ENTRY E2323 20240320 E144E232300000001 SUBENT E2323001 20240320 E144E232300100001 BIB 8 16 E232300100002 TITLE Experimental studies on deuteron-induced activation E232300100003 reactions in IFMIF accelerator structural elements E232300100004 AUTHOR (M.Hagiwara, T.Itoga, M.Baba, S.Uddin, M.Sugimoto) E232300100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTOH,2JPNKEK,2JPNJAE) E232300100006 REFERENCE (J,JNM,417,1267,2011) E232300100007 Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR. E232300100008 (C,2004SANTA,,884,2004) Same data given. E232300100009 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E232300100010 - Chemical-form of target is element. E232300100011 - Physical-form of target is solid. E232300100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNTOH) AVF Cyclotron E232300100013 DETECTOR (HPGE) E232300100014 HISTORY (20110309R) Received by e-mail from M.Hagiwara E232300100015 (20120427C) MA and KY E232300100016 (20240319A) MA: modified REFERENCE in 001, REACTION in E232300100017 002. E232300100018 ENDBIB 16 0 E232300100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E232300199999 SUBENT E2323002 20240320 E144E232300200001 BIB 6 16 E232300200002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E232300200003 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,,DG,477.) E232300200004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: The lithium stacks consisted of E232300200005 eight lithium plates having different thicknesses E232300200006 (about 1.3, 6.7, 1, 4.7, 0.9, 2.7, 0.7 and 3.4 mm). E232300200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty of the target thicknesses (about E232300200008 10%) E232300200009 (ERR-2) Uncertainty of the number of incident E232300200010 particles (about 10%) E232300200011 (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300200012 statistical error, the error of the E232300200013 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300200014 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300200015 incident particle number. E232300200016 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 1 E232300200017 HISTORY (20240319A) MA: SF4: CUM deleted. E232300200018 ENDBIB 16 0 E232300200019 COMMON 2 3 E232300200020 ERR-1 ERR-2 E232300200021 PER-CENT PER-CENT E232300200022 10. 10. E232300200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E232300200024 DATA 3 8 E232300200025 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300200026 MEV MB MB E232300200027 6.79E+00 3.77E+01 5.38E+00 E232300200028 9.30E+00 5.50E+01 7.86E+00 E232300200029 1.46E+01 7.80E+01 1.11E+01 E232300200030 1.91E+01 5.53E+01 7.88E+00 E232300200031 2.41E+01 4.24E+01 6.05E+00 E232300200032 2.90E+01 4.07E+01 5.80E+00 E232300200033 3.41E+01 3.15E+01 4.49E+00 E232300200034 3.93E+01 2.28E+01 3.26E+00 E232300200035 ENDDATA 10 0 E232300200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 E232300299999 SUBENT E2323003 20240320 E144E232300300001 BIB 5 11 E232300300002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)4-BE-7,,TTY,,PHY) E232300300003 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,,DG,477.) E232300300004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: The lithium stacks consisted of E232300300005 eight lithium plates having different thicknesses E232300300006 (about 1.3, 6.7, 1, 4.7, 0.9, 2.7, 0.7 and 3.4 mm). E232300300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300300008 statistical error, the error of the E232300300009 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300300010 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300300011 incident particle number. E232300300012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 2 E232300300013 ENDBIB 11 0 E232300300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300300015 DATA 3 1 E232300300016 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300300017 MEV DPS/MUAHR DPS/MUAHR E232300300018 40. 1.04E+07 1.86E+06 E232300300019 ENDDATA 3 0 E232300300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E232300399999 SUBENT E2323004 20240320 E144E232300400001 BIB 5 9 E232300400002 REACTION (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,TTY,,PHY) E232300400003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,,DG,1369.) E232300400004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 6 mm E232300400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300400006 statistical error, the error of the E232300400007 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300400008 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300400009 incident particle number. E232300400010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 3 E232300400011 ENDBIB 9 0 E232300400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300400013 DATA 3 1 E232300400014 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300400015 MEV DPS/MUAHR DPS/MUAHR E232300400016 40. 2.66E+08 2.86E+07 E232300400017 ENDDATA 3 0 E232300400018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 E232300499999 SUBENT E2323005 20240320 E144E232300500001 BIB 5 9 E232300500002 REACTION (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-22,,TTY,,PHY) E232300500003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-22,,DG,1275.) E232300500004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 6 mm E232300500005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300500006 statistical error, the error of the E232300500007 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300500008 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300500009 incident particle number. E232300500010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 3 E232300500011 ENDBIB 9 0 E232300500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300500013 DATA 3 1 E232300500014 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300500015 MEV DPS/MUAHR DPS/MUAHR E232300500016 40. 9.26E+03 1.15E+03 E232300500017 ENDDATA 3 0 E232300500018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 E232300599999 SUBENT E2323006 20240320 E144E232300600001 BIB 5 9 E232300600002 REACTION (6-C-0(D,X)4-BE-7,,TTY,,PHY) E232300600003 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,,DG,477.) E232300600004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 6 mm E232300600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300600006 statistical error, the error of the E232300600007 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300600008 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300600009 incident particle number. E232300600010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 4 E232300600011 ENDBIB 9 0 E232300600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300600013 DATA 3 1 E232300600014 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300600015 MEV DPS/MUAHR DPS/MUAHR E232300600016 40. 4.88E+05 6.53E+04 E232300600017 ENDDATA 3 0 E232300600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 E232300699999 SUBENT E2323007 20240320 E144E232300700001 BIB 5 9 E232300700002 REACTION (13-AL-27(D,X)4-BE-7,,TTY,,PHY) E232300700003 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,,DG,477.) E232300700004 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 6 mm E232300700005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty is considering the E232300700006 statistical error, the error of the E232300700007 efficiency determination, the error of the E232300700008 sample thickness, and the error of the E232300700009 incident particle number. E232300700010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Hagiwara+,J,JNM,417,1267,2011) Fig. 4 E232300700011 ENDBIB 9 0 E232300700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E232300700013 DATA 3 1 E232300700014 EN DATA DATA-ERR E232300700015 MEV DPS/MUAHR DPS/MUAHR E232300700016 40. 7.03E+03 1.27E+03 E232300700017 ENDDATA 3 0 E232300700018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 E232300799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 E232399999999