ENTRY            E1997   20070909                             E048E199700000001 
SUBENT        E1997001   20070909                             E048E199700100001 
BIB                  8         46                                 E199700100002 
TITLE      The (t,3He) and (3He,t) reactions as probes of         E199700100003 
           Gamow-Teller strength                                  E199700100004 
AUTHOR     (R.G.T.Zegers, H.Akimune, S.M.Austin, D.Bazin,         E199700100005 
           A.M.van den Berg, G.P.A.Berg, B.A.Brown, J.Brown,      E199700100006 
           A.L.Cole, I.Daito, Y.Fujita, M.Fujiwara, S.Gales,      E199700100007 
           M.N.Harakeh, H.Hashimoto, R.Hayami, G.W.Hitt,          E199700100008 
           M.E.Howard, M.Itoh, J.Janecke, T.Kawabata, K.Kawase,   E199700100009 
           M.Kinoshita, T.Nakamura, K.Nakanishi, S.Nakayama,      E199700100010 
           S.Okumura, W.A.Richter, D.A.Roberts, B.M.Sherrill,     E199700100011 
           Y.Shimbara, M.Steiner, M.Uchida, H.Ueno, T.Yamagata,   E199700100012 
           M.Yosoi)                                               E199700100013 
INSTITUTE  (1USAMSU) National Superconducting Cyclotron           E199700100014 
                     Laboratory                                   E199700100015 
           (1USAMSU) Department of Physics and Astronomy          E199700100016 
           (1USAMSU) Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics     E199700100017 
           (2JPNKON) Department of Physics                        E199700100018 
           (2NEDKVI)                                              E199700100019 
           (1USANOT) Department of Physics                        E199700100020 
           (1USANOT) Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics     E199700100021 
           (1USAUSA) Department of Physics, Wabash College,       E199700100022 
                     Crawfordsville, Indiana                      E199700100023 
           (2JPNJAE) Advanced Photon Research Center              E199700100024 
           (2JPNOSA) Department of Physics                        E199700100025 
           (2JPNJAE) Kansai Photon Science Institute              E199700100026 
           (2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics          E199700100027 
           (2FR PAR) Institut de Physique Nucleaire, IN2P3-CNRS   E199700100028 
           (2JPNTKS) Department of Physics                        E199700100029 
           (1USAOSU) Department of Physics                        E199700100030 
           (2JPNTOH) Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center            E199700100031 
           (1USAMHG) Department of Physics                        E199700100032 
           (2JPNTOK) Center for Nuclear Study                     E199700100033 
           (2JPNTIT)                                              E199700100034 
           (3SAFSAF) Department of Physics, University of Western E199700100035 
                     Cape, Bellville                              E199700100036 
           (2JPNIPC) Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory           E199700100037 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,74,(2),024309,200608)                          E199700100038 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E199700100039 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E199700100040 
ADD-RES    E1997.018:12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26                      E199700100041 
                     Transition strength (Gamow-Teller strength)  E199700100042 
                     See NRDF D1997 DATA,17 for detail.           E199700100043 
           E1997.019:12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26                      E199700100044 
                     Transition strength (Gamow-Teller strength)  E199700100045 
                     See NRDF D1997 DATA,18 for detail.           E199700100046 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Request sent to R.Zegers (2006.11.15)          E199700100047 
HISTORY    (20060908C) Tt + On                                    E199700100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 E199700100049 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E199700100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 E199700199999 
SUBENT        E1997002   20070208                             E042E199700200001 
BIB                 10         21                                 E199700200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700200003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199700200004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199700200005 
           of mass system                                         E199700200006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199700200007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199700200008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199700200009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199700200010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199700200011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199700200012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199700200013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199700200014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199700200015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199700200016 
                           Be production target at National       E199700200017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199700200018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199700200019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199700200020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199700200021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700200022 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 1(a), p024309-4 in reference              E199700200023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 E199700200024 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700200025 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL               E199700200026 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        ADEG       ADEG                  E199700200027 
 345.       1.         300.       1.1        0.4                  E199700200028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700200029 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 E199700299999 
SUBENT        E1997003   20070208                             E042E199700300001 
BIB                 10         21                                 E199700300002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700300003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199700300004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199700300005 
           of mass system                                         E199700300006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199700300007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199700300008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199700300009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199700300010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199700300011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199700300012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199700300013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199700300014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199700300015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199700300016 
                           Be production target at National       E199700300017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199700300018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199700300019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199700300020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199700300021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700300022 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 1(b), p024309-4 in reference              E199700300023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 E199700300024 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199700300025 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MIN ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL    E199700300026 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        ADEG       ADEG       ADEG       E199700300027 
 345.       1.         300.       3.4        4.5        0.4       E199700300028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700300029 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 E199700399999 
SUBENT        E1997004   20070208                             E042E199700400001 
BIB                  9         14                                 E199700400002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700400003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199700400004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199700400005 
           center of mass system                                  E199700400006 
           (E-EXC,13-AL-26)                                       E199700400007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199700400008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199700400009 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199700400010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199700400011 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199700400012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199700400013 
