ENTRY E1994 20240320 E144E199400000001 SUBENT E1994001 20240320 E144E199400100001 BIB 13 27 E199400100002 TITLE Production cross sections of 261Rf and 262Db in E199400100003 bombardments of 248Cm with 18O and 19F ions E199400100004 AUTHOR (Y.Nagame, M.Asai, H.Haba, S.Goto, K.Tsukada, E199400100005 I.Nishinaka, K.Nishio, S.Ichikawa, A.Toyoshima, E199400100006 K.Akiyama, H.Nakahara, M.Sakama, M.Schadel, J.V.Kratz,E199400100007 H.W.Gaggeler, A.Turler) E199400100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNJAE,2JPNNII,2JPNTKS,2GERGSI,2GERMNZ,2SWTUBE, E199400100009 2SWTPSI) E199400100010 REFERENCE (J,JNRS,3,85,2002) E199400100011 Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Advanced E199400100012 Science Research -Advances in Heavy Element Research- E199400100013 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 250 to 300 particle-nA. E199400100014 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E199400100015 - Physical-form of target is solid. E199400100016 - Target-thickness is 0.59 mg/cm2. E199400100017 - Backing: Beryllium E199400100018 - Backing-thickness is 2.2 mg/cm2. E199400100019 METHOD (HEJET) 2.0 L/min E199400100020 FACILITY (VDGT,2JPNJAE) E199400100021 DETECTOR (SI) To detect alpha particles E199400100022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E199400100023 ADD-RES (COMP) Statistical model (Code HIVAP) E199400100024 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from Table 1, p86 in reference E199400100025 HISTORY (20060805C) Tk + On E199400100026 (20061004A) On. Reference (review) added E199400100027 (20160323A) MA: Modified DECAY-DATA in 003 E199400100028 (20240320U) MA: removed secondary reference (review). E199400100029 ENDBIB 27 0 E199400100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 E199400100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 E199400199999 SUBENT E1994002 20070208 E042E199400200001 BIB 6 12 E199400200002 REL-REF (A,,A.Ghiorso+,J,PL/B,32,95,1970) 5 nb at 97 MeV E199400200003 (N,,R.Dressler,T,DRESSLER,1999) E199400200004 Compared with the present result without comment E199400200005 REACTION (96-CM-248(8-O-18,5N)104-RF-261,,SIG) E199400200006 DECAY-DATA (104-RF-261,78.SEC,A,8100./8400.,1.) E199400200007 (104-RF-261,26.SEC,A,8220./8320.,1.) E199400200008 Decay of daughter (257No) E199400200009 RAD-DET (104-RF-261,A) E199400200010 (102-NO-257,A) E199400200011 INC-SOURCE Charge of incident ion is 6+. E199400200012 METHOD (COINC) 166 single alpha events and 57 alpha-alpha E199400200013 correlation events were detected. E199400200014 ENDBIB 12 0 E199400200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 E199400200016 DATA 3 3 E199400200017 EN DATA DATA-ERR E199400200018 MEV NB NB E199400200019 91. 8. 2. E199400200020 94. 13. 3. E199400200021 99. 8. 2. E199400200022 ENDDATA 5 0 E199400200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 E199400299999 SUBENT E1994003 20160510 E102E199400300001 BIB 7 13 E199400300002 REACTION (96-CM-248(9-F-19,5N)105-DB-262,,SIG) E199400300003 DECAY-DATA (105-DB-262,34.SEC,A,8450./8670.,0.64) E199400300004 (103-LR-258,3.9SEC,A,8565./8654.,1.) E199400300005 RAD-DET (105-DB-262,A) E199400300006 (103-LR-258,A) E199400300007 INC-SOURCE Charge of incident ion is 7+. E199400300008 METHOD (COINC) 19 mother-daughter correlations of alpha E199400300009 energies were detected. E199400300010 REL-REF (D,,R.Dressler+,J,PR/C,59,3433,1999) E199400300011 0.26+0.15-0.09 nb at 106.5 MeV E199400300012 (N,,J.V.Kratz+,J,PR/C,45,1064,1992) E199400300013 Compared with the present data without comment E199400300014 HISTORY (20160323A) MA: DECAY-DATA: 105-DB-262 -> 103-LR-258 E199400300015 ENDBIB 13 0 E199400300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 E199400300017 DATA 3 1 E199400300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR E199400300019 MEV NB NB E199400300020 106. 1.3 0.4 E199400300021 ENDDATA 3 0 E199400300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 E199400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 E199499999999