ENTRY            E2143   20091023                             E060E214300000001 
SUBENT        E2143001   20091023                             E060E214300100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 E214300100002 
TITLE      Production of neutron-rich isotopes by fragmentation   E214300100003 
           of 80 MeV/nucleon 59Co beam                            E214300100004 
AUTHOR     (Le Hong Khiem, T.Kato, K.Morimoto, M.Notani, A.Ozawa, E214300100005 
           R.Kanungo, I.Tanihata, A.Yoshida)                      E214300100006 
INSTITUTE  (3VN IPH)                                              E214300100007 
           (2JPNIPC)                                              E214300100008 
           (2JPNJPN) Kochi University of Technology               E214300100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,722,C484,200307)                               E214300100010 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E214300100011 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E214300100012 
           - Target-thickness is 92.4 mg/cm**2.                   E214300100013 
METHOD     (TOF) Mass number, atomic number and charge state of   E214300100014 
                 products were identified by TOF, Delta-E and     E214300100015 
                 magnetic rigidity B-rho.                         E214300100016 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNIPC)                                        E214300100017 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SI) RIKEN Projectile Fragment Separator (RIPS). E214300100018 
                      Projectile fragment produced at the         E214300100019 
                      prodction target and emitted around 0       E214300100020 
                      degree were collected and transported to    E214300100021 
                      the final achromatic focal plane (F3).      E214300100022 
STATUS     (APRVD) Proofread by Le Hong Khiem (2009.08.23)        E214300100023 
HISTORY    (20090721R) On. Received by e-mail from S.Momota       E214300100024 
           (20090804C) Nh                                         E214300100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 E214300100026 
COMMON               1          3                                 E214300100027 
EN                                                                E214300100028 
MEV/A                                                             E214300100029 
 80.                                                              E214300100030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E214300100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 E214300199999 
SUBENT        E2143002   20091023                             E060E214300200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 E214300200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(27-CO-59,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                     E214300200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Including statistical error, error of the   E214300200004 
                      primary beam intensity, error due to        E214300200005 
                      transmission between F0 (production target  E214300200006 
                      chamber) to F3 (telescope chamber). Other   E214300200007 
                      systematic error are small so that they     E214300200008 
                      were ignored.                               E214300200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.3 of J,NP/A,722,484c,2003       E214300200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 E214300200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E214300200012 
DATA                 4         82                                 E214300200013 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                         E214300200014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                               E214300200015 
 11.        24.        1.49       0.1937                          E214300200016 
 11.        25.        2.88       0.3744                          E214300200017 
 11.        26.        0.169      0.02197                         E214300200018 
 11.        27.        0.0389     0.00506                         E214300200019 
 11.        28.        0.00434     5.640E-04                      E214300200020 
 11.        29.         6.580E-04  8.550E-05                      E214300200021 
 11.        30.         3.020E-05  3.930E-06                      E214300200022 
 11.        31.         3.170E-06  4.120E-07                      E214300200023 
 12.        26.        0.766      0.09958                         E214300200024 
 12.        27.        1.85       0.2405                          E214300200025 
 12.        28.        0.598      0.07774                         E214300200026 
 12.        29.        0.0612     0.00796                         E214300200027 
 12.        30.        0.0134     0.00174                         E214300200028 
 12.        31.        0.00146     1.900E-04                      E214300200029 
 12.        32.         5.710E-04  7.420E-05                      E214300200030 
 13.        29.        1.53       0.1989                          E214300200031 
 13.        30.        0.613      0.07969                         E214300200032 
 13.        31.        0.149      0.01937                         E214300200033 
