ENTRY E2394 20240504 E144E239400000001 SUBENT E2394001 20240504 E144E239400100001 BIB 10 19 E239400100002 TITLE Excitation functions for the formation of 7Be in 3He E239400100003 particle induced reactions on C, N, O, F, Mg, Al and E239400100004 Si E239400100005 AUTHOR (T.Mikumo, R.Seki, Y.Tagishi, M.Furukawa, H.Yamagughi) E239400100006 INSTITUTE (2JPNTKE,2JPNTOK) E239400100007 REFERENCE (J,PL,23,586,1966) E239400100008 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,479.,0.103) E239400100009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: Each target corresponds about 1 MeV E239400100010 energy loss for 20 MeV 3He particles, except for E239400100011 silica and silicon which were much thicker. E239400100012 METHOD (STTA,BCINT,ACTIV) E239400100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNTOK) 160cm E239400100014 DETECTOR (NAICR) The 479 keV gamma rays from 7Be were measured E239400100015 with a 4.4cm diameter 5.1 cm length gamma ray E239400100016 spectrometer connected to 400-channel pulse E239400100017 -height analyser. E239400100018 HISTORY (20121205C) V.D E239400100019 (20240320A) MA: modified METHOD in 001, REACTION in E239400100020 002. E239400100021 ENDBIB 19 0 E239400100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 E239400199999 SUBENT E2394002 20240504 E144E239400200001 BIB 5 9 E239400200002 REACTION (6-C-12(HE3,2A)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400200003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E239400200004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400200006 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400200007 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400200008 errors are much smaller. E239400200009 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 1 E239400200010 HISTORY (20240320A) MA: SF3: X -> 2A. E239400200011 ENDBIB 9 0 E239400200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400200013 DATA 4 6 E239400200014 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR E239400200015 MEV MEV MB MB E239400200016 12.559 1.084 3.006E+01 7.822E+00 E239400200017 16.258 5.792E+01 E239400200018 19.191 0.607 7.800E+01 E239400200019 21.261 1.000E+02 2.661E+01 E239400200020 24.491 5.677E+01 E239400200021 28.364 0.780 3.870E+01 9.607E+00 E239400200022 ENDDATA 8 0 E239400200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 E239400299999 SUBENT E2394003 20240504 E144E239400300001 BIB 4 10 E239400300002 REACTION (7-N-14(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400300003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target: AlN E239400300004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400300005 - Backing is copper. Copper backing foil with a small E239400300006 amount of polyvinyl acetate E239400300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400300008 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400300009 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400300010 errors are much smaller. E239400300011 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 1 E239400300012 ENDBIB 10 0 E239400300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400300014 DATA 5 7 E239400300015 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR E239400300016 MEV MEV MB MB MB E239400300017 14.735 0.389 4.028E-01 E239400300018 17.818 0.565 9.606E-01 9.862E-01 8.548E-01 E239400300019 18.619 5.788E-01 E239400300020 22.419 0.694 2.189E+00 9.814E-01 9.814E-01 E239400300021 25.699 0.650 2.997E+00 1.013E+00 1.013E+00 E239400300022 28.461 1.079E+01 E239400300023 28.630 1.206E+01 E239400300024 ENDDATA 9 0 E239400300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 E239400399999 SUBENT E2394004 20240504 E144E239400400001 BIB 4 11 E239400400002 REACTION (8-O-16(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400400003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is CuO. E239400400004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400400005 - Backing is copper. Copper backing foil with a small E239400400006 amount of polyvinyl acetate E239400400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400400008 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400400009 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400400010 errors are much smaller. E239400400011 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 1 E239400400012 (COREL,E2394005) Data taken with SiO2 target E239400400013 ENDBIB 11 0 E239400400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400400015 DATA 4 11 E239400400016 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR E239400400017 MEV MEV MB MB E239400400018 13.386 0.390 1.290E+00 7.960E-01 E239400400019 14.752 2.065E+00 E239400400020 16.545 3.874E+00 E239400400021 17.406 4.474E+00 E239400400022 19.506 2.788E+00 E239400400023 20.043 0.694 5.180E+00 1.987E+00 E239400400024 22.001 4.226E+00 E239400400025 22.445 3.333E+00 E239400400026 24.592 5.255E+00 E239400400027 25.320 0.564 6.414E+00 1.358E+00 E239400400028 26.307 8.149E+00 E239400400029 ENDDATA 13 0 E239400400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 E239400499999 SUBENT E2394005 20240504 E144E239400500001 BIB 4 9 E239400500002 REACTION (8-O-16(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400500003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is SiO2. E239400500004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400500005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400500006 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400500007 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400500008 errors are much smaller. E239400500009 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 1 E239400500010 (COREL,E2394004) Data taken with CuO target E239400500011 ENDBIB 9 0 E239400500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400500013 DATA 4 3 E239400500014 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR E239400500015 MEV MEV MB MB E239400500016 15.918 2.275E+00 E239400500017 24.157 0.867 5.464E+00 1.018E+00 E239400500018 28.064 1.284E+01 E239400500019 ENDDATA 5 0 E239400500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E239400599999 SUBENT E2394006 20240504 E144E239400600001 BIB 4 5 E239400600002 REACTION (9-F-19(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400600003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target: BaF2 E239400600004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E239400600006 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 2 E239400600007 ENDBIB 5 0 E239400600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400600009 DATA 6 11 E239400600010 EN +EN-ERR -EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR E239400600011 MEV MEV MEV MB MB MB E239400600012 12.941 1.082 1.333 3.197E+00 1.218E+00 1.181E+00E239400600013 16.440 2.562E+00 E239400600014 16.934 0.499 0.541 4.811E+00 1.247E+00 1.218E+00E239400600015 18.811 3.279E+00 E239400600016 21.137 0.541 0.583 5.491E+00 1.639E+00 1.422E+00E239400600017 22.221 4.603E+00 E239400600018 23.386 4.935E+00 E239400600019 25.177 4.825E+00 E239400600020 26.841 5.502E+00 E239400600021 28.675 4.439E+00 1.370E+00 1.175E+00E239400600022 29.215 4.945E+00 E239400600023 ENDDATA 13 0 E239400600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 E239400699999 SUBENT E2394007 20240504 E144E239400700001 BIB 4 8 E239400700002 REACTION (12-MG-24(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400700003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E239400700004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400700005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400700006 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400700007 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400700008 errors are much smaller. E239400700009 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 2 E239400700010 ENDBIB 8 0 E239400700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400700012 DATA 4 4 E239400700013 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR E239400700014 MEV MB MB MB E239400700015 18.618 7.383E-01 E239400700016 22.071 9.096E-01 3.084E-01 2.997E-01 E239400700017 26.314 1.327E+00 E239400700018 29.060 1.573E+00 4.232E-01 3.618E-01 E239400700019 ENDDATA 6 0 E239400700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E239400799999 SUBENT E2394008 20240504 E144E239400800001 BIB 4 8 E239400800002 REACTION (13-AL-27(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400800003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E239400800004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400800005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors mainly originated from target E239400800006 inhomogeneity and from the corrections for E239400800007 carbon impurity; the statistical counting E239400800008 errors are much smaller. E239400800009 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 2 E239400800010 ENDBIB 8 0 E239400800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400800012 DATA 5 5 E239400800013 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR E239400800014 MEV MEV MB MB MB E239400800015 10.391 1.742E-02 E239400800016 14.780 0.635 8.743E-02 3.415E-02 3.151E-02 E239400800017 21.871 2.709E-01 E239400800018 25.280 4.148E-01 E239400800019 28.531 0.476 5.174E-01 1.081E-01 1.081E-01 E239400800020 ENDDATA 7 0 E239400800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 E239400899999 SUBENT E2394009 20240504 E144E239400900001 BIB 4 5 E239400900002 REACTION (14-SI-28(HE3,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) E239400900003 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E239400900004 - Physical-form of target is solid. E239400900005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E239400900006 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Mikumo+,J,PL,23,586,1966) Fig. 2 E239400900007 ENDBIB 5 0 E239400900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 E239400900009 DATA 6 3 E239400900010 EN +EN-ERR -EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR E239400900011 MEV MEV MEV MB MB MB E239400900012 14.063 2.936 3.056 1.065E-01 2.619E-02 2.349E-02E239400900013 21.356 2.650E-01 E239400900014 27.497 1.468 1.468 6.984E-01 1.466E-01 1.337E-01E239400900015 ENDDATA 5 0 E239400900016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 E239400999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 E239499999999