                   target thickness                               E199700400014 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700400015 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 2(a), p024309-5 in reference              E199700400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E199700400017 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700400018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199700400019 
MEV        KEV        ADEG       ADEG       PER-CENT              E199700400020 
 420.       100.       0.3        0.2        10.                  E199700400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700400022 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700400023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 E199700499999 
SUBENT        E1997005   20070208                             E042E199700500001 
BIB                  9         14                                 E199700500002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700500003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199700500004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199700500005 
           center of mass system                                  E199700500006 
           (E-EXC,13-AL-26)                                       E199700500007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199700500008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199700500009 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199700500010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199700500011 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199700500012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199700500013 
                   target thickness                               E199700500014 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700500015 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 2(b), p024309-5 in reference              E199700500016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E199700500017 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199700500018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MIN ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL    ERR-1      E199700500019 
MEV        KEV        ADEG       ADEG       ADEG       PER-CENT   E199700500020 
 420.       100.       2.0        2.3        0.2        10.       E199700500021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700500022 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700500023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 E199700599999 
SUBENT        E1997006   20070208                             E042E199700600001 
BIB                  9         14                                 E199700600002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700600003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199700600004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199700600005 
           center of mass system                                  E199700600006 
           (E-EXC,13-AL-26)                                       E199700600007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199700600008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199700600009 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199700600010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199700600011 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199700600012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199700600013 
                   target thickness                               E199700600014 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700600015 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 3, p024309-6 in reference                 E199700600016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 E199700600017 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700600018 
EN         E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199700600019 
MEV        KEV        ADEG       ADEG       PER-CENT              E199700600020 
 420.       100.       2.5        0.2        10.                  E199700600021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700600022 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700600023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 E199700699999 
SUBENT        E1997007   20070208                             E042E199700700001 
BIB                 10         21                                 E199700700002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,,DA/DE)                       E199700700003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199700700004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199700700005 
           of mass system                                         E199700700006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199700700007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199700700008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199700700009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199700700010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199700700011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199700700012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199700700013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199700700014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199700700015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199700700016 
                           Be production target at National       E199700700017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199700700018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199700700019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199700700020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199700700021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199700700022 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig. 3(inset), p024309-6 in reference          E199700700023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 E199700700024 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700700025 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   ANG-CM-MAX ANG-RSL               E199700700026 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        ADEG       ADEG                  E199700700027 
 345.       1.         300.       4.5        0.4                  E199700700028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700700029 
NODATA               0          0                                 E199700700030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 E199700799999 
SUBENT        E1997008   20070909                             E048E199700800001 
BIB                 12         17                                 E199700800002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,PAR,DA)                       E199700800003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199700800004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199700800005 
           center of mass system                                  E199700800006 
           (E-LVL,13-AL-26)                                       E199700800007 
LEVEL-PROP (13-AL-26,E-LVL=0.23,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.)               E199700800008 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199700800009 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199700800010 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199700800011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199700800012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199700800013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199700800014 
                   target thickness                               E199700800015 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199700800016 
                  FOLD)                                           E199700800017 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199700800018 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199700800019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 E199700800020 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700800021 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL      ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199700800022 
MEV        KEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT              E199700800023 
 420.       100.       0.23       0.2        10.                  E199700800024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700800025 
DATA                 2          8                                 E199700800026 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                E199700800027 
ADEG       MB/SR                                                  E199700800028 
  1.637E-01  4.059E+00                                            E199700800029 
  4.912E-01  3.705E+00                                            E199700800030 
  8.089E-01  3.469E+00                                            E199700800031 
  1.136E+00  3.351E+00                                            E199700800032 
  1.464E+00  2.808E+00                                            E199700800033 
  1.786E+00  2.407E+00                                            E199700800034 
  2.109E+00  1.935E+00                                            E199700800035 
