      12.490     0.484                                      E191200400024 
 2.018      9.344      0.364                                      E191200400025 
 3.302      5.179      0.202                                      E191200400026 
 3.957      3.378      0.132                                      E191200400027 
 5.254      1.478      0.059                                      E191200400028 
 7.218      0.483      0.019                                      E191200400029 
 8.526      0.343      0.014                                      E191200400030 
 9.835      0.251      0.010                                      E191200400031 
 11.142     0.159      0.007                                      E191200400032 
 12.448     0.078      0.003                                      E191200400033 
 13.754     0.043      0.002                                      E191200400034 
 15.045     0.023      0.001                                      E191200400035 
 16.349     0.011      0.001                                      E191200400036 
 17.651     0.007      0.001                                      E191200400037 
 18.952     0.004      0.001                                      E191200400038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200400039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200499999 
SUBENT        E1912005   20051025                             E033E191200500001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200500002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200500003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200500004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200500005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200500006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200500007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=4.80,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200500008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200500009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200500010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(d), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200500011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200500012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200500014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200500015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200500016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200500017 
 450.0      300.0      4.80                                       E191200500018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200500019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200500020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200500021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200500022 
 0.537      14.189     0.550                                      E191200500023 
 1.075      12.838     0.498                                      E191200500024 
 2.018      9.817      0.382                                      E191200500025 
 3.302      5.232      0.204                                      E191200500026 
 3.958      3.510      0.137                                      E191200500027 
 5.255      1.715      0.068                                      E191200500028 
 7.219      0.528      0.021                                      E191200500029 
 8.528      0.306      0.012                                      E191200500030 
 9.836      0.171      0.007                                      E191200500031 
 11.143     0.119      0.005                                      E191200500032 
 12.450     0.070      0.003                                      E191200500033 
 13.756     0.035      0.002                                      E191200500034 
 15.047     0.016      0.001                                      E191200500035 
 16.351     0.011      0.001                                      E191200500036 
 17.654     0.006      0.001                                      E191200500037 
 18.955     0.004      0.001                                      E191200500038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200500039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200599999 
SUBENT        E1912006   20051025                             E033E191200600001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200600002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200600003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200600004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200600005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200600006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200600007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=8.10,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200600008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200600009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200600010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(e), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200600011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200600012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200600013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200600014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200600015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200600016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200600017 
 450.0      300.0      8.10                                       E191200600018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200600019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200600020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200600021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200600022 
 0.538      0.134      0.019                                      E191200600023 
 1.076      0.060      0.018                                      E191200600024 
 3.306      0.131      0.018                                      E191200600025 
 3.961      0.072      0.014                                      E191200600026 
 5.260      0.110      0.011                                      E191200600027 
 7.226      0.076      0.005                                      E191200600028 
 8.536      0.071      0.004                                      E191200600029 
 9.845      0.065      0.003                                      E191200600030 
 11.154     0.038      0.002                                      E191200600031 
 12.462     0.015      0.002                                      E191200600032 
 13.769     0.017      0.001                                      E191200600033 
 15.062     0.009      0.001                                      E191200600034 
 16.367     0.004      0.0004                                     E191200600035 
 17.671     0.001      0.0004                                     E191200600036 
 17.671     0.001      0.0004                                     E191200600037 
 17.671     0.001      0.0004                                     E191200600038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200600039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200699999 
SUBENT        E1912007   20051025                             E033E191200700001 
BIB                  6         11                                 E191200700002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(HE3,T)6-C-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200700003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E191200700004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E191200700005 
           center of mass system                                  E191200700006 
           (E-LVL,6-C-11)                                         E191200700007 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-11,E-LVL=8.42,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200700008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200700009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200700010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.3(f), p034318-4 in reference)        E191200700011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200700012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200700013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200700014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200700015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200700016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200700017 
 450.0      300.0      8.42                                       E191200700018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200700019 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191200700020 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200700021 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200700022 
 0.538      11.713     0.454                                      E191200700023 
 1.076      10.823     0.420                                      E191200700024 
 2.020      8.109      0.315                                      E191200700025 
 3.306      4.244      0.165                                      E191200700026 
 3.962      3.043      0.119                                      E191200700027 
 5.260      1.438      0.057                                      E191200700028 
 7.226      0.480      0.019                                      E191200700029 
 8.537      0.245      0.010                                      E191200700030 
 9.846      0.149      0.006                                      E191200700031 
 11.155     0.095      0.004                                      E191200700032 
 12.463     0.060      0.003                                      E191200700033 
 13.770     0.034      0.002                                      E191200700034 
 15.063     0.018      0.001                                      E191200700035 
 16.368     0.009      0.001                                      E191200700036 
 17.672     0.004      0.0004                                     E191200700037 
 18.975     0.002      0.0004                                     E191200700038 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191200700039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E191200799999 
SUBENT        E1912008   20051025                             E033E191200800001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191200800002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200800003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191200800004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191200800005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.12,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200800006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191200800007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191200800008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200800009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200800010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(a), p034318-5 in reference)        E191200800011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200800012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200800013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200800014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200800015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200800016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200800017 
 200.0      150.0      2.12                                       E191200800018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200800019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191200800020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200800021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200800022 
 0.182      1.664      0.027                                      E191200800023 
 0.253      1.520      0.031                                      E191200800024 
 0.327      1.525      0.045                                      E191200800025 
 0.365      1.439      0.040                                      E191200800026 
 0.403      1.453      0.042                                      E191200800027 
 0.441      1.497      0.034                                      E191200800028 
 0.518      1.632      0.039                                      E191200800029 
 0.595      1.692      0.039                                      E191200800030 
 0.672      1.667      0.035                                      E191200800031 
 0.749      1.557      0.034                                      E191200800032 
 0.826      1.410      0.020                                      E191200800033 
 0.904      1.172      0.019                                      E191200800034 
