ENTRY E1987 20230406 E137E198700000001 SUBENT E1987001 20230406 E137E198700100001 BIB 11 31 E198700100002 TITLE First experiment of 6He with a polarized proton target E198700100003 AUTHOR (M.Hatano, H.Sakai, T.Wakui, T.Uesaka, N.Aoi, E198700100004 Y.Ichikawa, T.Ikeda, K.Itoh, H.Iwasaki, T.Kawabata, E198700100005 H.Kuboki, Y.Maeda, N.Matsui, T.Ohnishi, T.K.Onishi, E198700100006 T.Saito, N.Sakamoto, M.Sasano, Y.Satou, K.Sekiguchi, E198700100007 K.Suda, A.Tamii, Y.Yanagisawa, K.Yako) E198700100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOK,2JPNIPC,2JPNSUU,2JPNTIT,2JPNOSA) E198700100009 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,25,(S1),255,2005) E198700100010 Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR. E198700100011 (T,HATANO,2003) E198700100012 M.Hatano, Angular resolution and systematic E198700100013 uncertainties E198700100014 PART-DET (P,2-HE-6) E198700100015 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is about 1.7E+5 PPS. E198700100016 (FRAGM) A secondary beam of 6He with 71MeV/u was E198700100017 produced by the RIKEN Projectile-fragment E198700100018 Separator (RIPS). E198700100019 (POLTR) POL-TR: A secondary beam of 6He with 71MeV/u E198700100020 was produced by the RIKEN Projectile-fragment E198700100021 Separator (RIPS). E198700100022 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E198700100023 - Physical-form of target is solid. E198700100024 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) E198700100025 DETECTOR (MWDC,SCIN) To detect scattered 6He E198700100026 (SISD,SCIN) To detect recoil protons E198700100027 ADD-RES (COMP) Optical model E198700100028 HISTORY (20060605C) Kc + On E198700100029 (20060705R) On. Received by e-mail from H.Sakai E198700100030 (20230406A) MA. REFERENCE, FACILITY and INC-SOURCE in E198700100031 001 were modified. (EPJ/AS -> EPJ/S, PRJFS E198700100032 in FACILITY -> FRAGM in INC-SOURCE) E198700100033 ENDBIB 31 0 E198700100034 COMMON 2 3 E198700100035 EN POL-TR E198700100036 MEV/A NO-DIM E198700100037 71. 0.21 E198700100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E198700100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 E198700199999 SUBENT E1987002 20080131 E052E198700200001 BIB 6 16 E198700200002 REL-REF (A,E1683005,A.A.Korsheninnikov+,J,NP/A,616,45,1997) E198700200003 (A,D0426002,R.Henneck+,J,NP/A,571,541,1994) E198700200004 6Li(p,p)6Li data at 72 MeV E198700200005 REACTION ((1-H-1(2-HE-6,EL)1-H-1,,DA)= E198700200006 (2-HE-6(P,EL)2-HE-6,,DA)) E198700200007 EN-SEC ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 6He in center E198700200008 of mass system E198700200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in solid angle E198700200010 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in beam intensity E198700200011 (ERR-3) Uncertainty in target thickness E198700200012 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E198700200013 (ERR-SYS) Total systematic uncertainty E198700200014 STATUS (TABLE) Data (Fig.2, p257 in reference) received by E198700200015 e-mail from H.Sakai (2006.07.05) E198700200016 HISTORY (20070310A) On. Angular resolution and systematic E198700200017 uncertainties added E198700200018 ENDBIB 16 0 E198700200019 COMMON 4 3 E198700200020 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 E198700200021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT E198700200022 9. 3.5 7. 4. E198700200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E198700200024 DATA 4 9 E198700200025 ANG-CM ANG-RSL DATA-CM ERR-S E198700200026 ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR E198700200027 39.9 1.5 7.241 0.1134 E198700200028 43.1 2. 4.409 0.084 E198700200029 47.6 2.5 1.517 0.030 E198700200030 51.7 2.5 0.707 0.024 E198700200031 59.1 2.5 0.292 0.019 E198700200032 65.4 2.5 0.349 0.020 E198700200033 69.2 2.5 0.333 0.019 E198700200034 73.1 2.5 0.189 0.012 E198700200035 77.6 2.5 0.160 0.012 E198700200036 ENDDATA 11 0 E198700200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 E198700299999 SUBENT E1987003 20080131 E052E198700300001 BIB 7 10 E198700300002 REL-REF (D,D0426003,R.Henneck+,J,NP/A,571,541,1994) E198700300003 6Li(p,p)6Li data at 72 MeV E198700300004 REACTION (1-H-1(2-HE-6,EL)1-H-1,,POL/DA,RSD,ANA) E198700300005 EN-SEC ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 6He in center E198700300006 of mass system E198700300007 METHOD (LRASY) E198700300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E198700300009 STATUS (TABLE) Data (Fig.2, p257 in reference) received by E198700300010 e-mail from H.Sakai (2006.07.05) E198700300011 HISTORY (20070310A) On. Angular resolution added E198700300012 ENDBIB 10 0 E198700300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 E198700300014 DATA 4 4 E198700300015 ANG-CM ANG-RSL DATA-CM ERR-S E198700300016 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E198700300017 40. 1.5 0.302 0.075 E198700300018 48. 6. 0.104 0.072 E198700300019 61. 7.5 -0.140 0.160 E198700300020 74. 7.5 0.000703 0.180 E198700300021 ENDDATA 6 0 E198700300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 E198700399999 NOSUBENT E1987004 20070208 E042E198700400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 E198799999999