  2.432E+00  1.652E+00                                            E199700800036 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199700800037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 E199700899999 
SUBENT        E1997009   20070909                             E048E199700900001 
BIB                 12         17                                 E199700900002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,PAR,DA)                       E199700900003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199700900004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199700900005 
           center of mass system                                  E199700900006 
           (E-LVL,13-AL-26)                                       E199700900007 
LEVEL-PROP (13-AL-26,E-LVL=1.06,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)               E199700900008 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199700900009 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199700900010 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199700900011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199700900012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199700900013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199700900014 
                   target thickness                               E199700900015 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199700900016 
                  FOLD)                                           E199700900017 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199700900018 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199700900019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 E199700900020 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199700900021 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL      ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199700900022 
MEV        KEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT              E199700900023 
 420.       100.       1.06       0.2        10.                  E199700900024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199700900025 
DATA                 2          8                                 E199700900026 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                                E199700900027 
ADEG       MB/SR                                                  E199700900028 
  1.637E-01  1.419E+01                                            E199700900029 
  4.912E-01  1.333E+01                                            E199700900030 
  8.089E-01  1.248E+01                                            E199700900031 
  1.136E+00  1.137E+01                                            E199700900032 
  1.464E+00  9.658E+00                                            E199700900033 
  1.786E+00  7.949E+00                                            E199700900034 
  2.109E+00  6.410E+00                                            E199700900035 
  2.432E+00  5.128E+00                                            E199700900036 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199700900037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 E199700999999 
SUBENT        E1997010   20070909                             E048E199701000001 
BIB                 12         18                                 E199701000002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701000003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199701000004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199701000005 
           center of mass system                                  E199701000006 
           (E-LVL,13-AL-26)                                       E199701000007 
LEVEL-PROP (13-AL-26,E-LVL=3.16,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)               E199701000008 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199701000009 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199701000010 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199701000011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199701000012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199701000013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199701000014 
                   target thickness                               E199701000015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701000016 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701000017 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701000018 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701000019 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701000020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 E199701000021 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199701000022 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL      ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199701000023 
MEV        KEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT              E199701000024 
 420.       100.       3.16       0.2        10.                  E199701000025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701000026 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701000027 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701000028 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701000029 
  1.637E-01  7.983E-02  1.193E-02                                 E199701000030 
  4.912E-01  8.097E-02  7.386E-03                                 E199701000031 
  8.138E-01  7.415E-02  6.818E-03                                 E199701000032 
  1.141E+00  7.301E-02  5.682E-03                                 E199701000033 
  1.464E+00  7.358E-02  5.682E-03                                 E199701000034 
  1.786E+00  7.188E-02  6.250E-03                                 E199701000035 
  2.114E+00  6.619E-02  6.250E-03                                 E199701000036 
  2.432E+00  6.676E-02  1.136E-02                                 E199701000037 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701000038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E199701099999 
SUBENT        E1997011   20070909                             E048E199701100001 
BIB                 12         18                                 E199701100002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701100003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199701100004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199701100005 
           center of mass system                                  E199701100006 
           (E-LVL,13-AL-26)                                       E199701100007 
LEVEL-PROP (13-AL-26,E-LVL=4.43,SPIN=2.,PARITY=-1.)               E199701100008 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199701100009 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199701100010 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199701100011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199701100012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199701100013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199701100014 
                   target thickness                               E199701100015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701100016 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701100017 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701100018 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701100019 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701100020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 E199701100021 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199701100022 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL      ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199701100023 
MEV        KEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT              E199701100024 
 420.       100.       4.43       0.2        10.                  E199701100025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701100026 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701100027 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701100028 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701100029 
  1.614E-01  4.011E-02                                            E199701100030 
  4.843E-01  6.862E-02                                            E199701100031 
  8.072E-01  9.713E-02                                            E199701100032 
  1.140E+00  1.328E-01                                            E199701100033 
  1.468E+00  1.850E-01                                            E199701100034 
  1.791E+00  2.302E-01                                            E199701100035 
  2.109E+00  2.444E-01                                            E199701100036 
  2.432E+00  3.038E-01  2.375E-02                                 E199701100037 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E199701199999 
SUBENT        E1997012   20070909                             E048E199701200001 
BIB                 12         18                                 E199701200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(HE3,T)13-AL-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701200003 
PART-DET   (T)                                                    E199701200004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and triton in       E199701200005 
           center of mass system                                  E199701200006 
           (E-LVL,13-AL-26)                                       E199701200007 
