ENTRY            E1928   20060411                             E036E192800000001 
SUBENT        E1928001   20060411                             E036E192800100001 
BIB                 11         37                                 E192800100002 
TITLE      Production possibility of 60Cu, 61Cu and 62Cu          E192800100003 
           radioisotopes by alpha induced reactions on cobalt for E192800100004 
           PET studies                                            E192800100005 
AUTHOR     (F.Szelecsenyi, K.Suzuki, Z.Kovacs, M.Takei, K.Okada)  E192800100006 
INSTITUTE  (3HUNDEB) Cyclotron Department                         E192800100007 
           (2JPNIRS) Division of Advanced Technology for Medical  E192800100008 
                     Imaging                                      E192800100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,187,(2),153,200202)                           E192800100010 
           (W,SZELECSENYI,20051118) Decay data used in this work  E192800100011 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E192800100012 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E192800100013 
           - Target-thickness: 10-15 micro-meter for Co           E192800100014 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Three experiments with 10, 20 and 30 min       E192800100015 
                   irradiation                                    E192800100016 
           (STTA) Stacked target consisted of tripelets (1Co+2Cu) E192800100017 
                  or doublets (Co+Cu)                             E192800100018 
           (GSPEC) Without chemical separation                    E192800100019 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2JPNIRS) AVF-930 isochronous cyclotron          E192800100020 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) To follow radioactive decay of residual nuclei  E192800100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Combined uncertainty taking the positive       E192800100022 
                   square root of the summation of the            E192800100023 
                   contributing sources in quadrature (10-14%)    E192800100024 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the number of target atoms      E192800100025 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in nuclear data                    E192800100026 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in beam intensity                  E192800100027 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty in the efficiency calibration of   E192800100028 
                   spectrometer                                   E192800100029 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty in the activity of foils due to    E192800100030 
                   recoil effect                                  E192800100031 
           (ERR-S) Maximum uncertainty in the statistics and peak E192800100032 
                   fitting (1-5%)                                 E192800100033 
           (EN-ERR) Estimated taking into account the cumulative  E192800100034 
                    effects of primary uncertainty sources        E192800100035 
                    (incident energy, foil thickness and beam     E192800100036 
                    straggling)                                   E192800100037 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Table 2, p156 in reference     E192800100038 
HISTORY    (20050713C) Tk + On.                                   E192800100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 E192800100040 
COMMON               6          3                                 E192800100041 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-S      E192800100042 
 5.0        3.0        7.0        5.0        3.0        5.0       E192800100044 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E192800100045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 E192800199999 
SUBENT        E1928002   20060411                             E036E192800200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 E192800200002 
REL-REF    (A,,J.M.D'Auria,J,PR,168,1224,1968)                    E192800200003 
           (A,C0703005,F.K.McGowan+,J,PR,B133,907,1964)           E192800200004 
           (A,C0185005,P.H.Stelson+,J,PR,B133,911,1964)           E192800200005 
           (A,A0644002,O.A.Zhukova+,J,YF,16,242,1972)             E192800200006 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(A,N)29-CU-62,,SIG)                           E192800200007 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-62,9.74MIN,AR,511.0,1.94)                       E192800200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 E192800200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E192800200010 
DATA                 4         14                                 E192800200011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            E192800200012 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               E192800200013 
 17.6       1.8        659.3      72.1                            E192800200014 
 20.8       1.7        437.4      47.9                            E192800200015 
 23.8       1.5        156.5      51.7                            E192800200016 
 31.0       2.0        58.8       19.2                            E192800200017 
 34.3       1.9        50.9       16.6                            E192800200018 
 35.4       0.9        39.2       12.8                            E192800200019 
 37.3       1.7        48.8       16.0                            E192800200020 
 38.4       0.8        20.0       6.5                             E192800200021 
 42.1       0.6        19.0       6.2                             E192800200022 
 49.5       1.1        24.6       8.0                             E192800200023 
 51.7       1.0        24.4       8.0                             E192800200024 
 52.3       1.0        32.5       10.7                            E192800200025 
 55.0       0.9        23.5       7.7                             E192800200026 
 57.8       0.7        17.1       5.6                             E192800200027 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 E192800200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 E192800299999 
SUBENT        E1928003   20060411                             E036E192800300001 
BIB                  4          8                                 E192800300002 
REL-REF    (A,D0394000,E.Gadioli+,J,ZP/A,317,155,1984)            E192800300003 
           (A,A0510347,N.N.Levkovskii,B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991)         E192800300004 
           (D,E1962002,Y.Homma+,J,BCJ,50,1251,1977)               E192800300005 