 0.981      0.863      0.012                                      E191200800035 
 1.058      0.646      0.010                                      E191200800036 
 1.135      0.448      0.013                                      E191200800037 
 1.211      0.328      0.011                                      E191200800038 
 1.327      0.205      0.008                                      E191200800039 
 1.403      0.175      0.007                                      E191200800040 
 1.517      0.151      0.010                                      E191200800041 
 1.593      0.138      0.010                                      E191200800042 
 1.706      0.115      0.008                                      E191200800043 
 1.781      0.101      0.008                                      E191200800044 
 1.894      0.070      0.007                                      E191200800045 
 1.968      0.055      0.006                                      E191200800046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191200800047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191200899999 
SUBENT        E1912009   20051025                             E033E191200900001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191200900002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191200900003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191200900004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191200900005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191200900006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191200900007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191200900008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191200900009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191200900010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(b), p034318-5 in reference)        E191200900011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191200900012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191200900013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191200900014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191200900015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191200900016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191200900017 
 200.0      150.0      4.44                                       E191200900018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191200900019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191200900020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191200900021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191200900022 
 0.187      4.847      0.044                                      E191200900023 
 0.256      4.520      0.053                                      E191200900024 
 0.329      4.577      0.063                                      E191200900025 
 0.366      4.648      0.065                                      E191200900026 
 0.404      5.133      0.065                                      E191200900027 
 0.442      5.218      0.065                                      E191200900028 
 0.518      6.331      0.086                                      E191200900029 
 0.595      6.947      0.085                                      E191200900030 
 0.672      7.168      0.078                                      E191200900031 
 0.749      6.991      0.077                                      E191200900032 
 0.825      6.421      0.049                                      E191200900033 
 0.903      5.377      0.044                                      E191200900034 
 0.979      4.001      0.028                                      E191200900035 
 1.056      2.989      0.024                                      E191200900036 
 1.133      2.082      0.029                                      E191200900037 
 1.209      1.539      0.025                                      E191200900038 
 1.324      1.018      0.017                                      E191200900039 
 1.400      0.883      0.016                                      E191200900040 
 1.513      0.736      0.023                                      E191200900041 
 1.589      0.681      0.022                                      E191200900042 
 1.702      0.522      0.019                                      E191200900043 
 1.777      0.440      0.017                                      E191200900044 
 1.889      0.264      0.014                                      E191200900045 
 1.963      0.203      0.012                                      E191200900046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191200900047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191200999999 
SUBENT        E1912010   20051025                             E033E191201000001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201000002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191201000003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201000004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191201000005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.02,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191201000006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191201000007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201000008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201000009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201000010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(c), p034318-5 in reference)        E191201000011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201000012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201000013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201000014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191201000015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191201000016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191201000017 
 200.0      150.0      5.02                                       E191201000018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201000019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201000020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201000021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201000022 
 0.189      1.161      0.023                                      E191201000023 
 0.258      1.038      0.026                                      E191201000024 
 0.330      0.963      0.029                                      E191201000025 
 0.367      0.910      0.032                                      E191201000026 
 0.405      0.904      0.028                                      E191201000027 
 0.443      0.846      0.027                                      E191201000028 
 0.519      0.895      0.035                                      E191201000029 
 0.595      0.873      0.029                                      E191201000030 
 0.672      0.817      0.025                                      E191201000031 
 0.749      0.764      0.024                                      E191201000032 
 0.825      0.685      0.015                                      E191201000033 
 0.903      0.564      0.013                                      E191201000034 
 0.979      0.418      0.008                                      E191201000035 
 1.056      0.316      0.007                                      E191201000036 
 1.133      0.232      0.009                                      E191201000037 
 1.209      0.168      0.008                                      E191201000038 
 1.323      0.112      0.006                                      E191201000039 
 1.399      0.096      0.005                                      E191201000040 
 1.513      0.082      0.008                                      E191201000041 
 1.588      0.077      0.007                                      E191201000042 
 1.701      0.063      0.006                                      E191201000043 
 1.776      0.057      0.006                                      E191201000044 
 1.888      0.042      0.005                                      E191201000045 
 1.962      0.032      0.005                                      E191201000046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201000047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201099999 
SUBENT        E1912011   20051025                             E033E191201100001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201100002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191201100003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201100004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191201100005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=6.74,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191201100006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191201100007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201100008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201100009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201100010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(d), p034318-5 in reference)        E191201100011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201100012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201100013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201100014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191201100015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191201100016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191201100017 
 200.0      150.0      6.74                                       E191201100018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201100019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201100020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201100021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201100022 
 0.196      3.3282     0.0388                                     E191201100023 
 0.262      3.2288     0.0460                                     E191201100024 
 0.334      3.3545     0.0523                                     E191201100025 
 0.370      3.4675     0.0609                                     E191201100026 
 0.408      3.7262     0.0542                                     E191201100027 
 0.445      3.7838     0.0573                                     E191201100028 
 0.520      4.3871     0.0697                                     E191201100029 
 0.597      4.7921     0.0700                                     E191201100030 
 0.673      4.7155     0.0623                                     E191201100031 
 0.749      4.4879     0.0599                                     E191201100032 
 0.825      4.0465     0.0375                                     E191201100033 
 0.902      3.3535     0.0335                                     E191201100034 
 0.978      2.4892     0.0215                                     E191201100035 
 1.055      1.8381     0.0181                                     E191201100036 
 1.132      1.2672     0.0211                                     E191201100037 
 1.207      0.9103     0.0177                                     E191201100038 
 1.322      0.5720     0.0122                                     E191201100039 
 1.398      0.4899     0.0113                                     E191201100040 
 1.511      0.4246     0.0167                                     E191201100041 
 1.586      0.3940     0.0159                                     E191201100042 
 1.699      0.3268     0.0147                                     E191201100043 
 1.774      0.2849     0.0136                                     E191201100044 
 1.885      0.1955     0.0112                                     E191201100045 
 1.959      0.1500     0.0098                                     E191201100046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201199999 
SUBENT        E1912012   20051025                             E033E191201200001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191201200003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201200004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191201200005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.56,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191201200006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191201200007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201200009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(e), p034318-5 in reference)        E191201200011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201200012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201200014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191201200015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191201200016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191201200017 
