ENTRY E1951 20240503 E143E195100000001 SUBENT E1951001 20240503 E143E195100100001 BIB 13 26 E195100100002 TITLE Measurement of the cross-section of 14N(16O,alpha)26Al E195100100003 with AMS E195100100004 AUTHOR (M.He, S.Jiang, Y.Nagashima, Y.Y.Yang, T.Takahashi, E195100100005 K.X.Liu, K.Sasa, K.J.Dong, S.Y.Wu, T.Matsuhiro, E195100100006 H.Tosaki, X.T.Ren, R.Seki, K.Sueki) E195100100007 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP,2JPNTSU,3CPRBJG) E195100100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,240,612,2005) E195100100009 INC-SOURCE - Beam intensity is 3 uA. E195100100010 - Charge of incident ion is 3,4. E195100100011 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target: TiN target E195100100012 - Physical-form of target is solid. E195100100013 - Target-thickness is about 0.280 mg/cm2. E195100100014 METHOD (REC) Collected by Cu catcher foil E195100100015 (CHSEP) 27Al carrier used E195100100016 (AMS) Ratio 26Al/27Al measured E195100100017 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRBJG) Used for irradiation E195100100018 (VDGT,2JPNTSU) Used for accelerator mass spectroscopy E195100100019 DETECTOR (TELES) Delta E-E detector at AMS E195100100020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E195100100021 REL-REF (N,,Z.E.Switkowski+,J,NP/A,279,502,1977) E195100100022 Agree at 9.5 and 7.9 MeV, but not at 6.6 MeV E195100100023 STATUS (TABLE,,M.He+,J,NIM/B,240,612,2005) Table 1 E195100100024 HISTORY (20051109C) Tk + On E195100100025 (20061122A) On. Explanation for two facilities added E195100100026 (20240319A) MA: modified STATUS in 001, REACTION in E195100100027 002. E195100100028 ENDBIB 26 0 E195100100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 E195100100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 E195100199999 SUBENT E1951002 20240503 E143E195100200001 BIB 2 2 E195100200002 REACTION (7-N-14(8-O-16,A)13-AL-26-G,,SIG) E195100200003 HISTORY (20240319A) MA: SF4: 13-AL-26 -> 13-AL-26-G E195100200004 ENDBIB 2 0 E195100200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 E195100200006 DATA 3 3 E195100200007 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR E195100200008 MEV MB MB E195100200009 6.6 0.0225 0.0039 E195100200010 7.9 0.270 0.039 E195100200011 9.5 2.20 0.28 E195100200012 ENDDATA 5 0 E195100200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 E195100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 E195199999999