 13.        32.        0.0223     0.0029                          E214300200034 
 13.        33.        0.00468     6.080E-04                      E214300200035 
 13.        34.         4.170E-04  5.420E-05                      E214300200036 
 13.        35.         9.140E-05  1.190E-05                      E214300200037 
 14.        31.        0.639      0.08307                         E214300200038 
 14.        32.        0.204      0.02652                         E214300200039 
 14.        33.        0.0956     0.01243                         E214300200040 
 14.        34.        0.0355     0.00461                         E214300200041 
 14.        35.        0.00522     6.790E-04                      E214300200042 
 14.        36.        0.00137     1.780E-04                      E214300200043 
 14.        37.         1.640E-04  2.130E-05                      E214300200044 
 15.        32.        3.04       0.3952                          E214300200045 
 15.        33.        0.848      0.11024                         E214300200046 
 15.        34.        0.745      0.09685                         E214300200047 
 15.        35.        0.181      0.02353                         E214300200048 
 15.        36.        0.0421     0.00547                         E214300200049 
 15.        37.        0.00531     6.900E-04                      E214300200050 
 15.        38.         6.550E-04  8.520E-05                      E214300200051 
 16.        34.        3.46       0.4498                          E214300200052 
 16.        35.        1.85       0.2405                          E214300200053 
 16.        36.        0.922      0.11986                         E214300200054 
 16.        37.        0.444      0.05772                         E214300200055 
 16.        38.        0.0911     0.01184                         E214300200056 
 16.        39.        0.0161     0.00209                         E214300200057 
 16.        40.        0.00167     2.170E-04                      E214300200058 
 17.        37.        1.81       0.2353                          E214300200059 
 17.        38.        1.4        0.182                           E214300200060 
 17.        39.        1.08       0.1404                          E214300200061 
 17.        40.        0.345      0.04485                         E214300200062 
 17.        41.        0.0558     0.00725                         E214300200063 
 17.        42.        0.00523     6.800E-04                      E214300200064 
 17.        43.         2.420E-04  3.150E-05                      E214300200065 
 18.        40.        1.39       0.1807                          E214300200066 
 18.        41.        1.62       0.2106                          E214300200067 
 18.        42.        0.516      0.06708                         E214300200068 
 18.        43.        0.1        0.013                           E214300200069 
 18.        44.        0.00946    0.00123                         E214300200070 
 18.        45.        0.0017      2.210E-04                      E214300200071 
 18.        46.         2.800E-05  3.640E-06                      E214300200072 
 19.        42.        3.79       0.4927                          E214300200073 
 19.        43.        2.07       0.2691                          E214300200074 
 19.        44.        1.24       0.1612                          E214300200075 
 19.        45.        0.211      0.02743                         E214300200076 
 19.        46.        0.0251     0.00326                         E214300200077 
 19.        47.        0.00225     2.930E-04                      E214300200078 
 19.        48.         6.930E-05  9.010E-06                      E214300200079 
 19.        49.         3.410E-06  4.430E-07                      E214300200080 
 20.        45.        1.18       0.1534                          E214300200081 
 20.        46.        32.8       4.264                           E214300200082 
 20.        47.        0.0375     0.00488                         E214300200083 
 20.        48.        0.00723     9.400E-04                      E214300200084 
 20.        49.         9.900E-04  1.290E-04                      E214300200085 
 20.        50.         9.480E-05  1.230E-05                      E214300200086 
 21.        47.        1.81       0.2353                          E214300200087 
 21.        48.        0.381      0.04953                         E214300200088 
 21.        49.        0.0688     0.00894                         E214300200089 
 21.        50.        0.0141     0.00183                         E214300200090 
 21.        51.        0.00225     2.930E-04                      E214300200091 
 21.        52.         2.870E-04  3.730E-05                      E214300200092 
 22.        50.        1.39       0.1807                          E214300200093 
 22.        51.        0.121      0.01573                         E214300200094 
 22.        52.        0.0176     0.00229                         E214300200095 
 22.        53.        0.00409     5.320E-04                      E214300200096 
 22.        54.         2.740E-04  3.560E-05                      E214300200097 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 E214300200098 
ENDSUBENT           97          0                                 E214300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 E214399999999