 200.0      150.0      8.56                                       E191201200018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201200019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201200020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201200021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201200022 
 0.205      6.1890     0.0571                                     E191201200023 
 0.269      4.3040     0.0560                                     E191201200024 
 0.339      2.4065     0.0469                                     E191201200025 
 0.375      1.5839     0.0460                                     E191201200026 
 0.411      1.1126     0.0339                                     E191201200027 
 0.448      0.7358     0.0295                                     E191201200028 
 0.523      0.5364     0.0328                                     E191201200029 
 0.599      0.7184     0.0296                                     E191201200030 
 0.674      1.0876     0.0317                                     E191201200031 
 0.750      1.2125     0.0310                                     E191201200032 
 0.826      1.2707     0.0210                                     E191201200033 
 0.903      1.1176     0.0194                                     E191201200034 
 0.978      0.8451     0.0124                                     E191201200035 
 1.055      0.6284     0.0106                                     E191201200036 
 1.131      0.4427     0.0136                                     E191201200037 
 1.206      0.3401     0.0120                                     E191201200038 
 1.320      0.2403     0.0088                                     E191201200039 
 1.396      0.2233     0.0083                                     E191201200040 
 1.509      0.1824     0.0120                                     E191201200041 
 1.584      0.1521     0.0111                                     E191201200042 
 1.696      0.1110     0.0093                                     E191201200043 
 1.771      0.0811     0.0080                                     E191201200044 
 1.882      0.0508     0.0060                                     E191201200045 
 1.955      0.0407     0.0056                                     E191201200046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201200047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201299999 
SUBENT        E1912013   20051025                             E033E191201300001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191201300003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201300004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191201300005 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.92,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191201300006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191201300007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201300008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201300009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201300010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.4(f), p034318-5 in reference)        E191201300011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201300012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201300014 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191201300015 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191201300016 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191201300017 
 200.0      150.0      8.92                                       E191201300018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201300019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201300020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201300021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201300022 
 0.207      0.1818     0.0143                                     E191201300023 
 0.271      0.2114     0.0133                                     E191201300024 
 0.340      0.2033     0.0151                                     E191201300025 
 0.376      0.2171     0.0252                                     E191201300026 
 0.412      0.2010     0.0167                                     E191201300027 
 0.449      0.1838     0.0184                                     E191201300028 
 0.524      0.1968     0.0234                                     E191201300029 
 0.599      0.1461     0.0190                                     E191201300030 
 0.675      0.1424     0.0186                                     E191201300031 
 0.750      0.1032     0.0175                                     E191201300032 
 0.826      0.0795     0.0111                                     E191201300033 
 0.903      0.0647     0.0103                                     E191201300034 
 0.978      0.0475     0.0061                                     E191201300035 
 1.055      0.0413     0.0063                                     E191201300036 
 1.131      0.0380     0.0080                                     E191201300037 
 1.206      0.0324     0.0071                                     E191201300038 
 1.320      0.0263     0.0054                                     E191201300039 
 1.396      0.0222     0.0050                                     E191201300040 
 1.508      0.0171     0.0069                                     E191201300041 
 1.584      0.0160     0.0065                                     E191201300042 
 1.696      0.0126     0.0059                                     E191201300043 
 1.770      0.0081     0.0049                                     E191201300044 
 1.882      0.0094     0.0036                                     E191201300045 
 1.955      0.0072     0.0034                                     E191201300046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201399999 
SUBENT        E1912014   20051025                             E033E191201400001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           E191201400003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201400004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         E191201400005 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-12,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)                 E191201400006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201400007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201400008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201400009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201400010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.5(a), p034318-6 in reference)        E191201400011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201400012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201400014 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191201400015 
EN         E-LVL                                                  E191201400016 
MEV        MEV                                                    E191201400017 
 200.0      4.44                                                  E191201400018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201400019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201400020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201400021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201400022 
 0.165      15.8758    0.1303                                     E191201400023 
 0.240      14.7369    0.0993                                     E191201400024 
 0.317      14.6516    0.1045                                     E191201400025 
 0.356      14.7840    0.1035                                     E191201400026 
 0.394      15.8887    0.1083                                     E191201400027 
 0.433      16.0289    0.1077                                     E191201400028 
 0.511      18.4620    0.1281                                     E191201400029 
 0.588      19.9118    0.1306                                     E191201400030 
 0.666      20.5137    0.1258                                     E191201400031 
 0.743      19.6316    0.1219                                     E191201400032 
 0.821      17.9268    0.1097                                     E191201400033 
 0.898      14.8754    0.0968                                     E191201400034 
 0.975      10.6965    0.0661                                     E191201400035 
 1.052      7.9127     0.0548                                     E191201400036 
 1.129      5.4444     0.0516                                     E191201400037 
 1.206      3.9379     0.0433                                     E191201400038 
 1.321      2.5950     0.0332                                     E191201400039 
 1.397      2.2900     0.0313                                     E191201400040 
 1.512      1.9179     0.0323                                     E191201400041 
 1.587      1.7774     0.0304                                     E191201400042 
 1.701      1.4542     0.0283                                     E191201400043 
 1.776      1.2050     0.0250                                     E191201400044 
 1.888      0.7985     0.0193                                     E191201400045 
 1.963      0.6007     0.0165                                     E191201400046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201400047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201499999 
SUBENT        E1912015   20051025                             E033E191201500001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           E191201500003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201500004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         E191201500005 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-12,E-LVL=7.65,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.)                 E191201500006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201500007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201500008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201500009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201500010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.5(b), p034318-6 in reference)        E191201500011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201500012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201500013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201500014 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191201500015 
EN         E-LVL                                                  E191201500016 
MEV        MEV                                                    E191201500017 
 200.0      7.65                                                  E191201500018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201500019 
DATA                 3         24                                 E191201500020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201500021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201500022 
 0.200      8.6491     0.0960                                     E191201500023 
 0.266      5.9234     0.0585                                     E191201500024 
 0.336      3.1513     0.0427                                     E191201500025 
 0.372      1.8885     0.0412                                     E191201500026 
 0.409      1.2188     0.0276                                     E191201500027 
 0.447      0.6374     0.0226                                     E191201500028 
 0.522      0.2543     0.0235                                     E191201500029 
 0.597      0.4647     0.0225                                     E191201500030 
 0.673      0.9003     0.0289                                     E191201500031 
 0.749      1.2407     0.0269                                     E191201500032 
 0.826      1.3243     0.0262                                     E191201500033 
 0.902      1.2138     0.0247                                     E191201500034 
 0.978      0.9028     0.0174                                     E191201500035 
 1.055      0.6824     0.0149                                     E191201500036 
 1.131      0.4882     0.0143                                     E191201500037 
 1.207      0.3774     0.0126                                     E191201500038 
 1.321      0.2833     0.0101                                     E191201500039 
 1.397      0.2675     0.0097                                     E191201500040 
 1.510      0.2107     0.0094                                     E191201500041 
 1.585      0.1803     0.0086                                     E191201500042 
 1.698      0.1269     0.0080                                     E191201500043 
 1.773      0.0934     0.0068                                     E191201500044 
 1.885      0.0634     0.0051                                     E191201500045 
