ENTRY            E2541   20181001                             E116E254100000001 
SUBENT        E2541001   20181001                             E116E254100100001 
BIB                  7         16                                 E254100100002 
TITLE      Fragmentation cross sections of 788A MeV 28Si on       E254100100003 
           carbon and polyethylene targets                        E254100100004 
AUTHOR     (J.-S.Li , D.-H.Zhang, J.-X.Cheng, S.Kodaira,          E254100100005 
            N.Yasuda)                                             E254100100006 
INSTITUTE  (3CPRSHN) Institute of Modern Physics                  E254100100007 
           (3CPRCPR) College of Electric and Information          E254100100008 
                     Engineering, Beifang Ethnic University,      E254100100009 
                     Yinchuan                                     E254100100010 
           (2JPNIRS) Radiation Measurement Research Section       E254100100011 
           (2JPNJPN) The Research Institute of Nuclear            E254100100012 
                     Engineering, University of Fukui             E254100100013 
REFERENCE  (J,CHP,54,314,2016)                                    E254100100014 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,2JPNIRS) Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator at HIMAC E254100100015 
DETECTOR   (TRD) CR-39 plastic nuclear track detector             E254100100016 
HISTORY    (20171206C) J.Singh                                    E254100100017 
           (20180711R) Received by e-mail from Jun-Sheng Li       E254100100018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 E254100100019 
COMMON               1          3                                 E254100100020 
EN                                                                E254100100021 
MEV/A                                                             E254100100022 
 788.                                                             E254100100023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E254100100024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 E254100199999 
SUBENT        E2541002   20181001                             E116E254100200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 E254100200002 
REACTION   (6-C-0(14-SI-28,TCC),,SIG)                             E254100200003 
SAMPLE     - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E254100200004 
           - Target-thickness: 5 mm                               E254100200005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E254100200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Presented in Table 1 of Chin. Jour. Phys. 54,  E254100200007 
                   314, (2016).                                   E254100200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 E254100200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E254100200010 
DATA                 2          1                                 E254100200011 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               E254100200012 
MB         MB                                                     E254100200013 
      1127.        42.                                            E254100200014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 E254100200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 E254100299999 
SUBENT        E2541003   20181001                             E116E254100300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 E254100300002 
REACTION   (1-H-PLE(14-SI-28,TCC),,SIG)                           E254100300003 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is CH2.                      E254100300004 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E254100300005 
           - Target-thickness: 7 mm                               E254100300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E254100300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Presented in Table 1 of Chin. Jour. Phys. 54,  E254100300008 
                   314, (2016).                                   E254100300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E254100300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E254100300011 
DATA                 2          1                                 E254100300012 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               E254100300013 
MB         MB                                                     E254100300014 
       761.        24.                                            E254100300015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 E254100300016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 E254100399999 
SUBENT        E2541004   20181001                             E116E254100400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 E254100400002 
REACTION   (6-C-0(14-SI-28,X)ELEM,,SIG)                           E254100400003 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E254100400004 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E254100400005 
           - Target-thickness: 5 mm                               E254100400006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E254100400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 3a of Chin. Jour. Phys. 54,    E254100400008 
                   314, (2016).                                   E254100400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E254100400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E254100400011 
DATA                 3          9                                 E254100400012 
ELEMENT    DATA       DATA-ERR                                    E254100400013 
NO-DIM     MB         MB                                          E254100400014 
         5.        50.         9.                                 E254100400015 
         6.       107.        13.                                 E254100400016 
         7.        55.         9.                                 E254100400017 
         8.        92.        12.                                 E254100400018 
         9.        49.         9.                                 E254100400019 
        10.        75.        11.                                 E254100400020 
        11.        92.        12.                                 E254100400021 
        12.       154.        15.                                 E254100400022 
        13.       225.        19.                                 E254100400023 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 E254100400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 E254100499999 
SUBENT        E2541005   20181001                             E116E254100500001 
BIB                  4          7                                 E254100500002 
REACTION   (1-H-PLE(14-SI-28,X)ELEM,,SIG)                         E254100500003 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is CH2.                      E254100500004 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E254100500005 
           - Target-thickness: 7 mm                               E254100500006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   E254100500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 3b of Chin. Jour. Phys. 54,    E254100500008 
                   314, (2016).                                   E254100500009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 E254100500010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E254100500011 
DATA                 3          9                                 E254100500012 
ELEMENT    DATA       DATA-ERR                                    E254100500013 
NO-DIM     MB         MB                                          E254100500014 
         5.         7.         2.                                 E254100500015 
         6.        47.         6.                                 E254100500016 
         7.        30.         5.                                 E254100500017 
         8.        49.         6.                                 E254100500018 
         9.        46.         5.                                 E254100500019 
        10.        63.         7.                                 E254100500020 
        11.        66.         7.                                 E254100500021 
        12.       160.        11.                                 E254100500022 
        13.       191.        12.                                 E254100500023 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 E254100500024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 E254100599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 E254199999999