ENTRY            E2549   20180419                             E112E254900000001 
SUBENT        E2549001   20180419                             E112E254900100001 
BIB                 11         48                                 E254900100002 
TITLE      Observation of new neutron-rich Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu E254900100003 
           isotopes in the vicinity of 78Ni                       E254900100004 
AUTHOR     (T.Sumikama, S.Nishimura, H.Baba, F.Browne,            E254900100005 
            P.Doornenbal, N.Fukuda, S.Franchoo, G.Gey, N.Inabe,   E254900100006 
            T.Isobe, P.R.John, H.S.Jung, D.Kameda, T.Kubo, Z.Li,  E254900100007 
            G.Lorusso, I.Matea, K.Matsui, P.Morfouace, D.Mengoni, E254900100008 
            D.R.Napoli, M.Niikura, H.Nishibata, A.Odahara,        E254900100009 
            E.Sahin, H.Sakurai, P.-A.Soderstrom, G.I.Stefan,      E254900100010 
            D.Suzuki, H.Suzuki, H.Takeda, R.Taniuchi, J.Taprogge, E254900100011 
            Zs.Vajta, H.Watanabe, V.Werner, J.Wu, Z.Y.Xu, A.Yagi, E254900100012 
            K.Yoshinaga)                                          E254900100013 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOH) Department of Physics                        E254900100014 
           (2JPNIPC)                                              E254900100015 
           (2UK UK) School of Computing, Engineering and          E254900100016 
                    Mathematics, University of Brighton           E254900100017 
           (2FR PAR) Institut de Physique Nucleaire, CNRS-IN2P3   E254900100018 
           (2FR GRE)                                              E254900100019 
           (2FR ILL)                                              E254900100020 
           (2ITYUPV) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia          E254900100021 
           (2ITYUPV)                                              E254900100022 
           (1USANOT) Department of Physics                        E254900100023 
           (3CPRBJG) Department of Physics                        E254900100024 
           (2JPNTOK) Department of Physics                        E254900100025 
           (2ITYUPV) Dipartimento di Fisica                       E254900100026 
           (2ITYPAD)                                              E254900100027 
           (2JPNOSA) Department of Physics                        E254900100028 
           (2NOROSL) Department of Physics                        E254900100029 
           (2SPNAUT) Departamento de Fisica Teorica               E254900100030 
           (2SPNSPN) Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, E254900100031 
                     Madrid                                       E254900100032 
           (3HUNDEB)                                              E254900100033 
           (3CPRBHN) International Research Center for Nuclei and E254900100034 
                     Particles in the Cosmos                      E254900100035 
           (1USAYAL) Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory          E254900100036 
           (2JPNSUT) Department of Physics                        E254900100037 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,95,051601,2017)                                E254900100038 
INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 6.84 particle-nA.                    E254900100039 
SAMPLE     - Target is natural.                                   E254900100040 
           - Chemical-form of target is element.                  E254900100041 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    E254900100042 
           - Target-thickness: 3mm                                E254900100043 
METHOD     (EDE,TOF)                                              E254900100044 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) RIBF                                   E254900100045 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Zero degree spectrometer (ZDS)+BigRIPS         E254900100046 
           (IOCH) MUSIC                                           E254900100047 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Total systematic uncertainty                 E254900100048 
HISTORY    (20180210C) Jagjit Singh                               E254900100049 
           (20180215R) Received by e-mail from T.Sumikama         E254900100050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 E254900100051 
COMMON               1          3                                 E254900100052 
EN                                                                E254900100053 
MEV/A                                                             E254900100054 
 345.                                                             E254900100055 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 E254900100056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 E254900199999 
SUBENT        E2549002   20180419                             E112E254900200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 E254900200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(92-U-238,F)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                     E254900200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) a part of the data set is presented in Fig. 3  E254900200004 
                   of Phys. Rev. C 95, 051601(R) (2017), and      E254900200005 
                   others are received from authors.              E254900200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 E254900200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 E254900200008 
DATA                 5         36                                 E254900200009 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       +ERR-SYS   -ERR-SYS              E254900200010 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PB         PB         PB                    E254900200011 
        25.        72.     0.3711 0.1567     0.1513               E254900200012 
        25.        73.      0.014 0.0137     0.0078               E254900200013 
        26.        73.    29.3926 2.4643     2.4643               E254900200014 
        26.        74.     2.2456 0.2046     0.2046               E254900200015 
        26.        75.     0.1096 0.0304     0.0248               E254900200016 
        26.        76.     0.0041 0.0095     0.0034               E254900200017 
        27.        73.  50307.405 22781.9035 22781.9035           E254900200018 
        27.        74.  3639.8971 764.7381   764.7381             E254900200019 
        27.        75.   343.6238 49.1208    49.1208              E254900200020 
        27.        76.     17.001 1.8603     1.8603               E254900200021 
        27.        77.      1.224 0.1451     0.1451               E254900200022 
        27.        78.     0.0251 0.0172     0.0112               E254900200023 
        28.        75. 304353.100 89202.4431 89202.4431           E254900200024 
        28.        76. 34896.6902 4935.3659  4935.3659            E254900200025 
        28.        77.  2329.0653 195.8325   195.8325             E254900200026 
        28.        78.   156.8596 11.4964    11.4964              E254900200027 
        28.        79.     3.3579 0.3028     0.3028               E254900200028 
        28.        80.     0.2298 0.0478     0.0413               E254900200029 
        28.        81.     0.0049 0.0112     0.004                E254900200030 
        28.        82.     0.0059 0.0135     0.0049               E254900200031 
        29.        78. 254089.411 60818.5376 60818.5376           E254900200032 
        29.        79. 30383.7518 3689.6236  3689.6236            E254900200033 
        29.        80.  1268.4943 113.9123   113.9123             E254900200034 
        29.        81.   131.1943 8.8719     8.8719               E254900200035 
        29.        82.     4.2959 0.3512     0.3512               E254900200036 
        29.        83.     0.1665 0.0481     0.0401               E254900200037 
        30.        80. 2563083.08 1329998.38 1329998.38           E254900200038 
        30.        81. 263760.849 53825.0431 53825.0431           E254900200039 
        30.        82. 106780.156 22984.3519 22984.3519           E254900200040 
        30.        83.  1136.7274 89.1855    89.1855              E254900200041 
        30.        84.    43.8133 5.4517     5.4517               E254900200042 
        30.        85.     0.3996 0.2117     0.1977               E254900200043 
        31.        83. 2957608.77 1020661.70 1020661.70           E254900200044 
        31.        84. 208503.664 34398.4661 34398.4661           E254900200045 
        31.        85. 10994.9514 1730.2665  1730.2665            E254900200046 
        31.        86.   224.3299 168.4482   168.4482             E254900200047 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 E254900200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 E254900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 E254999999999