 1.958      0.0494     0.0045                                     E191201500046 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 E191201500047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E191201599999 
SUBENT        E1912016   20051025                             E033E191201600001 
BIB                  7         11                                 E191201600002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           E191201600003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201600004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         E191201600005 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-12,E-LVL=12.71,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)                E191201600006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201600007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201600008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201600009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201600010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.5(c), p034318-6 in reference)        E191201600011 
                   received from T.Kawabata by e-mail             E191201600012 
                   (2004.11.15)                                   E191201600013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 E191201600014 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191201600015 
EN         E-LVL                                                  E191201600016 
MEV        MEV                                                    E191201600017 
 200.0      12.71                                                 E191201600018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201600019 
DATA                 3         20                                 E191201600020 
q          DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201600021 
1/FM       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201600022 
 0.232      0.9430     0.0427                                     E191201600023 
 0.290      0.8581     0.0325                                     E191201600024 
 0.355      0.8005     0.0303                                     E191201600025 
 0.389      0.7566     0.0407                                     E191201600026 
 0.424      0.7101     0.0296                                     E191201600027 
 0.460      0.6484     0.0326                                     E191201600028 
 0.532      0.5071     0.0398                                     E191201600029 
 0.606      0.4007     0.0327                                     E191201600030 
 0.680      0.3062     0.0268                                     E191201600031 
 0.755      0.2655     0.0235                                     E191201600032 
 0.829      0.1865     0.0196                                     E191201600033 
 0.905      0.1660     0.0157                                     E191201600034 
 0.980      0.1307     0.0138                                     E191201600035 
 1.056      0.1076     0.0108                                     E191201600036 
 1.131      0.1052     0.0134                                     E191201600037 
 1.206      0.0954     0.0126                                     E191201600038 
 1.319      0.0853     0.0107                                     E191201600039 
 1.394      0.0791     0.0090                                     E191201600040 
 1.506      0.0628     0.0098                                     E191201600041 
 1.581      0.0456     0.0067                                     E191201600042 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 E191201600043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 E191201699999 
SUBENT        E1912017   20051025                             E033E191201700001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191201700002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               E191201700003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201700004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191201700005 
           center of mass system                                  E191201700006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201700007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201700008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201700009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201700010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191201700011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191201700012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191201700013 
COMMON               1          3                                 E191201700014 
EN                                                                E191201700015 
MEV                                                               E191201700016 
 200.0                                                            E191201700017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201700018 
DATA                 3         22                                 E191201700019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201700020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191201700021 
 3.549      2926.651   81.595                                     E191201700022 
 4.731      2685.609   78.647                                     E191201700023 
 5.323      2792.360   61.817                                     E191201700024 
 6.505      2223.912   53.751                                     E191201700025 
 7.687      1675.122   15.172                                     E191201700026 
 8.869      1144.349   10.840                                     E191201700027 
 10.050     643.077    4.147                                      E191201700028 
 11.231     379.029    2.645                                      E191201700029 
 12.411     189.422    1.780                                      E191201700030 
 13.590     102.941    1.094                                      E191201700031 
 14.769     50.018     0.633                                      E191201700032 
 15.948     34.326     0.490                                      E191201700033 
 17.125     29.077     0.257                                      E191201700034 
 18.302     25.726     0.223                                      E191201700035 
 20.065     19.640     0.163                                      E191201700036 
 21.239     15.884     0.135                                      E191201700037 
 22.999     9.153      0.100                                      E191201700038 
 24.171     6.590      0.078                                      E191201700039 
 25.926     3.631      0.055                                      E191201700040 
 27.095     2.576      0.044                                      E191201700041 
 28.846     1.537      0.031                                      E191201700042 
 30.012     1.207      0.026                                      E191201700043 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 E191201700044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E191201799999 
SUBENT        E1912018   20051025                             E033E191201800001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191201800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      E191201800003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201800004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191201800005 
           center of mass system                                  E191201800006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201800007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201800008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201800009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201800010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191201800011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191201800012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191201800013 
COMMON               1          3                                 E191201800014 
EN                                                                E191201800015 
MEV                                                               E191201800016 
 200.0                                                            E191201800017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201800018 
DATA                 3         20                                 E191201800019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201800020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191201800021 
 5.323      0.052      0.046                                      E191201800022 
 6.505      0.091      0.049                                      E191201800023 
 7.687      0.102      0.014                                      E191201800024 
 8.869      0.112      0.014                                      E191201800025 
 10.050     0.150      0.010                                      E191201800026 
 11.231     0.187      0.010                                      E191201800027 
 12.411     0.267      0.015                                      E191201800028 
 13.590     0.366      0.015                                      E191201800029 
 14.769     0.526      0.018                                      E191201800030 
 15.948     0.622      0.016                                      E191201800031 
 17.125     0.630      0.014                                      E191201800032 
 18.302     0.598      0.008                                      E191201800033 
 20.065     0.557      0.013                                      E191201800034 
 21.239     0.556      0.009                                      E191201800035 
 22.999     0.594      0.017                                      E191201800036 
 24.171     0.637      0.013                                      E191201800037 
 25.926     0.728      0.022                                      E191201800038 
 27.095     0.786      0.019                                      E191201800039 
 28.846     0.855      0.028                                      E191201800040 
 30.012     0.854      0.026                                      E191201800041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 E191201800042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 E191201899999 
SUBENT        E1912019   20051025                             E033E191201900001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191201900002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12,NN,POL/DA,,ANA)                    E191201900003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191201900004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191201900005 
           center of mass system                                  E191201900006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 30.0 mg/cm**2.                   E191201900007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191201900008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191201900009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191201900010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191201900011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191201900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191201900013 
COMMON               1          3                                 E191201900014 
EN                                                                E191201900015 
MEV                                                               E191201900016 
 200.0                                                            E191201900017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191201900018 
DATA                 3         20                                 E191201900019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191201900020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191201900021 
 5.323      -0.096     0.067                                      E191201900022 
 6.505      -0.044     0.073                                      E191201900023 
 7.687      0.008      0.020                                      E191201900024 
 8.869      0.016      0.020                                      E191201900025 
 10.050     0.047      0.016                                      E191201900026 
 11.231     0.066      0.018                                      E191201900027 
 12.411     0.092      0.019                                      E191201900028 
 13.590     0.113      0.021                                      E191201900029 
 14.769     0.091      0.024                                      E191201900030 
 15.948     0.072      0.027                                      E191201900031 
 17.125     0.016      0.015                                      E191201900032 
 18.302     -0.005     0.015                                      E191201900033 
