ENTRY E1990 20230406 E137E199000000001 SUBENT E1990001 20230406 E137E199000100001 BIB 14 52 E199000100002 TITLE Proton single-particle states in the neutron-rich 23F E199000100003 nucleus E199000100004 AUTHOR (S.Michimasa, S.Shimoura, H.Iwasaki, M.Tamaki, S.Ota, E199000100005 N.Aoi, H.Baba, N.Iwasa, S.Kanno, S.Kubono, K.Kurita, E199000100006 M.Kurokawa, T.Minemura, T.Motobayashi, M.Notani, E199000100007 H.J.Ong, A.Saito, H.Sakurai, E.Takeshita, S.Takeuchi, E199000100008 Y.Yanagisawa, A.Yoshida) E199000100009 INSTITUTE (2JPNIPC,2JPNTOK,2JPNKTO,2JPNTOH,2JPNYOK) E199000100010 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,638,146,2006) E199000100011 Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR. E199000100012 (J,EPJ/A,25,(S1),367,2005) E199000100013 S.Michimasa+, Proc. of the 4th International E199000100014 Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses E199000100015 (ENAM'04) E199000100016 (J,JP/G,31,S1759,2005) E199000100017 S.Shimoura, Proc. of the 1st International Conference E199000100018 on NUclear, STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions E199000100019 (NUSTAR'05) E199000100020 PART-DET (G) De-excitation gamma from 23F E199000100021 (9-F-23) E199000100022 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 2.0e3 PPS. E199000100023 (FRAGM) The secondary beam, including 22O, 23F, 24F E199000100024 and 25Ne, was produced by projectile E199000100025 fragmentation reactions of a 63 A MeV 40Ar E199000100026 beam impinging on a 9Be production target of E199000100027 180 mg/cm2. E199000100028 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E199000100029 - Physical-form of target is liquid. E199000100030 - Target-thickness is 100 mg/cm2. E199000100031 METHOD (TOF) Between secondary target and NAI(Tl) E199000100032 (EDE) E199000100033 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) E199000100034 DETECTOR (SI,NAICR) To identify secondary reaction products E199000100035 (Delta-E detector) E199000100036 (PPAC) To measure scattering angles of reaction E199000100037 products E199000100038 (NAICR) To detect de-excitation gamma from reaction E199000100039 products E199000100040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error of gamma-detection yield E199000100041 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E199000100042 ADD-RES (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) E199000100043 (DWUCK5 code) E199000100044 STATUS (TABLE) Data (Fig.4, p150 in reference) received by E199000100045 e-mail from S. Michimasa (2006.06.30) E199000100046 HISTORY (20060619C) Tt + On E199000100047 (20060630R) On. Received by e-mail from S.Michimasa E199000100048 (20061004A) On. References (ENAM'04 and NUSTAR'05) E199000100049 added E199000100050 (20090823U) Nf. REFERENCE: JP/S -> JP/G E199000100051 (20230406A) MA. REFERENCE, FACILITY and INC-SOURCE in E199000100052 001 were modified. (EPJ/AS -> EPJ/S, PRJFS E199000100053 in FACILITY -> FRAGM in INC-SOURCE) E199000100054 ENDBIB 52 0 E199000100055 COMMON 3 3 E199000100056 EN ANG-RSL ERR-SYS E199000100057 MEV/A ADEG PER-CENT E199000100058 35.0 0.5 9.5 E199000100059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E199000100060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E199000199999 SUBENT E1990002 20070208 E042E199000200001 BIB 3 5 E199000200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(8-O-22,X)9-F-23,PAR,DA) E199000200003 EN-SEC ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 23F in center E199000200004 of mass system E199000200005 (E-LVL,9-F-23) E199000200006 LEVEL-PROP (9-F-23,E-LVL=2.268,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E199000200007 ENDBIB 5 0 E199000200008 COMMON 2 3 E199000200009 E-LVL E-LVL-ERR E199000200010 KEV KEV E199000200011 2268. 12. E199000200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E199000200013 DATA 3 5 E199000200014 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S E199000200015 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR E199000200016 2.38 1.33 1.09 E199000200017 6.99 1.71 0.67 E199000200018 11.68 0.83 0.43 E199000200019 16.42 1.01 0.42 E199000200020 21.23 0.20 0.13 E199000200021 ENDDATA 7 0 E199000200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 E199000299999 SUBENT E1990003 20070208 E042E199000300001 BIB 3 5 E199000300002 REACTION (2-HE-4(8-O-22,X)9-F-23,PAR,DA) E199000300003 EN-SEC ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 23F in center E199000300004 of mass system E199000300005 (E-LVL,9-F-23) E199000300006 LEVEL-PROP (9-F-23,E-LVL=4.059,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E199000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 E199000300008 COMMON 2 3 E199000300009 E-LVL E-LVL-ERR E199000300010 KEV KEV E199000300011 4059. 11. E199000300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E199000300013 DATA 3 11 E199000300014 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S E199000300015 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR E199000300016 3.03 15.85 1.97 E199000300017 5.47 15.48 2.29 E199000300018 7.03 10.96 1.94 E199000300019 8.60 7.06 1.61 E199000300020 10.18 6.56 1.32 E199000300021 11.76 6.32 1.06 E199000300022 13.34 5.80 0.75 E199000300023 14.93 5.62 1.46 E199000300024 16.53 5.09 0.81 E199000300025 18.14 4.07 0.80 E199000300026 19.76 2.99 1.09 E199000300027 ENDDATA 13 0 E199000300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 E199000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 E199099999999