LEVEL-PROP (13-AL-26,E-LVL=13.57,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)              E199701200008 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3 particle-nA.                       E199701200009 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.4%.                          E199701200010 
           - Target-thickness is 3.6 mg/cm**2.                    E199701200011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) Research Center for Nuclear Physics    E199701200012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Grand Raiden                                   E199701200013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Maximum uncertainty in beam integration and    E199701200014 
                   target thickness                               E199701200015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701200016 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701200017 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701200018 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701200019 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701200020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 E199701200021 
COMMON               5          3                                 E199701200022 
EN         E-RSL-FW   E-LVL      ANG-RSL    ERR-1                 E199701200023 
MEV        KEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT              E199701200024 
 420.       100.       13.57      0.2        10.                  E199701200025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701200026 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701200027 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701200028 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701200029 
  1.637E-01  8.085E-01  7.324E-02                                 E199701200030 
  4.912E-01  7.183E-01  6.197E-02                                 E199701200031 
  8.138E-01  6.394E-01  6.761E-02                                 E199701200032 
  1.136E+00  5.606E-01  6.197E-02                                 E199701200033 
  1.459E+00  4.310E-01  6.761E-02                                 E199701200034 
  1.791E+00  3.690E-01  6.761E-02                                 E199701200035 
  2.114E+00  3.070E-01  5.634E-02                                 E199701200036 
  2.432E+00  2.394E-01  7.324E-02                                 E199701200037 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701200038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 E199701299999 
SUBENT        E1997013   20070909                             E048E199701300001 
BIB                 12         24                                 E199701300002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701300003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199701300004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199701300005 
           of mass system                                         E199701300006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199701300007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199701300008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199701300009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199701300010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199701300011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199701300012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199701300013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199701300014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199701300015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199701300016 
                           Be production target at National       E199701300017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199701300018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199701300019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199701300020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199701300021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701300022 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701300023 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701300024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701300025 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701300026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 E199701300027 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199701300028 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-RSL    E199701300029 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       E199701300030 
 345.       1.         300.       -0.62      0.77       0.4       E199701300031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701300032 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701300033 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701300034 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701300035 
  2.816E-01  5.430E+00  7.285E-01                                 E199701300036 
  8.537E-01  4.470E+00  4.305E-01                                 E199701300037 
  1.417E+00  3.642E+00  3.311E-01                                 E199701300038 
  1.989E+00  2.715E+00  2.649E-01                                 E199701300039 
  2.552E+00  2.020E+00  2.318E-01                                 E199701300040 
  3.124E+00  1.589E+00  1.987E-01                                 E199701300041 
  3.679E+00  1.556E+00  2.318E-01                                 E199701300042 
  4.242E+00  1.325E+00  2.318E-01                                 E199701300043 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701300044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E199701399999 
SUBENT        E1997014   20070909                             E048E199701400001 
BIB                 12         24                                 E199701400002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701400003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199701400004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199701400005 
           of mass system                                         E199701400006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199701400007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199701400008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199701400009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199701400010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199701400011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199701400012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199701400013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199701400014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199701400015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199701400016 
                           Be production target at National       E199701400017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199701400018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199701400019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199701400020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199701400021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701400022 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701400023 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701400024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701400025 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 E199701400027 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199701400028 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-RSL    E199701400029 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       E199701400030 
 345.       1.         300.       1.00       1.98       0.4       E199701400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701400032 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701400033 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701400034 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701400035 
  2.816E-01  1.530E+00  3.275E-01                                 E199701400036 
  8.599E-01  8.682E-01  1.337E-01                                 E199701400037 
  1.414E+00  6.453E-01  8.915E-02                                 E199701400038 
  1.980E+00  5.657E-01  6.842E-02                                 E199701400039 
  2.546E+00  3.221E-01                                            E199701400040 
  3.116E+00  3.426E-01  4.781E-02                                 E199701400041 
  3.679E+00  2.869E-01  4.781E-02                                 E199701400042 
  4.243E+00  2.329E-01  5.572E-02                                 E199701400043 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701400044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E199701499999 
SUBENT        E1997015   20070909                             E048E199701500001 
BIB                 12         24                                 E199701500002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701500003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199701500004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199701500005 
           of mass system                                         E199701500006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199701500007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199701500008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199701500009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199701500010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199701500011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199701500012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199701500013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199701500014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199701500015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199701500016 