 20.065     -0.001     0.014                                      E191201900034 
 21.239     0.016      0.014                                      E191201900035 
 22.999     0.067      0.020                                      E191201900036 
 24.171     0.129      0.022                                      E191201900037 
 25.926     0.320      0.025                                      E191201900038 
 27.095     0.435      0.028                                      E191201900039 
 28.846     0.662      0.033                                      E191201900040 
 30.012     0.742      0.036                                      E191201900041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 E191201900042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 E191201999999 
SUBENT        E1912020   20051025                             E033E191202000001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202000002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,EL)5-B-11,,DA)                               E191202000003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191202000004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191202000005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202000006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191202000007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191202000008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202000009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202000010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202000011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202000012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202000013 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191202000014 
EN         E-RSL-FW                                               E191202000015 
MEV        KEV                                                    E191202000016 
 200.0      150.0                                                 E191202000017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202000018 
DATA                 3         22                                 E191202000019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202000020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191202000021 
 3.598      2872.191   85.757                                     E191202000022 
 4.796      2683.871   83.216                                     E191202000023 
 5.396      2510.934   67.300                                     E191202000024 
 6.594      1955.198   58.329                                     E191202000025 
 7.792      1510.156   15.126                                     E191202000026 
 8.990      1034.401   11.007                                     E191202000027 
 10.187     581.114    4.804                                      E191202000028 
 11.384     351.388    3.210                                      E191202000029 
 12.580     179.763    1.820                                      E191202000030 
 13.776     99.791     1.156                                      E191202000031 
 14.971     50.822     0.710                                      E191202000032 
 16.165     33.792     0.544                                      E191202000033 
 17.358     25.798     0.219                                      E191202000034 
 18.551     22.026     0.188                                      E191202000035 
 20.337     16.607     0.131                                      E191202000036 
 21.527     13.720     0.110                                      E191202000037 
 23.310     8.571      0.108                                      E191202000038 
 24.497     6.318      0.087                                      E191202000039 
 26.275     3.448      0.060                                      E191202000040 
 27.459     2.475      0.049                                      E191202000041 
 29.232     1.440      0.034                                      E191202000042 
 30.412     1.093      0.029                                      E191202000043 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 E191202000044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E191202099999 
SUBENT        E1912021   20051025                             E033E191202100001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202100002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,EL)5-B-11,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      E191202100003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191202100004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191202100005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202100006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191202100007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191202100008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202100009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202100010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202100011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202100012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202100013 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191202100014 
EN         E-RSL-FW                                               E191202100015 
MEV        KEV                                                    E191202100016 
 200.0      150.0                                                 E191202100017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202100018 
DATA                 3         20                                 E191202100019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202100020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202100021 
 5.396      0.076      0.056                                      E191202100022 
 6.594      0.060      0.062                                      E191202100023 
 7.792      0.111      0.016                                      E191202100024 
 8.990      0.122      0.017                                      E191202100025 
 10.187     0.165      0.014                                      E191202100026 
 11.384     0.203      0.015                                      E191202100027 
 12.580     0.248      0.015                                      E191202100028 
 13.776     0.333      0.016                                      E191202100029 
 14.971     0.481      0.020                                      E191202100030 
 16.165     0.580      0.020                                      E191202100031 
 17.358     0.632      0.014                                      E191202100032 
 18.551     0.622      0.008                                      E191202100033 
 20.337     0.583      0.012                                      E191202100034 
 21.527     0.575      0.008                                      E191202100035 
 23.310     0.585      0.019                                      E191202100036 
 24.497     0.615      0.017                                      E191202100037 
 26.275     0.694      0.026                                      E191202100038 
 27.459     0.748      0.025                                      E191202100039 
 29.232     0.835      0.035                                      E191202100040 
 30.412     0.848      0.036                                      E191202100041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 E191202100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 E191202199999 
SUBENT        E1912022   20051025                             E033E191202200001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(D,EL)5-B-11,NN,POL/DA,,ANA)                    E191202200003 
PART-DET   (D)                                                    E191202200004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and deuteron in     E191202200005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202200006 
SAMPLE     - Target-thickness is 16.7 mg/cm**2.                   E191202200007 
           - Target is self supported.                            E191202200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202200009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.6, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202200011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202200013 
COMMON               2          3                                 E191202200014 
EN         E-RSL-FW                                               E191202200015 
MEV        KEV                                                    E191202200016 
 200.0      150.0                                                 E191202200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202200018 
DATA                 3         20                                 E191202200019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202200020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202200021 
 5.396      -0.036     0.082                                      E191202200022 
 6.594      0.034      0.089                                      E191202200023 
 7.792      0.008      0.020                                      E191202200024 
 8.990      0.031      0.021                                      E191202200025 
 10.187     0.050      0.021                                      E191202200026 
 11.384     0.073      0.023                                      E191202200027 
 12.580     0.087      0.021                                      E191202200028 
 13.776     0.101      0.023                                      E191202200029 
 14.971     0.098      0.027                                      E191202200030 
 16.165     0.077      0.031                                      E191202200031 
 17.358     0.040      0.014                                      E191202200032 
 18.551     0.021      0.015                                      E191202200033 
 20.337     0.004      0.015                                      E191202200034 
 21.527     0.023      0.016                                      E191202200035 
 23.310     0.064      0.023                                      E191202200036 
 24.497     0.117      0.026                                      E191202200037 
 26.275     0.240      0.035                                      E191202200038 
 27.459     0.356      0.038                                      E191202200039 
 29.232     0.543      0.043                                      E191202200040 
 30.412     0.638      0.047                                      E191202200041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 E191202200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 E191202299999 
SUBENT        E1912023   20051025                             E033E191202300001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191202300003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202300004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202300005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202300006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202300007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.12,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202300008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202300009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202300010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202300011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202300013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202300014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202300015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202300016 
 392.0      200.0      2.12                                       E191202300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202300018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191202300019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202300020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191202300021 
 2.252      0.692      0.020                                      E191202300022 
 2.815      0.641      0.018                                      E191202300023 
 3.378      0.592      0.018                                      E191202300024 
 3.941      0.571      0.016                                      E191202300025 
 4.504      0.520      0.015                                      E191202300026 
 5.067      0.470      0.014                                      E191202300027 
 5.630      0.438      0.013                                      E191202300028 
 6.756      0.353      0.011                                      E191202300029 
 7.318      0.371      0.012                                      E191202300030 
 7.881      0.384      0.013                                      E191202300031 
 9.006      0.478      0.017                                      E191202300032 
