ENTRY            E2148   20110201                             E064E214800000001 
SUBENT        E2148001   20110201                             E064E214800100001 
BIB                 14         36                                 E214800100002 
TITLE      Exploring Three Nucleon Forces with Nucleon-Deuteron   E214800100003 
           Scattering                                             E214800100004 
AUTHOR     (K.Sekiguchi)                                          E214800100005 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNIPC) RIKEN Nishina Center                         E214800100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,79,(5),054008,200905)                          E214800100007 
           Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR.             E214800100008 
           (C,2007TOKYO,2,452,200706)                             E214800100009 
PART-DET   (P)                                                    E214800100010 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 10 to 20 nA.                         E214800100011 
           (POLIS)                                                E214800100012 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E214800100013 
           - Physical-form of target is liquid.                   E214800100014 
           - Target-thickness is 71 mg/cm**2.                     E214800100015 
METHOD     (DSCAT,EDE)                                            E214800100016 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNIPC)                                        E214800100017 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SCIN,MWDC,NAICR) SMART system                   E214800100018 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) For the polarization transfer coefficients and E214800100019 
                   the induced polarization Py'                   E214800100020 
           (ERR-2) For all the deuteron analyzing powers          E214800100021 
ADD-RES    E2148.002:1-H-1(D,P+P)0-NN-1                           E214800100022 
                     Polarization transfer                        E214800100023 
                     See NRDF D2148 DATA,1 for detail.            E214800100024 
           E2148.003:1-H-1(D,P+P)0-NN-1                           E214800100025 
                     Polarization transfer                        E214800100026 
                     See NRDF D2148 DATA,2 for detail.            E214800100027 
           E2148.004:1-H-1(D,P+P)0-NN-1                           E214800100028 
                     Polarization                                 E214800100029 
                     See NRDF D2148 DATA,3 for detail.            E214800100030 
REL-REF    (I,,T.Ichihara+,J,NP/A,569,(2),287,199403)             E214800100031 
           SMART system                                           E214800100032 
HISTORY    (20091210R) TM. Received by e-mail from K.Sekiguchi    E214800100033 
           (20100106C) TM                                         E214800100034 
           (20101019A) Nf. 001: REFERENCE PR/C79 added, 005-008:  E214800100035 
                       STATUS corrected                           E214800100036 
           (20110201U) KT. 001: DETECTOR: Move the NP/A article   E214800100037 
                       to REL-REF                                 E214800100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 E214800100039 
COMMON               5          3                                 E214800100040 
EN         POL-BM-MIN POL-BM-MAX ERR-1      ERR-2                 E214800100041 
MEV/A      NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT              E214800100042 
 135.       0.6        0.8        7.         3.                   E214800100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E214800100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 E214800199999 
NOSUBENT      E2148002   20100331                             E061E214800200001 
NOSUBENT      E2148003   20100331                             E061E214800300001 
NOSUBENT      E2148004   20100331                             E061E214800400001 
SUBENT        E2148005   20110201                             E064E214800500001 
BIB                  4          5                                 E214800500002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(D,N+P)1-H-1,,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P+P,ANA)          E214800500003 
EN-SEC     - ANG1 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 1  E214800500004 
           - ANG2 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 2  E214800500005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        E214800500006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of J,PR/C,79,054008,2009      E214800500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 E214800500008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E214800500009 
DATA                 5         13                                 E214800500010 
ANG1       ANG2       S          DATA       ERR-S                 E214800500011 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                E214800500012 
       28.0      -31.0      170.0      0.193      0.011           E214800500013 
       28.0      -31.0      178.0      0.077      0.012           E214800500014 
       28.0      -31.0      186.0      0.196      0.010           E214800500015 
       28.0      -31.0      194.0      0.248      0.010           E214800500016 
       28.0      -31.0      202.0      0.260      0.009           E214800500017 
       30.0      -31.0      164.0      0.201      0.009           E214800500018 
       30.0      -31.0      172.0      0.074      0.007           E214800500019 
       30.0      -31.0      180.0      0.178      0.007           E214800500020 
       30.0      -31.0      188.0      0.277      0.011           E214800500021 
       30.0      -31.0      196.0      0.294      0.019           E214800500022 
       32.0      -31.0      160.0      0.111      0.010           E214800500023 
       32.0      -31.0      168.0      0.048      0.007           E214800500024 
       32.0      -31.0      176.0      0.178      0.009           E214800500025 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 E214800500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 E214800599999 
SUBENT        E2148006   20110201                             E064E214800600001 
BIB                  4          5                                 E214800600002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(D,N+P)1-H-1,NN,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P+P,ANA)        E214800600003 
