ENTRY            E2327   20111008                             E066E232700000001 
SUBENT        E2327001   20111008                             E066E232700100001 
BIB                 15         37                                 E232700100002 
TITLE      Quasielastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3        E232700100003 
           MeV/nucleon                                            E232700100004 
AUTHOR     (J.L.Lou, Y.L.Ye, D.Y.Pang, Z.X.Cao, D.X.Jiang,        E232700100005 
            T.Zheng, H.Hua, Z.H.Li, X.Q.Li, Y.C.Ge, L.H.Lv,       E232700100006 
            J.Xiao, Q.T.Li, R.Qiao, H.B.You, R.J.Chen, H.Sakurai, E232700100007 
            H.Otsu, M.Nishimura, S.Sakaguchi, H.Baba, Y.Togano,   E232700100008 
            K.Yoneda, C.Li, S.Wang, H.Wang, K.A.Li, T.Nakamura,   E232700100009 
            Y.Nakayama, Y.Kondo, S.Deguchi, Y.Satou, K.Tshoo)     E232700100010 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRBJG) School of Physics and State Key Laboratory   E232700100011 
                     of Nuclear Physics and Technology            E232700100012 
           (2JPNIPC)                                              E232700100013 
           (2JPNTIT) Department of Physics                        E232700100014 
           (3KORNSU) Department of Physics and Astronomy          E232700100015 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,83,(3),034612,201103)                          E232700100016 
PART-DET   (2-HE-6)                                               E232700100017 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         E232700100018 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-12,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.)                  E232700100019 
           (6-C-12,E-LVL=4.44,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)                 E232700100020 
           (6-C-12,E-LVL=9.64,SPIN=3.,PARITY=-1.)                 E232700100021 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 3e+05 PPS. (purity 85% for 6He)      E232700100022 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target: CH2 foil and Carbon film    E232700100023 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E232700100024 
           - Target-thickness: 83 mg/cm2 and 133.9 mg/cm2 for CH2 E232700100025 
             foil and Carbon film, respectively                   E232700100026 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  E232700100027 
FACILITY   (PRJFS,2JPNIPC) 6He beam at RIKEN projectile fragment  E232700100028 
                           separator                              E232700100029 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) plastic, hodoscope wall composed of seven       E232700100030 
                  plastic scintillation bars(HODO)                E232700100031 
           (SISD,SI,CSICR)                                        E232700100032 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) From the uncertainties of target thickness,  E232700100033 
                     selection of elastic peak, and simulation of E232700100034 
                     the solid angle.                             E232700100035 
           (ERR-S) From the number of incident and scattered 6He  E232700100036 
                   and the background subtraction.                E232700100037 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Optical model                                   E232700100038 
HISTORY    (20110420C) K.Y                                        E232700100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 E232700100040 
COMMON               5          3                                 E232700100041 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL      ERR-SYS               E232700100042 
MEV/A      MEV        MEV        MEV        PER-CENT              E232700100043 
 82.3       0.0        4.44       9.64       12.                  E232700100044 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E232700100045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 E232700199999 
SUBENT        E2327002   20111008                             E066E232700200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 E232700200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(2-HE-6,SCT)6-C-12,PAR,DA,,RTH)                 E232700200003 
EN-SEC     ANG-CM is polar angle (c.m.) between beam and 6He      E232700200004 
FLAG       (1.) D2 setup1                                         E232700200005 
           (2.) D2 setup2                                         E232700200006 
           (3.) HODO                                              E232700200007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 of J,PR/C,83,034612,2011                 E232700200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 E232700200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E232700200010 
DATA                 5         21                                 E232700200011 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA       ERR-S      FLAG                  E232700200012 
ADEG       ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                E232700200013 
       1.13       0.49   4.06E-01  6.100E-02         3.           E232700200014 
       1.90       0.46   7.42E-01  1.110E-01         3.           E232700200015 
       2.63       0.44   2.67E+00  4.090E-01         3.           E232700200016 
       3.38       0.40   4.30E+00  6.410E-01         3.           E232700200017 
       4.15       0.49   4.07E+00  6.440E-01         3.           E232700200018 
       4.88       0.43   2.76E+00  4.120E-01         3.           E232700200019 
       5.62       0.46   2.18E+00  3.250E-01         3.           E232700200020 
       9.78       0.78   2.70E+00  5.780E-01         2.           E232700200021 
      11.28       0.74   5.27E+00  1.060E+00         2.           E232700200022 
      12.73       0.71   6.97E+00  1.580E+00         2.           E232700200023 
      12.77       0.71   5.73E+00  1.440E+00         1.           E232700200024 
      14.24       0.77   4.96E+00  9.250E-01         1.           E232700200025 
      14.27       0.77   6.06E+00  1.300E+00         2.           E232700200026 
      15.74       0.74   5.27E+00  1.130E+00         1.           E232700200027 
      15.74       0.77   4.89E+00  1.050E+00         2.           E232700200028 
      17.25       0.77   2.26E+00  5.780E-01         1.           E232700200029 
      17.25       0.71   2.70E+00  6.500E-01         2.           E232700200030 
      18.72       0.77   2.31E+00  7.300E-01         1.           E232700200031 
      18.73       0.77   2.85E+00  9.780E-01         2.           E232700200032 
      20.20       0.77   1.27E+00  7.250E-01         1.           E232700200033 
      21.71       0.74   2.45E+00  2.170E+00         1.           E232700200034 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 E232700200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 E232700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 E232799999999