 9.568      0.505      0.018                                      E191202300033 
 10.131     0.529      0.020                                      E191202300034 
 11.255     0.585      0.023                                      E191202300035 
 11.817     0.626      0.024                                      E191202300036 
 12.379     0.660      0.026                                      E191202300037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191202300038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191202399999 
SUBENT        E1912024   20051025                             E033E191202400001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA)                  E191202400003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202400004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202400005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202400006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202400007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.12,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202400008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202400009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202400010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202400011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202400013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202400014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202400015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202400016 
 392.0      200.0      2.12                                       E191202400017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202400018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191202400019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202400020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202400021 
 2.252      -0.02      0.03                                       E191202400022 
 2.815      -0.02      0.03                                       E191202400023 
 3.378      -0.02      0.03                                       E191202400024 
 3.941      0.01       0.03                                       E191202400025 
 4.504      0.02       0.03                                       E191202400026 
 5.067      0.02       0.03                                       E191202400027 
 5.630      0.06       0.03                                       E191202400028 
 6.756      0.13       0.03                                       E191202400029 
 7.318      0.20       0.03                                       E191202400030 
 7.881      0.26       0.03                                       E191202400031 
 9.006      0.42       0.04                                       E191202400032 
 9.568      0.46       0.04                                       E191202400033 
 10.131     0.50       0.04                                       E191202400034 
 11.255     0.58       0.04                                       E191202400035 
 11.817     0.60       0.04                                       E191202400036 
 12.379     0.63       0.05                                       E191202400037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191202400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191202499999 
SUBENT        E1912025   20051025                             E033E191202500001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191202500002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA)                       E191202500003 
           Induced polarization                                   E191202500004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202500005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202500006 
           center of mass system                                  E191202500007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202500008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.12,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202500009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191202500010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191202500011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191202500012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202500013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202500014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202500015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202500016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191202500017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202500018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202500019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202500020 
 392.0      200.0      2.12                                       E191202500021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202500022 
DATA                 3          6                                 E191202500023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202500024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202500025 
 2.815      0.01       0.04                                       E191202500026 
 3.941      0.13       0.12                                       E191202500027 
 5.067      0.16       0.05                                       E191202500028 
 7.318      0.37       0.15                                       E191202500029 
 9.568      0.52       0.13                                       E191202500030 
 11.817     0.56       0.12                                       E191202500031 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 E191202500032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 E191202599999 
SUBENT        E1912026   20051025                             E033E191202600001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191202600002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D)                 E191202600003 
           Depolarization parameter                               E191202600004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202600005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202600006 
           center of mass system                                  E191202600007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202600008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.12,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202600009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191202600010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191202600011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191202600012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202600013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202600014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202600015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202600016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191202600017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202600018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202600019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202600020 
 392.0      200.0      2.12                                       E191202600021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202600022 
DATA                 3          2                                 E191202600023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202600024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202600025 
 2.815      0.03       0.06                                       E191202600026 
 5.067      0.25       0.07                                       E191202600027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 E191202600028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E191202699999 
SUBENT        E1912027   20051025                             E033E191202700001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202700002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191202700003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202700004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202700005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202700006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202700007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202700008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202700009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202700010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202700011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202700012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202700013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202700014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202700015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202700016 
 392.0      200.0      4.44                                       E191202700017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202700018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191202700019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202700020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191202700021 
 2.253      0.949      0.027                                      E191202700022 
 2.816      0.894      0.025                                      E191202700023 
 3.379      0.809      0.023                                      E191202700024 
 3.942      0.760      0.022                                      E191202700025 
 4.505      0.726      0.021                                      E191202700026 
 5.068      0.747      0.022                                      E191202700027 
 5.631      0.780      0.024                                      E191202700028 
 6.757      0.905      0.030                                      E191202700029 
 7.320      1.059      0.036                                      E191202700030 
 7.883      1.207      0.043                                      E191202700031 
 9.008      1.750      0.064                                      E191202700032 
 9.571      1.980      0.073                                      E191202700033 
 10.133     2.205      0.083                                      E191202700034 
 11.258     2.728      0.107                                      E191202700035 
 11.820     2.967      0.118                                      E191202700036 
 12.382     3.199      0.130                                      E191202700037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191202700038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191202799999 
SUBENT        E1912028   20051025                             E033E191202800001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191202800002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA)                  E191202800003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202800004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202800005 
           center of mass system                                  E191202800006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202800007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202800008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202800009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202800010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202800011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202800012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191202800013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202800014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202800015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202800016 
 392.0      200.0      4.44                                       E191202800017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202800018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191202800019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202800020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202800021 
 2.253      0.03       0.03                                       E191202800022 
 2.816      0.03       0.02                                       E191202800023 
 3.379      0.04       0.03                                       E191202800024 
 3.942      0.07       0.03                                       E191202800025 
 4.505      0.09       0.03                                       E191202800026 
 5.068      0.14       0.03                                       E191202800027 
 5.631      0.19       0.03                                       E191202800028 
 6.757      0.33       0.03                                       E191202800029 
 7.320      0.38       0.03                                       E191202800030 
 7.883      0.43       0.03                                       E191202800031 
 9.008      0.53       0.04                                       E191202800032 