           (D,A0644003,O.A.Zhukova+,J,YF,16,242,1972)             E192800300006 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(A,2N)29-CU-61,,SIG)                          E192800300007 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.41HR,DG,283.,0.125,                        E192800300008 
                            DG,656.,0.107)                        E192800300009 
COMMENT    511.0 and 1185.2 keV gamma lines are not used.         E192800300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 E192800300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E192800300012 
DATA                 4         31                                 E192800300013 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            E192800300014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               E192800300015 
 17.6       1.8        28.0       3.1                             E192800300016 
 20.8       1.7        190.0      20.8                            E192800300017 
 23.8       1.5        366.3      40.0                            E192800300018 
 24.0       2.4        450.2      49.5                            E192800300019 
 26.4       1.4        490.9      54.0                            E192800300020 
 28.6       2.2        452.9      49.7                            E192800300021 
 28.9       1.3        511.0      56.1                            E192800300022 
 31.0       2.0        426.2      46.6                            E192800300023 
 31.2       1.2        450.5      49.5                            E192800300024 
 32.8       2.0        324.4      35.5                            E192800300025 
 33.4       1.0        390.6      42.8                            E192800300026 
 34.3       1.9        310.0      33.9                            E192800300027 
 35.4       0.9        295.6      32.4                            E192800300028 
 36.6       1.8        214.1      23.5                            E192800300029 
 37.3       1.7        203.6      22.4                            E192800300030 
 38.4       0.8        195.7      21.5                            E192800300031 
 40.1       1.6        130.4      14.3                            E192800300032 
 40.1       1.6        135.7      14.9                            E192800300033 
 42.1       0.6        110.8      12.2                            E192800300034 
 42.8       1.5        97.5       10.7                            E192800300035 
 43.3       1.4        86.9       9.6                             E192800300036 
 45.7       1.3        73.0       8.0                             E192800300037 
 46.5       1.3        63.1       6.9                             E192800300038 
 48.8       1.2        54.4       6.0                             E192800300039 
 49.5       1.1        47.3       5.2                             E192800300040 
 51.7       1.0        38.0       4.3                             E192800300041 
 52.3       1.0        43.9       4.8                             E192800300042 
 54.4       0.9        36.6       4.0                             E192800300043 
 55.0       0.9        33.8       3.7                             E192800300044 
 57.1       0.7        32.3       3.6                             E192800300045 
 57.8       0.7        25.6       2.8                             E192800300046 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 E192800300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 E192800399999 
SUBENT        E1928004   20060411                             E036E192800400001 
BIB                  4          9                                 E192800400002 
REL-REF    (D,C0306001,J.Jastrzebski+,J,PR/C,34,60,1986)          E192800400003 
           (D,A0644004,O.A.Zhukova+,J,YF,16,242,1972)             E192800400004 
           (A,D0394000,E.Gadioli+,J,ZP/A,317,155,1984)            E192800400005 
           (A,A0510348,N.N.Levkovskii,B,LEVKOVSKIJ,,1991)         E192800400006 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(A,3N)29-CU-60,,SIG)                          E192800400007 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-60,23.2MIN,DG,826.,0.219,                       E192800400008 
                             DG,1332.,0.88,                       E192800400009 
                             DG,1791.5,0.454)                     E192800400010 
COMMENT    511.0 keV gamma line are not used.                     E192800400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 E192800400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E192800400013 
DATA                 4         22                                 E192800400014 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            E192800400015 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               E192800400016 
 32.8       2.0        11.3       1.3                             E192800400017 
 33.4       1.0        6.46       0.73                            E192800400018 
 34.3       1.9        18.8       2.1                             E192800400019 
 35.4       0.9        18.1       2.0                             E192800400020 
 36.6       1.8        38.6       4.2                             E192800400021 
 37.3       1.7        43.2       4.8                             E192800400022 
 38.4       0.8        42.5       4.7                             E192800400023 
 40.1       1.6        65.1       7.1                             E192800400024 
 40.1       1.6        63.3       7.0                             E192800400025 
 42.1       0.6        66.0       7.3                             E192800400026 
 42.8       1.5        76.8       8.4                             E192800400027 
 43.3       1.4        73.0       8.0                             E192800400028 
 45.7       1.3        76.3       8.4                             E192800400029 
 46.5       1.3        76.1       8.3                             E192800400030 
 48.8       1.2        68.6       7.6                             E192800400031 
 49.5       1.1        59.7       6.5                             E192800400032 
 51.7       1.0        49.7       5.4                             E192800400033 
 52.3       1.0        51.6       5.7                             E192800400034 
 54.4       0.9        44.0       4.8                             E192800400035 
 55.0       0.9        38.5       4.2                             E192800400036 
 57.1       0.7        35.9       4.0                             E192800400037 
 57.8       0.7        28.6       3.1                             E192800400038 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 E192800400039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 E192800499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 E192899999999