EN-SEC     - ANG1 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 1  E214800600004 
           - ANG2 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 2  E214800600005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        E214800600006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of J,PR/C,79,054008,2009      E214800600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 E214800600008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E214800600009 
DATA                 5         13                                 E214800600010 
ANG1       ANG2       S          DATA       ERR-S                 E214800600011 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                E214800600012 
       28.0      -31.0      170.0      0.619      0.008           E214800600013 
       28.0      -31.0      178.0      0.565      0.007           E214800600014 
       28.0      -31.0      186.0      0.583      0.007           E214800600015 
       28.0      -31.0      194.0      0.527      0.007           E214800600016 
       28.0      -31.0      202.0      0.470      0.008           E214800600017 
       30.0      -31.0      164.0      0.591      0.005           E214800600018 
       30.0      -31.0      172.0      0.536      0.004           E214800600019 
       30.0      -31.0      180.0      0.552      0.002           E214800600020 
       30.0      -31.0      188.0      0.542      0.005           E214800600021 
       30.0      -31.0      196.0      0.504      0.006           E214800600022 
       32.0      -31.0      160.0      0.570      0.003           E214800600023 
       32.0      -31.0      168.0      0.523      0.002           E214800600024 
       32.0      -31.0      176.0      0.519      0.011           E214800600025 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 E214800600026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 E214800699999 
SUBENT        E2148007   20110201                             E064E214800700001 
BIB                  4          5                                 E214800700002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(D,N+P)1-H-1,SS,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P+P,ANA)        E214800700003 
EN-SEC     - ANG1 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 1  E214800700004 
           - ANG2 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 2  E214800700005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        E214800700006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of J,PR/C,79,054008,2009      E214800700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 E214800700008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E214800700009 
DATA                 5         13                                 E214800700010 
ANG1       ANG2       S          DATA       ERR-S                 E214800700011 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                E214800700012 
       28.0      -31.0      170.0     -0.584      0.012           E214800700013 
       28.0      -31.0      178.0     -0.800      0.017           E214800700014 
       28.0      -31.0      186.0     -0.468      0.009           E214800700015 
       28.0      -31.0      194.0     -0.352      0.008           E214800700016 
       28.0      -31.0      202.0     -0.322      0.007           E214800700017 
       30.0      -31.0      164.0     -0.620      0.008           E214800700018 
       30.0      -31.0      172.0     -0.790      0.006           E214800700019 
       30.0      -31.0      180.0     -0.575      0.006           E214800700020 
       30.0      -31.0      188.0     -0.377      0.006           E214800700021 
       30.0      -31.0      196.0     -0.287      0.007           E214800700022 
       32.0      -31.0      160.0     -0.595      0.009           E214800700023 
       32.0      -31.0      168.0     -0.733      0.007           E214800700024 
       32.0      -31.0      176.0     -0.462      0.007           E214800700025 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 E214800700026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 E214800799999 
SUBENT        E2148008   20110201                             E064E214800800001 
BIB                  4          5                                 E214800800002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(D,N+P)1-H-1,SL,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P+P,ANA)        E214800800003 
EN-SEC     - ANG1 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 1  E214800800004 
           - ANG2 is The laboratory angle for emitted particle 2  E214800800005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        E214800800006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of J,PR/C,79,054008,2009      E214800800007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 E214800800008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E214800800009 
DATA                 5         13                                 E214800800010 
ANG1       ANG2       S          DATA       ERR-S                 E214800800011 
ADEG       ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                E214800800012 
       28.0      -31.0      170.0     -0.413      0.042           E214800800013 
       28.0      -31.0      178.0     -0.417      0.039           E214800800014 
       28.0      -31.0      186.0     -0.349      0.043           E214800800015 
       28.0      -31.0      194.0     -0.288      0.056           E214800800016 
       28.0      -31.0      202.0     -0.281      0.071           E214800800017 
       30.0      -31.0      164.0     -0.265      0.030           E214800800018 
       30.0      -31.0      172.0     -0.333      0.020           E214800800019 
       30.0      -31.0      180.0     -0.339      0.022           E214800800020 
       30.0      -31.0      188.0     -0.290      0.037           E214800800021 
       30.0      -31.0      196.0     -0.191      0.065           E214800800022 
       32.0      -31.0      160.0     -0.320      0.037           E214800800023 
       32.0      -31.0      168.0     -0.261      0.030           E214800800024 
       32.0      -31.0      176.0     -0.276      0.042           E214800800025 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 E214800800026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 E214800899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 E214899999999