 9.571      0.56       0.04                                       E191202800033 
 10.133     0.58       0.04                                       E191202800034 
 11.258     0.64       0.04                                       E191202800035 
 11.820     0.66       0.05                                       E191202800036 
 12.382     0.67       0.05                                       E191202800037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191202800038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191202899999 
SUBENT        E1912029   20051025                             E033E191202900001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191202900002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA)                       E191202900003 
           Induced polarization                                   E191202900004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191202900005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191202900006 
           center of mass system                                  E191202900007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191202900008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191202900009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191202900010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191202900011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191202900012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191202900013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191202900014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191202900015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191202900016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191202900017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191202900018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191202900019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191202900020 
 392.0      200.0      4.44                                       E191202900021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191202900022 
DATA                 3          6                                 E191202900023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191202900024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191202900025 
 2.816      0.04       0.03                                       E191202900026 
 3.942      0.17       0.10                                       E191202900027 
 5.068      0.14       0.04                                       E191202900028 
 7.320      0.36       0.10                                       E191202900029 
 9.571      0.63       0.07                                       E191202900030 
 11.820     0.71       0.07                                       E191202900031 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 E191202900032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 E191202999999 
SUBENT        E1912030   20051025                             E033E191203000001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191203000002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D)                 E191203000003 
           Depolarization parameter                               E191203000004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203000005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203000006 
           center of mass system                                  E191203000007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203000008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203000009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191203000010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191203000011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191203000012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203000013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203000014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203000015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203000016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191203000017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203000018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203000019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203000020 
 392.0      200.0      4.44                                       E191203000021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203000022 
DATA                 3          2                                 E191203000023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203000024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203000025 
 2.816      0.16       0.05                                       E191203000026 
 5.068      0.51       0.05                                       E191203000027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 E191203000028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E191203099999 
SUBENT        E1912031   20051025                             E033E191203100001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191203100002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191203100003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203100004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203100005 
           center of mass system                                  E191203100006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203100007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.02,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203100008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203100009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203100010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203100011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203100012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191203100013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203100014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203100015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203100016 
 392.0      200.0      5.02                                       E191203100017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203100018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191203100019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203100020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191203100021 
 2.253      0.798      0.023                                      E191203100022 
 2.816      0.742      0.021                                      E191203100023 
 3.379      0.658      0.018                                      E191203100024 
 3.943      0.578      0.016                                      E191203100025 
 4.506      0.508      0.015                                      E191203100026 
 5.069      0.454      0.013                                      E191203100027 
 5.632      0.413      0.013                                      E191203100028 
 6.758      0.307      0.010                                      E191203100029 
 7.320      0.293      0.009                                      E191203100030 
 7.883      0.276      0.009                                      E191203100031 
 9.009      0.277      0.009                                      E191203100032 
 9.571      0.284      0.009                                      E191203100033 
 10.134     0.290      0.010                                      E191203100034 
 11.258     0.298      0.011                                      E191203100035 
 11.820     0.309      0.011                                      E191203100036 
 12.382     0.316      0.012                                      E191203100037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191203100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191203199999 
SUBENT        E1912032   20051025                             E033E191203200001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191203200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA)                  E191203200003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203200004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203200005 
           center of mass system                                  E191203200006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203200007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.02,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203200009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203200010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203200011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191203200013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203200014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203200015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203200016 
 392.0      200.0      5.02                                       E191203200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203200018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191203200019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203200020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203200021 
 2.253      -0.01      0.03                                       E191203200022 
 2.816      -0.01      0.02                                       E191203200023 
 3.379      0.00       0.03                                       E191203200024 
 3.943      -0.02      0.03                                       E191203200025 
 4.506      -0.03      0.03                                       E191203200026 
 5.069      -0.02      0.03                                       E191203200027 
 5.632      -0.01      0.03                                       E191203200028 
 6.758      0.03       0.03                                       E191203200029 
 7.320      0.05       0.03                                       E191203200030 
 7.883      0.08       0.03                                       E191203200031 
 9.009      0.23       0.03                                       E191203200032 
 9.571      0.27       0.03                                       E191203200033 
 10.134     0.32       0.04                                       E191203200034 
 11.258     0.44       0.04                                       E191203200035 
 11.820     0.49       0.04                                       E191203200036 
 12.382     0.54       0.04                                       E191203200037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191203200038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191203299999 
SUBENT        E1912033   20051025                             E033E191203300001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191203300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA)                       E191203300003 
           Induced polarization                                   E191203300004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203300005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203300006 
           center of mass system                                  E191203300007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203300008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.02,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203300009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191203300010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191203300011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191203300012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203300013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203300014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203300015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191203300017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203300018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203300019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203300020 
 392.0      200.0      5.02                                       E191203300021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203300022 
DATA                 3          6                                 E191203300023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203300024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203300025 
 2.816      0.01       0.04                                       E191203300026 
 3.943      0.09       0.13                                       E191203300027 
 5.069      0.01       0.04                                       E191203300028 
 7.320      0.16       0.18                                       E191203300029 
 9.571      0.27       0.17                                       E191203300030 
 11.820     0.94       0.18                                       E191203300031 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 E191203300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 E191203399999 