                           Be production target at National       E199701500017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199701500018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199701500019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199701500020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199701500021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701500022 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701500023 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701500024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701500025 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701500026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 E199701500027 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199701500028 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-RSL    E199701500029 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       E199701500030 
 345.       1.         300.       1.98       2.82       0.4       E199701500031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701500032 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701500033 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701500034 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701500035 
  2.816E-01  1.671E+00  3.496E-01                                 E199701500036 
  8.625E-01  1.528E+00  1.818E-01                                 E199701500037 
  1.426E+00  1.178E+00  1.271E-01                                 E199701500038 
  1.980E+00  1.119E+00  1.136E-01                                 E199701500039 
  2.543E+00  7.898E-01  7.955E-02                                 E199701500040 
  3.116E+00  9.034E-01  9.091E-02                                 E199701500041 
  3.679E+00  8.125E-01  9.091E-02                                 E199701500042 
  4.251E+00  7.670E-01  1.023E-01                                 E199701500043 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701500044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E199701599999 
SUBENT        E1997016   20070909                             E048E199701600001 
BIB                 12         24                                 E199701600002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701600003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199701600004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199701600005 
           of mass system                                         E199701600006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199701600007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199701600008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199701600009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199701600010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199701600011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199701600012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199701600013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199701600014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199701600015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199701600016 
                           Be production target at National       E199701600017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199701600018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199701600019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199701600020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199701600021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701600022 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701600023 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701600024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701600025 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701600026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 E199701600027 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199701600028 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-RSL    E199701600029 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       E199701600030 
 345.       1.         300.       2.82       3.28       0.4       E199701600031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701600032 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701600033 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701600034 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701600035 
  2.816E-01  1.224E+00  3.004E-01                                 E199701600036 
  8.537E-01  1.124E+00  1.669E-01                                 E199701600037 
  1.417E+00  1.875E+00  1.669E-01                                 E199701600038 
  1.980E+00  2.058E+00  1.335E-01                                 E199701600039 
  2.543E+00  2.459E+00  1.335E-01                                 E199701600040 
  3.124E+00  2.492E+00  1.502E-01                                 E199701600041 
  3.679E+00  2.075E+00  2.170E-01                                 E199701600042 
  4.243E+00  1.514E+00  2.101E-01                                 E199701600043 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701600044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E199701699999 
SUBENT        E1997017   20070909                             E048E199701700001 
BIB                 12         24                                 E199701700002 
REACTION   (12-MG-26(T,HE3)11-NA-26,PAR,DA)                       E199701700003 
PART-DET   (HE3)                                                  E199701700004 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle between beam and 3He in center   E199701700005 
           of mass system                                         E199701700006 
           (E-EXC,11-NA-26)                                       E199701700007 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 1.3E+6 PPS.                          E199701700008 
SAMPLE     - Target enrichment is 99.42%.                         E199701700009 
           - Target-thickness is 12.5+-0.3 mg/cm**2.              E199701700010 
METHOD     Ray-tracing technique to obtain 3He scattering angle   E199701700011 
           (TOF) To identify 3He particles                        E199701700012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) To accelerate primary 140 MeV/A alpha  E199701700013 
                           beam at National Superconducting       E199701700014 
                           Cyclotron Laboratory                   E199701700015 
           (PRJFS,1USAMSU) To separate secondary triton beam from E199701700016 
                           Be production target at National       E199701700017 
                           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory   E199701700018 
DETECTOR   Drift detector                                         E199701700019 
           (MAGSP) To detect 3He ejectiles                        E199701700020 
           (SCIN) To get trigger signal and ToF start signal      E199701700021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E199701700022 
ADD-RES    (COMP) DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) (Code  E199701700023 
                  FOLD)                                           E199701700024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Scanned from Fig.4, p024309-6 in reference     E199701700025 
HISTORY    (20070802U) On. STATUS added                           E199701700026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 E199701700027 
COMMON               6          3                                 E199701700028 
EN         EN-RSL     E-RSL-FW   E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-RSL    E199701700029 
MEV        PER-CENT   KEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       E199701700030 
 345.       1.         300.       3.28       3.54       0.4       E199701700031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E199701700032 
DATA                 3          8                                 E199701700033 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    E199701700034 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       E199701700035 
  2.816E-01  2.626E+00  4.280E-01                                 E199701700036 
  8.625E-01  2.609E+00  2.305E-01                                 E199701700037 
  1.417E+00  2.099E+00  1.811E-01                                 E199701700038 
  1.989E+00  2.181E+00  1.646E-01                                 E199701700039 
  2.543E+00  1.885E+00  1.317E-01                                 E199701700040 
  3.116E+00  1.786E+00  1.152E-01                                 E199701700041 
  3.679E+00  1.572E+00  1.152E-01                                 E199701700042 
  4.242E+00  1.490E+00  1.317E-01                                 E199701700043 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 E199701700044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E199701799999 
NOSUBENT      E1997018   20070208                             E042E199701800001 
NOSUBENT      E1997019   20070208                             E042E199701900001 
ENDENTRY            19          0                                 E199799999999