SUBENT        E1912034   20051025                             E033E191203400001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191203400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D)                 E191203400003 
           Depolarization parameter                               E191203400004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203400005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203400006 
           center of mass system                                  E191203400007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203400008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.02,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203400009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191203400010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191203400011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191203400012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203400013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203400014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203400015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191203400017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203400018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203400019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203400020 
 392.0      200.0      5.02                                       E191203400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203400022 
DATA                 3          2                                 E191203400023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203400024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203400025 
 2.816      -0.13      0.05                                       E191203400026 
 5.069      0.09       0.06                                       E191203400027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 E191203400028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E191203499999 
SUBENT        E1912035   20051025                             E033E191203500001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191203500002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,DA)                           E191203500003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203500004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203500005 
           center of mass system                                  E191203500006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203500007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.92,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203500008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203500009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203500010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203500011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191203500013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203500014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203500015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203500016 
 392.0      200.0      8.92                                       E191203500017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203500018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191203500019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203500020 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E191203500021 
 2.408      0.721      0.021                                      E191203500022 
 3.010      0.666      0.019                                      E191203500023 
 3.612      0.598      0.017                                      E191203500024 
 4.214      0.524      0.015                                      E191203500025 
 4.816      0.462      0.014                                      E191203500026 
 5.418      0.412      0.012                                      E191203500027 
 6.019      0.365      0.011                                      E191203500028 
 7.222      0.239      0.008                                      E191203500029 
 7.824      0.217      0.007                                      E191203500030 
 8.425      0.193      0.007                                      E191203500031 
 9.628      0.159      0.006                                      E191203500032 
 10.229     0.151      0.005                                      E191203500033 
 10.829     0.140      0.006                                      E191203500034 
 12.031     0.095      0.005                                      E191203500035 
 12.631     0.088      0.004                                      E191203500036 
 13.231     0.080      0.005                                      E191203500037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191203500038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191203599999 
SUBENT        E1912036   20051025                             E033E191203600001 
BIB                  6         10                                 E191203600002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA,,ANA)                  E191203600003 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203600004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203600005 
           center of mass system                                  E191203600006 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203600007 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.92,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203600008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203600009 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203600010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203600011 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203600012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 E191203600013 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203600014 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203600015 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203600016 
 392.0      200.0      8.92                                       E191203600017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203600018 
DATA                 3         16                                 E191203600019 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203600020 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203600021 
 2.408      0.05       0.03                                       E191203600022 
 3.010      0.04       0.03                                       E191203600023 
 3.612      0.02       0.03                                       E191203600024 
 4.214      0.03       0.03                                       E191203600025 
 4.816      0.04       0.03                                       E191203600026 
 5.418      0.04       0.03                                       E191203600027 
 6.019      0.03       0.03                                       E191203600028 
 7.222      0.02       0.04                                       E191203600029 
 7.824      0.02       0.03                                       E191203600030 
 8.425      0.03       0.04                                       E191203600031 
 9.628      0.06       0.04                                       E191203600032 
 10.229     0.08       0.04                                       E191203600033 
 10.829     0.10       0.05                                       E191203600034 
 12.031     0.09       0.06                                       E191203600035 
 12.631     0.15       0.05                                       E191203600036 
 13.231     0.22       0.08                                       E191203600037 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 E191203600038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E191203699999 
SUBENT        E1912037   20051025                             E033E191203700001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191203700002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA)                       E191203700003 
           Induced polarization                                   E191203700004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203700005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203700006 
           center of mass system                                  E191203700007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203700008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.92,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203700009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191203700010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191203700011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191203700012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203700013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203700014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203700015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203700016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191203700017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203700018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203700019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203700020 
 392.0      200.0      8.92                                       E191203700021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203700022 
DATA                 3          6                                 E191203700023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203700024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203700025 
 3.010      0.02       0.04                                       E191203700026 
 4.214      0.11       0.12                                       E191203700027 
 5.418      0.00       0.05                                       E191203700028 
 7.824      0.29       0.21                                       E191203700029 
 10.229     -0.19      0.24                                       E191203700030 
 12.631     0.51       0.38                                       E191203700031 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 E191203700032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 E191203799999 
SUBENT        E1912038   20051025                             E033E191203800001 
BIB                  8         14                                 E191203800002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,INL)5-B-11,NN/PAR,POL/DA,,D)                 E191203800003 
           Depolarization parameter                               E191203800004 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E191203800005 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and proton in       E191203800006 
           center of mass system                                  E191203800007 
           (E-LVL,5-B-11)                                         E191203800008 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=8.92,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=-1.)                E191203800009 
METHOD     (DSCAT) Carbon slab used as polarization analyzer      E191203800010 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) Focal plane polarimeter (FPP) used to measure   E191203800011 
                  the polarization of protons                     E191203800012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical uncertainty and systematic         E191203800013 
                   uncertainty due to peak fitting                E191203800014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data (Fig.7, p034318-7 in reference) received  E191203800015 
                   from T.Kawabata by e-mail (2004.11.15)         E191203800016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E191203800017 
COMMON               3          3                                 E191203800018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL                                       E191203800019 
MEV        KEV        MEV                                         E191203800020 
 392.0      200.0      8.92                                       E191203800021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E191203800022 
DATA                 3          2                                 E191203800023 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-T                                       E191203800024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      E191203800025 
 3.010      -0.05      0.05                                       E191203800026 
 5.418      0.26       0.07                                       E191203800027 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 E191203800028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E191203899999 
NOSUBENT      E1912039   20051025                             E033E191203900001 
ENDENTRY            39          0                                 E191299999999